6x Mobile Rank Tracking Tools That Provide Accurate Data

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Accurate mobile rank tracking is more important than ever.


    • Google differentiates between mobile rankings and desktop rankings – which means that It’s possible to rank on the first page in the SERPs for desktop devices but rank on the second page for mobile devices.
    • Over 63% of the Google searches are now done on mobile devices – which means that people are more likely to find your business while navigating on their mobile devices (phones, tablets etc).

So, if you were not paying attention to your mobile rankings, now is the time.

These are the top 6x mobile rank tracking tools to give you the most accurate data.

How To Track Your Mobile Rankings With…

Tracking your mobile rankings doesn’t have to be expensive.

There are good free mobile rank tracking tools that you can use. But if you want the best results, you can’t beat paid tools.

Here’s how to check your mobile rankings on the top free AND paid mobile rank trackers.

1. Google Search Console – (FREE)

Google Search Console is the easiest rank tracking tool to use.

The best part?

The data comes directly from Google and shows your real mobile ranking position.

Your ranking is recorded every time your site gets an impression in the search results, which means you get a real and accurate overview of your mobile rankings.

Here’s how to use Google Search Console’s mobile rank tracking tools:

Login to Google Search Console and click on “Search results”.

login google search console

Now click on “Devices” and select “Mobile”.

google search console mobile devices

Click on “Queries” and check the “Average Position” box at the top of the page.

google search console check average position

Scroll down. You’ll see the average ranking position for mobile devices on every keyword search that your website has received an impression for.

google search console average mobile ranking

Don’t forget: You can adjust the time at the top to see your average ranking position for every keyword for any time period.

2. Seobility Rank Tracking Tool (FREE)

Seobility is an all-in-one SEO tool.

seobility mobile rank tracker

The free forever plan allows you to check your mobile rankings for 10 keywords across different countries.

But what’s the catch?

You’ll need to sign up for an account.

With the free account, you can create one project for one website.

However, this give you access to a bunch of other SEO features you can take advantage of like the site audit and backlink analysis.

Although limited to only 10 keywords, the best thing about Seobility is that the mobile rank tracking updates daily for free.

You can log in and see your keyword position growth over time.

Signup for a Seobility account and select the “Free plan”.

seobility free plan

Finish the signup process and click on “Rank Checker”. Now add your:

  • Target keywords
  • Website
  • Target country (Google)

add target keyword

Make sure that you select “Mobile”.

Need to track local rankings?

Use the “city/region” search feature to add your region or your local area.

local search targeting

Now, click “Check Website Rankings”.

This gives you a detailed overview of your current ranking position for that keyword in the Google mobile search results.

mobile ranking results

To go further, you can even see:

    • The top 10 ranking websites for that keyword
    • What each website look like in the SERP

top 10 results

Just repeat the process to get a real-time look at other keyword positions or set up a project to track keywords daily!

You can always choose to upgrade to a paid Seobility plan, which allows you to track up to 300 keywords on mobile and desktop.

3. Ubersuggest Rank Tracking Tool (FREE)

Neil Patel is one of the biggest names in SEO.

He purchased Ubersuggest in February 2017 and has since turned it from a basic SEO tool into powerful SEO software.

You can use the free Ubersuggest mobile rank tracker to check your current ranking positions.


This gives you a good overview of your current rankings for up to 25 target keywords.

What if you want daily mobile rank tracking?

At this point, you will need to sign up for a paid plan. But even the entry-level plan (Individual) starts at just $12 a month.

You’ll also get many other features included, such as:

…and so much more.

Ready to check your mobile rankings on Ubersuggest?

Go to Ubersuggest and add your website to create a “temporary project”.

create project

Select the main target country or city that you want to track.

select target country for tracking

Add up to 25 target keywords that you want to track. Then click “Next”.

Note: You can even add a CSV file to make it faster.

add keywords for rank tracking

Add in your competitors if you want to track their rankings as well. Then click “Next”.

Note: Ubersuggest will automatically feature SEO competitors on the left.

add competitors

Ubersuggest will show you your current rankings for those target keywords.

current mobile rankings

You can click on any of the individual keywords to dive deeper into the SERPs. Cool, right?

4. Semrush Position Tracking Tool (PAID)

Semrush is considered a titan in the SEO world.

They have long been one of the best SEO tools money can buy!

semrush seo tool

Semrush was one of the first SEO tools to launch a mobile-specific rank tracking feature more than 6 years ago.

And they did a good job!

Their mobile rank tracking includes:

    • Daily updated position tracking
    • Ranking distribution
    • Competitor ranking analysis
    • Competitor discovery
    • Country, city and regional tracking

The list of features goes on and on. It really is one of the most comprehensive mobile rank tracking tools you can get.

Start a 14-day free trial with Semrush and click on “Keyword Manager”.

semrush keyword manager

Add in your target keywords and target location.

add keywords

Using Semrush for keyword research?

Quickly import all of your keywords directly from “Keyword Magic”.

Now that you have added your keywords it’s time to check your mobile ranking positions.

On the sidebar, click on “Position Tracking” and click the “Devices” and “Locations” tab.

semrush position tracking

Here you will see the keywords you just added and the current rankings.

Use the toggle to see the mobile rank tracking. There is a ton of data in the Position Tracking tool that you can use to compare your rankings vs your competitors.

Check out my full Semrush review to see all of the awesome things you can do with it.

5. Rank Tracker by SEO PowerSuite (PAID)

Rank Tracker is another powerful mobile rank tracking tool from SEO Powersuite.

rank tracker by seo powersuite

Although the user interface takes a minute to get used to, you get access to advanced keyword position monitoring and tracking features.

Rank Tracker’s top features include:

    • Easily check keyword positions in SERPs
    • See rankings for the exact location
    • Analyse the ranking performance of any keyword
    • Advanced keywords analysis
    • Detail keyword reports

One of Rank Tracker’s unique features is unlimited keywords. Most rank tracking tools price their plan based on the number of keywords you can track.

Rank Tracker allows you to track as many keywords as your heart desires.

The only downside is that Rank Tracker is a desktop-based software – not cloud-based which means that you need to:

  1. Download the software
  2. Run it on your computer

…to use the features

Check your mobile rankings with Rank Tracker by first downloading the software.

download rank tracker

It’s available on Windows, Mac and Linux.

To start, just create a “new project” and add your domain.

add your site

Next, you’ll need to add your target keywords.

add keywords

Lastly, select your target locations and Google mobile.

Note: Rank Tracker allows you to be very specific with the areas you want to track for mobile rankings.

add your locations for tracking keywords

That’s it! Rank Tracker will get all of your mobile rankings for each keyword.

Check out my Rank Tracker review to see everything you can do with it.

6. AccuRanker Mobile Rank Tracking Tool (PAID)

Last but certainly not least is my favourite mobile rank tracking tool…


accuranker mobile rank tracker

AccuRanker is the fastest and most accurate mobile rank tracking tool on the planet. There really isn’t another mobile rank tracker of this calibre.

It’s easy to stay on top of your rankings and get detailed historical data about the SERPs.

My favourite feature of AccuRanker is that you can update your rankings on demand.

What does that mean?

Most rank tracking tools only update your rankings once per day. But AccuRanker allows you to log in and update your keyword rankings whenever you want.

The AccuRanker mobile ranking features include:

    • Precision accuracy for mobile rankings
    • Update rankings on demand
    • Track keywords both locally and globally
    • Advanced SERP tracking features
    • Track competitor rankings
    • Automatic tracking every 24 hours
    • Email alerts for ranking changes

You can see why I love AccuRanker so much.

Use the AccuRanker free trial to create your account.

create accuranker account

Now you’ll need to add your domain to start setting up mobile rank tracking.

AccuRanker Add Domain

Click on Dashboard and click “Add Keywords” next to the domain name.

AccuRanker Add Keywords

Add in your target keywords and add your target locations on the right.

AccuRanker Add Keyword Form

Once you select a location, you will see this:

AccuRanker Add Location

Make sure that you checked the mobile rankings next to Google.

Once you’re finished, click “Add keywords”

AccuRanker Add Keywords Complete

And there you have it!

You’ve successfully started tracking your keyword rankings for mobile with Accuranker. All of the rankings and insights will be available in the dashboard.

Easy and efficient!

Check out my full AccuRanker review to see all the best features in action.

Note: I also consider this tool to be the best Bing rank tracker tool you can currently find on the market.

Wrapping It Up

If you aren’t tracking your mobile rankings – you’ve got to start now.

Mobile traffic is more important than ever and will only continue to grow. You need to ensure that you focus on your mobile rankings to maximise your visibility in the SERPs.

Choose one of the mobile rank tracking tools above and start tracking today.

Not sure which mobile rank tracker is right for you?

I recommend taking advantage of the 14-day AccuRanker free trial to test it out.

There really isn’t a mobile rank tracker like it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Mobile rank tracking is when you track how well your content performs in mobile search, which is very important since most of the traffic is mobile. For example, StatCounter research shows that 60% of all global website traffic in Q2 2024 came from smartphones. This will help you to optimize your strategy for mobile users.
There are lots of tools to check your mobile rankings. The best tool is AccuRanker because it tracks mobile rankings with precision and accuracy. You can also use Google Search Console to check your mobile rankings for free.

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