How To Increase Search Visibility With FAQ Schema

  • Matthew Woodward
  • Updated on Jun 29, 2024

Once you have watched the video below I guarantee you stop everything you are doing to implement it immediately.

Because I am going to show you how to take advantage of FAQ Schema to-

  • Increase search traffic (in near real time)
  • Win double listings on the same page
  • And gently push rankings towards the top of page 1

Don’t believe me? Then watch this-

Because in less than 5 minutes I was able to serious increase search visibility by popping the FAQ results box for my target keyword.

That was repeated with multiple examples in the video above including popping a double listing result with attached FAQ box.

double search result with faq schema

And of course…

…you saw how I had a little bit of fun with it as well-


Which I have now removed because that’s not how they should be used and no doubt there will be a future penalty for people that abuse it (you’ve been warned!).


So let me take you behind the scenes of the full process end to end because I am sure you are excited to start experimenting!

Here we go…

How To Add FAQ Schema To Your Site

Adding FAQ Schema to your posts and pages is pretty straight forward.

It takes around 5 minutes to add them to each post/page but as you’ve seen, Google processes the results in near real time!

faq structured data example

Before integrating FAQ Schema, you should pay close attention to-

  1. Google Developers Docs
  2. Google Webmaster Central Blog

You can also learn more about them at SearchEngineLand & SERoundTable.

In the video below, I am going to give you access to my FAQ snippet code generator AND the full process end to end including-

  • How we find the questions
  • How we choose which questions to add
  • How we add the questions on the front end
  • FREE TOOL: My FAQ snippet code generator

Resources In The Video

If you want to download the video to hand off to your team easily – just sponsor a dog here, forward me the email confirmation and I’ll send you the MP4 file.

Why Does This Work So Well?

I often find weird things with Google that I can’t replicate.

However this is different because it’s so solid, so robust, so repeatable – almost sequential. It’s like it was programmed to function like this.

But WHY would it be programmed it to function like this?

Because what better way to get everyone to give you the data you want, in the format you want it for every topic on the planet from qualified individuals?

All Google needed to do to win the $49 billion dollar voice market is increase the weight/visibility of FAQ snippet data in the algorithm…

Then all the SEO sheep like us run to feed them the data they want, in exchange for higher search visibility.

Let me put it like this. Can you say medic update?

Google has spent the last 20 years organizing the worlds data, it’s what they do better than anybody else. This is an advantage that competitors like Alexa and Siri don’t have.

And that’s why they are consistently proven to return the most accurate results-

response success

So I can’t see why else this would work with such efficiency unless it is intended to.

There are multiple things happening in real time from the request of the crawl, the actual crawl, the processing of the data, updating the index and then pushing it into search results.

It’s highly unlikely that a bug could transverse all of those things in complete harmony.

But arguably it’s a win, win, win situation-

  • Google wins because they can extract higher quality data from authoritative sources
  • Publishers win because they get more visibility in the search results & voice search
  • Users win because they get the answers they need, when and how they need them

What do you think about it all?

Wrapping It Up

Does FAQ Schema and rich snippets have your attention yet?

I highly recommend you go and integrate this on 5-6 pages on your site that are ranking on the first page of Google.

It will take you less than 30 minutes to implement and the results will speak for themselves. Especially if you integrate my SEO copywriting tips as well!

Please come back to this post and let me know what results you see

I am excited to hear from you!

Note: If you implement Shopify schema markup/structured data, don’t forget to test their quality with a schema tester.

search logistics cta

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What Are Your Thoughts?

140 Responses

  1. i have questions:how many time i use Faq’s Code in my website?how can i get different FAQ’s for different Pages?Do google allow us to put FAQ’s code on multiple pages?is it safe to put same FAQ’s code in different Pages/posts?

  2. Hey Matthew, Woah this works like magic! I got your email this morning and was a bit sceptical at first, then after reading comments from others decided to give it a try.I was so blown away. Within minutes after implementing the steps on one of my test posts that was ranking on page 6. I noticed the post has jumped to page 4. Thanks, man for sharing, now I have a shining new trick on my SEO toolkit.Sam Steve

  3. Come on, dude, you are by far my first resource, and school when I want to learn more!Thank for all you provide to the SEO community bro,Cheers! Amazing article, BTW!

  4. That worked like a charm in under ten minutes start to finish & i watched the video twice!Much appreciated Matt

  5. Excellent SEO Tool! Thank you so much for sharing, Matthew. Works in real-time on all my sites. You are really SEO Guru. Good luck in your business 🙂

  6. Hey Matthew,Great job! It is working. It took not half an hour, just a few minutes! Though I’ve read Neil’s post, thank goes to you because I’ve learned it from you first.

    1. No you should only do it where it will add to your user experience.You certainly shouldn’t be abusing the blind trust of Google.

  7. Nice hack, 2 quick questions I already have implemented a number of schema codes on certain pages, will the FAQ schema not come up if the review schema and the product schema or the playlist schema already exists?Also if there are not enough questions on Google about a certain topic but have an FAQ already on your page that may answer the user’s queries, is it a good idea to just make up your own questions and answer them?Thanks from Dan – The Corporatethief Beats

  8. I am a local Massage Therapist.This looks interesting but when I search for geo-targeted results I do not receive the “people also ask” box.Is there a way to solve this?

    1. I mean – you could add it and see what happens”Where to find a massage therapist in ….”Then answer it

    1. Yes it helps if your URL is on the first page and there is a “People Also Ask” box.However I have found success moving things from the second page to the first page by adding the FAQ content to the page itself and the snippet code.

  9. So, this code had to be added for every FAQ section we want to get?? Wont this increase the loading time of every posts and pages on the site??

  10. The video is not being played. Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here. is the error being shown.Kindly check it.

  11. Nice. Looks ripe for a simple FAQ Plugin with this baked in. Doing it manually for multiple sites with a lot of listing would be massively time consuming.

  12. This was already a known thing by plenty of SEOs, myself included. Clearly now you have blabbed it to the world Google will fix it in their next update.Numpty!

    1. This has been out in the wild for a long time, published all over places like SearchEngineJournal and Neil Patel covered it this week as well.I don’t believe Google will patch it because it’s allow them to win a $38 billion market.It is likely thought they will penalise people that abuse it.

  13. I have checked the search results and indeed your articles with FAQ rich snippets appear in the SERP. However, Google does not offer a way in each question/answer to click through to your website. I think this will reduce your CTR because Google offers a quick way for visitors to find what they need without clicking through to the website. What do you think about that?Thanks

    1. I think you should do 2 things-1) Spend 3-4 hours experimenting them with yourself (there’s more to learn but don’t tell if you find it)2) Keep copywriting in mind

  14. My competitor using this and get more click even not in rank 1, thanks for information let me try this technique

  15. Thanks Matthew for the guide and tool.I will use it to dominate more on pages that I already rank for.What a handy tool.

    1. It’s nothing new, it’s been around for around a year but what is new is how effective it has become.

  16. Hi again,I realised I had to remove the { brackets for it to work properly and save when updating the file in theme editor.A couple of issues though:1) I have a white bar across my whole website taht says – “function mw_faqhook_page_1564562392580() { if(is_page (“2676”)){ ?>”2) So i decided to remove the entire html code from my theme editor, but unable to update the file with this errorSomething went wrong. Your change may not have been saved. Please try again. There is also a chance that you may need to manually fix and upload the file over http://FTP.Not sure what to do?Thanks

    1. Remove the code and install the header and footers plugin, then paste the script out into that (dont use the Wordpress option)

  17. hi mat, arent you indexing that post twice since it says the url is already on google and also please how do we show to goolge when we update a page/post

    1. What do you mean?You can just search the URL in Google Search Console the request indexing

    2. I think I understand your question better, What he actually did was to notify Google about the recent changes made in the post so that the expected result will come up on SERP, it doesn’t have any side effect indexing it twice

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