Truth Social Statistics 2024: How Does It Compare?

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Social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives.

Here’s the problem:

Social media platforms are designed to keep users engaged. That means they will show you whatever content they need to keep you on the platform.

Even if that content doesn’t necessarily tell the truth.

After losing the 2020 election, former U.S. President Donald Trump created a new social media platform – Truth Social.

The Truth Social platform attracted plenty of criticism and praise from both sides.

But how successful is it and how does it compare to other social media platforms?

In this blog, we have put together a list of the latest Truth Social statistics so you can see who uses the platform and whether or not Truth Social is likely to become a dominant social media network in the future.

Let’s dive in!

A Brief History Of Truth Social

truth social logoTruth Social is a social media platform developed by the Trump Media & Technology Group.

Does that name sound familiar?

The Trump Media & Technology Group is owned and led by former U.S.

President Donald Trump, who developed Truth Social after losing the 2020 United States presidential election and being banned on Twitter.

Truth Social was founded on 20 October 2021 but wasn’t officially launched until 21 February 2022. Here’s what you need to know:

    • Founder: Donald Trump
    • Current CEO: Devin Nunes
    • Applications: iOS, Android, Galaxy, Web
    • Founded: 20 October 2021
    • Date launched: 21 February 2022
    • Active users: Approximately 2 million

Truth Social is designed to offer an “uncensored” alternative to popular sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

The goal was to enable users to engage in conversations with limited censorship and moderation.

But do people care enough to change to a new social media account?

Key Truth Social Statistics

Truth Social is a relatively young social media platform.

During the beginning of the launch, they had some pretty fast growth. Here are the key Truth Social statistics you need to know:

    • There are about 2 million active Truth Social users today
    • Truth Social had about 1 million downloads in the first two weeks of its official launch date, which included 170,000 downloads on the first day
    • 12% of all U.S. social media users have used or visited the Truth Social platform
    • Just under 70% of current Truth Social users say they’ll stay on the social media platform
    • 77% of Democrat voters said they’d never use the platform
    • Over 60% of women said they would never use Truth Social
    • The most likely sub-groups to use Truth Social are Redditers and Esports gamers
    • Truth Social is now valued at around $500 million
    • It’s estimated that Truth Social has boosted Donald Trump’s net worth by about $430 million

The problem with Truth Social is that it feels to most people like a political tool for Donald Trump. This has meant the platform has had limited growth.

But Truth Social has managed to attract a core group of users who engage and post on the platform consistently.

truth social key statistics

Truth Social vs Other Social Media Platforms

How does Truth Social compare to other social media platforms?

There are around 2 million active Truth Social users.

truth social users

To give you some perspective, social media user statistics show that Twitter has about 450 million monthly active users and Facebook has 2.91 billion.

So in terms of the bigger platforms – Truth Social has a long way to go.

But Truth Social’s download rank in the Apple App Store currently sits in the 14th spot in the U.S. charts based on its download history.

The platform was also the number #1 most downloaded free media app in the U.S. between 26 April and 1 May 2022.

So there has been a little bit of buzz about it.

Truth Social also reached 170,000 downloads on the first day. It currently gets an average of 8,000 downloads per day.

Here’s a breakdown of the downloads by month since its launch in February 2022:

Month & Year IOS Downloads Android Downloads
February 2022 1,035,991
March 2022 310,227
April 2022 1,199,616
May 2022 456,572
June 2022 120,806
July 2022 133,713
August 2022 215,171
September 2022 89,660
October 2022 104,484 323,296
November 2022 113,816 145,236
December 2022 63,618 65,388
January 2023 57,895 43,481
February 2023 59,929 38,939
March 2023 85,710 102,573
April 2023 80,848 141,350
May 2023 77,362 90,225
June 2023 67,419 72,646
July 2023 94,446 72,800
August 2023 89,703 92,140
September 2023 35,818 72,712

Based on these download statistics, Truth Social has had over 4.36 million app downloads since its launch date. The release of the Truth Social app on Android has added over 600,000 new downloads for the platform.

number of truth social app dowloads in the us

Who has the most followers on Truth Social?

Donald Trump has the most followers on Truth Social, with over 2 million.

This is not a lot compared to his Twitter account following of 87 million people, which gave him significantly more reach.

But what about the wider American population?

A survey conducted in the U.S. found that:

    • About 25% of respondents recognized the Truth Social name and logo – Meaning that about 75% didn’t recognise the brand at all.
    • Of the 25% of respondents who recognised Truth social, only 16% said they liked the brand.

Not overwhelmingly positive, right?

But 67% of people who have used Truth Social said they will likely use it again. So the social media platform does have a decent retention rate of users.

Just getting people to use it is the hard part!

Truth Social User Demographics

As you can imagine…

Truth Social has some very specific demographics.

A survey done in March 2022 found that 31% of Republican voters said they would use Truth Social often and 14% said they plan to use the platform a lot.

On the other hand:

    • 77% of Democrat voters said they would never use the platform.
    • Just under 80% of registered Democrat voters said they didn’t plan to signup or use Truth Social at all.
    • 20% said they might create an account but didn’t expect to use it that much.
    • Less than 1% said they would use it.

Pretty significant differences based on political ideologies and party loyalty.

truth social users: democrats vs republicans

What about age?

66% of the 65+ age group don’t use the Truth Social app or website at all.

A separate survey found similar results, with Truth Social being the least popular among the 65+ age group.

To be fair, this isn’t uncommon.

Social media addiction statistics show that the 65+ age group is historically the last age demographic to adopt a new platform.

But what’s interesting is that 50% of the 18 to 34 age demographic said they don’t expect to use the platform. Only 7% of people aged 18 to 34 said they plan to use Truth Social often.

Why is this such a big deal?

18 to 34 is usually the demographic with the highest social media adoption and the stats show that most aren’t interested in Truth Social.

57% of people aged 45 to 64 said they don’t plan to use Truth Social.

When it comes to gender, it’s also a similar story.

61% of women and 50% of men said they wouldn’t use Truth Social at all.

Only 10% of men and 6% of women said they plan on spending a lot of time on the platform.

gender breakdown of truth social users

The problem here is that 65% of men and 73% of women are not interested in using Truth Social.

It’s hard to adopt new users when a large portion of the population is already rejecting the platform before testing it out.

What’s more?

A massive 83% of women and 70% of men who identified as Democrat voters said they don’t plan on using Truth Social. On the other hand, just 12% of women and 16% of men expected to be regular users of the platform.

So what do all of these Truth Social statistics tell you about the demographics of users?

There are two big takeaways:

    • #1 – The average Truth Social user is likely to be a male, Republican voter, aged 18 to 34
    • #2 – Truth Social is going to have a hard time adopting new users due to political affiliations

Only time will tell whether the platform can overcome these barriers.

Truth Social Market Statistics

You might be surprised how much Truth Social is worth based on its small number of users.

Rather than pursuing a traditional IPO, the Trump Media & Technology Group decided to merge with a blank check company called Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC) which was already listed on the NASDAQ.

After announcing the merger, the DWAC stock jumped to highs of $101, valuing the company at about $3.9 billion.

But the stock price has slowly been coming back down and as of April 2023, is around $13 per share.

truth social stock price

At this share price, the company has a market cap of about $500 million.

It’s reported that Truth Social has boosted Donald Trump’s net worth by up to $430 million, taking his fortune to $2.4 billion a year ago and today around $3 billion.

How much money does Truth Social make?


SEC filing shows the company lost $6 million in the first half of 2022 and didn’t generate any revenue. They do however hold $293 million in a trust that houses most of its assets.

But the big question is – Can Truth Social become profitable?

It’s common for social media companies to lose money for numerous years as they grow their platform and acquire more users.

Larry Ramer (content developer and editor at InvestorPlace) said that if Truth Social can reach 30 million monthly active users (MUAs) and generate an average revenue per user (ARPU) of $30 a year, Truth Social would make about $90 million in annual revenue.

truth social revenue estimation

While that’s not huge, it could be an achievable outcome for the Truth Social media company.

It’s also possible they would become profitable with that amount of revenue.

Wrapping It Up

What do we learn from all of these Truth Social statistics?

Here are the key points:

Truth Social is a politically charged social media platform with a strong skew toward users who are Republican voters. Democrat voters are extremely unlikely to even try the platform – let alone regularly use it.

Because of all the political mayhem flying around Truth Social, they will likely have a difficult time adopting new users at scale.

Does that mean it won’t survive?

Not necessarily.

The most likely outcome based on these stats is that Truth Social will become a niche platform with a relatively small user base. – But they need to figure out a good revenue model.

Truth Social is very unlikely to become a big social media network that competes with major tech companies like:

    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • TikTok, etc…

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Frequently Asked Questions

The owner of Truth Social is the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). The TMTG was founded by former U.S. President Donald Trump in October 2021. Devin Nunes is the current CEO of Truth Social.
The Truth Social media platform is currently only available to people living in the United States and Canada. There has yet to be an announcement to expand outside the U.S. and Canada.
You can signup for Truth Social through their app or on their website. Just head to the IOS, Android or Galaxy app store on your phone and download the app. You can sign up with your email and create your personal Truth Social profile.
Truth Social is available on iPhone and Android devices. The Truth Social app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or Samsung Galaxy Store. You can also signup and use Truth Social on their website.
There are two ways to get Truth Social on Android. You can download the Truth Social app for free from the Google Play Store, or you can download it from the Samsung Galaxy Store. The Truth Social Android app was released in October 2022.
By default, Truth Social is only avaialble on Android and iOS platforms. However you can use a tool called which allows you to run apps on your desktop computer easily.

What Are Your Thoughts?

6 Responses

  1. Truth Social is limited because it only caters to Americans that idolize Trump, that are WILLING to even use Truth Social and not all Trump supporters even use the app. It only gets about 5 million visits per month. That’s TEENY, TINY. It’s not going to attract a lot of advertisers.

    This is a money grab and it will come tumbling down, once people realize that it’s a worthless stock, then the price will come tumbling down and then Nasdaq may end up delisting the stock and then it will go to OTC penny stock status..

  2. “Facebook 2.91 billion users”, “Twitter 450 million users”. What do Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok, etc. all have in common. They’re maxed out. There’s no room for growth. They cover 100% of the global demographic. What does a company do when they’ve taken 100% of a market? What is left? These may be the giants today, but there’s always tomorrow. Has anyone tried creating a new, organic profile on one of these major platforms in 2023? Unless you’re a celebrity or a well-known figure, good luck getting any of your content out organically with any kind of a reach. With the constant inundation of fake and bot-based accounts, spam, click bait links, etc. I never see a post in an Instagram feed with less than 12,000 likes (usually hundreds of thousands to millions). Where do new feeds go? How do you compete for an audience when you have 30 million people posting the exact same kind of, or competing to post the same or similar content 24/7? You don’t. You can’t. With algorithms constantly scanning to digitally determine if your content is even worthy of being seen, being censored based on an account bio, or previous post. Your content being determined to be priority based solely on the number of your followers or prior post engagements. It’s a rat race. The social media giants have turned into a complete landfill of automated processes. Accounts that aren’t even ran or controlled by humans anymore. Although, current events may be Truth Socials biggest bottleneck. That’s temporary and will pass with time. When the majority of people start to realize what I’ve mentioned above, they will start to look for change.

  3. Site is filled with rabid Trump supporters . Say anything negative or ridicule the orange blob and you are inundated with vile vitriol from his “people”. It is fun though to rile them up !

    1. I find that Trump supporters get exactly what you are describing with vulgar language and name calling from ones that hate Trump. As you said you like to rile them up. Sounds like you and others come on TS to cause trouble instead of having a clean conversation or debate about different opinions . Come with good intentions and a clean heart towards others and that will be a much nicer way to get to know each other. Thank you.

  4. Forbes indicates in July of 2023 that not only is “Truth Social” not making money, it now has cost Trump $700 plus MUSDs in devaluation because it is hemorrhaging money.
    So much for adding to Trump’s valuation — which was made up in the first place.

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