201 Of The Best Digital Marketing Tools For Smart Marketers

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marketing toolsIf you want to stand any chance of competing in the fierce world of marketing, you need to arm yourself with the right digital marketing tools to succeed.

Because let’s face it…

The life of a digital marketer is hard, isn’t it?

There’s just so much for you to do.

  • You’ve got to come up with content ideas.
  • Then you have to create the content
  • That’s before you’ve even thought about the SEO side of it

Oh, and social media? Don’t even get me started!

All the while you have to build a network, sell your products and still make time to have a life outside of it.

Man, it’s exhausting just writing about it, never mind living it.

In this article I’m about to give you 201 different digital marketing tools that have helped to make my life a heck of a lot easier and hopefully they will do the same for you too.

  • More free time
  • Better content

  • Increased productivity
  • Higher rankings

And, you’ll get an insight into the marketing tools I use to get awesome results.

So if you’re ready to level up your marketing game, while freeing up more time, then boy, you’re in for a treat…

  • My Personal Tools – The full list of tools and services I use and a behind the scenes tour of my video studio.
  • SEO Tools – Increase organic search traffic today with my essential list of SEO tools.
  • SEO Software For Agencies – Increase your traffic and revenue with my list of essential tools for SEO agencies
  • Free SEO Tools – Save your money & increase traffic with this list of free SEO tools.
  • Blogging Tools – Accelerate the growth of your blog with my personal list of blogging tools.
  • Social Media Tools – Send waves of traffic to your site with these social media tools.
  • Content Creation Tools – Take the hard work out of creating content with these content creation tools.
  • Email Marketing Tools – Automate traffic, engagement & sales with these email marketing tools.
  • Virtual Assistant Tools – Take your business to the next level with these virtual assistant tools.
  • Productivity Tools – Spend more time having fun & less time working with these productivity tools.
  • Link Building Tools – Build high-quality links to boost your search traffic with my list of the best link building (free & paid) tools.

Which Marketing Tools Do The Experts Use?

I decided to ask some of my favorite marketing experts what tools they use, but rarely get talked about.

So as well as all of the marketing tools I recommend in the sections above, you can also discover the best digital marketing tools according to 39 experts-


Nathalie Lussier internet marketing toolsNathalie Lussier@NathLussier This is an interesting one, because I feel like most marketing tools are “on the outside” where everyone can see them being used.

But my favorite marketing tool and strategy is one we built for our business called AccessAlly because it allows you to market to your existing free website visitors and cross-sell different programs and products.

The premise is that people opt-in or sign up to join your membership area, and within that area they see all the other products you have to offer and can purchase right in there.

This has resulted in thousands of additional dollars in revenue for our small business since we implemented this tool.

Active Campaign

Sean Malarkey marketing tools and techniquesSean Malarkey@seanmalarkey We recently made the switch from using a self hosted email solution (Interspire) + Infusionsoft to Active Campaign and are loving it.

It’s hands down one of the easiest to use email marketing tools ever created.

Crystal Knows

Jason QueyJason Quey@jdquey Every time you engage someone in email, it’s hard to know what works best for the person you are emailing.

Ever wondered if you should start with “Hi” “Dear” “Hey” or simply start with their name? Wonder if they would respond well to an emoticon or not? Should your email be brief or very detailed?

We humans are a beautifully diverse group of individuals. Crystal Knows takes out all the guesswork so you don’t need to worry how to respond.


Bryan EisenburgBryan Eisenburg@TheGrok From the Website: All your apps in one place. Quit opening new browser tabs and logging into all your various apps for data.

With your Dasheroo dashboard, you can access your data from anywhere, on any device, at any time — in one place!


Brandon SchaeferBrandon Schaefer My favorite least talked about marketing tool is called Edgar.

To put it simply, Edgar is a social media scheduling tool that recycles content on a regular basis so that it never goes to waste.

It’s really a big time saver, as well as a great way to keep legacy content out in front of your audience.

Fresh Web Explorer

Rand FishkinRand Fishkin@randfish I love Fresh Web Explorer because it gives me high quality, easy-to-read, comprehensive alerts about who’s linking to the sites I care about or mentioning the people/brand/product names I want to follow.

It’s what I wish Google Alerts would do (but for some reason, they just seem to get worse!).

Full disclosure – it’s a Moz tool, but I’d pay for it/use it even if I weren’t at Moz.


Dennis YuDennis Yu@dennisyu I live and breathe using this free browser plug-in. Because the web is being controlled increasingly by third party javascript trackers (most sites we see have over a dozen), it’s important to make sure they have the right tags in place.

This is not just for remarketing or analytics, but conversion optimization and communication widgets, too. Tags are the tools that drive all other marketing tools, but few marketers understand their power or importance.

This goes deeper than tag management (like the free Google Tag Manager that integrates with Google Analytics in a single click), which is nearly as important.

If you’re using social marketing tools, then you need to govern which ones live where and collect what data. Ghostery helps you easily troubleshoot this. Then you’d have other browser plug-ins like Facebook’s pixel helper and BuiltWith.


Martin Shervington@martinsherv Google+ of course! People don’t seem to understand you can leverage content into Google.com (and worldwide) through building a circle of just 100 people.

Through their engagement it signals to Search your content should be seen by more people, and that you/your content are authoritative.

It is through trust that your reputation spreads into the wider world. It is awesome for marketers. Really.

Search ‘Social SEO facts’ for case studies how 100 turned into 300,000+ people visiting one blog post.


Ann HandleyAnn Handley@AnnHandley Grammarly bills itself as an automated proofreader and “your personal grammar coach.”

It’s both a web app and plug-in for both Word and Outlook, and as such it is fairly robust.

A machine is doing the work, of course. But using Grammarly almost feels like you have a gentle but dogged copyeditor on your side, who is determined to improve your text’s readability.

Graph Paper

Heidi CohenHeidi Cohen@HeidiCohen Call me old school but my favorite marketing tool is graph paper and my favorite pen (often a give away from the latest marketing conference!) I include large post-its as well.

I use paper to organize and visualize projects and content as well as tocapture those on-the-go thoughts and inspirations before they vanish into thin air. I find that outlining articles before I write them reduces content creation time.

I also print out my writing before publishing it (yes I’m conscious that this isn’t eco-friendly) but it makes a world of difference in the final result, especially when I’m on a tight deadline.


Cyrus ShephardCyrus Shephard@cyrusshepard A few come to mind. Grepwords offers killer keyword data at volume, and the price is reasonable. Be sure to check out the GrepWords Chrome Extension for Ubersuggest.

Another favorite is SimilarWeb. Their competitive research intelligence blows similar services out of the water. They also have free browser extensions for both Firefox and Chrome worth checking out.

Heap Analytics

Peep Laja Peep Laja@peeplajaHeap Analytics is an amazing tool that auto-records every interaction a user can take in your website or app.

It enables you to create custom funnels on the fly based on user behavior, and figure out which actions increase the likelihood of final conversion.

This helps you understand the value of various widgets and functionality on your site, and come up with better test hypotheses.


Ian ClearyIan Cleary@ianclearyInboundwriter is a relatively new tool which assesses topics you plan to write about on your blog.

It will rate the topic and indicate the chances of it getting ongoing organic traffic. It will also outline related keywords that you should consider including in the article.


Neil PatelNeil Patel@neilpatel Ambassador.

It’s one of the best email marketing tools out there. Everyone talks about Hubspot, Marketo, MailChimp, and other solutions out there, but Infusionsoft has a lot of flexibility for experienced marketers.

By no means is the tool easy to use, the but results are much better.

Link Miner

A.J. GhergichA.J. Ghergich@seo Right now a tool that many may not of heard of is Link Miner.

This is a really neat and free chrome extension that helps with broken link building.

I think you will really like it!


Marko SaricMarko Saric@markosaric I love Locowise and have used it for some 3 years now in order to analyse and get actionable overview of social media profiles for brands I work with.

It does this very well with simple and easy to understand charts.

I enjoyed the product so much so I’ve been helping them over the last couple of months build new, free internet marketing tools to help even more marketers.

One new tool is Facebook Page Analyser where you can compare your own page to 5,000 other pages to identify what you’re doing well, what not so well and how you can improve.

Stats such as reach by post type, engagement rate by post type, percentage of pages using ads to boost posts etc. Simple, useful and free.

Microsoft Word

Brian ClarkBrian Clark@brianclark Microsoft Word.

Despite all the new a shiny technology, the simple act of creating the right content for your audience remains the fundamental thing.

Get it wrong, and all the marketing technology in the world won’t save you.


Greg HickmanGreg Hickman@gjhickmanI love Mobit because it brings SMS marketing and automation into the same tool allowing small businesses to run the same level of mobile loyalty programs as larger brands.

Ninja Outreach

Adam ConnellAdam Connell@adamjayc I’m a big fan of Ninja Outreach due to how helpful it is for blogger outreach, right from researching influencers to helping you manage relationships.

Sure there are a lot of big players in this field and Ninja Outreach is very new, despite that it does a great job (and it’s affordable too).

Panguin Tool

Amanda DiSilvestroAmanda DiSilvestro@ADiSilvestro One tool that our company uses all the time is the Panguin Tool from Barracuda.

Particularly because we are an agency working with clients, we find that many clients have had a bad experience with another agency or have done something on their end that lead to a drop in rankings.

This tool will pull their Google Analytics and then match them up with visitor patterns as well as any algorithm updates that may have occurred. It saves us time diagnosing the problem so that we can quickly come up with a plan of attack to fix it.

Even if you’re not an agency, I would highly recommend this tool to see if there are any patterns you can uncover. Good luck!


Arnie KuennArnie Kuenn@ArnieK My favorite app of late is Pocket, formerly known as Read It Later.

It can fuel the content you post to social media, help with research for content creation, and generally keep you organized. If you’re reading an article online—whether it’s in browser, email, or social media apps—you can save it to your Pocket for later reading or reference.

What’s great about this app is it saves your articles for offline reading on your phone, tablet, or computer, so you don’t even need an internet connection (which comes in very handy for some plane rides).

You can also tag articles for easy sorting later, and filter by video, image, or article.

In a world of tons of content coming at us from every direction, Pocket provides a little moment of organization and peace as you’re able to take back control of what you let into your day. Highly recommended for marketers or for personal use.

Post Planner

Peg FitzpatrickPeg Fitzpatrick@PegFitzpatrick Post Planner is a fantastic tool that I don’t hear many people talking about so it still seems like a great secret.

It’s fantastic for getting content ideas for Facebook Page management. They’ve just expanded with a robust website and I love the calendar feature.

I don’t know what kind of magic they have in their algorithm but the content that I share from their viral photos does really well on my Facebook Pages.


Ashley FaulkesAshley Faulkes@madlemmingz One of my favorite internet marketing tools and techniques for learning more about people you see in your Gmail inbox is Rapportive from LinkedIn.

If you don’t know Rapportive, it is a Google Chrome plugin that enables you to see all sorts of useful details about people when you open their email or compose one in Gmail.

It shows you things such as:

  • Their photo
  • Profile
  • Social media links
  • LinkedIn connections you have in common
  • Where they are located

Sounds pretty boring, but when you think about the possibilities it is a powerful tool to have in your day to day arsenal. Some things I use it for include:

  • Finding emails of people I need to contact for outreach (just try all the options and when Rapportive comes up, you have it! – yes there are other marketing tools, but this is inside gmail and easy most of the time)
  • You can connect instantly with new contacts
  • You can instantly learn more about someone who has cold emailed you about an interesting opportunity

And given how much you are emailing each day, and knowing that relationships and networking are some of the most important things you can and should be doing – this tool is an absolute must.


Gini DietrichGini Dietrich@ginidietrich I’d have to say, right now, it’s Riff.

It’s an easy and fun way to crowdsource video. You create a quick snippet and your Facebook friends can add to it.

It’s kind of like the telephone game…it keeps going and going and going.


Jay BaerJay Baer@jaybaer RivalIQ – we use it every day at Convince & Convert to track engagement rate, and alert us to “breakout” social content – ours, our clients’, and their competitors.

Full-featured, easy-to-use, inexpensive. I like it so much, I invested in the company.


Sujan PatelSujan Patel@sujanpatel My new favorite marketing tool is Satismeter. Satismeter is a lightweight platform that gathers feedback from customers using the NPS survey system.

It prompts users during use of your website and follows up with people who haven’t responded via email. It’s great for Ecommerce and SaaS businesses.

There are many NPS Survey tools out there but Satismeter is great because it’s lightweight, low-cost, and incredibly easy to integrate into your website or app.

I’ve seen a 50-60% response rate out of the box which is 2-3x higher than most other NPS surveys that use email to deliver NPS surveys.


John RamptonJohn Rampton@johnrampton From the Website: Searchmetrics delivers enterprise SEO and content marketing analysis, recommendations, forecasting and reporting for companies that want potential customers to find them faster.

It means prospects and customers spend less time searching and more time buying. We call it ‘search experience optimization’.


Jason AcidreJason Acidre@jasonacidre Mix.

It’s a really great resource for getting new ideas/approaches for content creation (and even in promoting content, if you can just spend time to really understand how the popular content there succeeded in getting more traffic, shares, and links).

Suggest Tool

Ann SmartyAnn Smarty@seosmarty I use Suggest Tool before publishing any article.

It lets me find searchable and popular keyword phrases to use in the title and article body. You can dig for 2-, 3-, 4, 5-word phrases. It’s free, fast and requires no registration.

I use it to brainstorm article ideas to (just put your core term). The fact that it digs Google, Bing, Youtube and Amazon at the same time is amazing because you get to see keyword selections with different user intent side by side. Then select any you like and switch to step 2 to dig for longer (more specific) phrases.

Step 2 of the tool returning longer phrases is also useful because you can get some ideas for your article sections (subheadings).

Overall this is an absolutely awesome free tool for bloggers and writers.


Noah KaganNoah Kagan@noahkagan Sumo is the ultimate marketers tool.

Instead of worrying about a bunch of internet marketing tools to drive more traffic this tool does it. Share, Emails and analytics.

The 3 core things every website needs to improve in 1 simple tool.


Annie CushingAnnie Cushing@AnnieCushingThe Supermetrics addon for Google Drive.

It provides an easy way to pull data from a number of internet marketing tools right into a Google Spreadsheet.

Some of their connectors include Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Facebook, YouTube, and SEMRush. It’s a must-have tool for every marketer in my opinion.


Robbie RichardsRobbie Richards@RobbieRichMktg My favorite, but least talked about marketing tool is Thrive Leads. This WordPress plugin has helped double my blog’s email opt-in rate to over 9% and allowed me to collect 734 new email subscribers in the last 5 weeks.

Here are some of the benefits of the Thrive Leads plugin:

1. Beautifully designed pre-built opt-in templates.

2. Multiple different opt-in forms to choose from – ribbons, popups, sidebar widgets, post footer, slide ins, in-content, screen filler light boxes and multi-step opt-in forms. All of which can be setup and launched in minutes.

3. Powerful targeting feature allow you to target certain opt-in forms and offers to specific posts, pages and categories on your site. This is perfect for promoting content upgrades and segmenting your list.

4. You can A/B test form designs, different form types – a lightbox popup vs. a slide-in form or a widget vs. a ribbon – and triggers. For example, see if forms displayed on page load convert higher than exit intent forms.

5. There are a number of form triggers to choose from. Should you show a popup after 3 seconds, once the users scrolls 50% down the page or once the visitor is about to exit your site? Run an A/B test and find out. You can also have the tool automatically select a winner after a certain threshold is met.

6. Build opt-in forms and paste their shortcodes anywhere within your site without writing a single line of code.

7. Easy-to-use reporting dashboard to see number of conversions broken down form type and campaign source will give users a clear picture of what is, and is not working.

On top of all that, Thrive Leads is continually releasing new features and updates.

This tool is often overshadowed by far inferior products on the market. But, I think it’s only a matter of time before it breaks through and gets the attention it deserves. I use this plugin on all my personal websites and now client projects. Highly recommend you check out Thrive Leads.

Tweet Binder

Eddie GearEddie Gear – @brokeblokeblogs, I’m somewhat of a Twittaholic and often need something more than the native Twitter Analytics. Its times likes these that I turn to Tweet Binder.

Tweet Binder is an analytics tool for twitter that allows you to see a specific set of metrics based on @handle, #hashtag or keywords or unique parameter.

Offers metrics such as most active, highest impact and influence for a certain duration. It comes in handy when you want to analyze Twitter Chats or keyword based activities on twitter.

Comes with a free and a paid option.


Scott Wyden KivowitzScott Wyden Kivowitz@scottwyden I’m a man of simplicity when it comes to my internet marketing tools.

I do use the popular Buffer and IFTTT type apps. But for ongoing engagement and monitoring of Twitter I use Tweetbot for both Mac and iOS.

It allows me to sync my read and unread tweets on multilple devices across multiple accounts. I can also open new windows with different accounts, searches and more. And what’s more – who doesn’t like free internet marketing tools?

Usability Hub

Rich PageRich Page@richpage Usability Hub – it’s fantastic for getting quick feedback on your website and any proposed changes/test ideas you are thinking of making.

Certainly helpful if you don’t have enough traffic for proper A/B testing. Not as in depth as what UserTesting.com offers, but cheap internet marketing tools often offer similar features – even has a free version.


Kim GarstKim Garst@kimgarst ViralTag is specifically designed to manage your visual content. Do you have images scattered across Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Dropbox and Picasa?

Not to worry, with the click of a button, ViralTag pulls content from all these outlets which makes sourcing images much easier!

You can organize content into categories or content buckets, and publish scheduled posts around specific types of visual content.

If you haven’t tried it, you can check it out for free.


Christian KarasiewiczChristian Karasiewicz@ckroks One of my favorite but least talked about internet marketing tools is Workflow. For Mac users, it’s similar to Automator, a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks except it runs on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad).

What’s neat about Workflow is that you can automate many tasks right from your mobile device – which if you’re a marketer, you’ll love! This way you’re not tied to your laptop.

Here are some ways I’m currently using Workflow:

  • Crop, resize, and share photos across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Store quotes for blog posts and social media channels
  • Clip articles I’m reading into Evernote
  • Share my latest photos and notify a select group of recipients
  • Convert photos and files with one-click
  • Share my availability

Overall, this is a powerful, underutilized tool that can save you a lot of time – especially if you’re attending conferences and all you have with you is a tablet or smartphone.

I’m looking forward to seeing Workflow evolve. It has helped to make my iPhone an even more indispensable tool for many of my marketing efforts.


Jason KeathJason Keath@jasonkeath Yesware is one of those tools that I really hesitate telling people about. It is a marketers secret weapon. It is also one of those internet marketing tools that might not be with us for very long, like Rapportive or Timely. Both now gone.

Yesware allows you to track who opens your emails from Gmail and other email apps. It also allows you to schedule emails to send out from Gmail and lets you set automatic reminders based on sending those emails.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The real killer feature of Yesware is the ability to send simple mail-merge emails from inside of Gmail. There are limitations (less than 200 emails a day right now) and this should not be abused (which means it will be, just a matter of time), but if used carefully, this little tool can help you support tons of marketing efforts.

Selling a new product? Send personal gmail emails to your top 200 customers. Launching a new microsite and want your friends to help promote? Instead of BCCing a message to everyone, mailmerge an email to your 40 closest contacts and ask them to help tweet it out.

I would not recommend using this feature more than once every few months. With a little subtly, Yesware can save you a ton of time and help give a lift to your most important marketing pushes.

But All Marketing Tools Suck Without This One Thing…

Do you know what is better than any of the digital marketing tools that you see in this list?

It’s not coffee or even any of the hottest digital marketing trends right now. It’s to develop your mindset for success. Because no matter how many marketing tools you have…

 Every marketer is only as strong as their mindset.

marketing tools for lifeAnd the quickest way to develop a mindset for success, is to read the infamous book by Napoleon Hill called ‘Think & Grow Rich‘ which has sold over 70 million copies worldwide since it’s release in 1937.

Without that book – this blog wouldn’t exist & I would probably be slaving away in a soul sucking 9-5 job each & every day of my life.

I first read it in my early teens (and countless times since) which gave me the most powerful marketing tool on the planet – the mindset for success.

So if you don’t already possess that tool, the best thing you can do is to go and read it right now.

What are your favorite digital marketing tools?  Let me know in the comments!

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What Are Your Thoughts?

119 Responses

  1. Thanks Matthew for sharing this amazing list of tools with your audience. I especially liked the way you organized them. I am working on creating a resource page for my Digital Marketing Blog and was looking for some inspiration. Your resource page makes sense and is perfect for the end user. Thanks for the amazing information you share in emails as well.Have a nice day!

  2. Great tools & resources list that will for sure work perfectly for every Blogger & Vlogger Mate!Love the way you do blogging.Millions of appreciation from ME!Yasar

  3. These are really great tools to use. I am glad to have found your site. As an online visibility coach, these will be great tools to share with my clients.

  4. Thank you for sharing all those tools Matt!I have heard of many of them before, but there is also really many of them that are new to me, so thank you :DI am always hunting for the next tool to automate my work. So this is invaluable!In your opinion which one is the most essential tool of Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz?

  5. Hi, Matt!Ahrefs, SEMrush, LTP, and SumoMe are my favorite tools. Thanks for sharing the ultimate list of tools.Thanks once again man!

  6. Hey Matthew,Thank you for putting this together!Most of those tools are essential for any business. However, I was a bit surprised that nobody talked about Shakr. It’s a web-browser tool that enables you to produce awesome videos. I personally use it for my Facebook ads (I run a small e-commerce). Do you know Shakr?Anyways, thanks again for this, definitely helpful!

  7. These are really great tools to use. I am glad to have found your site. As an online visibility coach, these will be great tools to share with my clients.

  8. These all are awesome tools now a days digital marketing is very important for our buisness thanks for sharing this information with us………….

  9. Hi Matthew,These are indeed amazing tools. I’m gradually building and documenting my tools. Only those that allow Affiliate will come on my resource page.

  10. I didn’t read yet that book , but one of another book by Napoleon Hill , The Master-Key to Riches is in my reading list. Read some of its pages, and come to this conclusion that it’s a Good book. Your website/blog is also full of guidance and best things. I love it.Keep it up.Regards

  11. Great resources. Thank you!Think & Grow Rich is a wonderful mind opening resource.

  12. I Matthew, thanks for sharing this stuff on your blog. Some of the above tools I have already explored, but some are new for me… Thanks once again.

  13. Really nice set of tools list Matthew. There are few sick tools you shared in the list which I was not aware of RivalIQ, Yesware etc.

  14. Thanks for all the list! Actually i know and follow some of them.. but after reading the list all bloggers should follow all of them for extra ideas!

  15. Hi Matthew , I have been following you for a while now, thanks for all the great info and inspiration, love your approach! Question for you, what’s the best CURRENT Content creation software these days? I’m looking for something good enough with minor editing for Money site and Tier 1 syndication? Everything I have seen is at least a year out of date, or sounds like crap!RegardsDaniel

  16. Hi Matthew,I am a big fan of Marketing tools but few of them are not familiar to me. Thank you for sharing this tools,it’s a big help for us as marketers.Best Regards,Vincent

  17. Definitely check it out. I just use the free version and it’s good enough. I have it installed as an extension in Chrome so when I compose emails and am drafting posts in Wordpress it warns me when it thinks something is off. It isn’t 100% accurate – there are false warnings – but it does catch quite a lot of stuff. Sometimes it can be wonky with US vs British rules but for the most part it works quite well.

  18. This is a fantastic list of tools. There are several here that I’m already a big fan of but I definitely discovered some new ones that I look forward to trying out. Mass Planner and Post Planner are both new to me so I’ll be interested in exploring those a bit.I think you would probably also really like WiseStamp for your email signatures, a free tool that helps transform each email into a marketing opportunity.

  19. Grammarly is the best. It’s helped me improve my grammar knowledge and also constantly surprises me with the things it catches that I happened to overlook by accident.

  20. Great resources! I can’t wait to use some of it that I’ve never heard before. All-star marketers line up. You really did a good job on this post. You got a tweet from, and I also got this bookmarked. I can use this as a reference.

  21. Hi Matthew, Thanks for this post, there are some great resources here with top tricks and tips some of them I never even heard of, but will check them out in detail as they all seem very useful! Fantastic blog you have here! Plenty of great content, looking forward to reading future posts!

  22. What a comprehensive list. I will archive this post and pick two or more to work with when my website is ready.Thanks

  23. Thanks for sharing this great collections. Despite we are a project focused on discovering, sharing, collecting new tools to be more productive, some of the tools above mentioned are new for us. We will add to our list. Great post. CongratulationsSantiwww.etoole.com

  24. Hello,Great post, thanks for sharing….never heard most of the tools mentioned.I m starting and i will try Raven as adviced by Gabriel.Thanks

  25. Big fan Matthew! I love all your post and your content upgrades.FYIA perfect content upgrade for this post would have been “Download my checklist to creating this post” or “Download my step by step process for creating this post”

  26. Wow, that is indeed a very large list of useful resources where expert marketers can show us many useful facts about our online fight to get audience and conversions.I look forward to learn more and become at least a medium online seller, thanks.

  27. Hi Matthew,Another create example of a crowdsourced post. I’m quite new to to building a website and getting ranked but I have found your post to be of great helping to gain visitors to my site.I’d like to ask you what is your favourite marketing tool ?.

  28. If your budget is small and you are starting, I would recommend Raven Tools, you have all what you need in one tool.

  29. I love these guys and their perspective on why the tool is so useful to them! Great list thanks! K

  30. Amazing list! Grammarly is a lifesaver I must say. I can type away to my hearts content knowing the plugin will highlight all my illiterate mistakes. Inbound writer is a good app, get the creative juices flowing.

  31. While I was aware of many of the apps in this post, I would say I wasn’t aware of around a dozen – the next couple of hours will be dedicated to researching and setting up accounts!Cheers Matt!

    1. Only spend time looking at the ones that align with your current strategy and business goals

  32. I really like articles like these, especially the ones you write. I accually find alot of the tools I use through articles like these. I found out about the viral buzz content website this way. If you’re looking for more people next time you do one of these feel free to hit me up. I use a bunch of marketing tools.

  33. All-star lineup in this once. I agree with Neil Patel about InfusionSoft being underrated. If you’re an information marketer and haven’t tried Infusion, you’re definitely missing out. However, I don’t believe InfusionSoft is just for information marketers. Previously, I used it for a local business by setting up custom view for my contacts list to be ideal for our sales team to track their leads and book them as appointments in the calendar feature.

  34. I’m blown away by all the tools listed here… looks like I’m going to be busy the next few days going through all of them.

  35. What a great resource! I have not heard about most of the tools mentioned in this post. Always learning something new :)I feel honored to be part of this article along with so many awesome entrepreneurs.Cheers!

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