Choosing The Best SEO Reporting Software For YOUR Business

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The right SEO reporting software will allow you to easily establish the value you are delivering to clients.

Whether you are building links, creating content or fixing technical SEO issues…

…the right SEO reporting software makes it easy to demonstrate the value of the work you are doing for your client.

seo reporting software templates

And if you set things up correctly, you’ll never have to create a manual report ever again so you can focus on the tasks that deliver results rather than client management.

So let me show you how to choose the best SEO reporting software for you!

What to Look for in SEO Reporting Software

There are so many SEO reporting options out there. You could easily spend hours scouring the internet for SEO reporting tools which is…

…A great waste of time and energy!

So, to make things easy for you, I’m going to reveal to you the 6 criteria that I use to evaluate SEO reporting software.


Let’s get started!

Relevant Data Reporting

SEO reporting is all about one word: Relevant Data.

If you have a client trying to rank keywords in their local area…

…they won’t be interested in country-wide results.

seo data

So whatever SEO reporting software you choose, must include the data that each of your clients need. This isn’t always a one size fits all solution for everyone.

Third-Party Integrations With Other Tools

How many seo tools does your agency use?

I bet it’s a lot.

The key to easy reporting is this: Integration.

databox integrations

Your SEO reporting software must centralise all of your KPI’s into one report.


Because with the right integrations in place, you can send one single report from one tool instead of multiple reports from multiple tools.

I guarantee you this will make your life easier.

Ability To Scale With You

You’ve invested in one particular SEO reporting software…

You’re happy with it but soon, you realise that you need the next payment plan because your agency is growing.

agency analytics plans

Turns out:

You’ve got to change to a completely new piece of software because the current one doesn’t offer a plan that meets your growth needs.

And so the vicious cycle begins…

Your SEO reporting software should work perfectly whether you have 10 clients or 100.

The Features You Actually Need

The whole point of SEO reporting is to be able to demonstrate a tangible ROI to your client (hopefully on autopilot).

So you want to make sure the tool you choose can at the very least:

  • Track rankings
  • Monitor backlinks
  • Track organic traffic/conversions
  • Measure core website analytics

ahrefs seo dashboard

So before you choose a tool, make a list of the KPI’s that you use for each client SEO campaign performance.

Easy To Use

Advanced reporting might look dazzling at first, but then it just becomes annoying.

Get SEO reporting software that is both: user-friendly and easy to operate

…Regardless of who is using it:

  • Clients
  • Staff
  • Freelancers

They all need to be able to use and navigate the software easily.


If you are like most SEO’s: You love automation features.

One of the key goals of SEO reporting software is to save you time. So, your SEO reporting tool should automate tasks like:

  • Sending recurring reports
  • Updating data regularly

…And more!

The Best SEO Reporting Software

With everything above in mind, it’s important to remember that the best SEO reporting software for me, isn’t necessarily the best for you.

So let’s take a look at 5 of the best SEO reporting tools on the market

I’ve tried and tested them to help you choose the best one for your own SEO agency.

1. SEMRush

SEMRush is a complete all-in-one marketing tool but are also known as having one of the easiest to use SEO reports:

SEMRush SEO report software

They have a ton of prebuilt SEO reporting templates to choose from which are easy to customise and brand with a drag and drop interface.

There really isn’t much that you can’t do with it and as a reporting tool it is one of the strongest on this list.

You can deliver any type of SEO report you need:

  • Key metrics SEO report
  • Competitor research report
  • Technical SEO report
  • Organic SEO report
  • Backlinks report

They even have a Google My Business SEO report available and tons of integrations for you to work with.

What’s Unique About SEMRush SEO Reporting?

SEMRush stands out because of its ability to compare your website against competitors.

Think about it:

It’s like having a mole on all of your competitor’s websites…

…all the time.

This is really powerful because you:

  • Stay ahead of the competition
  • Get detailed reporting on complex metics
  • Track your client’s performance against competitors over time
  • Customise reports to showcase exactly what you want

The reporting tool itself is also very customisable and offers you a lot of room to include anything you want in the report.

And when I say anything…

…I mean literally any key metric you could ever possibly want!

SEMRush SEO reporting builder

Their report building process is well thought out. You can have a default template to use for each client or you can customise it for each individual client.

Take a look at my full SEMRush review to learn more about what it can do beyond just SEO reporting.

You can also see how Semrush stands against its biggest competitor Ahrefs in my Ahrefs vs Semrush analysis.

2. Databox

Databox is a dashboard analytics tools that integrates with everything.

They offer a range of beautiful SEO dashboards that not only look awesome but are sure to impress your clients.

databox seo reporting sofware

Databox has a huge list of features:

  • Integrate all of your tools in one place
  • Build beautiful customised dashboards without coding
  • Set up measurable goals and track performance
  • Display dashboards live so clients can check in anytime
  • Receive alerts when goals are achieved or metrics change significantly

Databox offers a huge amount of flexibility in reporting and it is the dashboard that I use to drive the TV in the office.

What’s Unique About Databox SEO Reporting?

Wish you could have all of your sales, social and SEO data in one dashboard?

They have over 70+ one-click integrations all ready to go. One-click-integrations means you don’t need any coding to integrate the software.

databox integrations

They integrate with most of the big SEO and analytics tools:

  • SEMRush
  • Ahrefs
  • MOZ
  • Accuranker
  • Google Analytics
  • Google My Business

To make things even better:

Databox also enables you to calculate metrics.

databox seo performance reporting tools

For example:

To calculate your client’s ROI from organic traffic, you can integrate:

  • Stripe
  • Google Analytics
  • Ahrefs

Take the relevant data source from each tool to showcase the ROI:

  • Demonstrate keyword rankings with Ahrefs
  • Showcase the amount of organic traffic with Google Analytics
  • Feature exactly how much money they made with Stripe

But that’s not all.

You can take it even one step further by calculating how much revenue on average the client made per organic visitor…

…all of this displayed in one beautiful dashboard. Claim your free Databox account here.

3. Accuranker

Accuranker is known as the world’s fastest keyword rank tracker.

What does that mean?

No one actually knows…

…But it does sound good!

my accuranker seo reporting dashboard

Accuranker enables you to take a deep dive into the SERP’s and understands what’s going on out there.

Their key features include:

  • Proprietary share of voice metric
  • Daily updated keyword ranking positions automatically
  • Ability to manually update your keyword rankings anytime
  • In-depth data analysis
  • Customisable SEO reporting
  • Historical records of SERP’s
  • Mobile rank tracking

With Accuranker you can easily stay on top of clients rankings all the time.

What’s Unique About Accuranking SEO Reporting?

Circling back around to the whole “fastest keyword rank tracker” thing…

…It is actually an amazing feature.

Accuranker is one of the most accurate rank tracking tools available.

Even better:

You can log in and refresh your ranking positions anytime you want.

accuranker daily seo reporting updates

Their SEO reporting features include:

  • Easy to use report builder
  • Report on all key metrics
  • Whitelabel each report with your own branding
  • Track thousands of keywords at one time
  • Receive alerts on significant ranking changes

You can also drill right down and generate customised reports on individual pages.

Take a look at my full Accuranker review to learn more about what it can do.

4. Agency Analytics

Agency Analytics is designed for small to medium-sized marketing agencies.

Like Databox, Agency Analytics allows you to connect different data sources to their platform through data integrations.

agency analytics seo reporting

The data is displayed in well-designed dashboards that are updated daily.

Agency Analytics features include:

  • Automated marketing reports and dashboards
  • Native integrations from the top SEO tools
  • Ability to brand each dashboard with your logo and colours
  • Comment on reports before they are sent to clients
  • Unlimited staff accounts on the lowest plan
  • Simple drag and drop functionality
  • They have over 50+ native integrations.

The dashboards can also be completely customised.

Agency Analytics does provide a range of templates or you can start from scratch.

What’s Unique About Agency Analytics SEO Reporting?

Although Agency Analytics does share some similarities to Databox, the SEO reporting is where it really differentiates itself.

Agency Analytics includes more native integrations to SEO tools.

That’s a big plus on its own.

But where they really shine though is their own SEO reporting tools:

  1. Keyword Rank Tracker
  2. Backlink Monitor
  3. Website Audit Tool
  4. Competitor Tools

agency analytics seo tools

These are created by Agency Analytics and are built directly into the software. There is no need to connect any of your other SEO tools (unless you want to).

It makes SEO reporting that much easier.


  • Sign up
  • Use an SEO template
  • Add your client’s website.

Within minutes the data will be pulled into the dashboard report ready to be sent over to your client.

It doesn’t get easier than that!

5. Ahrefs

If you’re a backlink analytics nerd like me, no doubt you have come across Ahrefs.

Ahrefs is the king of backlink checkers.


Second, only to Google, Ahrefs boasts a massive index of 12 trillion known links.


12 trillion!

With all of this link juice flowing around, Ahrefs is also a very robust and in-depth SEO reporting software.

Ahrefs features include:

  • New and lost backlink tracking report
  • Powerful website auditing tool
  • Customised SEO reporting templates
  • Excellent competitor analysis
  • Drill down into specific pages
  • Track mobile and desktop ranking separately
  • The site crawler visits billions of sites each hour

Ahrefs is one of the most powerful SEO tools available. It gives you complete control of everything you need when reporting meaningful SEO metrics to clients.

What’s Unique About Ahrefs SEO Reporting?

Ahrefs has a huge database of indexed websites.

Second only to Google.

This gives them the unique ability to provide the most actionable SEO data.

ahrefs seo reporting tools

By actionable SEO data…

…I mean they know almost everything about:

  • Your competitor’s website
  • What you need to do to rank for a keyword
  • Complex backlinks data
  • On-page SEO metrics

What does all this mean for you?

Basically, you can create a report on any keyword and Ahrefs supplies all the information you need to rank for that keyword.

That’s what I call real SEO power.

Custom reports can be scheduled to send automatically so you don’t have to manually deliver them. Read my full Ahrefs review to learn more about the tool.

The Best Free SEO Reporting Software

Need good SEO reporting software but don’t have a lot of money to invest?

Don’t worry because I’ve got you covered…

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is a data visualisation and reporting tool.

It is highly versatile and allows you to create beautiful dashboards and reports from just about anything.

google data studio reporting software

The best part is:

It’s completely free to use!

Google Data Studio also has a ton of integrations which means you can create highly customised reports and dashboards for your clients.

Google Data Studio is relatively easy to use but does have a steep learning curve.

The features of Google Data Studio include:

  • Connect with over 800+ data sources
  • Create clean highly-customised SEO traffic reports
  • Easily share reports with other staff or clients
  • Schedule automatic delivery of reports

With the free version of Google Data Studio, you can create up to five multi-page reports.

These reports can be shared with an unlimited number of users.

What else can you ask for free?

What’s Unique Google Data Studio SEO Reporting?

The most significant benefit of Google Data Studio is its superior integrations to other Google tools such as:

This allows you to report on more complex SEO metrics from any of the Google tools.

Google Data Studio also allows for cross-platform data calculations.

Like Databox, you can calculate your own KPI metrics within the software itself.

google data studio integrations

If you have ecommerce SEO clients you can combine sales data directly with organic website traffic data to demonstrate the ROI of your SEO services.

Though the initial setup may take a little more time, you can save templates to use for different clients.

For a free tool, these features are very impressive!

Looking for more great (and free) SEO software? Check out my list of free SEO tools.

Wrapping It Up

SEO reporting is at the heart of maintaining strong relations with clients…

…and retaining them.

The ability to create SEO reports that accurately demonstrate the results that you generate for your clients can make or break your business.

And while there are loads of SEO reporting tools to choose from, you must consider what you actually need:

  • What KPI’s do I have?
  • What features do I need?
  • Does it have the right integrations?

The most important question to think about is

Will this help me easily show value to clients?

This is where it will make a difference for you and your clients.

If you can do that, you’re on the right track!

Want more tools to power up your business? Check out my list of SEO software for agencies.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

5 Responses

  1. HiiIt can be difficult to select the best SEO reporting software for your company. Some may advise you to invest in paid software, while others may argue that it isn’t necessary and that you can get by with free options such as Google Analytics.

  2. Choosing the best SEO reporting software for your business can be hard. Some might recommend that you invest in paid software, but others will say it’s not worth it and just use free options like Google Analytics. Here are also some few points to consider before picking a system for your own business needs:Track vs Monitor = Track is used to find out how online marketing campaigns were performing. Monitoring is used to stay aware of what is happening with ones competitors (search engine placement, visibility and traffic) Measurement Methods = Some report on site metrics only or offsite metrics only, while others include.

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