TikTok User Statistics 2024: Everything You Need To Know

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TikTok, the world famous video-sharing app, made its international debut in September 2016.

The platform is owned by ByteDance, a tech company headquartered in Beijing and which is also responsible for other well-known apps like:

  • Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok)
  • Toutiao
  • Lemon8

When TikTok first launched, no one could predict that it was about to take the world by storm.

Fast forward to now, TikTok is the fastest growing social media app in the world.

TikTok has accomplished in just over 4 years what it took Facebook and Instagram to do in 10 years.

Crazy, right?!

The rapid growth is impressive and tells a lot about its audience.

These TikTok user statistics tell the whole story of the new social media giant and give you some insights into the app’s future.

TikTok Key Statistics

TikTok has experienced extremely fast growth since the beginning.

tiktok monthly active users

It quickly became one of the most popular social media platforms in the world challenging the likes of Facebook and Instagram.

Here are some of the key TikTok statistics you need to know:

  • TikTok currently has 1 billion monthly active users worldwide.
  • TikTok has been downloaded over 3 billion times since its launch in 2016.
  • TikTok and Douyin (TikTok’s name in China) are now in 141 countries out of a possible 155 total countries. That means that they have launched in 91% of all the countries they can possibly be in.
  • The TikTok app has been translated into 39 different languages.
  • In 2023, ByteDance was valued at about $200 billion.
  • In the second quarter of 2023, ByteDance’s revenues surged to an impressive $29 billion, marking a 40% year-on-year increase compared to the corresponding quarter in 2022.
  • The majority of content creators on TikTok are between 18 and 24 years old.
  • About 19% of TikTok’s global audience consists of men aged between 18 and 24 years, while 18% of the platform’s users in the same age group are women.

As you can see TikTok has become a giant in the social media world and they don’t look like they will be slowing down anytime soon.

TikTok Active Users

TikTok is acquiring new users at a significantly faster rate than any of the other major social media platforms in the world.

The following TikTok user statistics show that it is one of the fastest-growing apps… ever.

Global Monthly Active Users (Worldwide)

TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users.

For reference this is how many monthly active users the other major social media platforms currently have:

Platform Monthly Active Users
Facebook 2.9 Billion
YouTube 2.2 Billion
Instagram 1.4 Billion
TikTok 1 Billion
Snapchat 500 Million
Pinterest 480 Million
Twitter 397 Million

TikTok is the 4th largest social media platform in the world by monthly active users. It’s double the size of Snapchat and quickly catching up to Instagram.

TikTok Montly Active Users

What’s more?

There are 4.8 billion internet users in the world and 20.83% of them use TikTok.

Internet & TikTok Users

To go further:

As of January 2024, the United States was the country with the largest TikTok audience by far, with almost 150 million users engaging with the popular social video platform.

Indonesia followed, with around 126 million TikTok users. Brazil came in third, with almost 99 million users on TikTok watching short-videos.

Rank Country Number Of Users
1 United States 150 million
2 Indonesia 126 million
3 Brazil 99 million

American Monthly Active Users (US)

How has TikTok done in the US?

The Unites States is the country with the most monthly active TikTok users.

It’s estimated that TikTok has 102.3 million monthly active users in the US alone.

This is forecasted to reach 121.1 million by 2027.

Number of TikTok users in the United States from 2023 to 2027

If those estimates are correct TikTok will experience about a 20% growth in monthly active users over the next 2 years in the US.

Today the US has 267.6 million mobile internet users. These are people that regularly use the internet on their mobile phones.

37.36% of US mobile internet users access TikTok at least once a month.

That means that in the US, TikTok has more than ⅓ of mobile internet users actively engaged on their platform.

TikTok has over 50 million daily active users. 18.68% of all Americans with mobile internet login to TikTok every single day.

That’s quite the commitment to a social media app!

TikTok User Demographics

TikTok has really found its home in younger users.

But more recently, as the app has grown in popularity worldwide, older users have started to take an interest.

TikTok Users By Age (US)

Here’s a quick overview:

  • 25% of TikTok’s active users in the U.S. are aged 10-19.
  • 22.4% of TikTok’s active users in the U.S. are aged 20-29.
  • 21.7% of TikTok’s active users in the U.S. are aged 30-39.
  • 20.3% of TikTok’s active users in the U.S. are aged 40-49.
  • 11% of TikTok’s active users in the U.S. are aged 50 or older.

But overall, teenagers make up the largest group of active users on TikTok.

How to explain that?

Well, that’s simple. The majority (over 50%) of content creators are young people between 18 and 24 years old.

This is the breakdown of active users on TikTok by age group:

Age Group Active Users (%)
10-19 25%
20-29 22.4%
30-39 21.7%
40-49 20.3%
50+ 11%

25% of TikTok’s active user accounts are aged 10-19 in the United States.

But popularity has increased significantly in the young adults’ age group in recent years.

Active users aged 20-29 make up 22.4% followed closely by active users aged 30-39 making up 21.7%.

active tiktok users by age group

There is a significant drop off of active users aged 50+. This is expected to grow over time, similar to what has happened with Facebook and Instagram.

About 45% of all TikTok users in the US are Gen Z.

TikTok Users By Gender (Worldwide)

TikTok has a significantly larger female user base globally.

Here’s what the breakdown looks like:

Gender User Percentage (%)
Female 60%
Male 40%

Did you know that 60% of all TikTok users worldwide are female, with 40% of the platform users being male?

TikTok users by gender

On top of that, there are a lot of strong female content creators who have moved over to TikTok from Instagram.

TikTok Users By Region (Worldwide)

Regional TikTok user statistics differentiate significantly. Each major region has also experienced growth a different times:

Year South-East Asia North America Latin America Europe
2018 62 million users 28 million users 3 million users 21 million users
2019 130 million users 55 million users 10 million users 52 million users
2020 198 million users 105 million users 64 million users 98 million users

Latin America had a slow take-up of TikTok but exploded in terms of user base in 2020.

South-East Asia has the largest user base by almost double, but growth has started to slow compared to the other regions.

TikTok Users By Region

TikTok Engagement Statistics

TikTok has become the most engaging social media app in the world.

These next TikTok engagement statistics show you just how much people love TikTok and how the app has grown in engagement over time.

Average Time Spent On The App: Worldwide Statistics

Globally the average user spends 52 minutes on TikTok every day. About 90% of their worldwide users access TikTok on a daily basis.

One of the most important engagement metrics for all social media companies is average session length. It measures how long the average user spends on the platform every time they open and use the app.

TikTok has the highest average session length of all social media apps by a long way.

The average session length on TikTok is 10 minutes 51 seconds.

This is almost double Pinterest who comes in second place with an average session length of 5m36s.

TikTok Engagement

When people open up TikTok their attention is engaged for far longer than any other social media platform. This in itself is a very important stat.

In 2019, TikTok had a 210% year-over-year increase in engagement time.

The total time spent on TikTok by all users in 2019 was estimated to be over 68 billion hours.

Even though TikTok has exploded in growth, their engagement statistics are still very strong. So, if you want to expand your business’ marketing…

Pay attention to TikTok!

The opportunity to build a large engaged audience organically on TikTok is right now.

TikTok has an engagement rate of 5.3% on accounts with over 100,000 followers.

This is almost 5 times as much as Instagram which has only 1.1% and destroys Twitter which has just 0.30%

As you can see TikTok has significantly better engagement which provides business owners and content creators with a bigger opportunity.

Average Time Spent On The App: US Statistics

TikTok’s global engagement is really good. But how does it compare to US TikTok statistics?

The average adult TikTok user in America spends 33 minutes per day on the app.

This actually ranks it in 2nd place as Facebook adult users spend an average of 35 minutes per day.

TikTok vs Facebook

Facebook still has a slight advantage over TikTok in the US, although this is expected to change as TikTok continues to grow in popularity:

  • TikTok engagement has grown by 1,533% in the period from 2017 to 2019.
  • Facebook engagement has actually declined by 26% for the same period.
  • Instagram engagement did increase but only by 6%.

That’s a massive win for TikTok – especially because their biggest competitor (Facebook) has experienced a significant decline in engagement.

The average US user opens TikTok 8 times per day.

From October 2019 to March 2020 TikTok has experienced significant consistent gains in monthly user engagement.

tiktok monthly user engagement

In October 2019 users spent an average of 442.9 minutes per month on TikTok.

Just 6 months later in March 2020 users spent almost double that at an average of 858 minutes per month.

That’s a big increase for such a short period!

Month/Year Avg. Minutes Spent On TikTok (per month)
October 2019 442.9 minutes
November 2019 526.1 minutes
December 2019 561.2 minutes
January 2020 680 minutes
February 2020 731.6 minutes
March 2020 858 minutes

And what’s more impressive is the consistency of growth month to month. TikTok has continued to engage users and build a platform that keeps them coming back for more.

How Popular Is TikTok In The World?

As of September 2021, TikTok has risen through the ranks to become the 7th most popular social media network worldwide.

Social Network Popularity (in millions)
Facebook 2,853
YouTube 2,291
WhatsApp 2,000
Instagram 1,386
Facebook Messenger 1,300
Weixin / WeChat 1,242
TikTok 732
QQ 606
Douyin 600
Telegram 550

The popularity of TikTok is arguably more impressive because of the speed at which it has grown. It took just over 4 years to achieve these results.

There is wide speculation that it will eventually enter the top 3 as older users embrace the platform more and more.

This is what happened with both Facebook and Instagram.

TikTok Users/Content Creators

Every social media platform tends to have content for specific industries that work better than others.

Although you could create content on TikTok for any category with a bit of creativity, some categories naturally work better.

Category Views (in billions)
Entertainment 535
Dance 181
Pranks 79
Fitness/sports 57
Home reno/DIY 39
Beauty/skincare 33
Fashion 27
Recipes/cooking 18
Life hacks/advice etc. 13
Pets 10
Outdoors 2

Entertainment clearly works best on TikTok. Dance and pranks also tend to get good engagement and views.

3 most popular categories on tiktok

If you are looking for a bit of inspiration then these are the top 10 content creators on TikTok with the most followers at the moment:

Influencer Followers (in Millions)
Charli d’Amelio 125.6
Khabane lame 115
Addison Rae 84.8
Bella Poarch 83.4
Zach King 65.5
Will Smith 62
TikTok 57.5
Dixie D’Amelio 55.2
Spencer X 54.9
Loren Gray 54.1

Charli d’Amelio is known for dancing and became a star when she joined TikTok.

TiKTok Content Creators

Will Smith is a stand-out celebrity who hired someone to follow him around with a camera to create more content.

Planning on becoming a TikTok sensation?

This is how much money the top TikTok content creators make:

Influencer Earnings (USD)
Addison Rae $5 million
Charlie D’Amelio $4 million
Dixie D’Amelio $2.9 million
Loren Gray $2.6 million
Josh Richards $1.5 million
Michael Le $1.2 million
Spencer X $1.2 million

Brands are certainly ready to pay you to sponsor their products if you have a big enough (and engaged) following.

3 highest paid content creators
But the value that businesses and brands see in a TikTok post vs an Instagram post is very different.

TikTok influencers with about 2.5+ million followers can charge about $600 to $1000 per post. Compare this with Instagram where you can charge approximately $100 to $200 per post for every 15,000 followers you have.

It still pays more to be an influencer on Instagram at the moment. But as the TikTok platform grows you will likely see higher payouts for creative influencers.

TikTok Marketing, Revenue & Valuation

Planning to use TikTok to market your business?

Facebook advertising has long been the gold standard for paid social media ads.

While that still remains true (for now), TikTok has been investing in their own advertising platform with a focus on ensuring quality and relevant ads.

These are the TikTok statistics you need to look at for paid marketing.

TikTok Marketing & Advertising

You can run TikTok ads and send traffic to:

  • Your website
  • Your app

You can also “boost” posts and hashtags to get extra reach for the content you create.

Creativity is what generates the most success on TikTok. And the platform gives you plenty of tools to help you market your business.

You can create branded:

  • AR lenses
  • Filters
  • Stickers

You can embed these in your own videos so that people easily recognise your brand as they enjoy your TikTok content.

TikTok is also currently working on new augmented reality ads which could be a real game-changer. Currently ads are made up of video and audio.

With augmented reality, ads could be interactive. This opens up a ton of different possibilities for advertising in the future.

TikTok created its own advertising platform so all businesses can take advantage of the fast-growing social media network.

TikTok Advertising Platform

It will take some time to learn and TikTok ads are very unique compared to other social media advertising platforms. It’s recommended to hire experts in TikTok marketing and ads if you want to launch a campaign.

On top of that, TikTok currently offers $300 of free ad credit for new brands advertising on TikTok for the first time.

TikTok Revenue

Engagement and users are one thing. But every business needs revenue to grow consistently. TikTok is certainly not short on revenue.

In 2020, TikTok brought in $33.4 billion in revenue.

Year Revenue (USD)
2018 $7.4 billion
2019 $17 billion
2020 $33.4 billion

TikTok managed to more than double its revenue from 2018 to 2019. And in 2020 they almost doubled it again.

Who contributes all of this revenue?

Reports show that:

TikTok Revenue Breakdown

But this is where it gets interesting.

Only 5% of marketers in the US use TikTok for advertising. As TikTok grows and attracts more marketers from the US their revenue is likely to skyrocket.

To say that TikTok is just getting started with advertising is a huge understatement.

TikTok Valuation

With a huge amount of users and revenue behind it…

How much is TikTok worth?

TikTok was valued at $50 billion by investors in 2020.

TikTok Valuation

But today, experts estimate TikTok is worth up to $75+ billion while ByteDance is valued at around $200 billion.

Wrapping It Up

The bottom line: The time for TikTok is now.

tiktok key statistics

Now that you’ve read a complete round-up of the most important TikTok user statistics you understand the success of the platform. And there is one thing unmistakably clear about TikTok…

They know how to grow fast.

They also don’t look like slowing down anytime soon. TikTok is constantly taking advantage of new trends and giving its users all the tools needed to create great content.

And that’s just the user side of it.

TikTok has a host of new features it’s launching for businesses to run fun and profitable advertising campaigns.

If you are considering TikTok for marketing, now is the time to jump in. It will only get bigger from here!

Want more statistics posts? Take a look at these blogs:

What Are Your Thoughts?

3 Responses

  1. Wow, I had no idea TikTok had so many users! The statistics on daily active users is mind-boggling. I learned a lot from this post, thanks for sharing!

  2. This piece grossly leaves out TikTok statistics for Africa. Literally the whole region. You’d think there is no TikTok in Africa entirely!

    1. Hi Joy. We did not purposely leave out Africa. At the time of writing, we just couldn’t find accurate statistics about the use of TikTok in this region.

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