How To Get Backlinks From Wikipedia In 2024

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Wikipedia is one of the biggest, oldest and most authoritative websites on the internet which makes  Wikipedia backlinks one of the most powerful links on the planet.

It’s hard to do a Google search for any term that doesn’t list Wikipedia in the top 10.

But are Wikipedia backlinks still as effective in 2024 as they used to be?

Well let me tell you, they sure are!

The site, the traffic and the authority isn’t going anywhere in the near future. So there is a lot to be gained from Wikipedia backlinks.

And in this article I’m going to show you how to build as many Wikipedia backlinks you want, using just a few simple techniques.

As well as another very sneaky link building trick to get links from authority sites.

So if you want to build unlimited links that put your site on the map, read on…

Why Should You Be Building Links With Wikipedia?

Wikipedia shows up in the search results for most terms. It‘s a seriously authoritative site and building links from them is a strong endorsement for your site.

Google loves links from Wikipedia and they should since real moderators review the links which is why you should build links from them.

Over the last few years I’ve found an easy way to build Wikipedia backlinks that is simple and effective.

Not only that but with my personal twist you’ll also get links and traffic from other authoritative sites as well!

 A Wikipedia link will actually generate very relevant traffic to your website.

Because the entire site is focused on delivering high quality information on a specific search term to their readers. Whether that’s information about:

The best bit?

If your site is linked from a Wikipedia page it will generate additional links from other websites looking to use your site as a reference!

So Wikipedia isn’t only a backlink, it’s a traffic generating, natural backlink generating machine! And is a worthy place of spending your time.

In the next section I’m going to talk you through the three main types of links we’ll be looking to build in Wikipedia.

How To Get Backlinks From Wikipedia

Building links in Wikipedia isn’t as simple as saying…

“Hey, my article is better than that dudes! I want to be featured there instead.”

The way to build links in Wikipedia, although it’s easy, needs to be done tactically.

That means there are three opportunities to build links that you’re looking for:

  • Dead link opportunities
  • Broken link opportunities
  • Unique link opportunities

Let’s take a look at what each of these is and how you identify them for your own site.

1. The Dead Link Opportunity

By Wikipedia’s definition a “Dead link” is used to describe a link that is no longer active. Meaning that the content that was once on the other side of the link isn’t there anymore.

wikipedia link example

This indicates to Wikipedia moderators that the link needs to be fixed or updated.

 And your content could be just the link that they’re looking for.
Wikipedia is just like any other website. Because there are so many links, hundreds of them are broken and almost impossible to keep on top of in real time.

So your opportunity for building links here comes in the form of providing them with the content they need to fill that link. Simple, eh?

2. The Broken Link Opportunity

One of the more white hat link building tactics is to scour the web looking for broken links.

But that is super time consuming and can often result in a lot of work for not a lot of outcome.

broken Wikipedia backlink search

However if you’re a savvy SEO, you’ll have realised that if the link is broken on Wikipedia it is broken for all the sites that link to it as well.

Meaning from one broken link you can find anywhere from five to five thousand link building opportunities, depending on the niche and the topic.

If you don’t have the content for the broken link yet, don’t worry, we’ll explore that later in the article.

3. The Unique Link Opportunity

Everyone is able to create a Wikipedia account.

And that means you have access to creating your own link building opportunities on specific Wikipedia pages.

In theory I could go in and edit this page on keyword research and add in my own links to my own articles in the relevant sections.

This would be by adding new content that improves the overall structure and information on the Wikipedia page. Whether it’s a new sentence, paragraph or entirely new section.

guest post example

But I don’t recommend you just do that. Simply because all links from Wikipedia have to be approved by moderators. So if a page suddenly has five new links all pointing to one Wikipedia page, there’s a good chance you’re going to get caught out.

Instead you should go in and do your duty as a good Wikipedia citizen and update content, repair broken links and add new findings where possible.

Then if your article happens to be one of the ones included then that’s a good result for everyone involved.

4. The Sweet Spot: Putting All Of These Opportunities Together

If you combine the dead link, broken link and unique link opportunities you have a flexible, easy to manage Wikipedia backlink building strategy.

You can:

  • Use dead links to build Wikipedia backlinks
  • Use broken links to get links from authority sites
  • Include your own unique links in a Wikipedia page

If you can replicate this with four or five pages, the amount of links you’ll be able to build with targeted, relevant pages keeps growing.

This approach makes it really easy to get some serious link juice & relevant traffic!

But this leads us to an important question, how do you find all of these link opportunities?

Well there’s a really simple, free, solution for that…

How To Use Google To Get Wikipedia Backlinks

The easiest and cheapest way to find dead Wikipedia links is with Google!

Let me show you how it works:

Just head over to Google and use this advanced query: “Keyword phrase” “dead link”

If I use this for a similar category to above, search engines, I’m greeting with a lot of pages showing a dead link:

wikipedia results

By clicking on one I’m able to use the exact same ctrl+f method to find the dead link. Like so:

wikipedia dead links

This method is just as simple, but you’ll have to do a little more work on finding the relevant pages. But it’s there if you need it.

So now you know how to find the broken link opportunities, let’s look at how you can get the actual links for yourself…

Wikipedia Link Building In Action (And How To Do It Yourself)

Now you’re armed with a Wikipedia link building tool – let’s look at a specific example, selected at random – Binoculars.

If I run this through Google you will find a bunch of pages about binoculars that feature broken links:

wikipedia dead links for binoculars

I’m going to choose this option because it’s hyper-relevant to the binoculars niche (based on zero experience with binoculars):

eyepiece dead links wikipedia example

And in the page we can confirm that, yes, it does have a dead link:

dead link wikipedia example

Now copy and paste the URL and head over to the Wayback Machine tool.

Copy the link into the search bar and hit “Browse History”:

wayback machine dead link

This will show us what the page used to look like before it was taken down. Have a read of the content to see if it’s related to your website.

If it is relevant to your site you either need to:

  • Find content that you’ve created which could fill this hole
  • Create the content that fits

You can even just rewrite the content that shows up in the Wayback Machine if that really floats your boat.

And if it’s not relevant, keep following these steps until you find something that is relevant.

But let’s say for argument’s sake that it is relevant to your site.

Here comes the really fun part…

Take the dead link and run it through a tool like Ahrefs, Majestic or SERPed to see all of the backlinks pointing to it.

As you can see with this one there are 46 links and 39 domains pointing in its direction:

Ahrefs backlinks

30 or more is a good number of links to have because it means it’s worth the effort. Why?

Because it’s a topic people want or need to link to.

It gives you a lot of options of webmasters to write to (success rates aren’t always high) and it means it’s worth investing your time in creating the content should you need to.

And because this link needs updating,  it’s time for you to swoop in and make it happen.

Either create a new page as I mentioned earlier or update your existing content to fit.

Make sure it ticks all of the boxes that a Wikipedia page would need to use this blog post as a reference.

Then you want to export the list of websites from Ahrefs that currently link to the dead link and look up all of the contact details. A tool like Hunter can help you with that.

Then you can send an outreach email to each of those to let them know about the broken link and your potential replacement.

If you’re stuck for an email to send to a webmaster you can use my own template below:

Hi [insert webmaster name],

I’m a big fan of your site! I found a broken link the other day and wanted to let you know about it.

The page where the link appears is [insert url] and the anchor text is [insert anchor text].

The broken URL is [insert broken url].

I found a similar page that even has a link from Wikipedia if you want to update the link.

[your website url]

Keep up the excellent work! Thanks!

[your name]

How To Add Your Own Unique Links To Wikipedia

On your search for dead links you’ll come across some pages that are a real mess. They’ll have been flagged by Wikipedia to be improved but nobody has gotten around to it yet.

These are perfect opportunities for you to add your own unique external links.

For example take a look at this page on language barriers:

language barrier

The Wikipedia Moderators are just crying out for you to come in and improve that page. And, well…sprinkle it with a few external links for your time.

If you’re running a language learning blog, for example, you could come in and create this page newly. Finding all of the resources you need to turn this page into an encyclopedia page.

You could even rework the content you’ve written afterwards to create a blog post for your own blog, hitting two birds with one stone.

In this section let’s look at how you can capitalize here and generate some wonderful free backlinks for your site.

Creating And Preparing Your Wikipedia Account

Anyone can create a Wikipedia account – it is 100% free.

Just click on Create Account in the top right corner of the site:

create wiki account

Once you have created your account I recommend going into the Wikipedia article you’ve found and adding citations, cleaning up dead links and using other people’s sites and content. (Feel free to use my blog to update articles – contact me if you do).

Let’s say you’re aiming for a 70-80% clean up of the page, leaving just enough room to add details from your site in there.

Once those changes are approved, you’re now ready to drop a link to your site on your target Wikipedia article.

Things To Consider Before You Add Your Links

Before we start editing Wikipedia and updating it with our citation/link fix there are a couple of things to think about.

First of all when you submit the edit, it will need to pass human moderation so you have to take that into consideration.

If you’re just throwing out a link to a site with poor quality content that has nothing to do with the required citation or dead link fix it is not going to get approved.

So if you don’t have relevant content on your site to use as a citation/reference already then put some time and effort into creating it.

Basically just because you have a blog post about learning Chinese, it doesn’t mean you get to drop it anywhere.

Editing An Article To Insert Your Wikipedia Backlink

Editing an article on Wikipedia is super easy, just find what you want to edit and click on the edit link.


Once you have done that you will be taken to the Wikipedia editor.

Make sure you are logged into your account then fix the dead link or add your citation as required:

wikipedia editor

Once you have done that preview the changes and make sure everything is working ok.

If you are happy with it fill out the edit summary with your changes and click on save page:

wikipedia summary

Now just sit back and wait to see if your change is approved! If you spent time creating your account with a bit of history (they log your IP address) you won’t have a problem here.

BONUS: Learn how to build powerful edu backlinks & gov backlinks.

Wrapping It Up

Phew! There you have it. Exactly how to build unlimited links with Wikipedia in a small space of time.

But let’s take a minute to recap everything you’ve learned so you can replicate it again, and again, and again in the future:

Building links with Wikipedia is effective and comes with lots of benefits outside of just having a link on their site, including relevant traffic and backlink opportunities with other sites.

There are three types of opportunities you should be looking for:

  • Dead links: Marked by Wikipedia these links are no longer on the internet
  • Broken links: These are the links of third party sites that were also linking to that page
  • Unique links: Your chance to place your own links in Wikipedia pages

Finding these links is super easy, you can do it through Google searches looking for dead links.

Having a tool like Ahrefs, SEMRush or SERPed allows you to find the broken links on other sites that were also pointing to that article. You can then contact the webmaster to add your content in its place.

And to create unique links you need to have your own Wikipedia account to add them in. But remember to be a good citizen and not just spam your own links in there. Add one of your own links for every 10 or 12 you include in a page.

Now all that’s left to do is to get high-quality links on Wikipedia for your website!

Let me know how you get on with this strategy in the comments and if you need help with link building in general you should take a look at:


I want to show you how to use Gmail for link building.

Frequently Asked Questions

To add a link on a Wikipedia page, all you have to do is put the full URL inside a set of single brackets. Leave a space and type the text you want as the anchor. For example: [ Matthew Woodward].
Wikipedia links are all NoFollow links however, having a mixture of DoFollow and NoFollow makes a more natural-looking link profile. As Wikipedia is one of the biggest websites with an Ahrefs DR of 91, you should be including them in your link-building strategy.
To ensure Google sees a natural-looking link profile you must make sure you have a mixture of dofollow and nofollow links pointing to your website. So nofollow backlinks are good because they help give your backlink profile the right balance. The same rules apply with nofollow links… large sites with high authority, like Wikipedia, are perfect sites to obtain nofollow links.
Well, that’s a tricky question. An important thing Google (and other search engines) look for is the links coming from large trusted websites like Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a relevant resource that’s highly trusted due to their strict views on spam or using their website with commercial intent, making them good for SEO. However, Google’s John Mueller said on Reddit that links from Wikipedia have not only no SEO value but also those links “will do nothing for your site” from a Google search perspective.
Wikipedia backlinks are actually one of the most powerful backlinks you can get. This can be explained by the fact that Wikipedia is one of the oldest, biggest and most authoritative websites on the internet, which makes Wikipedia backlinks extremely valuable.
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What Are Your Thoughts?

1,377 Responses

  1. So excellent blog and article.. I will try all the steps as described and hope it will work for me also. Thanks! Worth to subscribe you

  2. I think that the authority of the site and its trust is also related to how long the attention of viewers is kept and how many of them return to the site. I have such conclusions after I started writing longer content – that it may also matter.

  3. How good is your content man.. Excellent! Make more articles about how to build links other than guest posts… Links we can make for ourselves like this example.. I’m sure you know others.Thanks Richard

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  12. Wow! I found this link and got to know about creating power backlink for my page. Now i hope my site will easily get wiki backlinks.Thank you

  13. Great article. I’ve been grabbing dead links from Wikipedia but didn’t think of the whole ahrefs and other linking sites.

  14. Wow, fantastic blog structure! How lengthy have you beenn blogging for?you made runnjng a blog glance easy. The overall glance of your ste is great, as smartly as the content!

  15. Great post! But I have a question. I am fairly a new player and not a reliable source (by the definition of Wikipedia). How can I get my site backlinked. Can you give a success story? or a Example?

  16. a unique technique to create a backlink from Wikipedia. Thanks for publishing this type of article.

  17. hey Matthew, thank for guiding about Wikipedia. well, I too think that it is the most useful site to create backlinks for our website. using backlink from sit like Wikipedia and another useful site. you can really get a huge amount of traffic to your website.thanks for the blog,keep your great work coming.

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