FAQ Schema Generator Tool

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Use this free FAQ Schema generator tool to easily generate the FAQ Page rich snippet code to insert into your site.

Why FAQ pages are important?

Well, the main reason is that they help to increase your search traffic

Pretty cool right? If you want to learn more about why you should use faq schema generator, have a look at my FAQ schema tutorial.

Enter your question(s) here...

Then find your code here...


How To Use The FAQ Schema Generator Tool

Just follow the video tutorial to learn how to generate & deploy the FAQ rich snippet code.

It only takes a few minutes for you to learn how to do it and you can always ask any questions in the comments below-

Step #1 – Add Your Questions & Answers

Fill out your first question & answer then click on “+Add another question” to add more.

Step #2 – Deploy The Code

Next, you just need to deploy the code on your site.

There are 2x ways that you can do this-

Option #1 – Script
Simply take the generated code and copy/paste it into the header of the specific page you want to the FAQ to appear on.

You can also paste this code directly into Google Tag Manager or any SEO plugin for WordPress that allows you to add code to the header specific posts/pages like this one.

Option #2 – Wordpress
The way I deploy the code is to copy and paste the output into my WordPress themes functions.php file.

Just watch the video above and I’ll show you how to do it.

Tips: you can test your faq schema and check out if you can get faq rich results thanks to Google’s Rich Results Test.

Frequently Asked Questions

An FAQ schema is a special markup you can add to your page’s code that includes a list of questions and answers that are supposed to bring value to your readers.
To help you create your FAQ schema code, I developed my own FAQ Generator. My FAQ schema generator tool allows you not only to display a section called ‘frequently asked questions’ on your website but also to provide quick and straightforward answers to questions that users ask on Google search (or other search engines). To see how to use it, watch my tutorial. It is very easy and takes only a few minutes!
Including FAQs in your blogs is crucial because it helps you deal with special queries that your customers/readers might have about your business, products or services. On top of that, FAQs can also help you generate traffic to your website, especially if Google picks your answers for its FAQ snippet which usually appears at the top of the page.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

107 Responses

  1. Question: do I only need to add the text to the functio.php or should it also still be visible on the webpage itself?

    1. Hey Lizzy! Yes, the FQA should be visible on your webpage. Google is clear that the questions and answers should be visible to the user. If the questions aren’t visible to the user, there’s no guarantee that Google will show them in SERPs.

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