Organic SEO Services: What You Need To Know Before Hiring

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Thinking about hiring organic SEO services to improve your SEO?

SEO offers a lot of benefits to your business. It can:

  • Increase your brand visibility
  • Drive more targeted site traffic
  • Grow sales and revenue

Here’s the problem:

Good organic SEO services can be hard to come by.

There are so many SEO services promising to deliver huge SEO results in short periods of time. How do you know which one you can trust?

In this blog, I will tell you everything you need to know about organic SEO services and recommend the 3 best ones.

What Are Organic SEO Services?

Organic SEO services help your online business get more visibility in the Google search results.

They have the skills and experience to optimise your website so that you rank higher for targeted keywords.

Like you would hire an expert plumber when you have a clogged drain… You hire expert organic SEO services to:

Good organic SEO services will focus on ranking for quality keywords that drive leads and sales for your business.

They will deliver consistent results that help you accomplish your business goals.

What Services Are Provided By Organic SEO Services?

Before hiring organic SEO services, you need to know what they will do for you. It’s all well and good to know that your website is going to rank higher…

But how does the agency accomplish it? And more important, what’s the benefit for your business?

Here are the key services organic SEO agencies offer.

1. Technical SEO Audits

Think of a technical SEO audit as a complete review of your website.

Unless you have a deep knowledge of SEO, technical audits are complicated to do. But they are essential to every SEO campaign.

technical SEO audit

Executing an SEO campaign without a technical SEO audit is like trying to assemble Ikea furniture without an instruction manual.

The truth about Google is that they are dedicated to delivering the best user experiences.

This naturally means that they will only promote websites they know are capable of providing a good experience for their users.

Technical SEO audits improve user experience by identifying technical SEO errors on your website that will affect the user experience including:

And so much more.

One way to tell if you’re hiring a high-quality organic SEO service is if they start with a technical SEO audit.

This is the foundation of building an effective SEO campaign for your business.

Interested in SEO audit? Check out my 4 step SEO audit case study!

2. Keywords Research

SEO campaigns are built around keywords.


Because every search from a potential customer starts with a keyword. They go to Google and type in a series of keywords.

Identifying those keywords through in-depth keyword research is critical to generating quality leads and sales with SEO.

Think of it like this:

If you can uncover the keywords your customers are using, you will be able to reach your ideal customer at exactly the right time.

There are two primary keyword types:

  1. Commercial keywords: (also called buyer keywords) The searcher wants to buy
  2. Informational keywords: The searcher wants to learn

How to determine keyword intent

Both play an important role in your SEO campaign.

Informational Keywords

… are great for reaching your audience and building trust.

Commercial Keywords

… are focused on converting users into customers.

The best organic SEO services have proven processes in place to conduct effective keyword research.

They know how to uncover the keywords that best serve your business and give you the greatest ROI.

3. Competitor Analysis

Ever wonder how your top SEO competitors rank in Google?

It’s simple: They invested tons of time and money into SEO.

Smart organic SEO services will leverage your competitor’s hard work to help maximise your own SEO results.


By conducting an in-depth competitor analysis.

A competitor analysis does 4 really important things:

  1. Shows how you stack up against competitors
  2. Uncovers your competitors organic SEO strategy
  3. Tells you what you need to do to beat them
  4. Finds your competitors most important backlinks

From this, the agency will outline a plan of action to outrank your competitors over time.

4. On-page SEO

Google is pretty good, but they aren’t perfect.

They still need help from website owners to know what your website is about and who it’s for. That’s where on-page SEO comes in.

Good on-page SEO makes it as easy as possible for Google to understand your website. When Google understands your website better, it can:

  • Categorise it
  • Index it

This leads to an increase in ranking for relevant keywords.

top five onpage seo factors

Think of quality on-page SEO as the key to building a solid relationship with Google.

There are hundreds of on-page SEO factors that Google looks at. It uses each of these factors as little signals to gauge your website’s quality and content.

Organic SEO services will optimise important factors so that Google understands exactly what your content is about.

This will form the foundation for each target keyword you want to rank for.

5. Monthly Reporting

Good reporting is needed to help you know exactly where your campaign is up to.

Reputable organic SEO services provide in-depth reports every month. You will get them delivered directly to you so you can check how your campaign is progressing.

Got questions about the report?

Good agencies are happy to answer any questions related to the report that you need clarification on.

Here’s what you expect to see in your report:

  • Monthly organic traffic
  • Current website rankings
  • Sales/leads generated from organic traffic
  • Website optimisation score
  • Important SEO KPI metrics

Organic SEO services will take advantage of SEO reporting software and build custom SEO dashboards that contain important data you need.

databox seo performance report

You can then filter the data to see historical information and how your campaign has progressed over time.

Note: Transparent SEO reporting is important.

Ensure that you only hire an SEO agency that offers complete transparency with their SEO reports so you can be confident in the results they deliver.

What Are The 3x Best Organic SEO Services?

There are tons of organic SEO services that promise huge results and charge cheap SEO prices.

Don’t get caught in this trap.

Choose an SEO agency you have confidence in and can trust to deliver the results you need. These are the three best organic SEO services I confidently recommend.

1. Search Logistics

Ready to get some real traction with your SEO?

Search Logistics is my own SEO agency. You can have my personal SEO team working on your website and managing your SEO campaign.

search logistics seo agency

We are a trusted SEO agency with a reputation for consistently delivering excellent results for clients.

My expert team specialises in full-service SEO and have an experienced team that knows how to maximise SEO results using proven SEO strategies.

On top of that, they offer enterprise SEO services for bigger websites!

Why Do I recommend Search Logistics?

It’s easy to recommend Search Logistics.


Two words – Verified results.

You know that I am all about results! My SEO team is exactly the same.

Search Logistics has the largest amount of published case studies of any SEO agency online. You can spend hours reviewing each of the available case studies.

search logistics case studies

We have worked with hundreds of clients from all over the world, documenting a lot of results that they get for each client.

We’ve also detailed:

  • The challenges of each campaign
  • The solutions they implemented to overcome those challenges

This gives you an inside look at the SEO strategies my team uses to consistently get above-average SEO results for clients.

Are you investing in SEO to increase your businesses sales?

Most SEO services are only focused on higher rankings and increasing SEO traffic. Rankings and site traffic are both important but only if they lead to an increase in sales.

At Search Logistics we are sales-focussed. Our team is known for creating holistic SEO strategies that incorporate a customer journey and increase conversion rates.

convert search traffic

You can depend on Search Logistics to help you accomplish your business goals.

What Can You Expect From Search Logistics

Search Logistics is very transparent with all of our clients.

We have designed a client experience that makes it easy to understand how they will execute your SEO campaign and ensure that you are always up to date on the progress.

Search Logistics will take care of the entire SEO campaign including:

  • Understanding your goals
  • In-depth website audit
  • Keyword research
  • Creating a comprehensive SEO strategy
  • Technical and on-page SEO
  • Quality link building
  • Conversion rate optimisation
  • Consistent reporting

Search Logistics SEO campaigns are designed for you to sit back while your SEO continues to improve all the time.

If you are looking for an SEO agency you can confidently trust, contact the Search Logistics team.

2. The Search Initiative

The Search Initiative is owned by SEO pro – Matt Diggity.

They offer full-service SEO and have helped hundreds of clients get great results in lots of different industries.

the search initiative organic seo services

The Search Initiative will create customised monthly SEO packages tailored to your business and industry.

Why Do I recommend The Search Initiative?

The Search Initiative team are SEO experts.

SEO is a broad industry. Within each SEO campaign, there are a number of required skills to execute the campaign effectively.

The Search Initiative has specialised experts in each core area of SEO.

That means you will get a comprehensive SEO campaign executed by real specialists who know what they are doing.

search initiative stats

Testing is often an overlooked part of SEO. Most agencies don’t do it because they don’t have the required knowledge.

The Search Initiative describes themselves as “SEO scientists“.

That means they are constantly testing the Google algorithm to see what works best.

With The Search Initiative, you have the latest SEO strategies and techniques being implemented in your campaign.

What Can You Expect From The Search Initiative

All of The Search Initiative campaigns are headed by a dedicated account manager.

That allows them to keep a strong eye on your industry and the campaign itself.

When you first sign with The Search Initiative they will do a comprehensive SEO audit. From here they will draw up a tailored SEO strategy to put you on the first page of Google.

Their SEO services include:

  • Website monitoring
  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Content writing
  • Off-site authority building
  • Campaign reporting

Before beginning any SEO work, you will get a detailed checklist of what they will be improving on your website and their campaign expectations.

3. WebFX

Web FX is a big digital marketing agency.

And when I say big, I mean they have over 300+ staff members working from their 8 offices in the United States.

webfx seo services

Web FX isn’t just an SEO service. They are a full-service digital marketing agency offering a number of services to their clients.

SEO is one of the services they really specialise in.

Why Do I recommend Web FX?

Web FX has a large dedicated team.

Being a big agency means they have lots of resources and SEO experts to deliver you a successful SEO campaign.

Although Web FX is a digital marketing agency, they do specialise in SEO. You will get experienced SEO experts who have the knowledge to generate tangible SEO results.

Web FX has worked with thousands of clients worldwide, so you can be confident they can deliver on their promises.

What Can You Expect From WebFX

Web FX is a large agency which means they are process-driven.

Your campaign will run like clockwork from the moment you contact them to every time you receive each monthly SEO report.

All Web FX SEO campaigns include:

  • Complete website audit
  • Keyword research
  • Earned media assets
  • Phone call tracking
  • Competitor monitoring
  • Monthly reporting

Web FX offers set organic SEO service plans that you can choose from.

If you feel that the plans aren’t a good fit for your business, you can ask them for a custom plan which they will create for you.

How Organic SEO Services Can Help You Grow

Only ever invest in SEO services that can deliver. Hiring a cheap SEO agency just isn’t worth the risk.

When it comes to SEO…

“You get what you pay for.”

This is what you can expect from reputable organic SEO services.

They Can Identify And Fix All The SEO Issues That Stop You From Growing

There is no way around it…

As your website grows SEO issues will arise.

If left unchecked these SEO issues can:

  • Stunt your growth
  • Cause serious problems on your website

Organic SEO services have the necessary software and skills to identify issues quickly and fix them before they have a chance to impact your SEO.

Hiring an SEO company on a monthly retainer means you can relax because they take care of your SEO.

Anytime an issue comes up, they will take care of it without you having to do anything.

You can focus on your business while being confident that your SEO is in good hands.

They Can Help You Generate Consistent Organic Traffic And Improve Your Rankings

Good SEO compounds over time.

As your website search engine rankings increase, you will build trust with Google. The more trust you build, the more traffic you get and a compounding effect starts to take place.

Compare that to paid advertising where the moment you stop paying for the ads is the moment your traffic dies off.

SEO is one of the best strategies to drive consistent targeted traffic to your website that can have a huge long-term ROI.

(Pro tip: Want to get highly-target traffic to your site? Learn how to get on Google news!)

google analytics SEO results

Quality organic SEO services know how to take advantage of compounding SEO strategies. They have the experience and team needed to rank your website high in search engine results pages and generate consistent organic traffic.

This is how you can really start to scale your business.

They Can Help You Create A Customer Journey That Boost Your Sale And Revenue

SEO is one of the best ways to get new customers.


Because they come to you. You don’t have to do any outreach. Your customer’s search for relevant keywords, find your business in the search engine results and reach out to you.

This is about as natural as customer and business relationships get.

But SEO isn’t only about website traffic and rankings.

Good SEO agencies understand the role that SEO plays in the overall customer journey. They can build an organic SEO strategy that enhances your business customer journey and ultimately increase conversions.

If you are looking to consistently generate sales, hiring a reputable SEO company is one of the best investments you can make.

GROWTH ALERT: Click Here To Increase Your Search Traffic Step by Step

Wrapping It Up

SEO offers a lot of benefits for your business.

But it also takes a lot of time and effort to execute an effective SEO campaign. Without the right knowledge, you will likely end up spinning your wheels and going nowhere.

The best way to take advantage of SEO is to hire reputable organic SEO services.

This way you can focus on growing your business while the agency handles your SEO.

Ready to start your SEO campaign?

I recommend contacting Search Logistics. Let my personal SEO team take care of your SEO so you can focus on growing your business.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

2 Responses

  1. his article sheds light on crucial aspects to consider before hiring organic SEO services. The information provided is insightful and practical, offering a clear guide for those navigating the complex world of SEO. Thanks for breaking it down in a straightforward manner!

    Best regards,

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