How To Find The Right Shopify SEO Expert For Your Online Store

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Shopify is one of the best ecommerce platforms available to build an online store. They have created a platform that is not only powerful but also user-friendly.

No wonder Shopify has continued to skyrocket in popularity over the years.

SEO has been such a significant focus for them that it has become its own niche industry making the demand for Shopify SEO experts grow quickly.

seo case study results from a shopify seo expert
(Click Here To Download Our 7 Day Ecommerce SEO Strategy)

There’s no need for you to learn all of the ins and outs of Shopify SEO yourself because you can hand this off to an expert and let someone else worry about your…

Meanwhile, you get to focus on growing your business and enjoying the rich returns that an ecommerce business can offer.

And if you are wondering why I’m qualified to talk about Shopify SEO, please take a look at this case study, this case study or any of these case studies.

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Why You Should Hire A Shopify SEO Expert

Let’s be honest:

As a Shopify store owner, you don’t just want to hire any old SEO agency.

You want to hire an SEO company that understands the Shopify platform specifically.


Here are a few reasons.

Shopify SEO Experts Are Knowledgeable Professionals

Shopify SEO experts understand SEO as well as the Shopify platform itself:

Shopify Platform

This puts them in a unique position to take full advantage of all the features Shopify offers. As a store owner, you get the best of both worlds.

Shopify has many SEO features already built into the platform. There is no need to install tons of Shopify SEO tools or apps just to optimise your site.

These features include:

  • Auto-generated canonical tags to prevent duplicated content
  • Auto-generated sitemap.xml and robots.txt files
  • Ability to easily edit the title tags, meta descriptions and URLs
  • Image optimisation
  • Clean themes and code

With a Shopify SEO expert at the wheel, they can use these built-in SEO features for maximum gain.

You end up with higher rankings, targeted organic traffic & customers ready to buy.

A Shopify SEO Expert Can Help You Fix SEO Issues

Nearly every client I’ve worked with can’t wait to get into the all exciting link building stuff.

I mean, building tons of backlinks is how you explode your search traffic right?

Well yes…

…and no.

If your Shopify store is plagued with on-page and technical SEO issues, link building won’t do much except for blow your budget.

In fact, this presents one of the biggest opportunities in SEO.

In my experience, most store owners are so focused on link building that they totally neglect:

  • The on-page factors
  • The technical elements

…of their website. ESPECIALLY when so many people are building stores on Shopify and negleting the absolute basics.

Just by having a Shopify SEO expert put time into your own on-page SEO can have a major impact on your rankings.

Even without building a single link.

You need to get the SEO foundation right before doing anything else.

Here are some common website issues that a Shopify SEO expert can help you with.

#1 – Crawling Difficulties

If Google can’t crawl your website, you’re in trouble from the get-go.

I mean if Google doesn’t know what your website is about, how is the algorithm going to rank it?

The first thing an expert will do is a technical SEO audit. This tells them exactly what to fix to ensure Google loves your website.

#2 – Slow Page Load Speed

Page load speed is an essential metric to Google.

All you need to know is: slow = bad.

The amount of time the visitor has to wait for your website to load directly affects their user experience.

gtmetrix page load speed analysis

Your Shopify SEO expert should tackle this issue quickly following some Shopify speed optimization best practices as it also directly impacts conversion rates, revenue, average order values and ad costs.

#3 – Next to No Content

How does Google understand a website?


Your store needs valuable content that is optimised and grabs the attention of your store visitors.

The SEO agency you hire will be able to help you write content that is both:

  • User-friendly
  • Search engine friendly

#4 – No Keyword Strategy

Optimising your store for valuable keywords is a no-brainer.

E-commerce keyword research is different from your standard keyword research.

You need an expert to ensure that you get valuable keywords that translate into real orders and revenue for your store.

Quality ecommerce keywords have four important criteria:

  1. Established search volume
  2. High purchase intent
  3. Relevant to your store
  4. Low competition

Keyword research and strategy is essential. An expert will optimise your website for keywords that provide value to your store and drive sales.

#5 – Website Authority

Finally, we get to the most exciting one.

After fixing all the other issues, the next focus is your website’s authority.

Ranking for valuable keywords is much more difficult without increasing the authority of your online store’s domain first.

A Shopify SEO expert will have a range of tactics they use for this, including link building (download our link building checklist here).

moz free domain seo analysis tool

If you need help sourcing high quality links for your Shopify store, take a look at LinksThatRank.

#6 – User Friendly & Google Friendly

The above issues boil down to 2 things:

  1. User friendly website
  2. Google friendly website

A Shopify SEO expert will create a great user experience while ensuring that the store follows Google’s best practices:

Page Experience & Core Web Vitals

These two things work hand in hand:

  • A great user experience means the store will convert better.
  • An optimised website means it will rank better.

Ultimately you end up with more targeted traffic as well as higher conversion rates and revenues.

Hiring A Shopify Expert Can Help You Focus On The Essential

Let’s face it:

SEO campaigns are:

  • Complex to run
  • Time-consuming tasks

The industry is constantly changing, evolving which makes it hard to stay up-to-date.

Outsourcing SEO to a Shopify expert takes all of this off your plate.

You give them the access and they take care of the rest. You can enjoy the benefits of expert-level SEO without having to commit your own time to it.

What else do you want?

With the right Shopify SEO expert, you can focus on your businesses’ growth and have peace of mind that your SEO is taken care of.

How To Find The Right Shopify SEO Expert For You

Nearly every client I work with has made the same mistake (at least once).

They start looking for an SEO agency before defining exactly what they need from their SEO agency.

This is a recipe for disaster.

You need to have some criteria in place before you even start looking

So what should you consider when finding a Shopify SEO expert?

Here are 4 things I recommend.

1. Define What You Need Help With

The first step is to identify precisely what SEO fixes and site improvements are needed.

SEO is a huge area. You can work on many things, but you want to get the most essential things fixed first.

shopify seo audit

You can use the free SEMRush trial to do that.

Make a list of improvements you think your online store needs. Improvements can include things like:

Having a list ready to show your Shopify SEO expert will help them understand what you want to focus on.

If you really have no idea, start with an SEO audit. You can use this free trial to audit your site and give you a good overview of your website’s overall SEO.

2. Find a Shopify SEO Expert That Offers The Services You Need

Once you have an idea of your website’s needs, it’s time to make a shortlist of potential Shopify SEO experts that can help.

You must find one that offers the services that suit your needs.

There are a lot of Shopify SEO experts out there. The agency you choose should have a good understanding of your business and have the skills to help it grow.

Here are a couple of things to consider:

  • Do they offer a range of SEO services that will help you?
  • How are their previous results with other clients?
  • Do they have verified case studies?
  • What’s their customer support like?
  • Have they worked with other similar businesses like yours?

Answers to these questions will help you narrow down the list of SEO agencies you choose from.

3. Compare Prices

When you start looking for a Shopify SEO expert, you will see that prices fluctuate from agency to agency.

Budgeting for your business is important. That also applies to hiring an SEO agency for your store.

Make sure that the service fees of a potential hire are within your budget. You want to see how much they charge and what they are offering for that price.

Determine exactly what you are paying for to evaluate whether you are getting a good service for a good price.

Keep an eye on low prices.

If you have been following me for a while now, you will know that I am serious about this.

Cheap SEO services = red flag.

As you start researching, you will come across numerous agencies promising significant results for low prices.

Avoid these at all costs.

They likely use black hat techniques that end up hurting your website in the long run.

You can check out my SEO pricing to see how much you can expect to pay for high-quality SEO services.

4. Look At Clients’ Testimonials

It’s simple:

Good SEO services will mean happy clients.

Client testimonials are essential. They help you evaluate whether or not a particular SEO agency will be a good fit for you.

Look at the Shopify SEO experts’ website:

  • Do they have real testimonials?
  • Are they from reputable companies?
  • Do they offer any case studies?
  • How long does the average client work with them?

client testimonial search logistics
If they have provided good services to past clients, you can be confident they will do the same for you.

The Best Place To Find A Shopify SEO Expert

I think we can all agree:

Finding a quality Shopify SEO expert doesn’t come without its challenges.

Below you’ll see a few ways to find one that works for you.

On top of that, I also included a couple of SEO services that I recommend.

Matthew Woodward’s Consultation Service

Of course, I have to recommend myself.

As someone who is passionate about ecommerce SEO, I know how powerful SEO can be for online store owners.

freelance seo consultant

I have helped heaps of online stores grow traffic and revenue with SEO.

In my SEO consultations, I can help you:

  • Create an intelligent SEO strategy
  • Diagnose your SEO issues
  • Recover from search penalties
  • Give valuable ecommerce SEO advice
  • Answer any questions you have

And more… Just check out this case study to see how I managed to increase revenue by 3x for one of my ecommerce clients in just 90 days.

Learn more about my SEO consultant service here.

SearchLogistics Ecommerce SEO Services

SearchLogistics is my full service SEO agency.

We understand that ecommerce SEO is different to standard SEO:

seo case study results from a shopify seo expert

If you want a completely hands-off SEO service, we have one of the best ecommerce SEO processes available.

I think we are an excellent choice because we:

  • Have years of experience in ecommerce SEO
  • Have lots of documented case studies of actual results
  • Provide excellent customer service through an online help desk
  • Offer Shopify SEO services that are tailored to each client’s needs
  • Provide in-depth SEO audits to identify the significant issues that need fixing
  • Focus on getting results that will grow your businesses revenue, not just traffic
  • Offer white label SEO services

Submit an enquiry here to learn more about how we can help you. And if you want more option, you can check out my list of ecommerce SEO services.

Shopify Experts

Shopify Experts is a directory of Shopify approved freelancers and agencies who understand how the platform works.

It is a great option to find an SEO Shopify expert for your online store.

shopify experts platform

Shopify experts are not just for SEO.

They have experts in lots of different areas such as:

  • Design
  • Web development
  • Marketing

…and more.

The best thing about Shopify Experts is their review system.

Look through each service provider and read genuine reviews from real customers. Shopify oversees the whole review system ensuring its authenticity.

You can either browse through different SEO providers profiles and contact them directly.

Shopify SEO Experts

Or you can create a job and SEO providers will submit proposals for you to review.

Shopify has done a great job with the platform making it:

  • Easy to use
  • Safe
  • Reliable

Wrapping It Up

SEO is a powerful marketing channel for Shopify store owners. But it is also a long process that requires a significant amount of time.

Hiring an expert to do it for you takes the pressure off of your shoulders.

You receive the benefits of an expert working on your website while you focus on building your online store.

You don’t just want to hire any SEO agency…

You want to hire a Shopify SEO expert.

This way you get the most out of the SEO features on the platform.

And remember:

Being able to trust your SEO agency is important. Ensure that the Shopify SEO expert you hire has past results to show you so you can be confident in the service they provide.

search logistics cta

Frequently Asked Questions

Shopify isn't bad for SEO. Quite the opposite. Shopify is an incredible ecommerce platform for SEO with many built-in features. If you take advantage of these features, you should achieve good rankings and organic traffic results.
Prices tend to fluctuate between Shopify SEO agencies depending on what services you need. You can expect to pay $2,000 to $5,000 per month for a quality Shopify SEO expert.
Hiring an SEO expert is worth it and will save you time and effort. They have all the knowledge and know-how to get the most out of the Shopify platform. You can spend more time on your business while the expert manages your SEO for you.

Link Building

Link building you will be proud of.

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SEO Agency

We take full control of your traffic.

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Learn Portal

Free SEO tutorials to increase your traffic.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

4 Responses

  1. Great post … amazing way of guiding…. Thanks sir & keep it up …Sir I have a question regarding my blog its articles are not indexing since last 2 months .. what can i do for it that google indexing them … My blog url is

  2. Really awesome guideline on selecting the right SEO Expert for a Shopify store. Matthew has real-world experience and cutting-edge knowledge about SEO Work and I know about his work because some of his clients are also my clients as they use my product Revolution Slider on their sites. So I think every store owner should consider his advice before going to hire an SEO Expert.

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