SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush – Which Is Best In 2024?

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Are you ready for the ultimate SEO tool showdown?

Welcome to SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush.

Let’s be real: tool comparisons like this are usually biased

  • When bloggers write them they gravitate towards the tool that has the best affiliate commissions.
  • When the software companies themselves write them, their tool wins hands down.

Well, today that changes. I’m putting these two powerhouse SEO tools to the REAL test.

Which one will be the winner?

You are about to find out!

SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush: The Ultimate Battle

Let’s not waste anymore time!

To keep things fair, I will be comparing how both tools handle each main aspect of SEO:

So, at the end of this post, you’ll have a clear idea of which tool you need to include in your toolkit to skyrocket your SEO.

Semrush Overview

First into the ring is Semrush.

Semrush is a complete SEO and digital marketing software that has a bunch of tools to help increase your search traffic and online visibility.

semrush seo tool

There’s almost nothing that Semrush can’t do – especially when it comes to SEO.

Semrush’s main SEO features include:

  • Advanced keyword research
  • On-page SEO
  • Local SEO
  • Rank Tracking
  • Link Building
  • Competitor Analysis

Semrush is one of the best SEO research tools available. Period.

You can use it to analyse almost anything related to SEO. Semrush helps you develop an SEO strategy to use that data to your advantage.

Want to learn more about their bot? Check out Semrushbot.

SEO PowerSuite Overview

Second into the ring is SEO PowerSuite.

SEO PowerSuite is a powerful set of tools that help speed up the process of search engine optimisation by making SEO campaigns easier to execute.

seo powersuite seo tool

The software does an excellent job of helping you sift through tons of SEO data quickly in a very user-friendly way.

You get access to four powerful tools:

  1. Website Auditor: Auditing your site and doing on-page SEO
  2. Rank Tracker: Tracking ranks and doing keyword research
  3. SEO Spyglass: Backlink research and backlink analysis
  4. LinkAssistant: Outreach for link-building opportunities

seo powersuite applications

Each tool comes together nicely to execute each step of your SEO campaign.

Note: With SEO PowerSuite you’ll need to download a desktop application to use the tool as it isn’t a cloud-based SEO software.

1. Keyword Research

Let’s start with keyword research.

What makes a good SEO keyword research tool?

Two words: Comprehensive data.

You can’t determine whether a keyword is good for targeting if you don’t have the right data on hand.

Semrush Keyword Research

As a seasoned heavyweight…

Semrush’s keyword magic tool designed to make keyword research easier while providing you with all the information you need.

keyword magic tool

With a suite of 8 different keyword research methods, it makes it easy to build a target keyword list based on deep research and precise data.

While you still get the foundational metrics such as search volume and CPC, the tool gives you a much deeper insight into:

  • Competition
  • Ranking difficulty
  • Search trend
  • SERP features
  • Current rankings

The level of in-depth research you can do with this tool is seriously unmatched. Semrush puts everything you need to know about keywords

…Right at your fingertips!

semrush keyword research

This makes it much easier to find long-tail and niche keywords that are worth targeting. Ultimately making your SEO campaigns effective.

semrush keyword suggestions

Now if you didn’t know:

Semrush is the king of competitor analysis.

With their keyword gap and organic research tools, you can have Semrush uncover valuable keywords that your competitors are ranking for.

In other words – you can steal keywords from your competitors.

You can easily build your SEO strategy and gain an advantage over competitors quickly.

SEO PowerSuite Keyword Research

Speeding up the keyword research process…

…SEO PowerSuite’s Rank Tracker application is like a dog with a bone when it comes to finding keywords for your campaign.

Rank Tracker has 23 different keyword research methods built inside it!

The tool will help you find keyword suggestions in so many different ways:

  • Google ads keyword planner
  • Competitors
  • Domain research
  • Related searches
  • Google autocomplete
  • Related questions
  • Keyword gap

And even more!

keyword research seo powersuite

You can also integrate Rank Tracker with Google Search Console and Google Analytics which gives you a list of recommended keywords using data from both of these tools.

And if you’re doing local SEO?

Rank Tracker allows you to select a local city specifically to see the data for keywords related to that city. Once you have your keyword list -you can analyse the keywords.

Rank Tracker lets you see:

keyword metrics

SEO PowerSuite’s keyword research features are very good and it provides a lot of different keywords for you to target.

Who Performs The Best?

Although SEO PowerSuite’s Rank Tracker is excellent for finding potential keywords- It lacks the data analysis part.

Finding potential keywords is one thing but…

  • Analysing
  • Selecting

…The RIGHT ONES is also super important.

This is where Semrush knocks SEO PowerSuite out.

I found that the Semrush data seems to be more accurate. You can dive deeper into each keyword and get a really good overview of each potential keyword. This makes choosing keywords that work for you much easier.

Keyword Research

It was close but Semrush took the first round for keyword research.

Doing keyword research on budget? Check out my list of free keyword research tools.

2. Rank Tracking

So we know how to get better keywords, but what about rank tracking?

I can’t stress enough how important it is to have accurate and up-to-date rank tracking to see how effective your SEO is.

Both Semrush and SEO PowerSuite are good contenders because they have good ranking tracking capabilities.

Semrush Rank Tracking

Semrush’s Rank Tracking tools allow you to accurately keep an eye on the day-to-day progress of your website’s rankings.

With their position tracker tool, you can see exactly where your website ranks in the google search results. It’s always easy to monitor the performance of every SEO campaign.

semrush rank tracking

There is a lot of data here. You can see:

  • Rankings for each keyword
  • Your website’s visibility trend
  • How you rank against competitors
  • Ranking distribution in the search results

Easily deep dive into the progress of each individual keyword or just get an overview of how the campaign is going at a glance.

With this comprehensive view of your rankings – you always know whether or not the campaign is improving over time.

Another powerful feature that Semrush offers is Sensor.

Sensor tracks the volatility of the search results and monitors the changes of the search results as it happens.

sensor serp volatility tool

In other words, if you see a sudden decline in your ranking positions, Semrush will automatically notify you.

As if that isn’t enough…

They take it one step further.

Semrush tells you WHY your rankings have decreased. Since they automatically run an analysis on the top 20 websites in the SERPs – you’ll never be left in the dark.

How powerful is that?

If you are doing local SEO, all of Semrush’s ranking tracking capabilities will apply to smaller local SERPs as well.

SEO PowerSuite Rank Tracking

SEO PowerSuite’s rank tracking tools fight back! You can track your website rankings in any of the 400+ search engines they offer on both:

  • Mobile
  • Desktop

…On Google inside of the Rank Tracker application.

Tracking rankings locally?

rank tracker local search

SEO PowerSuite allows you to track rankings at any level:

  • Region
  • State
  • City
  • Street Address

Now that’s super targeted right?

You can easily keep an eye on your rankings within even the smallest local areas!

Love automation?

SEO PowerSuite allows you to set the rank tracker to automatically check your ranking positions each day. This automation feature saves you time and means your data is always up to date.

automatic rank tracking

To make things better:

SEO PowerSuite also enables you to track your competitor’s rankings which helps you see your overall website visibility and compare your rankings directly to your competitors.

Like Semrush they have a visibility metric that provides a graph of your visibility as it changes over time.

Who Performs The Best?

This was a hard-fought round. SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush rank tracking tools are both very good contenders.

But Semrush wins it.

While SEO PowerSuite came in swinging with some superior features for local SEO and a large degree of customisation for key metrics, Semrush actually provides actionable advice on HOW to improve your SEO campaign.

Rank Tracking

So, if you want a tool that tracks each keyword in real-time then gives you real advice on how to rank higher – Semrush is your winner too.

Want to focus on mobile tracking? Check out my list of the best mobile rank tracking tools on the market to this day.

3. On-Page SEO

If you have technical SEO issues or haven’t optimised your page properly, it doesn’t matter what else you do. Your website just isn’t going to rank.

Let’s have a look at the on-page SEO features of SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush.

Semrush On-Page SEO

Semrush’s on-page SEO toolkit offers a complete and structured list of areas of improvement for your website.

seo audit semrush

The site-audit tool crawls your entire website and reviews each page. All issues found are divided into three groups:

  • Errors
  • Warnings
  • Notices

This helps you prioritise what needs to be fixed first.

Depending on what you want to focus on, you can customise the site crawl to make sure it meets your needs.

This helps Semrush filters what’s important and show you exactly where to make improvements that will deliver the biggest impact.

Boom, crash, pow!

You are not left wasting time trying to figure out what to focus on.

Semrush’s on-page SEO checker is truly unique. It starts off like most SEO tools by analysing your website for areas of improvement…

But then it kicks it up a notch!

SEO checker compares your site pages to your top 10 organic competitors for each target keyword. Once it’s gathered the information – you get an extensive list of improvements.

seo ideas semrush

Simply put:

Semrush figures out why your competitors are ranking in the top 10 and spits out a checklist to help your site get to the same level.

Now that’s practical SEO.

Check out my 4 step SEO audit case study to see how regular SEO audits can help your website grows.

SEO PowerSuite On-Page SEO

Website Auditor is SEO PowerSuite’s on-page SEO tool that’s designed to do an in-depth crawl through your website to identify any:

  • On-page issues
  • Technical SEO issues

seo powersuite seo audit

Similar to Semrush, WebSite Auditor’s SEO issues are broken down into three categories:

  • Errors
  • Warnings
  • Notices

You get a score out of 100 and WebSite Auditor provides a list of actionable tasks to tick off to reach that perfect 100% score.

If you’re a visual learner, you’ll appreciate the site visualisation tool which shows your entire website’s internal linking structure.

All these features help uncover problems in the site architecture and help you create an effective internal link strategy to boost your website’s SEO.

internal link analysis

And if that wasn’t enough, WebSite Auditor lets you optimise pages inside the application.

Simply add the URL of the page you want to optimise and the tool clones the page.

From here, you can make the optimisations in-app following the optimisation list that WebSite Auditor has provided.

optimise pages

Ready to publish the changes to your website?

A single click will save the SEO-perfect HTML to your computer which you can upload to your website!

Although it won’t work for everyone because it depends on how your website is built, it is a unique time-saving feature.

Who Performs The Best?

While SEO PowerSuite really gave Semrush a run for its money because of its fantastic on-page SEO features and capabilities…

…Semrush takes this round again.

On-Page SEO


The customised list of improvements based on an in-depth review of competitors is hard to beat.

Not only are you getting recommendations based on SEO best practices, but you also get a drawn-out strategy to rank higher than your competitors.

Learn more ways to optimise your site with Semrush with my complete SEO checklist.

4. SEO Reporting

Reporting is one of the most underrated features of any SEO tool.

Without a doubt, SEO reports are one of the best strategies to maintain client relationships

SEO reporting that makes clients happy needs to be:

  • Easy to understand
  • Customisable
  • Automated

So with all of that in mind, let’s get into SEO reporting for SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush.

Semrush SEO Reporting

The first thing to look at is how Semrush allows you to:

  • Build
  • Manage
  • Share

…Custom PDF reports.

semrush seo reporting

You have two options with Semrush:

  1. Start from scratch
  2. Use a pre-built template

Semrush has an easy to use drag and drop builder which makes putting reports together very simple for anyone.

You can report on data from most of the Semrush tools. You can also pull widgets directly from Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Google My Business.

report on data

It’s very easy to create relevant reports that are easy for clients to understand.

When it comes to reporting – automation is essential…

You don’t want to spend all your time on reports your clients will only glance at for 10 minutes. That’s why you need an SEO tool that has good automation features as Semrush does.

You can choose when to send reports and have them automatically sent:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Each report can be white-labelled with your own brand and delivered as a PDF to your clients. These reports look visually appealing which is attractive to clients when they are looking at them.

SEO PowerSuite SEO Reporting

If you want a flexible and easy to use SEO reporting software

SEO PowerSuite has got that down.

In a matter of minutes, you can create impressive-looking reports that capture the KPI’s of your SEO campaign.

seo kpi

Any metric you see within SEO PowerSuite can be captured inside the reports you send.

Don’t want to start from scratch?

SEO PowerSuite also has pre-built reports that you can easily customise to match exactly what you need.

SEO PowerSuite also does well in the automation department. You can schedule reports to send to clients via email whenever you want.

automated reports

The difference in automation is this:

With SEO PowerSuite you can write comments on different parts of the report before you hit send which is great to communicate the SEO results to your clients.

Who Performs The Best?

I hate to do this…

But when it comes to SEO reporting- it’s a draw.


Both Semrush and SEO PowerSuite have all the necessary design and data reporting features to create SEO reports your clients will be excited to receive.

5. Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is not just link building.

While link-building is definitely the biggest part of it, it’s important you realise that there is more to off-page SEO:

  • Content marketing
  • Local citations
  • Reputation management
  • Brand mentions

Using each of these things effectively will mean the difference between massive SEO growth and not.

Semrush Off-Page SEO

Semrush’s off-page SEO tool enables you to:

  • Plan
  • Execute
  • Manage

…An effective link building campaign.

competitors links

You can do so much:

Ever wish you could compare your progress with your competitors’ progress?

Now you can with Semrush.

You can track the link building progress of your competitors over time and set up automatic updates to see the comparison between you and them.

This provides you with insight into their strategy and their target keywords.

link comparison

Not all links provide the same value. Evaluating link opportunities is a must when executing link building campaigns. To do that you need to have access to the right data.

(Download my link building checklist)

With Semrush you can take a deep dive into each link and gather all that data to evaluate potential links easily. You can even connect a gmail account and do link outreach from inside the platform.


Off-page SEO isn’t just about link building…

…That’s why Semrush doesn’t stop there. They also include some unique features such as:

  • Brand monitoring
  • Social media tracking
  • SEO content creator
  • Local citation tracking
  • GMB listing manager

All of these tools combined with the link building suite makes Semrush a very powerful off-page SEO tool.

SEO PowerSuite Off-Page SEO

You get two tools for off-page SEO with SEO PowerSuite:

  1. SEO SpyGlass
  2. Link Assistant

SEO SpyGlass helps you conduct backlink research and analysis. While Link Assistant is designed to help you execute link building campaigns.

With both SEO tools in your back pocket – you’ve got yourself a solid off-page SEO toolset.

With SEO SpyGlass you can:

  • Audit your current backlink profile
  • View your competitor’s backlinks
  • Analyse and steal competitors backlink strategy
  • See how you compare
  • Detect and stop harmful links
  • Monitor backlink growth over time

link analysis

You won’t have to wonder which backlinks are actually valuable because…

…SEO SpyGlass gives you the ability to easily evaluate each and every link you have. It even allows you to see if any backlinks are sending you traffic!

links sending traffic

So you’ve done the necessary backlink research now it’s time to execute a linking campaign.

Enter: Link-Assistant.

Build better link buildings campaigns because you can:

  • Find backlink opportunities
  • Automatically get contact information
  • Reach out for potential links
  • Track successful link placements

find link prospects

You can really handle link building campaigns at scale all within Link-Assistant.

Who Performs The Best?


Quite clearly the winner when it comes to off-page SEO.

Off Page SEO

If you’re serious about getting good off-page SEO results – you know why Semrush won this round.

SEO PowerSuite was a good contender because of the powerful link-building features with SEO SpyGlass and Link Assistant.

But wait:

You get all of those features within Semrush plus you get a wealth of other off-page SEO tools. It’s a much more comprehensive tool suite at your fingertips to supercharge your SEO campaigns.

SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush Pricing

Here’s where it gets a little tricky.

SEO PowerSuite and Semrush have different pricing models.

SEO PowerSuite Semrush
Free Trial: Free Forever Plan Free Trial: 14 Days
Professional: $299 per year Pro: $119.95 per month
Enterprise: $699 per year Guru: $229.95 per month
Business: $499.95 per month

Semrush is clearly more expensive.

I recommend signing up for their 14-day free trial. You can try all their main SEO features and it’s enough to see whether it will work for you.

semrush pricing

If you like Semrush after, you can upgrade it and purchase one of the plan. To do so, you have two options:

  • You can pay monthly
  • Or you can pay yearly and save about 16%

Now SEO PowerSuite only offers annual plans.

seo powersuite pricing

Although they do have a free “forever plan” that allows you to use most of its features.

But here’s the thing…

You won’t be able to save any of the data. That means your project is deleted every time you close it. It’s great for testing SEO PowerSuite but it won’t work long-term.

You can also purchase each individual application:

  • WebSite Auditor
  • Rank Tracker
  • SEO SpyGlass
  • Link Assistant

…By themselves.

If you just need the features of one of the applications this would make sense. But honestly – it’s significantly cheaper to buy them all in the one SEO PowerSuite license.

Recent SEO PowerSuite Price Hike

I used SEO PowerSuite for 10 years. It is a great SEO software built by an excellent team.

But in January 2020 they made big changes to their pricing.

They moved to a recurring pricing model which took their Enterprise plan from a $699 one time fee to a recurring $699 ANNUAL fee.

On top of this recurring fee, you may also have some additional costs like SEO proxies and captcha suppliers.


The Winner: SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush

Drum roll please…

The winner in SEO PowerSuite vs Semrush is… SEMRush.

Their SEO features and in-depth data is far superior. The automatic insights they provide are fantastic and it has been a game-changer for my clients.

Now no tool is perfect and if there is one thing I would complain about…

…It’s the fact that Semrush has so much data. Almost to the point of overwhelm.

But if you take the time to learn how to use Semrush properly it actually becomes a massive benefit.

SEO Powersuite vs Semrush: Final Verdict


I consider Semrush a “must-have” tool for any serious SEO. I use it to complete all of my SEO tasks:

  • Keyword research
  • Content creation
  • Competitor research
  • Backlink profile analysis
  • Link building

And so much more.

If you’re looking to take your SEO campaigns to the next level I highly encourage you to take their 14-day free trial.

(If for some reason, you don’t want to go for Semrush, I suggest you read my Serpstat review and Semrush alternatives blog post).

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it: the in-depth comparison between SEO PowerSuite and Semrush.

With that in mind, I think we have all the elements needed to answer our first question…

Which tool delivers the best SEO results?

Clearly, it’s Semrush.

While SEO PowerSuite has a number of excellent features that will help handle most of your SEO tasks end to end…

…Semrush gives you access to more advanced features and actionable data to use for your SEO campaigns.

Take a look at my full SEO Powersuite review and SEMRush review to learn more about the tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

Semrush is an all-in-one SEO and digital marketing software that helps you improve your online visibility and increase your search rankings. Learn more about my Semrush with my full Semrush review.
SEO PowerSuite is a set of 4 tools that helps you optimise your website, improve website content, run backlink campaigns and track your progress. Check out my complete SEO PowerSuite review and learn more about what you can do with it.
After much evaluation - Yes. Semrush has a lot more advanced features and provides you with more actionable data so you can really get on top of your SEO campaigns. If you go with Semrush, you get access to a number of different digital marketing tools to go with their already powerful SEO tool suite.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

9 Responses

  1. Hi Matthew, It was a great read! I think SEMrush and SEO PowerSuite are both great tools, and I think this comparison will be a great help for many people. Several people on my list are wondering about this tool, and it will be a great resource for them. I will be sharing this article with my friends and hopefully, your insights can help them decide the best tool for them. It was a great read and will be very helpful for many readers.

  2. Thanks for this . I will need to look into rank tracker of powersuite.I will like to link it to my search console .Thanks for the insight

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