33 SEO Tutorials That Will Take Your SEO To The Next Level

🔥 Increase your traffic with the 100% free 28 Day SEO Challenge.

What if I told you learning about SEO doesn’t need to be hard or expensive?

That for every $200 course, $50 book and two hour long seminar, there’s a post that shows you exactly what you need to do,  free of charge.

Well in this monster list of tutorials, that’s exactly what you’re going to get.


The 28 Day SEO Challenge is the best free resource for SEO.

No matter what you’re looking to achieve – competitor insights, learn new backlink strategies or even if you’re just looking to improve your SEO knowledge.

There is a free SEO tutorial to show you exactly how to do it.

So if you’re ready to level up your SEO game and rank your site in the search result, it’s time to read on…

What Will I Learn?

What You Will Learn

This listicle isn’t the biggest list of SEO related tutorials on the web. Instead, it’s about giving you an SEO tutorial of the best quality.

Everything here can – and will – improve your skills and search results. It’s been broken down into sections so you can focus on each specific part of SEO.

To get to each section, all you have to do is click the tutorials topic links below:

Each SEO tutorial from this menu icon also comes with different skill levels of Easy, Medium or Hard:

  • Easy: Even if you’ve never heard of SEO before, you’ll be able to follow along.
  • Medium: You need some knowledge of SEO to complete it.
  • Hard: You’ll need at least a few months in the trenches to get the benefits of

That way you can choose the SEO tutorial that you’re going to get the most benefit from. Knowing your marketing and sales acronyms may help you throughout the tutorials.

Okay, let’s get started, shall we?

SEO Tutorial For Beginners

Are you just getting started with SEO? Or, looking for a simple SEO tutorial on how to improve the SEO performance of your site, without getting too technical?

Well, these tutorials for beginners will guide you through all the SEO basics you need to know to proceed with search engine optimization.

SEO Starter Guide by Google

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  • Style: PDF
  • Difficulty: Easy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide

If you want to know how to get your site off to a good start, make sure to read this SEO starter guide.

It covers every basic part of SEO you need to know & understand to please Google as well as your target markets, and gives you some small, actionable steps to take yourself.

It covers:

  • Search engine optimization basics
  • How to improve your site structure
  • The importance of optimizing content, what it looks like and some easy ways to do it
  • What crawlers are and how to make them love your site
  • Simple strategies for promotion and analysis (including research tools)

These are really simple concepts, but they’re essential to know. The information here is rock-solid and will help you build your SEO education and rank well for years to come.

The Beginners Guide To SEO by Moz

  • Link
  • Style: PDF eBook
  • Difficulty: Easy

moz seo tutorials handbook

This free SEO tutorial from the Moz community – one of the front runners in Search Engine Optimization Research and Software – covers all of the basics of SEO and is a great starting point.

It avoids going too in-depth into an SEO topic but gives you a clear understanding of each SEO element, so you leave with a good level of SEO knowledge.

By reading it you’ll learn:

  • How Search Engines work
  • The ways people interact with Search Engines
  • Simple design tweaks to make your site more SEO friendly
  • How to perform basic keyword research
  • What search-friendly content looks like
  • How to build links and why you they effect your search engine rankings
  • Tools and accessories to make search engine optimization easier

Allowing you to make changes to your site, start research and build your search engine rankings with confidence (and without the jargon).

SEO Tutorial For Beginners By Hobo

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium

seo tutorial for beginners hobo

Hobo has put together a 59-point step-by-step SEO tutorial on how to understand it, and how to apply each SEO step to your site.

It contains:

  • Answers to beginner SEO’s frequently asked questions
  • Videos explaining tricky concepts
  • Complete SEO performance breakdown of: keyword research and link building
  • Simple tricks you improve your on page SEO

This is by far the most complete free SEO tutorial for beginners I can find online.

If you want a deeper understanding of search engine optimization, without feeling too overwhelmed, you should bookmark this one.

What is SEO? Your Complete Step-By-Step Guide by Neil Patel

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  • Style: Blog Post Guide
  • Difficulty: Easy

what is seo - neil patel

This guide from Neil Patel and looks like more of a short-and-sweet SEO tutorial that comes at Beginners SEO from a business owner’s point of view, instead of someone trying to become a professional search engine optimization expert.

It gives you a basic understanding of:

  • Why SEO is important
  • How to optimise elements of your web page, like title tag, heading and coding
  • Build links from different sites

A nice addition to other search engine optimization tutorials out there. If you don’t want to wade through long, heavy content, this SEO tutorial is more up your street.

Plus, Neil has developed a teaching style that leads to fast learning and positive results.

Learn SEO by Tutorials Point

  • Link
  • Style: Multiple Blog Post Guide
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium

learn seo by tutorialspoint

This SEO tutorial for beginners is basic in design but does well to explain some concepts that the other search engine optimization beginner tutorials don’t.

Tutorials Point goes to a little extra depth, and you can follow on step-by-step, as more of an SEO tutorial, rather than just gaining a basic SEO understanding.

You can read more about:

  • The difference between White Hat and Black Hat search engine optimization
  • What more specific elements like meta tags and meta description are
  • How to hire an SEO expert, should you need it

I wouldn’t use this over the other two guides to build your knowledge of SEO. However it’s worth a read to deepen your understanding a little.

The Noob Guide To Link Building by IPullRank (On Moz)

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post Guide
  • Difficulty: Easy

the noob guide to link building

This guide was written back in 2012, but don’t let the date fool you, this post is still as relevant today. Building backlinks with the right link analysis tool – as you’ll read later – is one of the factors you need to pay attention to.

And, this epic SEO tutorial for beginners will show you how to do it right.

In it you’ll find:

  • A beginner’s guide
  • How to plan a linking campaign for the next six months
  • Content you can create to create link spot opportunity
  • A list of sites you can build links from right now

You could follow this guide for the next few months and see improvements in the search results that will last a lifetime.

Definitely the place to start getting link SEO education.

The Importance Of Keywords In SEO by Shout Me Loud

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post Guide
  • Difficulty: Easy

The Importance Of Keywords In SEO by Shout Me Loud

Keywords can be a confusing topic for you beginners – you’ll get another keyword SEO tutorial next. Harsh Agrawal has put together a great post to help you understand what they are, how they work and the role they play in search engine optimization.

You’ll learn:

  • What makes Keywords Important
  • How to start with Keyword research
  • Essential information about density and placement
  • The next steps to take for your own site

Even if you don’t put anything into action yet, it gives you a much better understanding for when you read the more in-depth keyword tutorials.

The Ultimate Guide For SEO Beginners by Mangools

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy

The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners

This easy to read guide puts together all-important basics and techniques to get off to a good start with search engine optimization and provide a great user experience to your target markets.

The SEO tutorial covers:

  • What is search engine optimization and how it works
  • How search engines work and how people use them
  • On-page and technical search engine optimization
  • How to write optimized content
  • Keyword research
  • Link building
  • UX and SEO

Each part of the SEO guide includes additional blog posts with detailed SEO tricks and tips. Once you finish, you can test your skills and get a certificate.

There is also a list of 50+ external SEO resources you can go through.

Keyword Research Tutorials

Before we get started you need to know that keywords are an integral part of Search Engine Optimization. While the way Google processes them may change from time to time, they remain part of a search engine’s backbone.

In these tutorials – range from beginner to advanced skill levels – you’ll learn from the best on how to perform keyword research, and elevate the search engines organic traffic for your site.

The Definitive Guide To Keyword Research by Backlinko

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post/eBook
  • Difficulty: Medium

The Definitive Guide By Backlinko

Brian Dean’s tutorials are always super easy to follow; this SEO tutorial is no different.

Whether you’ve just found out what a keyword is, or if you’re a seasoned SEO veteran, you can find something in the seven chapters of this guide.

Brian shows you:

  • The psychology of keywords
  • How to use Google Keyword planner
  • What long tail keywords are and how to use them
  • How to interpret keyword competition
  • Easy to use keyword research tools
  • How to turn your keywords in SEO content

When you’ve finished this guide, you’ll have a complete understanding of keywords, search volume, search query and actionable strategies you can use to grow search traffic to your site.

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO by Ahrefs

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Medium

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO

This step-by-step from Ahrefs shows you a complete breakdown of how to perform keyword research. From start to finish, this guide holds your hands for every step.

You’ll learn:

  • How to create a keyword research spreadsheet
  • How to use sites like Quora and Wikipedia to find hyper-specific keywords
  • Keyword Planner tips to find the most optimal keywords for your page
  • How to use free Long Tail Keyword tools to find easy-to-rank keywords
  • The data you need to focus on to decide on your best keywords

By the end of the SEO tutorial you’ll have a complete list of keywords you can use across your site, that are laser-focused to your audience. Not bad for free, right?

How I Increased My Search Traffic 44% by KaiserTheSage


In this tutorial, KaiserTheSage walks you through how he used Google Analytics data, and some simple keyword research, to get 44% more traffic in less than 30 days.

He also keeps the guide constantly updated so it’s easy to implement based on changes to Google.

Here he’ll show you:

  • How to use hidden Google Analytics data to find high-converting long tail keywords
  • Where, when and why you should use them in certain points on your page
  • How to use internal links to boost search engine rankings in just a few days

All of which will leave you with a completely actionable SEO strategy to rank for more keywords that are much more likely to convert into paying customers with a great user experience.

Link Building Tutorials

Learning how to create a link campaign doesn’t need to be hard. And, while it may feel like the world is against you, it’s not.

These tutorials will show you how to make your voice heard – and your site rank – with long-term strategies for success.

Sounds good? Let’s get started!

WHITE HAT SEO: The Definitive Guide by Backlinko

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post Guide
  • Difficulty: Medium to Hard

backlinko white hat seo

This case study follows the story of Emil, who took a middle-of-the-road snack company to a number one Google ranking. And, give you the exact strategy he used to get there.

By the end of the post you’ll know:

  • How to find keywords worth ranking for
  • Foolproof ways to send outreach emails that get you links
  • How to build Skyscraper content from your competitors content
  • SEO copywriting tips to attract more links

You get to learn how to build quality links – the right way, and fill in gaps in your knowledge with practical steps.

And the bottom line is that even if you have no content worth linking to right now, by the end of it you’ll be able to create a solid piece and get valuable backlinks for it.

Case Study: White Hat Link Building In The Gambling Industry by Moz

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post, Case Study
  • Difficulty: Medium

moz link building in the gambling industry

You don’t have to be in the Gambling Industry to get a lot of value from this post. Sam Miranda shows you simple, actionable ways you can create content and links in your industry.

He talks about:

  • Generating high quality link leads
  • Different types of content that generate the most leads
  • The importance of creating consistent value
  • Outreaching to people naturally in a way that converts

You’ll come away with a sound knowledge of the two main concepts of building links: make news or make friends.

Link Building For Beginners: How To Build Links To Your Site by Hobo

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium to Hard (Topic dependent)

hobo link building

Another great resource from Hobo. Aside from showing you the evolution of Matt Cutts’ hair, they also give you some impressive, consistently up-to-date backlinking advice.

In this SEO tutorial the answer your most frequently asked questions with actionable tactics and advice, like:

  • How to build backlinks using broken links
  • How to get local links
  • Whether you should use, or avoid, directory links
  • What to focus on with Social Media links

These is a blend of actionable tactics, and quality advice you can trust.

My advice is to pay attention to it.

Internal Links by Moz

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  • Style: Learning Resource Page
  • Difficulty: Easy

Internal Linking is an often forgotten tactic, yet it remains effective. This is only a short guide on Internal Links that covers:

  • What is an internal link?
  • How they spread link juice
  • When and where you should internal link

This post is the basis for most internal linking tutorials out there – and is arguably the best – so it’s better to get the information straight from the horse’s mouth.

Backlink Analysis Tutorials

Knowing what your competitors are doing is important.

Because not only can you keep an eye on the moves you should be making to stay ahead of the SEO game, you can leverage their hard work to get further ahead.

Experienced marketers know their company’s rivals inside and out, and they know that there are always more competitor insights to discover.

These tutorials show you how to get behind the scenes of your competitor’s link SEO strategy campaigns and use it to your advantage.

Backlink Analysis: The Easiest Way To Build Links by Matthew Woodward

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium

backlink analysis

This SEO tutorial shows you every step of the process is covered, including:

  • How to steal rankings with competitor backlink analysis
  • How to check competitor backlinks
  • How to steal their best backlinks
  • How to build a links database

I leave no stone unturned so that, even if you have zero knowledge of Backlink Analysis when you arrive, you’ll leave full of useable, actionable information.

Indeed, by using this competitor’s link analysis tool, you will be able to build a complete and solid link building strategy.

Local SEO Tutorial

These tutorials demonstrate that not every business wants to take on the world. Sometimes, they just want to dominate the local area.

No matter where you are in the world, each local SEO tutorial in this list gives you the research tools local websites need to win the SEO game in your local area.

How To Rank Your Local Business by Matthew Barby (On Search Engine Land)

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy

local business seo matthew barby

This is a short-and-simple Local SEO guide that even the most techno-phobic business owner can use. While there are some concepts you may need to Google, you’ll be able to make a start on everything in the SEO tutorial going solo.

It shows you:

  • How to get started and set up a Google My Business page
  • Ways to optimise your landing pages with relevant keywords
  • Easy-to-follow local link building tactics
  • The importance of generating real reviews on Yelp and Google

By the end of the SEO tutorial you’ll have a solid knowledge of how to start a Local SEO campaign and be able to start right away.

Local SEO Checklist by Moz

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium

moz local seo

This isn’t your average search engine optimization checklist. You’re not just abandoned to go it alone with some half-assed checkboxes. Instead you’re told what to be doing and how to do it.

You can follow along each section with Miriam’s guidance, to help you understand what you need to be doing to rank. You’ll cover topics like:

  • Choosing the correct strategy for your type of business
  • How to match your strategy to Google’s guidelines
  • The content you need to create to rank well
  • Where to gain backlinks that will make a difference

If you’re going into a Local SEO project and are feeling a little lost, you’ll find everything you need in the Moz community.

A Complete Guide To Local SEO by Neil Patel

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium to Hard

All-in-One Guide to Improve Your Local Rankings

This is a really visual guide to Local SEO. You can see every step of each process and the results that are possible from each manoeuvre and tactic.

Neil goes in to depth about:

  • How to ensure your NAP is consistent across the internet
  • How to rank in carousel (local pack) listings
  • Content marketing case studies you can learn from
  • How to leverage social media for Local SEO

You can follow all of the steps at your own pace to start seeing your results. Even just a few of the tweaks here will have a large impact on your search results.

If you need professional help with your local SEO, please, check out my list of the best local SEO services.

SEO Copywriting and Content Creation Tutorials

Writing content for SEO isn’t the same as it used to be. Not only do you need to have a keen eye for keywords and value, but you also need to be able to deliver it in a way that people will love.

These tutorials will show you how to boost your SEO copywriting skills with practical SEO writing tips, and create more valuable content, without having to revisit your high school English textbooks.

Create Compelling Content that Ranks Well by CopyBlogger

  • Link
  • Style: eBook
  • Difficulty: Easy

copyblogger seo content

This free eBook shows you all of the basics of SEO Copywriting you need to know to get started.

If you’re brand new to creating content for SEO purposes – maybe it’s your new site or the in-house copywriter is on sick leave – this guide is perfect to get you started.

In it you’ll learn:

  • How to seamlessly work your keywords into your content
  • To create headlines and title tags/header tags that attract attention
  • What you need to write in your meta descriptions
  • The meeting point between writing for search and writing for people

To get access to this eBook you’ll have to sign up to My.Copyblogger for free, or you can download it by clicking the link at the start of this section.

A Step-by-Step Guide To Writing A Compelling Article Introduction by QuickSprout

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Medium

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Compelling Article Introduction

Introductions are the most important part of your content. Because, if they aren’t good enough, nobody will ever get to the part where you offer them insane value.

In this SEO tutorial, Neil Patel lets you follow along with him as you create the perfect article introduction, based on real-world examples.

You’ll learn:

  • How to craft the perfect opening line
  • Ways to tell a better, more gripping, story
  • The benefits of speaking to your reader directly
  • How to focus on benefits so people want to share your article

You might not think this has a direct relation to search engine optimization. But, the more people who read, share and come back to your content, the more you’re going to rank.

Writing great introductions is the gateway drug that makes it happen.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Irresistible Subheads by SmartBlogger

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Medium

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Irresistible Subheads

I hate to break it to you but people don’t read all of your content. They skim read it to find what they want, delve in, and then go away as soon as you’ve scratched their itch.

Having compelling, SEO benefit-driven subheadings can get them to read more of your content and convert them into loyal, tubthumping fans.

In this SEO tutorial Gary Korisko talks about:

  • The reasons your readers drop off your page
  • The subheads you’re using right now that are losing your readers
  • How to use psychology to convert more readers
  • Actionable techniques you can use right now

All of this allows you to create more powerful content for when readers land on your page. Not only improving your search engine rankings, but your conversions to customers too.

SEO Audit Tutorials

Want to know the best way to optimise your site? Then you’re going to need to perform an SEO audit.

Whether this is your first, or your 400th, these tutorials show you how to do it. And how to do it very well.

The 5 Step SEO Audit Process by Matthew Woodward

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium


In 2018 my search traffic was a disaster. I decided to something about it!

After completing a site audit, making a plan from what I had learnt and then actioning it…

 I was able to increase my search traffic by 45%.

I’ll show you exactly what I did, step by step in my Common Sense SEO Audit guide.

You’ll learn:

  • My 5 step SEO audit anyone can do
  • How to transform your search engine organic traffic with an SEO audit
  • What your search results could look like

My search results were better than ever and yours could be too!

How To Perform An SEO Audit by QuickSprout

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Medium to Hard (Technical knowledge required)

How To Perform an SEO Audit

This is one of the more basic, easy to understand, tutorials to performing an SEO audit. I’d recommend it if you’re still finding your feet with this type of process.

You can follow along across 23 different steps that give you an all-round SEO look at a site, it’s optimization and where the weak links are.

This SEO tutorial can build your confidence, while helping you get to grips with some of the more technical aspects.

Technical SEO Audit Whitepaper by Koozai

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  • Style: PDF
  • Difficulty: Medium to Hard (Technical knowledge required)

koozai audit

This guide from Koozai is the most technical. It explores the more in-depth components of an audit, and leaves no stone unturned when it comes to giving you information.

If you’re looking to get a complete understanding of how to perform an SEO audit, while learning more of the ins and outs of the trade, this is the guide for you.

Google Penalty Analysis and Removal Tutorials

A Google Penalty is an SEO’s worst nightmare (well, after Spiders). Doing all of that hard work, just to find yourself – or your client – back at square one is a real kick in the teeth.

But, don’t fear. These tutorials will show you how to identify a Google Penalty and heal your site in quick time.

Let’s get started!

The Expert’s Guide To Google Penalty Removal by WebFX

  • Link
  • Style: eBook, Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Medium to Hard (Technical knowledge required)

The Expert's Guide to Google Penalty Removal

Man, this is one thorough guide. It gives you, piece by piece, the instructions you need to know to both identify and recover from a penalty.

You get a complete guide to:

  • Identifying your Google penalty
  • How to remove links from your site
  • Ways to approach link building and content marketing to recover properly
  • Actionable case studies of real penalties you can learn from

This didn’t get the attention it deserves when it went live. But, it’s the guide out there to recovering from a Google penalty.

The Ultimate Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet by Neil Patel

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Medium

The Ultimate Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet

This guide packs a real punch. It shows you the major SEO angles your site could be penalised from, how to identify what’s happened, and strategies to fix it.

You can see:

  • How to approach specific pages on your site to improve your search engine rankings
  • How to identify what kind of update has penalised your site
  • Identifying and removing bad links
  • How to avoid penalties in the future

The only downside to this guide is that it’s not that easy to navigate. However, the content is good enough to help someone with a low to medium knowledge of SEO pick up the pieces of their broken site.

The Step By Step Process To Remove Any Google Penalty by Matthew Woodward

  • Link
  • Style: Video, Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Medium


This is a more specific approach, but I show you how to get to the root of the problem and understand what’s happening behind the scenes of your own site.

You can follow along as a video or a post, and you’ll learn:

  • How to analyse backlink based penalties quickly & easily
  • How to collect all the required data
  • How to setup my personal backlink analysis spreadsheet
  • How to use the data to create a laser-focused, positive, plan of action

This is a pro-active method that shows you recovery, and management, for the long term. Keeping your site SEO healthy and giving you full control of its future.

Bonus: Follow my Google penalty recovery guide to remove your penalty.

Mobile Search Tutorials

Mobile is rapidly becoming the place to look for information. Smartphone search is only 11% behind Desktop search. And,according to Google, mobile friendliness is 100% an important ranking signal.

Each SEO tutorial in this list will show you how to capitalise on the mobile revolution and get search results on even the smallest of screens.

It’s time to get started if you don’t want to be left behind…

Mobile Friendly Websites by Google

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  • Style: Article
  • Difficulty: Easy

Mobile site and mobile-first indexing best practices

This is a really simple free SEO tutorial that shows you how to check for yourself if your site is mobile friendly. It also gives you some SEO tips on what the minimum Google wants from your site is.

It talks about:

  • Why you need a Responsive Web Design
  • How to use Google Page Speed Insights
  • The three most important elements of a mobile-friendly site

This may not be the most exciting SEO tutorial on earth. But, it’s important to achieve success in mobile SEO. Especially if you’re going it alone.

Site Speed Optimisation SEO Tutorial

Remember that last time your phone took, like, two seconds longer than it should have done to load? Remember the anger that burnt inside you?

Now, imagine that feeling every time someone comes to your site from search engines.

You’d never have any loving fans.

Well, these tutorials show you how to speed up your site while keeping your visitors (and Google) happy.

A Beginners Guide To Website Speed Optimisation by Kinsta

  • Link
  • Style: eBook/Blog Post Hybrid
  • Difficulty: Medium

A Beginner’s Guide to Website Speed Optimization

The writing in this SEO tutorial isn’t the most chatty. You’ll need a big cup of coffee to stay engaged. But, it’s worth it I promise. You’ll come away, a search engine marketing site speed guru by the end of it.

Across six tutorials, Kinsta show you:

  • What Website Speed Optimisation is
  • How to identify bottlenecks that slow your site down
  • Quick and easy ways to make your site fast
  • Optimisation for mobile and desktop

This guide, while called a beginners guide, is a little over-the-head of someone brand new to SEO which is why it’s in this section. But it’s still easy to follow and understand.

Speed Up WordPress: How We Optimised by 256% by WPBeginner

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post, Case Study
  • Difficulty: Medium

wordpress site speed

There’s a good chance your site is being run on WordPress. And, that’s a good thing. But for all of its plus sides, the downside is that is can often run quite slowly.

This SEO tutorial shows you how you can speed up WordPress and improve your overall load speed that search engines will approve. It explains:

  • How to use Cache’s to improve site speed
  • Why not having a Content Delivery Network could slow you down
  • Simple steps for image optimisation
  • Plugins that may be slowing you down

You can either follow along to implement all of the steps, or pick where your weak links may be and attack them.

The Ultimate Mega Guide To Speeding Up WordPress by WPMUDEV

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium

The Ultimate Mega Guide to Speeding Up WordPress

If you want a deeper, longer insight into speeding up a WordPress site, this guide may be more up your street. It’s a whopping 28 sections long (almost a bunch of mini tutorials) and goes to real depth about each section.

You’ll gain extra SEO knowledge like:

  • How to decrease website requests
  • How to load scripts in your footers
  • How to utilise activation, deactivation and stabilisation hooks
  • How to disable hot-linking

This guide is perfect if you’re going to be doing this for your clients on a regular basis, and want a through knowledge of the page metrics inner workings.

11 Low Hanging Fruits For Increasing Web Speeds by ConversionXL

  • Link
  • Style: Blog Post
  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium

11 Low-Hanging Fruits for Increasing Website Speed

Peep shows you how you can increase the speed of your site with simple methods. He also explains how it impacts your (or your clients) conversion rates, and what having a fast site speed can do for you. Search engines approve of web pages with fast loading times.

By the end of the tutorial you’ll know:

  • How to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Which are the fastest hosting companies you should use
  • Easy to use tools to speed up your site
  • How to compress your site to make it run even faster

And the bottom line is that each of the 11 steps only takes a few minutes to implement – or hand over to your webmaster – and make a huge difference to your site rankings in the search engines.

Or if you are busy like me you can just follow the steps in my WP Rocket review to instantly increase your site speed in a few clicks.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it. The best free SEO Tutorials and case studies for each part of search engine optimization on the internet in one place. For free. Take that, $350 webinar.

If you were to have a go at every SEO tutorial on this list, you’d be a search engine marketing expert by the end of the year, guaranteed.

Here are all of the sections so you can go back and find the SEO tutorial you loved (or badly need to do):

On top of following these free tutorials, you can also check out my lists of SEO presentations, SEO podcasts, SEO certifications, SEO books, and free seo tools.

Did I make your day, or did I just break it?

Just remember, SEO success stands on common sense and a few best practices so make sure to apply what you’ve learnt with these tutorials to get results. If you don’t take action, nothing’s gonna change…

Let me know which SEO tutorial you loved, loathed, and are getting ready to get stuck in to below.

Frequently Asked Questions

An SEO tutorial is put together by SEO experts to show you exactly how to carry out SEO. These can cover a range of topics such as keyword research, link building strategies, copywriting and SEO auditing and range from beginner to advanced skill levels. And unlike SEO courses, most of SEO tutorials are available for free on the internet.
SEO is not that hard to learn. Everything you need to know about SEO is on the internet and is mostly available for free. I recommend anyone who has an online business to learn the basic principles of SEO and then get started with my SEO checklist. There are no big secrets, just smart decisions and hard work.
Yes, you can do SEO yourself. It takes time and consistency. You’ll need to do some research, probably watch some SEO tutorials and practice! SEO is crucial for online business owners, web designers, markers or everyone who want to rank in search engines.
If you want to become an SEO specialist you should follow these 5 steps:
  1. Learn SEO basics & fundamentals
  2. Get to know the best SEO tools
  3. Grow your SEO skills
  4. Develop a portfolio of SEO projects
  5. Optimize your own site to practice and develop new SEO skills
If you're short on time and want to learn SEO fast, the best thing to do is to sign up for SEO courses. It's the best option to learn all the fundamentals of SEO without losing yourself on the internet. Depending on your needs and budget you can get free or paid courses as well as beginner-friendly to advanced level courses. Personally, I recommend you my own SEO course called 28 Day SEO.
Learning SEO is a never-ending process. Indeed, search engines are always evolving which mean that people always need to find new ways/strategies to stay on the top of the search results. However, according to my experience, learning the basics of SEO can take around 4-6 weeks.

Link Building

Link building you will be proud of.

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SEO Agency

We take full control of your traffic.

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Learn Portal

Free SEO tutorials to increase your traffic.

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