What Is White Label SEO? Everything You Need To Know

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Here’s the truth:

Running a digital marketing agency is hard work. There is just so much to do. You need to:

  • Run your business
  • Manage team members
  • Meet with clients
  • Manage billing
  • Do the client work

… And more! The never-ending list goes on and on.

The thing is…Running an SEO agency doesn’t have to be difficult. There is a way to ensure that your clients get excellent results without you having to do any of the work.


Three words: White Label SEO

In this blog, you will learn everything you need to know about white label SEO and how you can take advantage of it to grow your own SEO agency.

What is White Label SEO?

White label SEO is when you outsource the client SEO work but continue to sell the services under your own brand.

You manage the client but have someone else do the work.

This way, you can offer an incredible service to your clients without doing any of the work yourself.

How Does White Label SEO Work?

White label SEO is a partnership.

It is important that the white label partner has a very good relationship and excellent communication with you. You are relying on them to do their job well.

There are two parts to servicing each SEO client:

  1. Account management: taking care of by the SEO agency
  2. Service delivery: taking care of by the white label partner

In other words:

  • The agency handles account management which includes managing the relationship and communication with the client.
  • The white label partner handles the optimisations and service delivery.

Classic SEO vs White Label SEO

There are tons of benefits to outsourcing your SEO services.

classic seo vs white label seo

Classic SEO:

When it comes to classic SEO you handle everything. The benefit is that you get to keep all the money that you make.

White Label SEO:

With white-label SEO, you are almost completely hands-off. Someone else takes responsibility for the results and you just manage the relationship with the client.

This makes it very simple and you have a lot more time to focus on other things.

Why You Should Use A White Label SEO Agency

Running an SEO agency requires a lot of time and effort.

Even after handling all of the client interactions and doing the business administration, you still have to do the SEO work itself.

Here are six reasons why you should be white labelling your SEO services.

1. Provide Higher Quality Services To Clients

No one could possibly provide higher quality work than you right?

False SEO Belief

I have met tons of SEO agency owners who have this false belief.

In most cases, the quality of your SEO services will increase when you outsource to a white label agency.


Well, because you are no longer stuck in the day to day of fulfilling client work. Someone else is taking care of that for you.

That means you now have time to:

  • Optimise your services
  • Win more clients
  • Focus on improving quality

…And high-quality services mean you can charge higher fees!

Hiring a white label SEO agency enables you to increase the profitability of your agency while having someone else do the work.

That’s what I call a win-win.

2. Focus On Your Own Services

As an SEO agency owner, there are more services you can offer clients.

Here’s the problem:

Agency owners never have enough time.

No matter how much you optimise workflows and change processes, there is always something else to do.

This means you don’t have time to:

  • Develop (or improve) your current services
  • Add new services to your portfolio

set goals

How do you solve this?

By hiring a white label SEO service to do the work for you!

When you find the right team to partner with – this helps you scale your SEO agency without fulfilling any SEO work.

3. Employ A Team of Experts (Without The Cost)

There is no way around it:

Good SEO requires a team of talented experts but… having a crack team of experts costs a lot of money.

High Prices

When you hire a white label agency to handle the SEO work you get all that without the heavy price tag.

Quality white label agencies have to hire the best talent because they usually serve lots of different clients from different industries.

In other words:

You get access to professional SEO experts without having to fork out the big bucks.

4. No Need To Invest In SEO Tools

Unfortunately, there isn’t just one tool that does everything.

You constantly need new tools for different tasks and always need to upgrade current plans to access more features.

SEO tools are not something you want to cut costs on.

SEO Tools

And there’s just no way around this unless…you partner with white label SEO agencies, who have all of the latest and greatest tools at their disposal.

Your clients benefit from the best SEO tools in the industry without you needing to invest in them directly.

5. Increase Your Client Base

Most of an SEO agency’s resources go into servicing clients which mean… there is only limited time and resources left to grow your own client base.

And if you don’t grow your client base – your business won’t grow.

Outsourcing your client SEO work gives you more time to focus on scaling your own agency which means you have the opportunity to:

  • Create
  • Execute

…Your own marketing strategies to get more clients.

And guess what?

For every new client that you get, you don’t have to worry about servicing them, the white label agency will take care of that for you!

6. Get A Great ROI

The main goal of any agency is to get a high return right?

A big benefit of hiring a white label agency is that you get a predictable monthly fixed price to service your client.

ROI White Label SEO

This means that your SEO pricing is easier because you know exactly what your ROI will be. So, you can say goodbye to the guesswork and have more control over the return you make because you know what your costs are.

How To Choose The Right White Label SEO Agency

Here’s the big question:

How do you know if you’ve found a white label SEO agency that will provide the quality services you need?

It’s easy to get lost at sea with all the options of white label SEO services available. So, here are five criteria that will help you find an agency you can trust.

Choose A Dedicated White Label Partner


You are entering a partnership.

That means you need to partner with a white label agency that is dedicated to their work. A dedicated white label partner:

  • Delivers high-quality work
  • Has great communication
  • Is transparent with their processes

A dedicated white label partner gives you peace of mind that your clients will be taken care of and get excellent results.

Dedicated White Label Partner

Ask The Agency Questions About Their Methods & Processes

As an agency, your client’s results are your main priority.

The white-label agency you choose must be transparent about the process and techniques that they use.


White label agencies that use shady “black hat” techniques must be avoided at all costs.

If they aren’t transparent with you from the get-go then you can assume they would use risky SEO strategies.

Their work could have short-term gains but will negatively affect your client’s website in the long run.

Ask potential hires these questions:

  • What is your process for ranking websites?
  • Do you have any SEO specialities?
  • Do you have any SEO case studies?
  • How do you manage each project?
  • What’s included in your SEO packages?

Search Logistics Results & Testimonials

A quality white label agency should be able to answer each of these questions comfortably.

Read Their Case Studies To Check Out Their Results

Nothing speaks louder than real results. The best way to check your white label agency’s results is to look at their case studies.

Case studies show you two things:

  1. What kind of results the agency gets
  2. How the agency achieves those results

This helps you understand the agency’s process to see if they are a good fit for you.

There will also be telling signs of how they handled challenges and what techniques they use to overcome them.

Case studies provide an excellent insight into what the white label agency can do.

search logistics case studies

What if they don’t have case studies?

This is a big red flag.

Any white label agency worth their salt should have a bank of case studies for you to review.

Here are a ton of case study examples from Search Logistics. They have the largest number of published case studies from any SEO white label agency in the industry.

Check Out Real Testimonials

Testimonials complete the story.

If clients are happy with the service, they will leave genuine testimonials.

You don’t just want to know that the white label SEO agency can do the job – you want to know that they do an excellent job.

client testimonial search logistics

But how do you know if the testimonials are real?

Here are a few things to check:

  • Does it have a real picture of a person?
  • Is their full name included?
  • Is the company name or website included?
  • Does each testimonial sound different?
  • Are there a lot of testimonials?

The answer to each of these questions should be yes. Of course, there is no 100% way to guarantee that each testimonial is real.

But in my experience, these 5 questions usually help you get a good idea of whether they have real testimonials.

Organise A Face To Face Meeting

It’s true:

Never hire a white label agency without having a face to face meeting. You need to know who you are working with.

It is the easiest way to evaluate the agency.

Face to face doesn’t have to be in person, it’s easy enough to organise a video call to meet with them.

Face To Face Meeting

Why is a face to face meeting so important?

You can ask questions on the spot and they have to answer. There is no way to fake their way through it. You can easily see if they are being genuine or not.

Here are a few questions to ask a potential white label SEO agency:

  • Have you worked with similar clients?
  • What is your SEO process?
  • What results have you had in the process?
  • How do you manage SEO campaigns?
  • How will you communicate the results to me?

These questions get to the heart of the agency. You can see if they are organised and if they really know what they are doing.

The Best White Label SEO Agency

Now you know all the benefits of hiring a white label SEO partner…

Which agency should you hire?

Search Logistics: The White Label SEO Agency To Partner With

Looking for a white label SEO partner you can trust?

Search Logistics specialises in full-service white label SEO services. They create tailored packages that are suited to your individual client’s needs.

white label seo search logistics

Search Logistics has loads of case studies you can sift through to get an idea of their robust SEO processes and how they handle their clients.

What To Expect From The Collaboration

Search Logistics has a reputation of being upfront and honest.

They have a transparent project management process and more than enough case studies that showcase their results.

search logistics white label seo process

Search Logistics has two easy ways you can partner with them:

  1. Client Referral: commission-based client referrals
  2. White Label SEO: end-to-end white label services

Which partnership option should you choose?

Here is a breakdown of them both.

Client Referral…

Is the quickest and easiest way to work with Search Logistics.

Simply refer clients to them and they pay you 10% for every payment that client makes.

Each and every payment that client makes, you will receive 10% of that sale forever.

White label SEO…

Is partnering with them to fulfil the services you sell your clients.

You get to build your own agency powered by the Search Logistics team.

With the white label SEO option, the Search Logistics team looks after everything.

So, if you choose the white label option, Search Logistics will, under your agency brand, take care of:

The big difference between Search Logistics and other white label agencies is that Search Logistics will even take care of sales for you.

All you have to do is to send them the lead and Search Logistics will close the sale on your behalf and notify you.

How To Partner With Search Logistics

To get started with Search Logistics, head to their partnership page and take a look at each partnership option.

Then, simply just fill out the contact form (example below) and their team members will get in contact with you.

Search Logistics Partnership Form

LinksThatRank: White Label Link Building

Have SEO under control and just need to outsource link building?

LinksThatRank is one of the best white label link building services in the industry.

links that-rank white label link building

Here’s why:

They have the best quality control process of any link building service available. This ensures that they only build links you are happy to show your clients.

What To Expect From The Collaboration

When it comes to white label link building the most important thing is…

Each and every link built is vetted for quality.

After all, there is nothing worse than building a spammy link that damages your client’s website.

LinksThatRank has strict link building processes that ensure each link helps move your client’s rankings forward:

  • 23 point quality control checklist
  • Manually check each link placement
  • Link building blacklist database
  • Avoid sites that have “write for us” pages
  • They never build links on PBN’s

All of these things ensure that links are only ever built and placed on quality websites.

strict quality control

You can have complete peace of mind that LinksThatRank will build links that you will be proud to show your clients.

How To Partner With LinksThatRank

It is easy to partner with LinksThatRank.

To become a LinksThatRank partner, you will need to contact them using the form on their website (exmple bellow).

LinksThatRank Contact Form

One of their team members will reply to you within 1 business day to set up a partnership.

That’s it!

Have an ecommerce site and want to build your own links? Check out these 6x ecommerce link building strategies you can use to boost your traffic and rankings.

Wrapping It Up

Running an SEO agency takes a lot of time and effort.

Not only do you have the administration of the business, but you still have to do the client work itself.

And this is where white label SEO comes into place!

White labelling takes the pressure off of you and allows you to provide SEO services that get results without you having to do any of the client work.

Your clients benefit from getting good results without you having to invest lots of:

  • Resources
  • Time
  • Effort

Pretty smart, isn’t it?

But…Before going ahead and jump into the ocean, you need to be careful with the white label SEO partner you choose.

Choosing a white label SEO agency that is known for delivering results is important. Use the five tips above to pick a white label SEO service that suits your agency.

If you are looking for a trustworthy white label SEO agency, Search Logistics is a great place to start.

search logistics cta

Frequently Asked Questions

White label SEO means that you sell SEO services under your own brand but have a partner agency fulfil them. The client interacts with your team and brand, but your white label partner does the client work.
Yes, white labelling is completely legal. It is an agreement that allows products and services to be sold and rebranded under another company’s brand.
White label web design means that you sell a website to a client and have another agency build the website for you. You are selling the website under your own brand but a white label partner fulfils the work.
White label pricing is the fee that the white label partner charges you for the services. It’s important because it’s what makes the partnership profitable. For example, if you sell a service for $1,000 to a client and your partner’s white label price is $750, the white label pricing enables you to make $250.

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