What Is A Keyword Scraper And How Do You Use It For SEO?

  • Matthew Woodward
  • Updated on Jun 29, 2024
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All searches start with a keyword being typed into a search engine.

Think about it…

Everyone who finds your website in the SERPs found it through a keyword.

This means that choosing the right keywords to put in your content can be the difference between tons of SEO traffic… and none at all!

But figuring out which keywords to include in your content can be overwhelming.
Even with the best keyword research tools it can still be a challenge.

What’s the good news?

You can use a SERP keyword scraper to:

Below, I have included the 3x best keyword scrapers available and shown you how to take advantage of them for free.

What Is A Keyword Scraper?

A keyword scraper automatically provides a list of relevant keywords based on the “primary keyword” you want to target.

Here’s what I mean:

You start with a seed keyword such as “SEO strategies”.

Then, the keyword scraper scrapes the Google search results, Google suggests and Google autocomplete to suggest other relevant keywords such as:

  • Strategies for SEO
  • Strategies of SEO
  • SEO content strategies
  • Local SEO strategies

This gives you a whole bunch of other keywords you can target.

The best part?

A good keyword scraper will give you the necessary metrics to evaluate each of the new keyword suggestions.

This makes it easy to identify new keywords with high search volumes and low competition.

3x Keyword Scrapers You Should Use

What are the best keyword scrapers available?

Use any of these keyword scraper tools for better keyword research.

1. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest does many things like:

ubersuggest keyword research

But one of the best features that Ubersuggest has is the keyword research tool.

It’s easy to use and provides a ton of valuable data.

All you have to do is input an initial target keyword and Ubersuggest will give you a list of other keyword suggestions you can use for your SEO campaign.

You’ll also see:

  • Keyword search volumes
  • SEO difficulty (SD)
  • Trends
  • Basic PPC data

ubersuggest keyword ideas suggestions

This allows you to easily:

  1. Sift through different keywords quickly
  2. Find profitable keywords for your campaign

The filter feature also works really well.

The truth is that keyword research can be overwhelming.

Filters allow you to refine your search so that you get a more curated list of keyword suggestions more quickly.

You can even get more keyword ideas with:

  • Related keywords
  • Questions
  • Prepositions
  • Caparison keywords

ubersuggest keyword ideas related

This allows you to:

  • Find more high-value keywords
  • Create better content for your audience

Ubersuggest even allows you to export all of your target keywords into a Google sheet or excel spreadsheet for further analysis.

The free version of Ubersuggest is limited but it will give you a good idea of what you can do with it.

2. AnswerThePublic

Want to know what questions your customers are asking?

AnswerThePublic is your solution.

It scrapes the autocomplete data from search engines like Google and quickly spits out useful phrases and questions people are asking related to your keyword.

answer the public homepage

It’s an absolute gold mine for understanding your customers better.

Do you create a lot of content?

This is where AnswerThePublic really shines. You can use it to-

    • Come up with topic ideas
    • Create better content
    • Find questions your customers have
    • Monitor trends

And so much more!

answer the public results example

AnswerThePublic really does take the guesswork out of keyword research.

You can also combine it with Keywords Everywhere to get search data directly inside of AnswerThePublic.

keywords everywhere and answer the public

This takes AnswerThePublic to the next level and could potentially replace your other keyword research tools!

3. Scrapebox

Scrapebox is considered the Swiss Army Knife of SEO tools.

One of the best features of Scrapebox is the keyword scraper.

scrapebox keyword scraper

Here’s how it works:

You add your target keywords into Scrapebox and it will provide a massive list of keyword suggestions from tons of different sources in seconds.

It helps you find valuable long-tail keywords that your customers are searching for.

The best part?

Scrapebox can scrape keywords from almost any source you want.

You can scrape keywords from:

And so many more.

search engine keyword scraper

If you are running an ecommerce SEO campaign, Scrapebox can target specific marketplaces to find search terms customers are using on these sites.

The user interface might take a moment to get used to, but the results that Scrapebox delivers are second to none.

Bonus: Keyword Sheeter

You know that I love SEO tools, so I had to include a bonus keyword scraper in this list!

Keyword Sheeter used to be called “Keyword Shitter” (they should have stuck with the original name).

It’s a simple tool that generates tons of relevant keyword search suggestions quickly.

You simply add in a couple of target keywords and click “go”.

keyword sheeter keyword scraper

Keyword Sheeter can generate thousands of keyword suggestions in less than 30 seconds. This feature is unlimited and completely free.

If you do want to upgrade to the paid plan, you’ll get access to extra features like:

  • Keyword search data
  • Trend information

Keyword Sheeter is definitely worth checking out!

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Wrapping It Up

Keyword scrapers are underrated.

Why? Well, because they scrape the data from the Google search results themselves.

This means you can generate tons of keyword ideas quickly using data directly from Google. Who doesn’t want that?

Take advantage of keyword scrapers to better optimise your content and find more keywords for your SEO campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

A keyword scraper generates a list of relevant keywords based on an initial keyword that you provide. It scrapes the Google search results to find keyword ideas from “Google autocomplete”, “people also ask” and “related searches”. This makes it easier to identify relevant keywords to optimise your content.
The best keyword tool is Semrush Keyword Magic. Semrush finds loads of related terms in no time and instantly uncovers related keywords as well as identifies keyword gaps on your site too. There really isn’t any other keyword tool like it. If you're looking for a free keyword research tool, Google Keyword Planner is one of the best tools you can get at the time of writing.

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