10x Shopify SEO Tools You Should Already Be Using 

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Despite what you may have been told – your Shopify store lives and dies by one simple factor…

The ability to drive consistent traffic and sales.

And the best way to drive targeted traffic to your Shopify store that actually converts is with SEO.

Here’s the problem:

SEO is very competitive. With more sellers than ever online, you have more competitors fighting for the same group of customers.

So how do you get ahead in the SERPs?

By taking advantage of Shopify SEO tools. It’s the best way to ensure that your SEO is at the highest standard and your store is optimised to rank higher in the SERPs.

In this blog, I will explain why you need to be taking advantage of Shopify SEO tools and the best ones to use right now.

Understanding Shopify SEO

When it comes to Shopify stores, “normal” SEO isn’t enough.

The truth is that Shopify SEO is different from traditional SEO.


Shopify SEO takes more planning, work and time than if you were doing traditional SEO on a standard local site.

Normal SEO includes key optimisations like:

The difference is that normal SEO is designed for websites that are competing in smaller, local search results. It’s easier to rank.

Shopify stores are in the ecommerce market.

That means you are competing against other national online stores and in most cases, international stores. The search results are more competitive and require a different approach (and more work).

Here’s some good news:

The extra effort that you put into your Shopify SEO is worth it.

Ecommerce statistics show that:

  • 44% of online shoppers start their journey with a search engine like Google.
  • 37.5% of all ecommerce traffic comes from search alone.

That’s a massive portion of the market you can capture with good SEO!

Make sure that you check out my complete Shopify SEO tutorial so you can learn how to optimise your site from top to bottom.

Why You Should Use Shopify SEO Tools

Shopify SEO would be impossible without the right SEO tools. But what exactly do Shopify SEO tools help you do?

These are 3 reasons you should already be taking advantage of Shopify SEO tools for your own store.

Optimise Your Pages & Content

Think about your Shopify store:

How many pages, products, categories and product descriptions do you have?

Let me guess – A lot!

Shopify SEO tools help make optimising each and every page on your site possible:

  • They crawl through your entire store.
  • They highlight specific SEO issues that need addressing.

Making it easier to identify areas that need improvement.

Manually doing on-page SEO without tools would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. It’s just not possible and you’ll spend a lot of wasted hours on it.

top five onpage seo factors

One of the most underrated SEO ranking factors most Shopify store owners don’t take care of is website load speed. It affects both:

  • Your SEO
  • Your user experience

But speeding up your website without the required tools is next to impossible.

You need to use the right Shopify SEO tools to optimise your site effectively.

Boost Your Keyword Rankings

Tracking your keyword rankings is important.


Simple – you need to know if your SEO is improving or not.

But rank tracking is just one part of your boosting your keyword rankings.

The truth is that Google’s algorithm has become so advanced that just jamming the right keyword into your page multiple times isn’t going to help your rankings anymore.

keyword stuffed category page

Think of Google’s algorithm as a bunch of complex mathematical equations.

Google uses the algorithm to determine which pages should appear and in what order in the search results.

It uses ranking factors combined with complex equations to figure that out.

Here’s the truth:

Your store will rank if you can feed Google the right answers to those equations. It’s as simple as that.

But as a Shopify store owner, there is NO WAY you could know exactly what needs to be done to meet those complex equations and rank.

That’s why you use high-quality Shopify SEO tools.

The best Shopify SEO tools have been designed to mimic the Google search algorithm.

Simply follow what the tools tell you to do, and you’ll get a nice boost in your keyword rankings! It doesn’t get easier than that!

Increase Your Conversion Rates

High-quality traffic = higher conversion rates.

And there really isn’t any better type of traffic than organic traffic.

Let me explain:

SEO helps increase your conversion rates by driving more traffic to your website.

Conversion Rate Formula

But the difference between paying social media ads and ranking in the SERPs – is the quality of traffic.

Search traffic is better quality because you are meeting customers right at the moment that they are searching for your products.

Think about it…

If you search “buy coffee machine”, there is a good chance that the store that shows up in the search results with the right coffee machine will win the sale.

SEO bridges the gap between:

  • The customer
  • You, as the store owner

But bridging that gap wouldn’t be possible without Shopify SEO tools. You need the right tools to rank to get high-quality SEO traffic to your site.

This can lead to much higher conversion rates and a significant increase in sales.

10x Shopify SEO Tools You Should Use

Ready to boost your rankings and improve your SEO?

These are the best Shopify SEO tools you should already be using.

1. SEO Suite: Image Optimizer by AVADA

Website load speed is a big problem for most site owners.

And one of the biggest culprits for website speed issues is images. That’s where Image Optimizer by AVADA comes in.

image optimizer by avada

Image Optimizer reduces your image sizes and ensures that all your images are optimised for search engines.

This means you get a fast-loading store, and your images will meet Google’s guidelines.

Here’s how it works:

When it comes to image SEO, there are 5 main factors:

  1. Image size
  2. Image type (jpeg, png, webp)
  3. Image load times
  4. ALT text and file names
  5. Structured data

But manually ensuring that each of these factors is optimised is a mammoth task for any website owner – especially Shopify store owners.

Image Optimizer automatically reduces the size of every image on the store so that each image loads quickly.

image optimising feature

It also preloads your pages so the experience feels even faster for your site visitors.

Next, you can easily edit all your images and add the appropriate ALT text, so Google knows what the images are.

This helps with:

  • Indexing
  • Ranking

…Images in the Google Images search results.

Image Optimizer also adds the appropriate structured data to all your store pages so that you can get snippet features in the search results.

That’s a big win for high click-thru rates.

And the best part…

You can do 90% of this with just one click! Simply install Image Optimizer, configure your settings and everything else is taken care of automatically.

Cool, right?

Image Optimizer is a powerful Shopify SEO tool that’s easy to use and delivers noticeable results within seconds.

They offer a free plan so you can install the app and test drive it on up to 50 products per month. For many people, the free plan is all you need.

On a budget? Check out my list of the best free SEO tools you can use to improve your online business.

2. SEO Optimizer – Trusted SEO app by Booster Apps

Let’s face it: When it comes to SEO, there is a lot to manage.

There are over 200+ Google ranking factors that need to be addressed to give your store the best chance of ranking in the SERPs.

Ready for some good news?

SEO Optimizer takes care of all the heavy lifting for your SEO so you can focus on growing your store’s sales.

seo optimizer by booster apps

Here’s what I mean:

SEO Optimizer is an all-in-one Shopify SEO tool. It automatically takes care of a lot of the important technical SEO and on-page SEO for you-

  • Optimize meta tags
  • Add ALT text
  • Auto updated sitemap
  • Redirect broken links
  • Page/product structured data

And so much.

But one of the cool features that SEO Optimizer offers is customisable rules.

You set the rules on specific optimisations you want on your store, and the tool automatically executes them. It is as close as you get to set and forget!

On top of that, SEO Optimizer will:

  • Monitor your SEO health
  • Send you a detailed report weekly

seo health site audit

This makes it easy to jump in and fix any SEO issues affecting your store’s rankings. The SEO Optimizer team also provides SEO tutorials to show you how to fix specific SEO issues.

SEO Optimizer has a free forever plan with limited features, so you can test it out to see if it’s for you. They also offer 24/7 live support to answer your questions quickly.

3. Search Me: Speed & SEO Booster by Secomapp

Search Me is another all-in-one Shopify SEO tool with a unique advantage.

It includes a huge feature pack that will take care of everything in terms of on-page SEO.

search me by seo camp

The top features of Search Me include:

  • Multiple one-click fixes for key SEO issues
  • Bulk edit SEO data like meta tags and descriptions
  • Adds schema markup on your product pages (test it with a schema tester)
  • Automatically monitor and fix broken links
  • Integrate Google Search Console and Google Analytics.
  • Runs automatic SEO audits regularly with detailed SEO statistics
  • Improve loading speeds with image optimisation and AMP

And so much more. Search Me is one of the most advanced all-in-one SEO tools available on the app store.

Search Me has an intuitive user dashboard that makes it easy to understand the overall SEO health of your website.

It works by analysing your website across a ton of optimisation factors and breaks everything down into 3 categories:

  1. Issues
  2. Notices
  3. Fixes

seo issues and fixes

Now you’ll have a clean list of prioritised items that you can work through to improve your site. Cool right?

But where Search Me really stands out is Shopify speed optimization features.

Indeed, the images are automatically:

  • Compressed
  • Resized on upload

Search Me also has a speed analysis feature built into the tool. That means you get a detailed breakdown of your store load speeds and what you need to do to improve them.

load speed dashboard

You can even create a fully functional AMP (accelerated mobile page) version of your store, so it loads instantly.

All of this is backed by their 24/7 customer support by live chat.

Search Me has a completely free plan with limited features and a 7-day free trial for premium plans. Premium plans start at $39 per month.

4. Plug in SEO by SureSwift Capital

Higher rankings = more traffic. And more traffic = more sales.

Plug In SEO is a conversion-focused SEO tool that helps improve:

  • User experience
  • Site performance

plugin seo

Think of Plug In SEO for Shopify as Yoast SEO is for WordPress.

The tool offers a complete package of on-page SEO features that automatically monitor and fix issues as they arise.

The full list of SEO features includes-

  • Keyword tool and suggestions
  • Bulk edit SEO data with templates
  • Quick SEO optimisations for individual pages
  • Adds schema markup and structured data on your product pages
  • Automatic SEO health monitor
  • Integrate Google Search Console
  • Supports multilingual stores
  • Tons of training videos for SEO

Plug In SEO is also one of the highest-rated Shopify SEO tools on the platform.

But what makes it really unique?

Plug In SEO goes a lot deeper than most of the other Shopify SEO tools allowing you to optimise individual pages such as-

  • Products
  • Collections
  • Core site pages
  • Blog posts

seo within core pages

This unique feature is great because you can drill down to high-value pages and optimise them for higher rankings.

It also takes care of your blog optimisation so you can optimise your content easier.

Another cool aspect of Plug-In is the templates.

This powerful feature allows you to improve hundreds of pages at once. It includes adding titles and meta descriptions to each page based on your templates and rules.

seo templates

Plug In SEO also comes with a basic analytics dashboard that gives you more insights into your keyword ranks and where your organic traffic comes from.

This helps you understand how site visitors engage with your store to continue optimising it for higher conversions.

You can test drive all the features with a 7-day free trial and also take advantage of their limited (but generous) free forever plan. Premium plans start from $29.99 per month.

5. SEO Manager by Venntov

Apps can have a significant impact on your store speed and performance.

SEO Manager is a lightweight and simplified Shopify SEO tool designed to make optimising your store a breeze.

seo manager

But just because it’s simplified doesn’t mean it’s not powerful.

SEO Manager has a ton of excellent features:

  • Google search results simulator
  • Complete site-auditor with focus keyword suggestions
  • Image ALT text issues scan
  • Automated meta title, description and image alt text templating
  • Tons of Google integrations such as Google Page Speed Insights, Search Console, Analytics and Trends
  • Temporary redirect on “out of stock” items
  • Sitemap management
  • 404 error logging and management
  • Google sitemap submission

To begin optimising your store, SEO Manager scans your site for SEO issues. You then get an SEO health score out of 100 to see how it performs.

seo manager seo score

Need to make some improvements?

You can see all of the SEO health scores for every individual on page at once.

Quickly click on each page and follow the customised optimisation checklist to improve the SEO score for each page.

It really is as simple as that. Every time you optimise a page, it increases your overall site SEO health score.

SEO Manager also integrates with Google Search Console and Google Analytics, so you can see your traffic results inside the dashboard.

You can even see your top-performing pages and keywords to quickly identify more areas of improvement.

search analytics keywords

The tool has a ton of other great features like:

  • Automatically adding JSON-LD structured data
  • Broken link monitoring

SEO Manager has some of the best technical-SEO tools available. You can automatically take care of a lot of technical optimisations with just a few clicks.

The smart setup wizard makes implementing each optimisation as easy as it gets.

SEO Manager offers a 7-day free trial to test all of the premium features but doesn’t have a free plan. The premium plan is cheaper than most other all-in-one Shopify SEO tools starting at $20 per month.

6. Smart SEO by Sherpas Design

Smart SEO isn’t quite like the other Shopify SEO tools on this list.

But it does have a ton of cool features that will help speed up your site and optimise it.

smart seo

Smart SEO will take care of most of your key optimisations, such as fixing broken links, optimising images, meta-descriptions and managing your sitemap.

It differentiates from other tools because it doesn’t do full-store SEO audits.

So why is it on the list?

Simple because of the powerful features it offers:

  • Complete image optimisation stack
  • Automatically generate meta tags
  • Multi-language SEO support
  • Automatically generate image alt tags
  • Add JSON-LD structured data
  • Easy sitemap management
  • Detect and fix broken links
  • Remove unnecessary micro-data
  • Website speed optimisation

Smart SEO’s instant page feature can speed up your store with a simple button click.

It works by preloading content before a visitor clicks on it so that when they do – the page loads quickly.

smart seo instant page load

This improves your website load speeds and user experience.

Does your store support multiple languages?

With Smart SEO, your search engine optimisation will too! The unique multi-language support means you don’t need to optimise your store for each language you support.

Here’s what I mean:

Smart SEO creates:

  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • JSON-LD structured data

… For each language in your store.

json ld for product pages

How does this help?

When a customer searches in Google for products you offer in a different language, your store is more likely to show up.

This creates a great competitive advantage for your brand and can help you increase conversion in other countries.

Smart SEO has a completely free plan and a 7-day free trial for their premium plans.

Premium plan prices are also designed to suit both small and large stores, which means you only pay for what you need. They start at just $9.99 per month.

7. SEO King by Engage Apps

SEO King is a powerful tool packed with a ton of features.

The premium plans it offers are some of the best value for money of all the Shopify SEO tools on the list.

seo king

The complete list of SEO features includes:

  • Auto ALT text manager
  • Bulk meta-data editor
  • JSON-LD microdata manager
  • Sitemap manager
  • Image compression and resizing
  • Decent SEO auditor
  • 1-click to optimise your entire store
  • Automatic optimisation for new products
  • Simple keywords manager
  • Disable right-click to prevent photo theft
  • Easily export product photos for free
  • Limited live chat

SEO King’s SEO site scanner is all about helping you find quick wins first.

It’s designed to analyse every page on your store to identify simple SEO issues. This includes adding ALT text and meta-data to give your site a quick boost.

seo checklist from audit

After that, it helps you tackle some of the bigger SEO issues your store faces.

In a hurry to get as much optimised as quickly as possible?

SEO King’s single-click optimisation feature means you can sit back while it compresses all your images, products, collections, assets and blog articles.

resize and optimise images

Within minutes you’ll have a faster loading store and offer a better user experience for your visitors. The auto-optimiser even runs in the background so you can continue working while it takes care of your SEO.

One of the unique features that SEO King offers is a keyword manager.

Keyword manager scans your shop to discover your most used and popular keywords.

It then begins scanning your competitor’s stores so you can see keywords that you might be missing and need to include in your own product titles and descriptions.

seo king keyword scraper

Want to rank higher in Google images?

You can have Smart King optimise your images automatically so that you can rank higher in the Google image search results. It uses AI to:

  • Optimise each image’s ALT text
  • File names with appropriate keywords

You can even bulk compress images and resize them to load faster.

And if you are worried about competitors stealing your images to use in their store…

Don’t be!

SEO King comes with a disable-right click feature to prevent theft. If you really want to kick it up a notch, you can watermark images with your logo or brand name.

While SEO King doesn’t do as much as other all-in-one Shopify SEO tools, it will add a ton of value to your store.

They offer a completely free plan but no free trials on premium plans. Premium plans start at just $7.99 per month.

8. Image SEO by Hextom

Sometimes all you need to speed up your website is to optimise your images.

Image SEO is a powerful image optimisation app that compresses images and ensures they load quickly.

​​image seo

The top features for Image SEO are:

  • Bulk update image alt text and file name
  • Customisable templates for different types of images
  • Automatically update all newly added images
  • Minimise image file sizes without quality loss
  • Bulk resize, frame and crop images
  • Add watermarks
  • Easy revert/undo changes option

On the surface Image SEO might look like any other image optimisation SEO tool.

But in reality, it offers a bunch of new features that ensure your images are optimised for both speed and search engines.

The simple-to-use dashboard makes it easy to execute each image optimisation in bulk or one by one.

shopify seo tool dashboard

Quickly reduce the file size of all your images with a one-click optimisation button without losing any image quality.

This will help your pages load faster and provide a better user experience. Image SEO offers one of the best image compression rates I have seen on Shopify!

Here’s the truth:

Image ALT text and file names matter in SEO.

Image SEO can automatically mark your images with product titles, vendors and other options to ensure that Google understands them and they get indexed appropriately.

automatically mark images with keywords

This will help improve your page rankings in the Google search results and in the image search results. Want more?

One of the unique features that Image SEO offers is actually more of a user experience feature. You can-

  • Crop
  • Trim
  • Resize
  • Frame

…Any images on your store in any format you want. The best part is you can do it in bulk so that all of your images display in uniformity.

This means each image will conform to the same height and width to look professional for your store visitors.

There is no need to manually edit each image, so they display properly.

SEO Image offers a free plan with 50 free images per month. The premium plan starts at just $9.99 per month.

9. SEO Product Optimizer (SPO) by SillyCube Technology

Looking for an easier way to optimise each product listing for individual keywords?

While most of the bigger Shopify SEO tools on this list focus on optimising your entire store, SEO Product Optimizer (SPO) takes a different approach.

seo product optimizer

You tell SPO what keyword you want to rank for and it tells you what you need to do to optimise individual product pages for that keyword.

Simple, right?

The top features include:

  • Research niche keywords for products
  • Custom optimisation checklists
  • Optimise products, collections and pages
  • Generate rich JSON-LD results
  • Optimise social previews
  • Bulk edit Facebook link previews

By far one of the most unique features that SPO offers is the keyword research tool.

You can do keyword research directly inside SPO and easily identify high-value keywords for your product listing and core website pages.

keyword research

It even works for blog posts.

The keyword research tool also suggests keywords based on your page’s title tag.

It brings up a list of relevant suggestions automatically showing higher traffic and lower competition keywords first.

This is a unique feature not included in many other Shopify SEO tools.

After selecting a keyword to optimise for SPO gives you a customised list of improvements for your page. Simply work your way down the list until you have optimised each factor.

​​custom optimisation list

It doesn’t get much easier than that.

SPO also allows you to completely customise how your pages show in link previews on social media.

This will help you:

  • Get more social shares for your content.
  • Generate more traffic with social media.

SEO Product Optimizer has a fee plan and also offers a 14-day free trial for the premium features. After that, it’s just $15.99 per month.

10. JSON-LD for SEO by Ilana Davis LLC

Want to generate more traffic and get higher click-thru rates in the SERPs?

You need to implement structured data in your store. The best-structured data SEO tool is JSON-LD for SEO.


What does JSON-LD do?

Put simply- it delivers more easily indexable data for search engines like Google so they can better understand your content.

That means that search engines are more likely to display extra information about your site in the search results such as reviews and images.

json-ld for seo before after

This is especially important for Shopify store owners that want more SEO traffic. If you haven’t implemented JSON-LD structured data yet – now is the time to do it.

JSON-LD for SEO is one of the best-structured data apps on Shopify.

In less than 2-minutes (and with a click of a button), your entire store becomes optimised for rich results and snippets in the SERPs.

The key pieces of JSON-LD structured data include:

  • Business data: Organization/LocalBusiness
  • Product data: Product, Offers
  • Product reviews: AggregateRating
  • Site search: Website
  • Blog posts: Article
  • Recipe blog posts: Article/Recipe
  • Videos: VideoObject

This features the right kind of data for Shopify stores.

When you install JSON-LD for SEO, you also get a complete structured data audit to ensure the app has connected your data properly. This ensures that there are no errors and that Google can comfortably understand your content.

JSON-LD for SEO also has excellent customer support and service.

The only drawback to JSON-LD for SEO is the price. It costs $299 one-time to get the data installed on your website.

While this might seem costly, paying monthly fees does add up pretty quickly, so it will likely save you money in the long run.

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it.

The top 10 Shopify SEO tools that you should be using on your store.

Ecommerce SEO is important for all Shopify store owners. Free organic traffic from search engines should be the lifeblood of your business.

SEO can take your store to the next level while increasing conversion rates and sales. Take advantage of the Shopify SEO tools above and get more traffic in the SERPs.

Need some help with your SEO?

Have someone else take care of it for you! Hire a Shopify SEO expert to give your store an SEO boost. You can also check out the best Shopify SEO services if you really want to take your SEO to the next level.

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