Serpstat Review: Is This SEO Tool Worth Your Money?

  • Matthew Woodward
  • Updated on Jun 29, 2024
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Serpstat started as a simple keyword research tool.

Fast forward a few years and it has become a popular SEO tool looking to join the ranks of Ahrefs and Semrush.

The Serpstat team has worked hard to create a solid set of tools designed to handle every aspect of an SEO campaign.

But does Serpstat really live up to the hype?

In my Serpstat review, I will go through all of their top features and see if Serpstat is really worth the money.

What Is Serpstat?

Serpstat is an all in one SEO platform designed to make everything related to SEO and PCC marketing easier.

serpstat review

Their core features I will cover in my Serpstat review include:

Originally Serpstat started as a specialist keyword research tool. Over the years they have grown into a full-fledged ā€œgrowth hackingā€ SEO and PPC platform.

You get 30 different tools providing all the data you need to make informed decisions about your SEO in one software.

Serpstat Offers Promising Featuresā€¦

From the outset, Serpstat offers an impressive amount of features.

Letā€™s take a deeper look at each of them and see how they stack up against the other big all-in-one SEO tools like:

Site Audit

Serpstatā€™s website auditing tool is very thorough.

You can run comprehensive technical and on-page SEO audits with a click of a button. It quickly identifies any errors that could be affecting your SEO.

All of the issues are divided into three groups:

  1. High
  2. Medium
  3. Low

seo errors

This allows you to prioritise and fix the issues affecting your website the most.

Serpstat grades your websiteā€™s overall technical health with a score out of 100. The score is called SDO (ā€œSerpstat Domain Optimisationā€œ), with a higher number being better.

It is calculated as a custom ratio by considering the found SEO issues, their severity and the number of pages your website has.

The metric looks pretty accurate compared to other tools although it might seem a little odd. This is how it looks:


The website auditor will also provide recommendations to increase website speed on both:

  • Mobile
  • Desktop

This is a nice little added feature to help you optimise both versions of your website.

Once you have the technical issues sorted you will need to focus on individual pages.

Serpstatā€™s page audit tool allows you to analyse any page instantly. It identifies any on-page SEO errors and suggests fixes for them.

suggested fixes

It isnā€™t the most comprehensive on-page SEO tool but it does the trick.

Doing SEO work for your clients?

Serpstat makes it easy to send white-labelled reports periodically right to your clientā€™s email. You can even set up automatically scheduled audits to ensure your website is always optimised.

automatic reports

The Serpstat website auditor tool is very solid. It provides a good analysis of your technical and on-page SEO health.

Keyword Research

All SEO campaigns require good keyword research.

Without it, your campaign is doomed from the beginning. Serpstat started out as primarily a keyword research tool, so I had pretty high expectations.

And it didnā€™t disappoint.

The best keyword research tools provide in-depth analysis and recommend other potential keywords to target.

Serpstat has a data index of over 6+ billion keywords, so there is a lot of data on hand to help you choose the right keywords.

serpstat data index

To give you perspective:

  • Ahrefs has 4 billion keywords in their index
  • Semrush claims to have 20 billion

So Serpstat is definitely in the mix.

But data is just the tip of the iceberg. A good keyword tool should make it easy to research and analyse keywords. This is actually where Serpstat shines.

Serpstat has an in-depth recommended keyword report that suggests keywords you wouldnā€™t have otherwise thought about.

suggested keywords

This feature makes it super simple to compile a list of great keywords to target.

If you know me, you know I am a big fan of topic research.

Once you have the topics, you can easily find the right keywords to target.

Serpstat has a feature that allows you to understand how topics are trending. From there you can deep dive into the related keywords that fit the same topic cluster.

keyword trends

Creating a topic cluster of keywords is an absolute breeze with Serpstat!

They also have a great search suggestions tool that scrapes Google autocomplete.

Itā€™s true that lots of tools have this feature.

The problem is that most tools just provide a massive list of recommendations, making it hard to use the data well. Serpstatā€™s reports are more refined which makes the data more actionable.

The autocomplete suggestions tend to be more relevant.

As the saying goes:

ā€œLess is moreā€œ.

Serpstatā€™s keyword research tool is up there with the best of them!

They have an extensive index of keyword data and their tools make it easy to analyse and choose great keywords for your campaign.

Thatā€™s a good start for Serpstat!

Looking for free alternatives? Check out my list of free keyword research tools.

Backlinks Analysis

Backlink analysis is where most ā€œall-in-oneā€ SEO tools fall down. Serpstatā€™s backlink checker is pretty good and operates similarly to most of the other top ones.

backlink checker

You get a detailed list of all your websites backlinks and the quality of each link. Itā€™s also easy to do a backlink analysis on competitorsā€™ websites to see how you stack up.

You can dive deeper into the data and identify stronger backlinks vs links that could negatively affect your SEO.

backlink review

You get a good understanding of your overall backlink profile quality as you can even see reports on anchor text.

These features are pretty standard for most decent backlink checkers.

Where the Serpstat backlink tool falls down is the data analysis. When comparing competitorsā€™ link profiles, there isnā€™t that one defining metric like ā€œdomain authorityā€ or ā€œdomain ratingā€.

They do have a ā€œdomain rankā€ metric but itā€™s only available in the referring domains report.

When looking at competitorsā€™ backlink profiles, Serpstat just doesnā€™t offer the level analysis that tools like Ahrefs and Semrush have.

It is by no means a terrible backlink analysis tool but there are certainly far better ones out there. Soā€¦For serious link builders, Serpstat isnā€™t quite going to cut it.

Rank Tracker

Rank tackers are always a hit or miss with all-in-one SEO tools.

Serpstatā€™s rank tracker is accurate and provides an excellent level of SERP analysis.

Itā€™s super easy to add a large list of target keywords to track. You can then segment keywords into groups so itā€™s easy to manage the different topics you are targeting.

The rank tracking geo locations are also very good. You can track rankings at the-

  • Country level
  • City level

geo location targeting

This means you can comfortably use Serpstat for local rank tracking.

Keywords rankings are updated daily. You can set up automatic updates which means you donā€™t need to log in to your account to update the rankings.

Monitoring your competitors is part of rank tracking.

Serpstat makes it easy to monitor your competitorā€™s keyword rankings and watch for SERP changes. It has advanced reports that show your overall market share for your target keywords and help you assess where you can improve.

rankings market share

White label ranking reports can also be scheduled to automatically send out to your clients to keep them in the loop with how their campaign is progressing.

Serpstatā€™s rank tracker will satisfy any SEO. It offers accurate and actionable data to help you stay on top of your keyword rankings easily.

Competitor Analysis

Hereā€™s the truth:

Your competitors are one of your best sources for SEO analysis.

Evaluating your competitorā€™s websites will help you create a tailored SEO strategy to get ahead of them. All-in-one SEO tools must have good competitor analysis features and Serpstat is no exception.

Straight off the bat, Serpstat enables you to check your competitors ranking keywords and traffic sources. You can even get a list of your competitorā€™s top-ranking pages and analyse why they are successful.

competitor analysis

This is one of the best features the competitor analysis tool offers.

It will show you why your competitors are outranking you then you know where you need (and can) improve.

This is a really good feature!

Serpstat allows you to do a top-level analysis of up to 5 competitors at one time.

side by side analysis

It will highlight where each competitor does well and compare your own website. This report gives you a good insight into what areas you need to do more work with your SEO.

Love data?

Serpstat has 18 core metrics you can analyse your competitors from, which is more than enough to get a good understanding of each competitor. You can also look into each metric to get a deeper level of analysis.

Do you want to see if there are any ranking gaps between your site and your competitors?

Serpstat has a specific report that gives you a domain vs domain analysis to identify any ranking gaps.

domain vs domain report

This is another great feature highlighting areas you can improve your SEO to outrank your competitors.

Serpstatā€™s competitor analysis tool is really solid!

It provides a good level of detail and gives you the information you need to gain an advantage over your competitors.

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ā€¦But Serpstat Has Downsides That Make It Unable To Keep Up With The Competition

There is no doubt that Serpstat offers a great range of powerful SEO tools.

But unfortunately, it has some downsides as well.

Serpstat Is Quite Slow & Buggy For An SEO Platform

This really grinds my gears.

I canā€™t stand SEO software that is laggy, especially when youā€™re paying a premium price.

SEO work is process-driven and you rely on the tools to help identify where you need to work. If the tool is slow, your work will be slow too.

Slow loading website

Serpstatā€™s user interface is just like other SEO tools but its real letdown is how buggy it is. Load times really take a hit when you start crunching lots of data and reports.

When you compare Serpstat to tools like Moz, Ahrefs or Semrush, the difference in the fluency of the user interface is huge.

Serpstat Lacks Of Customer Care

Support is a huge part of any SEO tool.

You need a responsive customer support team to help guide you and get the most out of the tool.

Serpstatā€™s customer support isnā€™t terrible but itā€™s also not great!

They have a live chat bubble at the bottom of the screen, making it easy to connect with a team member. They are also pretty responsive and generally reply to messages within 1-3 minutes.

So far so good right?

Unfortunately, the Serpstat customer support team typically provides very generic answers. In some cases, it seems they even just copy and paste answers from other content. Not great!

They also seem like they are in a hurry to move on to the next person which makes you feel like they donā€™t care all that much.

I have high expectations for premium tools and while Serpstatā€™s support isnā€™t the worst Iā€™ve experienced, there is certainly room for improvement.

Serpstat Is Quite Expensive For The Value You Get

Now to the biggest problem.

Serpstat charges a premium price to use all of its features.

On the surface, if you look at whatā€™s included, you could think the price is justified. But when you actually use each of the tools and compare them to other premium all-in-one tools, itā€™s hard to justify.

Serpstat Is Quite Expensive For The Value You Get

Serpstatā€˜s lite plan starts at $69 per month. If you want access to their full suite of tools you will need to upgrade to their Standard plan for $149 per month.

Compare that with a tool like Ahrefs starting at $99 per month for lite or $179 per month for the standard, itā€™s hard to choose Serpstat.

Serpstat has good tools but nothing really unique.

It makes paying that extra $30 to get access to a tool like Ahrefs worth it every day of the week!

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Wrapping It Up

Serpstat is a solid SEO tool.

It has all of the features you would expect from a premium SEO software tool suite.

You get everything you need to manage complete SEO campaigns and it has a dedicated team constantly working behind the scenes to improve it.

But Serpstat also has some pretty big issues.

The slow loading and buggy interface is a massive issue. And you are also paying a premium price to access it.

When you compare Serpstat with other tools like Ahrefs or Semrush, itā€™s hard to recommend Serpstat.

You might as well pay the extra bit and get access to more data and a better quality set of tools overall.

For me, I will definitely continue using Ahrefs and Semrush for now.

Check out my Ahrefs review and Semrush review to see why I recommend them so much.

What does my complete SEO tool stack look like? This is the list of SEO tools I use for all of my SEO campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, Serpstat isn't free. Serpstat does offer a very limited free account to get a feel for each of the tools they offer. To use the Serpstat features, you will need to upgrade to a premium plan starting from $69 per month. If you're looking for free SEO tools, check my list.
Serpstat has lots of tools for you to use on your campaigns. You can run website audits, do keyword research, conduct competitor analysis and more. Their set of SEO tools is comprehensive and you can use it to run entire SEO campaigns.

Serpstat Review

  • Review Of: Serpstat
  • Reviewed By: Matthew Woodward
  • Rating:
  • Updated On: Jun 29, 2024

In my Serpstat review, I will go through all of their top features and see if Serpstat is really worth the money.

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