5 Link Building Services That Still Deliver Results In 2024

Link building is one of the biggest obstacles that businesses face if they want to grow their organic search traffic.

But link building is complex, time consuming and utterly overwhelming even if you follow any one of the free link building tutorials that we have published.

That forces over 60% of businesses to use a link building service, but there are so many bad link building services out there it’s easy to get stung.

Link building services case study results example

So, I’m going to:

  • Give you 5 warnings about link building services you should be paying close attention to
  • Recommend 5 link building services that you can rely on (TLDR: LinksThatRank)
  • Show you how to avoid the most common traps when buying links

And please feel free to download this free link building checklist to make sure you are building links that actually help!

What Are Link Building Services?

Link building services are an essential part of an SEO strategy in order to gain high quality links from high authority relevant domains. This means that your website will be seen as more authoritative and reliable which will help to improve search engine rankings for the website.

A proper link building expert will spend time creating a custom link building campaign using unique content to build backlinks that will benefit your website.

Like how you would hire a mechanic to fix your car or a plumber to fix your sink…

You’d hire a link building service to fix your low traffic problem.

Link building key statistics infographic

A reputable service will build links to help you, safely, achieve your traffic goals.

But how do you go about finding a trustworthy link building service?

These Are The Best Link Building Services

To successfully outsource link building and help you to:

  • Avoid a long search
  • Ensure you only get high-quality links

…I’d like to share some of the best link building services I have come across.

It’s important to stress that none of these services are perfect and after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars I’m yet to find a “perfect” link building service.

But what is important is how the services conduct themselves when there is a problem and each of the services below has acted responsibly when they have needed to do so.

So here are 5 link building services that you can trust to deliver results in 2024 and beyond:

#1: LinksThatRank

LinksThatRank. They provide the highest quality links from any link building service hands down.

linksthatrank link building service case study results from google search console

If you want a completely hands-off link building service you can trust, they have the most in-depth and detailed quality control process out of every seller.

link building services

They have also simplified the buying process which makes link building services accessible to anyone regardless of technical knowledge.

Unlike other services they-

  • Have a 23 point quality control checklist to make sure you get links that ranks
  • Select target anchor text to make sure you don’t trigger an anchor text penalty
  • Offer 1,000 words of content per placement by default
  • Add internal and external links to placement pages to appear more natural
  • Operate a strict blacklist of sites with “write for us” pages and known guest post farms and PBN networks
  • Have built their own link building tool to identify toxic backlinks

LinksThatRank are one of the best link building services on the planet for a reason.

Plus, they allow you to get a monthly link building service (aka package) for a discounted price!

PRO TIP: Before outsourcing your link building, it’s best to determine how many backlinks you need to archive your goals.

#2: Ecommerce Link Builders

Ecommerce Link Builders is a link building agency that offers 3 different packages (Starter – Growth – Takeover) as well as custom link packages. They specialise in building links to ecommerce stores.

In other words, no matter what your needs or budget are, you’ll find a package that suits you. And, if you don’t, you can still send them a request for a custom package.

On top of that, they aren’t limited to guest posting. They offer many other white label link building methods you can personally choose to build your high-quality links.

Ecommerce Link Builders

But, no matter which package you get, Ecommerce Link Builders guarantee you:

  • Niche relevant blogger outreach
  • 35+ point website quality control
  • Negotiating topics & placements
  • SERP Anchor text analysis selection
  • Premium content creation (1,000+ words)
  • Strict proofing & indexing quality control
  • Link placement reporting dashboard
  • FREE keyword rank tracking (ROI Proof)

If you want to see what they can accomplish for you, just take a look at their incredible case studies.

Have an ecommerce site and want to build your own links? Check out these 6x ecommerce link building strategies you can use to boost your traffic.

#3: Authority Builders

Authority Builders are one of the big players in the link building niche.

They cater to both website owners and SEO agencies who want help to build links for themselves or their clients.

authority builders homepage

Simply sign up for their service, then start building links by-

  • Pick the websites you would like links from
  • Send your URL and anchor text for your links
  • They arrange the placement with each webmaster
  • You then pay your invoice and wait for your links to be published

And you can track and manage your orders and progress in their custom dashboard.

They even offer a 365-day money-back guarantee to ensure you get what you pay for.

#4: Loganix

Another great service for link building is a company called Loganix.

Founded by Adam Steele, they’ve been featured in some of the world’s leading publications like Forbes, Mashable, and Backlinko.

Not a bad portfolio!

loganix link building services

They offer a range of great link building services but you should pay attention to their guest posting services which also has some United Kingdom (.co.uk) link inventory available.

#5: Love To Link

Love To Link offers a high quality white hat guest posting SEO backlink service.

(This means that they use white hat link building strategies to build links).

love to think

They use in house writers to build quality links that the search engines will love.

Every link published in new content is permanent and never marked as sponsored.

Meaning all content published looks like it has been written and published by the webmaster who recommends your content by linking to it.

You can select sites by-

  • Niche
  • Metrics (DA, DR, TF, CF & RD)
  • Organic Traffic
  • Majority Traffic Country
  • Price

There are some pretty awesome testimonials which prove their backlink services can be trusted.

And, if you’re not convinced by this list, I suggest you check out my post about white label link building services or link building packages.

A Warning About Link Building Services

I’m going to be straight with you.

The link building service industry is very shady to say the least. There are a lot of people peddling junk from penalised sites or oversold guest post farms.

Quite often people advertise genuine “outreach” links but what you are really buying is posts on their private blog networks.

It’s easy to get caught in the crossfire so below are my top tips to make sure you are getting what you pay for…

…or you can download my free link building checklist to make sure they are only building links that help you.

1. You Get What You Pay For

In the modern economy, links are a commodity with value just like bread and milk are and website owners know that.

Scoring a high-quality genuine outreach based link has a number of costs-

  • Publishing Fee – site owners know the value of a link and often charge hefty publishing fees
  • Writer – you need to pay a writer to create a 1,000 word article
  • Outreach Admin – someone needs to contact the site, arrange the placement and make sure it meets specification
  • Order Management – someone needs to manage your order and provide customer service
  • Quality Control – granted not every provider has this, but it takes around 20 minutes to properly review the quality of each placement

With all of those things considered, a high quality outreach based relevant link is going to cost you anywhere between $170-$300.

Those are the numbers behind genuine link building services, so when you see someone offering “outreach based guest posts” for $50 each, what your actually buying is posts on their private blog network.

In fact, you might even have your link placed onto hacked sites like this BuzzFeed investigatory piece discovered.

That’s not to say that all of the expensive link building providers deliver quality service because they don’t.

But it’s important you understand the numbers to give you an indication of what to expect from a high-quality service.

Check out my SEO pricing blog post to get an idea of how much you’re supposed to pay for high-quality SEO services.

2. Avoid Services That Share Site Lists

There are a number of link building companies that will allow you to see the list of sites they have available to buy backlinks from before you buy.

You must avoid these at all costs.

I know being able to browse through a link building services inventory might seem like an attractive proposition, but it actually puts you in a position of risk.

Take a look at this video to learn precisely why:

As you can see:

It’s absolutely critical you avoid services that share their site lists.

PRO TIP: Use the free backlink blacklist database to quickly review link quality

3. Avoid Links From Sites With “Write For Us” Pages

What a lot of link building services do is-

  1. Scrape Googles search results for sites with “write for us” pages
  2. Send emails to those sites to place their content for a fee

It’s super easy to do and likely highly profitable because it requires absolutely zero care or attention to do.

The problem is sites with “Write for Us” pages are-

  • Heavily farmed from other link building services
  • Spammed to death with irrelevant content from dog training tutorials to the latest construction advice
  • Usually link to questionable sites in questionable neighborhoods like adult, pharma and xxx
  • These sites are often built with the sole purpose of selling links because they know that a “write for us” page with attract link sellers
  • It’s likely Google automatically devalues links coming from these sites making them worthless

That’s a whole lot of reasons to avoid link building services that deliver placements on sites with “Write For Us” pages.

Pay close attention because this is the most common trick in the book!

A reputable service will blacklist all sites with “Write For Us” pages.

4. Avoid Links From Sites With Zero Search Traffic

As a general rule of thumb, if Google is sending organic search traffic to a site – you can assume that Google trusts it.

And if Google trusts it, you can also broadly assume that a link from that site is a good link to have.

So you always want to use something like Ahrefs or SEMRush to make sure the placements your link building service delivers are on sites with organic traffic-

link building services

Ideally, you want to see that sites have at least 500 organic visitors per month.

5. Pay Close Attention To Quality Control

I can’t stress enough how much attention needs to be paid to quality control by either you or your chosen link building service.

You should manually check-

  • Does the placement page have a meta noindex or no follow tag?
  • Is your link placed with a nofollow/sponsored/ugc tag?
  • Is there any mention the placement page is a guest post or sponsored content?
  • Is the content unique?
  • Is there a “write for us” page?

Even though some of these things might seem quite basic, it’s amazing how often link building services fail to deliver.

Wrapping It Up

Link building can be a long exhausting process, sometimes with very little return.

There are so many bad sellers out there that it’s easy to get stung if your not careful, but the advice I shared above will help you to avoid that.

If you are just looking for a reputable link building service that you can trust then I would suggest your start with LinksThatRank or Authority Builders.

You can always use this free link building checklist to make sure they are only building links that help you.

But remember:

It’s always good policy to double-check the work of any link building service is doing and if you would rather do the hard work yourself, you can use any of these link building strategies.

Pro tips: Before starting building links, make sure you have read the full link building checklist that explains all the link building process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Link building is still very much alive and well. It continues to be the number one ranking factor for Google and will be for the foreseeable future. However, it's important that you only build high-quality, relevant links to an optimised site with excellent content that satisfies EEAT.
You can expect a high-quality, relevant link to cost between $170-$300 depending on its overall strength and authority. If you find links cheaper than that, you should review our warnings about link building services here.
A link builder will work to increase the number of relevant websites linking to your websites homepage or content. They should be taking time to outreach webmaster, negotiate placements and then report on the new links they have built for you.
If you want to buy high quality backlinks I strongly recommend you look at LinksThatRank or Authority Builders who provide the best link building services out of any provider at the moment.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

119 Responses

  1. Hi Matthew, I completely agree that running a business is a stressful job. Before reading this article I was unaware of the link building services, your article really enlightened me. I conduct all the link-building activities myself, but I am looking forward to trying the services you shared. I am thinking about trying Authority Builders, but I also liked LinksThatRank. Which one of them do you think is better for link building?

    1. Well, since LinksThatRank is my own link building service, I have to recommend it to you! 😉 We have a strict quality control policy ensuring you that the links you receive are the best you can get.

  2. Thank you for sharing this, Matthew. Stumbled upon this article really timely as I’m just starting out in building my own website and learning about SEO.

    1. Welcome! You’re at the right place. Here you’ll find all the resources you need to start your online business successfully. 🙂

  3. Link building services are a very controversial topic. The only thing that is more controversial than them, is link spamming which can get your website penalized by Google. All you need to do is be respectful of people who you don’t know and engage with in conversations about their site instead of asking them for links right off the bat like they’re selling cigarettes (a tactic used by some companies).

  4. Hi Mathew, I am an SEO content writer myself yet I still struggle with the link-building process but this blog is really helpful.

  5. Hi Matt, long time reader of your blog, this is as always a great post with a lot of good information. One question I have is, say I wanted to create links like these for myself, or even create a service that builds links like these – do you have a post about how to build these yourself? I know you have the 15x link building strategies post which is great, was wondering specifically about quality outreach guest posting as done by the websites you’ve listed. Thanks a bunch!

  6. OMG! finally find some good stuff , thanks a lot sir I really need this information. I hope I find some stuff from your site.Thanks.GOD bless you

  7. Hey, man great article. Your articles are very well crafted and informative. also, can you write an article on google penalty? Since I am new to digital marketing it would be helpful

  8. Matthew, Really awesome post I learn many thing from this post lastest ideas for Link building which very useful tips for me and my team. I will keep reading next post! Thanks for sharing great information here!

  9. It is not about how many links they can build but how they have a strategy in place to execute your plan. That is all that matters.

  10. this is very interesting information to me. I am very grateful to the author. Anas greetings from Indonesian. Thank you.

  11. Thanks for sharing this information regarding link building, You are that link building services must be chosen carefully to avoid loss.

  12. Wow! This is very awesome. This list will definitely give me the opportunity to choose from the best and possibly get the best results. Thank you once again for sharing.

  13. Hi Matthew,Are these link building services safe to use for big business websites? Or do you only recommend them for personal websites/blogs?

  14. I’m glad to inform you that your blog articles has been the life wire of my Affiliate marketing online business building. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world Matthew.

  15. Amazing Post, Google has changed its backlinks policy, those get links from automatic links generate google increase their span score

  16. These are absolutely the best-compiled link building suggestions I have read. Link building is a crucial SEO activity as it brings in quite a lot of organic traffic to your site. However, lousy link building service choices often lead to wasted effort and loss of investment. The suggestions are much appreciated, and I would vouch for this checklist in our future projects.

  17. Nice blog Matthew, I think you have shared fact in this blog. Actually, most of my client also getting link sellers to mail at a very cheap price and when we asked them some website they are sharing the spammy and irrelevant website’s link.Most of the link sellers are the spammers they demanding advance money and after getting the money they do not respond to us.Well, I’m saying that thank you for sharing this blog.

    1. Yes, you have to be very careful when picking a link-building service… I had a few bad experiences myself, this is why I wrote this post!

  18. I think this is an informative post and knowledgeable. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post! I’m glad that I came across your article.

  19. These are absolutely the best-compiled link building suggestions I have read. Link building is a crucial SEO activity as it brings in quite a lot of organic traffic to your site. However, lousy link building service choices often lead to wasted effort and loss of investment. The suggestions are much appreciated, and I would vouch for this checklist in our future projects.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! Finding a good link building service can sometimes be a nightmare; that’s why I pulled out this article!

  20. Great blog! I have been an avid reader of blogs online and as I stumbled upon I was very thankful as I learned new tips from you. Thanks and Keep posted!

  21. Nice wrap up Matthew. I’ve got a Dutch website and these link building services are mostly in English. Do you think it’s still worth to build links from English sites to a site in a different language. Will the effects be same?

    1. No. If your target is Dutch people, it is not relevant to link your site with English websites. However, if you order links from one of these services, you can specify that you want your site to be linked only with other Dutch websites.

  22. Thanks for sharing The Awesome content. I will also share with my friends. Great Content thanks a lot

  23. Great article Matthew, on link building. Links are important because it’s part of a trust factor for Google. This department has been a tough one for Google for many years and although they have gotten good at devaluing them, they can still come after you with penalties.I’ve seen many websites that are not even connected with Google’s search console and the minute I took over a client and connected them, a few days later I got messages on bad links.Keep it safe.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! Link Building is vital but it needs to be done the right way to stay out of “trouble” 😉 Keep the good work up!

    1. Hey Chris – Buying links is indeed against Google webmaster guidelines – but when you hire a link building service, you pay for the service, not for the links. A good link building service would build high-quality links – without buying them – and control them manually.This is why it’ very important to choose the right link building service.

  24. Nice post. І learn spmething totally new and challenging ⲟn blos I stumbleupon еvery day.It’s alѡays helpful tօ rwad cοntent from othеr writers and practice something from their sites.

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