6x Powerful Magento SEO Extensions To Improve Your Rankings

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There is no denying it…

Magento 2 is one of the best ecommerce platforms available today.

It’s a reliable software that can also create almost any kind of storefront you want. But the truth is a good-looking store isn’t enough to drive sales.

You need traffic.

And there isn’t a better traffic source than organic traffic from search engines like Google. In fact, SEO should be the foundation on which you build your store.

The easiest way to ensure that your store is up to the level it needs to be is by taking advantage of the best Magento SEO extensions.

Unfortunately, not every SEO extension is worth it.

So I have listed the top Magento SEO extensions my team uses for our own clients.

Let’s get started!

What Are Magento SEO Extensions And How Can They Help You?

Magento SEO extensions are tools you add to your Magento store to help you optimise it for search engines.

Simply put – Magento SEO extensions take care of most of your ecommerce SEO issues for you. The best extensions are outcome focused.

This means that they help you:

  • Optimise your store to rank higher in the search results
  • Generate more organic traffic

More organic traffic = more sales.

The truth is that Magento as a platform can be complicated.

Magento platform

Although Magento has many native SEO features built into the platform, they aren’t always easy to use (or find).

Magento SEO extensions make optimising your store much more straightforward.

You get the tools you need and the best extensions will even walk you through specific SEO processes to optimise your store systematically.

That’s how you generate consistent results.

Make sure that you check out my detailed Magento SEO tutorial to see how to increase your rankings and generate more sales with SEO.

What Features You Should Look For

Not every Magento SEO extension is worth it.

These are the features that you should be looking for when choosing the right extension for your ecommerce store.

Rich Snippets

Did you know you can now rank higher than the 1st position in Google?

It’s called rich snippets.

Rich snippets provide more details about a site in the Google search results.

They help provide context to the searcher and extract specific information from your page so users quickly get the information they need.

rich snippet example

But more than that…

Ranking for a rich snippet offers a ton of benefits to you as a store owner-

Optimising for advanced rich snippets is an underrated SEO tactic.

There are many different pages in the search results a user could click on. A rich snippet draws their attention to your site and you are far more likely to win the click.

More clicks = More sales.

Quality Magento SEO extensions will help you optimise your pages so that you have a better chance of getting rich snippets in the SERPs.

Page Analyser

On-page SEO is essential to rank your store.

There are more than 200+ on-page ranking factors that you need to optimise for.

The bottom line is that good on-page SEO is almost impossible without a page analyser. You just won’t know what needs to be fixed.

page analyser

A quality page analyser looks at your store and identifies on-page and technical SEO issues. Once those issues have been identified, it’s easier to fix issues systematically.

Think of on-page and technical SEO like the engine of a car.

If you don’t optimise your site’s engine, you won’t rank.

Good Magento SEO extensions have detailed page analysers explicitly designed for the Magento platform.

They quickly scan through your site and highlight areas to improve your SEO.

The best page analysers will even prioritise your fixes, starting with the most important ones first. This allows you to maximise your results as quickly as possible.

Advanced Canonical Tags

Ecommerce stores are notorious for duplicate content.

That’s why you need to have canonical tags in place.

where canonical tags go

The most common example of duplicate content is the home page. For example, your store probably has two (or more) versions of the home page:

  1. https://yourwebsite.com
  2. https://www.yourwebsite.com

Although the URLs are different, each page has the same content. This can create a problem for Google.

There are two issues that duplicate content creates:

  • Google doesn’t know which page to rank
  • Your rankings are impacted because of duplicate content

Canonicalization is the best way to stop duplicate content. You implement the appropriate tags on each similar page to show Google which page the algorithm should rank.

Simple, right?

why you should use canonical tags

Here’s the problem:

Manually adding canonicalisation to your site is hard work. It’s an advanced skill that often requires a developer to implement correctly.

The good news is that most quality Magento SEO extensions will do it for you.

With just a couple of clicks, you can tell the extension which pages you want to prioritise and it does the rest.

In-Built Optimisation Tools

Optimisation tools are only valuable if they’re also practical.

There are plenty of SEO tools that identify issues but don’t actually help you fix them. Quality in-built optimisation tools will update in real time as you fix each issue on a page.

Here’s what I mean:

Let’s say you want to optimise a product page on your website. You can leverage the in-built SEO analyser to identify the issues on the page.

Then, it will provide you with a detailed checklist of things you need to fix.

The tool should update in real time as you check off each fix on the list.

This makes it easy to:

  • Keep working down the list
  • Improve your overall optimisation score

Good Magento SEO extensions will have this feature built into their tool suite.

HTML/XML Sitemaps

Google is good…

But it isn’t perfect.

You need to ensure that Google locates every page on your website so that they are all indexed properly. That’s why you need to submit your URLs to Google to ensure that Googlebot can find each URL.

The easiest way to help Google find all of your URLs is by creating and uploading an HTML/XML sitemap to Google Search Console.

sitemap success

A sitemap is just what the name says – a map to every page on your website.

There are lots of Magento 2 SEO extensions that will automatically create an XML sitemap for your store. This is then stored in your server on a separate URL.

The best part is the SEO extension will update the sitemap automatically every time you add a new page to your site.

That means that Google always has a fresh version of your website in its index.

It doesn’t get much easier than that!

Make sure you use this search engine submission guide to upload your sitemap to Google Search Console.

SEO Templates

Templates are a massive time saver.


Because you can create optimisation templates for different parts of your SEO and the tool does the rest of the work for you.

Magento ecommerce stores are usually huge.

Manually optimising every page on your site just isn’t possible.

You only want to manually optimise key pages of your site and take advantage of advanced SEO tools to automatically do the rest.

That’s where SEO templates come in.

Think of a template like a rule. The best example of this is for meta titles.


You can simply create a template such as – {page title} + {divider} + {website name}.

In this case, the tool will automatically make the meta title the page name + the site title. For the “contact page” on my site, it would look something like this:

contact me serp

You can see that the template adds the page name (Contact Me) + the divider symbol + my site name (Matthew Woodward).

This is just one example of what SEO templates can help you accomplish.

6x Best Magento 2 SEO Extensions

What are the best Magento SEO extensions?

The truth is that tons of SEO extensions aren’t worth your time or money.

I have listed my top 6 Magento 2 SEO extensions below that my own SEO team uses for our Magento SEO services. Some of these extensions will still work even if you still use Magento 1 to power your store.

Let’s jump in!

1. Magento 2 SEO Extension by MagePlaza

Magento 2 SEO Extension is packed with a ton of features to speed up your site and ensure that it’s technically sound.

magento 2 seo extension

It has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly understand where you need to improve your store. This makes it much easier to take full advantage of all the tools without being overwhelmed.

The top features from Magento 2 SEO Extension include:

  • Automatically prevents duplicate content
  • Structured data
  • SEO Metadata templates and rules
  • Hreflang tags
  • Intelligent page analyser
  • Complete SEO reports
  • Advanced HTML/XML sitemaps
  • Link alternate tag
  • Multi-language store support

One of the best features offered by Magento 2 SEO Extension is the page analyser.

magento page analyser

It analyses each page and checks for on-page optimisations that you need to make. You simply work down the list until each optimisation is marked green. In the end, you get an overall score to see how optimised your page is.

If you’ve ever used a tool like Yoast SEO or Rank Math, you’ll feel right at home.

Magento 2 SEO Extension also makes technical SEO a breeze.

The wizard feature built into the extension takes you through an onboarding process:

  1. It helps you configure your technical SEO settings quickly.
  2. It takes all the guesswork out of the entire process.

magento seo wizard

This allows you to take care of the more significant SEO problems online stores face without all the hassle. You’ll also get access to a ton of guides and tutorials to ensure you can get the most out of the extension.

Whether you are a beginner SEO or have years of experience, Magento 2 SEO Extension will help you keep your store optimised.

Magento 2 SEO Extension starts at $99 per year.

2. SEO Suite Ultimate Extension for Magento 2 by MageWorx

SEO Suite Ultimate has some of the highest reviews of any SEO extensions available for Magento.

mageworx seo suite ultimate extension

It’s an all-in-one SEO extension with some unique features:

  • SEO templates to mass-optimise ANY meta values
  • XML & HTML sitemaps
  • Automatic cross links
  • Advanced rich snippets
  • Built-in SEO reports
  • Canonical URLs to eliminate duplicate content
  • Extended breadcrumbs
  • Layered navigation
  • Automatic redirects based on rules
  • GraphQL API support

SEO Suite Ultimate really is the ultimate SEO extension.

But the biggest reason SEO Suite Ultimate is so popular is because of the automation features. They are intuitive to use and will save you a ton of work by eliminating simple time-consuming tasks that must be taken care of.

mageworx seo templates

Want more rich snippets?

SEO Suite Ultimate has a unique tool designed to help you win more rich snippets.

After automatically adding schema markup to each page, the built-in rich snippet tool ensures you have all the correct detailed site information on the page.

This means that Google will have more information about your pages and show more in the SERPs. Now you can stand out and get more clicks to your site.

Who doesn’t want that, right?

SEO Suite Ultimate also has an extension for Magento 1. Both versions start at $299.

3. Magento 2 SEO Suite Extension by Mirasvit

Need a powerful extension to make SEO easier to manage?

Look no further than Magento 2 SEO Suite by Mirasvit.

mirasvit seo extension

Magento 2 SEO Suite has been designed to help eliminate the difficulty of SEO while still helping you rank higher in the SERPs.

You’ll get access to a ton of features that give you full control over your SEO:

  • SEO template for meta tags
  • Manually edit meta tags
  • Rich snippets
  • Format category and CMS pages for Facebook Opengraph and Twitter
  • Automatically add internal links on pages
  • Setup URL redirects easily
  • Images optimiser
  • Canonical tags
  • SEO page health analyser
  • HTML and XML sitemaps

Lots of tools are great at helping you find what needs to be fixed in your store. But very few of them actually help you fix the issues.

That’s where Magento SEO stands out.

The easy-to-use interface means you can quickly identify SEO issues and fix them before they become a big problem. You can even evaluate any page on your store in real time.

seo tool bar

Then simply work through the provided checklist to optimise the page correctly.

There is also a good level of automation included in Magento 2 SEO Suite. You can set up flexible templates and rules to add variables to product pages automatically.

You can also preview your template features to see what they will look like on your live store before saving.

simple seo templates

Magento 2 SEO Suite is by no means the most advanced SEO extension available. But you won’t find a more practical SEO extension focused on helping you get results…

Not just identifying them.

If you are a beginner SEO, you’ll find Magento SEO Suite easy to use and a great tool to get started with. Magento 2 SEO Suite starts at $149.

4. SEO Toolkit for Magento 2 by Amasty

SEO Toolkit by Amasty is another excellent all-in-one SEO tool extension for Magento.

It was initially released for Magento 1 before being updated and brought across to Magento 2.

seo toolkit

SEO Toolkit is still as popular today as it was when first released.

Their long time in the market has resulted in a refined SEO tool suite with all the essential features to ensure your SEO is on-point.

The top features include:

  • Real time on-page SEO analyser
  • Auto-generate meta tags
  • Advanced rich snippets
  • Internal link and site architecture
  • URL structures
  • HTML/XML sitemaps
  • Automatic redirects
  • Canonical tags for duplicate content
  • Easily edit your sitemaps
  • Basic SEO automation and rules

If you know anything about me, you will know how serious I am about internal linking. It’s one of the hidden SEO secrets that not many people use.

SEO Toolkit’s internal linking tool is powerful and easy to use.

You simply set up rules for specific keywords and the tool automatically adds a link whenever that keyword is mentioned.

internal linking seo toolkit

Building internal links doesn’t get much better than that.

You even have complete control over your internal linking strategy with the ability to filter specific pages.

Cool, right?

While internal linking is not necessarily a unique feature, the way that SEO Toolkit has developed the tool is very impressive.

It will help you improve your SEO and get customers moving around the site by making it easier for them to find what they are looking for.

This is a great way to increase conversion rates.

Speaking of URLs…

Magento 2 doesn’t make it easy to change your URL structure without breaking your storefront. SEO Toolkits URL structure module means you have a completely optimised and customised URL path for each page type.

seo friendly urls

URLs and internal linking can be a huge technical issue for ecommerce stores. SEO Toolkit makes this a breeze.

It might take a minute to get used to the user interface, but there are plenty of robust features for you to take advantage of.

SEO Toolkit starts at $299 for the first year and then drops to $189 each year after that.

5. SEO Ultimate Pack by FME Extensions

FME Extensions is one of the biggest Magento extension developers on the list. They have created over 80+ extensions for Magento 2 alone including – SEO Ultimate Pack.

seo ultimate pack by fme extensions

SEO Ultimate Pack has been designed to automate a lot of your on-page SEO workload with a set of robust tools:

  • Optimise Images
  • Rich snippet details
  • Multi-language support
  • XML/HTML sitemaps
  • Auto meta-tags
  • Canonical tags
  • Auto-internal linking

SEO Ultimate Pack is actually just a package of individual extensions that FME has developed over time. That means you can buy each feature as a separate extension if you don’t need all of the features offered in the pack.

The only downside to SEO Ultimate Pack is the user experience.

ultimate seo extensions user experience

While the features are powerful, getting used to the user interface takes a while. Even after understanding how it all works, it doesn’t feel like the most intuitive tool.

That means you’ll need to be prepared to spend the time learning how everything works.

While SEO Ultimate Pack won’t be for everyone, the features included with the toolkit will help you optimise your on-page SEO effectively.

SEO Ultimate Pack starts at $279 per license. Individual features range from $60 to $80.

6. Magento 2 SEO Extension by WebKul

I might have saved the best for last!

Magento 2 SEO Extension by WebKul is a powerful SEO tool suite with a ton of unique features to take advantage of.

webkul magento 2 seo extension

What makes Webkul’s SEO extension so great?

All of the features that it includes:

  • Product and category-rich snippets
  • Page SEO analyser
  • Social snippet previews
  • Multi-language SEO support (Hreflang)
  • Sitemap generation
  • Indexing management
  • Ping service
  • Email notifications
  • Sitelink search box
  • Speed optimisation
  • Off-page SEO report

Pretty extensive list of features, right?

One of the unique features that Webkul has developed is the speed optimisation tools.

As core web vitals become more important for SEO, you need SEO tools that help you improve your store user experience.

Page Experience & Core Web Vitals

Webkul’s Magento 2 SEO Extension offers speed optimisation features such as-

  • WebP/JPG Image Optimisation
  • Cache Support
  • LazyLoading
  • Deferring javaScript

This helps speed up your store and provide a better experience to your customers. Increasing website speed has also been proven to help improve:

  1. Conversion rates
  2. Sales

webkul magento 2 optimiser

Webkul has developed a powerful all-in-one SEO extension with a feature set designed to take care of all your store’s significant on-page and technical SEO issues.

It starts at just $99 for the license which is excellent value for money.

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Wrapping It Up

That’s the wrap on the top Magento SEO extensions.

Found one you liked?

SEO extensions will make your life much easier. The truth is that even professional SEO agencies use SEO extensions for their Magento clients. Without them, it’s almost impossible to get great results for your store.

But remember:

Magento SEO is hard work. Even with extensions, you will need to consistently put in the work to get the results you want to achieve.

Make sure you check out my complete Magento SEO tutorial to ensure that your store is completely optimised for Google.

Need more help with your SEO?

Get my own SEO team at SearchLogistics working on your store. We’ve helped hundreds of ecommerce clients increase their search traffic and sales with specialist SEO services.

You can check out our client SEO case studies to see the kinds of results you can expect!

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