Long Tail Pro Review – Is It The Best Keyword Research Tool?

  • Matthew Woodward
  • Updated on Jun 29, 2024
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One of the topics I have never really covered on the blog is how to do keyword research properly.

It is really easy once you know how especially with today’s Long Tail Pro review & tutorial!

I’m going to reveal a bunch of high traffic keywords with next to no competition, most of them have multiple results ranking with zero links.

One of which pays $500 commission.

At the same time you are going to learn how to do keyword research the right way.

By the end of this tutorial you will have discovered all of the easy to rank for keywords.

I’m going to show you how to do all of this & more using the Long Tail Pro keyword research tool. It is a heavily battle tested tool that was originally launched in 2011 and is used by over 70,000 marketers around the world.

Are you ready to discover every single easy to rank for high traffic keyword in your niche?

Long Tail Pro Review & Keyword Research Tutorial

This Long Tail Pro review is broken down into 3 pieces-

  1. Updated Review: Watch this first!  It takes you through 3 major changes in Long Tail Pro since I published the original video review
  2. Video Review: This is the main Long Tail Pro review & tutorial that teaches you how to find low competition, high traffic keywords
  3. Text Review: If you don’t like watching videos, there is a text & image version of the video review

  • Updated Review
  • Video Review
  • Text Review
  • Bonus #1

Long Tail Pro Review Update

In this video I show you the 3 new major Long Tail Pro updates that-

  • Make keyword research easier than ever before
  • Make it much cheaper & more affordable (no more $97 one time fee)
  • Teaches you everything you need to know to research, build & rank a profitable niche site
  • Bonus: Keyword research spreadsheet with 347 high traffic, low competition keywords

Download 347 High Traffic Low Competition Keywords In 12 Niches.

I have put together an awesome spreadsheet with 347 high traffic easy to rank for keywords in 12 niches.

All of these keywords are super easy to rank for with a combined monthly search volume of 2.3 million!

Here are just a few examples-

Keyword Monthly Searches Difficulty (0-100)
How to increase height 60,500 25
Best portable vaporizer 8,100 28
Reverse osmosis system 18,100 29

In total the spreadsheet contains-

  • 347 high traffic, low competition keywords
  • Across 12 unique niches
  • With an average competitiveness of 30 or less
  • And a total monthly search volume of 2.3 million

niche spreadsheet

You can download my niche research spreadsheet below-

Long Tail Pro Review & Tutorial

My main Long Tail Pro review & tutorial will take you by the hand and teach you how to do keyword research the right way.

This is what you will learn-

  • How to discover low competition keywords in competitive niches
  • How to transform your keyword research into profits​
  • How to analyse the top 10 competitors for any keyword​

Don’t Like Videos? Read This Instead!

Today’s tutorial is about Long Tail Pro.

A tool that helps you easily research profitable keywords.

With this software, you’ll learn how to find less competitive keywords in competitive niches, how to properly do keyword research, how to turn your research into profit and analyze the top ten results for any keyword.

You’ll also see why I think Long Tail Pro is the best keyword research tool out there.

Long Tail Pro Interface

So let’s jump right into it. Here’s version 3 of the Long Tail Pro Interface. It was launched back in 2011 and now over 70,000 SEOs use it including me.

Long Tail Pro interface

To get started, go up to the top right corner, click on Settings and link your Google and Moz account.

You can also tweak the various options in there.

Long Tail Pro settings

After you finish setting that up, you can start adding new projects. Click on the left corner plus icon to create new projects and input the language, target country and search network.

You can see below the keyword search bar are all the keywords I’ve looked up.

The results are displayed in the main window with filters like local and global searches, advertiser competition and average keyword competitiveness on top.

new project

Now let’s take a look at the keywords I’ve already looked up to see how it works!

Keyword Investigation

To get started, click on Find Keywords and input the information you’re looking for.

They have options to pre-filter the keyword and look up other features such as domain availability and global search volume.

find keywords

For all the examples I’ll show you, I added my seed keyword without filters.

You can see all the keywords I’ve already investigated down the left hand side to help me decide what to write for my next blog post.

By using keyword research for my content strategy, this will help my post rank higher and drive more search traffic.

For example, let’s say I want to write an article about link building but I’m not too sure on what exactly I should write about.

keyword list

I can use Long Tail Pro to look up the keyword “link building” and find a bunch of different related keywords to get ideas for my article.

Under the average keyword competitiveness column, you can see how competitive a related keyword is with its assigned score.

calculate keyword competition

And as you can see for the keyword “search engine marketing” we have an average competitiveness of 66 out of 100.

I normally recommend targeting keywords under 45.

If you click on the keyword, it’ll bring up the top ten results from Google including the website, page authority, page links and other things like that.

compare top 10 search results

If you find a keyword that catches your attention, you can mark it as a favorite or add notes to remember it for later.

I noticed the keyword “backlink generator” has a competitiveness of only 29 so I made a note to use this as a seed keyword.

Compared to the keyword free SEO tools which has a competitiveness of 59 with 3600 global searches, the backlink generator keyword is easier to rank for and that’s how you find out which keyword will be profitable or not.

So as you can tell, the information the tool provides us is incredibly useful. Here’s another example why it’s important to research keywords.

Let’s take a look at the keyword “pbn” Now to you and me, this means private blog network and we can see that it has a score of 40 which isn’t super competitive but not super low either.

However, when you click on the keyword you’ll see why this keyword isn’t a good one.

keyword analysis

As you can see the top sites ranking for pbn aren’t actually about private blog networks at all.

In fact you can see results for Pacific Business News and Pacific Broadband Networks. Not what we want!

Finding Profitable Keywords

Now I’m going to show you how I use Long Tail Pro to find profitable keywords, even in the most competitive niches.

make money online keyword research

You can see above that I’ve already favourited five different keywords that I think are excellent options.

These are:

  • How to make extra money
  • How to make money on the internet
  • Earn money from home
  • How to make money from home
  • How to make money online for teens

In this day and age, teenagers have grown up with the internet so this is a keyword that can be very profitable.

Teach them how to start a blog, offer your affiliate link for hosting companies and there you go.

Another keyword I’m looking at is keyword research which I’m going to use for a post to go alongside this one. I’ve starred the keywords “best keyword research tool” and “how to do keyword research.”

keyword research results example

Even though I don’t recommend targeting keywords over 45, the type of long form blog post I write and the authority my blog has gives me a fair chance against the top results.

Now let’s say you want to look at the keywords you’ve favorited. Click on “Favorites” and it’ll bring up the list of all the ones you marked so you can easily go through them.

favorite keywords list

Click on the average keyword competitiveness column to rank them from low to high to see which ones are the easiest to rank for.

If you take a look, you’ll see the keyword “infusion soft” with a space has a score of 29 and almost 3000 searches a month.

This is a great keyword to use since it’s low competition and Infusionsoft pays nearly a thousand dollars in commission.

Only brand websites are in the top results such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter so there is definitely room for us in there.

Another example is get response with a space.

This also has low competition and GetResponse pays a nice affiliate commission.

Their top results are similar to the Infusion soft results with Facebook and Twitter.

keyword example

Long Tail Pro really makes it easy to find profitable keywords and ones you may have never even thought about as you can see in the examples above.

Finding Keywords In Any Niche

Everything I talked about so far has to do with internet marketing but Long Tail Pro works well for other niches too.

Let’s take a look at my second project which focuses on some different niches.

looking in different niches

I looked up the keyword “dog leash” and sorted it by competitiveness.

Straight away you can see “embroidered dog collars” with a score of 28 and 2400 searches a month. Easy to rank for or use as a seed keyword to find even more possibilities.

You can seriously use this tool for any type of keyword. I searched for memory foam mattress to get these results.

mattress keyword example

“Full size mattress dimensions” is an excellent keyword with a competitiveness score of 18 but almost 10,000 searches a month.

You can definitely do some damage with that if you have an e-commerce store that sells mattresses.

Another one I searched for is “fitness watch” since these are getting pretty popular lately. The best one I found was “fitness watch for women” with a score of 32 and almost 3,000 monthly searches.

To make this search even more useful, you can filter them.

We know that people are interested in fitness watches when they search for them but you can target the ones actually looking to buy one by filtering with the word “best.”

best fitness watches

This way we know these people have already decided they want to buy one and are looking for the best one to get.

Another way to do this is filter with the word “review.” Anyone who is looking to buy one is probably going to want to read a review first.

“Cheap” is another word to filter with since you know these people want to buy one and are looking for something in their budget.

And of course the most obvious one, “buy.”

Now moving onto my next seed keyword, marathon training.

Marathons and competitions of these sorts are also pretty popular and as you can see there are some pretty easy keywords to rank for in there.

Marathons keyword example

So now that I’ve shown you the interface and my own projects, I’ll show you how you can start your own from scratch.

But first, let me show you how they actually calculate keyword competitiveness.

Calculating Keyword Competitiveness

Keyword competitiveness is a calculation of page authority +/- page title factor +/- keywords in domain factor +/- domain length.

Page authority is a combination of several factors like site age, domain authority, social signals, juice page links, and other things like that.

I could go into a whole post about these terms so visit this post to learn more about each of the factors.

But if you just want to know if a keyword is a worth targeting, check out this chart.


Creating Your Own Projects

I briefly went over this in the beginning but to create your own keyword research, click on the plus icon and enter in your project title, the language, if you want to include adult ideas which I do, target country and search network.

Click Create Project and then Find Keywords.

Enter a few seed keywords for Long Tail Pro to find up to 800 related keywords and data about them.

You can also enter in pre-filters but I like to do this later so I leave them at default. One option I do make sure to tick is the Global Search Volume and the other ones are optional.

For this example I’m going to use “camping” as my keyword and enter in hammock and portable bbq for my seed keywords.

Click Generate Keywords and Fetch Data to get your results.

camping keyword research example

Now that you have all your results, you can make it easier to go through them by adding the filters.

I like to filter the Local and Global Searches with a minimum of 1000 and the Domain Availability if I was looking for that and use those to find ones that spark your interest.

Click on the Calculate button to find the competitiveness score and when you’ve gone through all the ones you want to look at, arrange them from high to low for easy viewing.

hammock keyword research example

So here’s our hammock results and right away you can see there are loads of keywords that would be excellent to rank for.

“Best hammock” has a score of only 32 and in its top ten results, only 5 of them have juice links which makes it a great commercial keyword to rank for.

I did the same thing with portable bbq which you can see the results for below.

portable bbq keyword research example

Surprisingly the most commercial keyword “bbq for sale” has the lowest competitiveness score so that is something you can jump on right away easily.

So this is how you can use Long Tail Pro to find profitable keywords and create a content strategy to rank for low competition keywords with decent search volume.

Other Handy Tools

You can also use Long Tail Pro a couple of other ways. Say you have an idea of what you want to write about so enter it in the search bar below Find Keywords.

I searched for “how to advertise on Facebook” and Long Tail Pro found all the data for the top ten sites ranking for that keyword. This gives you a quick look at what the competition is.

facebook advertising quick competition check

You can look at all the ones you searched for under “My Own Keywords.”

Another useful tool is Rank Checker. I searched for the same keyword since I wrote a dedicated post to advertise on Facebook and I want to see how I rank.

long tail pro rank checker

Currently ranked 12 on Google and 16 on Bing for my Facebook advertising post where I used Long Tail Pro to find relevant keywords to insert in my content.

Support and Pricing

When it comes to pricing, Long Tail Pro is not considered a cheap tool, however, it is more affordable than its biggest competitor- Ahrefs.

suport & pricing LongTail Pro

Indeed, Long Tail Pro’s most expensive plan allows you to research 2500 keywords a day, while you only get 100 keywords a day for the same money with Ahrefs.

A long Tail Pro’s plan can cost you between $26 up to $103 per month depending on the monthly plan you choose.

If you want an annual subscription, it will cost you between $208 up to $824 when you subscribe.

It might be a bit more than the price of an average keyword tool but trust me, it worth every dollar.

Plus, their support team is fantastic. They are quick and efficient.

Wrapping It Up

As you can see it is really easy to find high traffic keyword with low competition using Long Tail Pro.

I showed you one earlier that has a $1000 affiliate commission!

It’s also easy to learn and use so anyone can take advantage of it. It also lets you see who your competition is and the current top ten results for any keyword in any niche.

It is certainly a great tool and if you don’t like it, you have a 30 day money back guarantee so give it a try and see how it works for you.

Download 347 High Traffic Low Competition Keywords In 12 Niches.

I have put together an awesome spreadsheet with 347 high traffic easy to rank for keywords in 12 niches.

All of these keywords are super easy to rank for with a combined monthly search volume of 2.3 million!

Here are just a few examples-

Keyword Monthly Searches Difficulty (0-100)
How to increase height 60,500 25
Best portable vaporizer 8,100 28
Reverse osmosis system 18,100 29

In total the spreadsheet contains-

  • 347 high traffic, low competition keywords
  • Across 12 unique niches
  • With an average competitiveness of 30 or less
  • And a total monthly search volume of 2.3 million

Download my spreadsheet below

You can download my niche research spreadsheet below-


Long Tail Pro is so popular with my readers that I’ve negotiated an exclusive discount for you! Save 30% off Long Tail Pro & get FREE ACCESS to Long Tail University worth $197
Claim Your Exclusive 30% Discount Now!

Long Tail Pro Frequently Asked Questions

Is Long Tail Pro suitable for me?

Long Tail Pro is suitable for-

  • Anyone looking to find high traffic keywords with low competition
  • People looking to discover new niches
  • Busy people that want to save a ton of time
  • SEO’s that are struggling to increase search engine traffic
  • Bloggers that want to increase traffic to their blog

How many computers can I use Long Tail Pro on?

The license allows you to install Long Tail Pro on up to 3 computers

What countries & languages does Long Tail Pro support?

Long Tail Pro works with every language and country that is supported by Google which means you can use it to find low competition keywords in nearly every language in the world!

Will Long Tail Pro work on a Mac?

Yes, it is based on Adobe Air so it can run on the Mac operating system without a problem.

Long Tail Pro Review Conclusion

As you have seen, Long Tail Pro makes it really easy to find keywords with:

  • Low competition
  • High search volume
  • Commercial value

It’s easy to use & saves a lot of time with keyword research and competitor analysis.

Follow my tutorials to find every high traffic, low competition keyword in your niche.

Want free alternatives? Check out my favorite free keyword research tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

Long Tail Pro is one of the best SEO tools for freelancers, bloggers, and small business owners looking to invest in content marketing. The software allows you to quickly discover new keyword saving you hours of boring research time.
Long Tail Pro is a great keyword research tool that allows you to generate unique long tail keywords in minutes. You can get thousands of suggestions from one single root keyword or you can even search multiple root keywords.
Long Tail Pro offers 3 pricing plans. The Starter plan costs $37 per month, while the Pro plan costs $67 per and the Agency plan costs $147 per month. If you decide to pay annually, you’ll get 4 months off.
No, Long Tail Pro isn’t free. However, they do offer an 8-day trial for only $8 so everyone can try the tool before investing in it. During this trial, you’ll get full access to all the features of the tool.
Yes. Long tail keywords are great for SEO as they tend to be phrases that are more specific. They usually get less traffic but have a higher conversion value than shorter commonly searched keywords making them perfect for SEO. You can use tools like Long Tail Pro to help find the best keywords.
You can find long tail keywords quickly and easily by using a tool like Long Tail Pro. You can just enter one root keyword and you will get hundreds of suggestions of keywords. They will have less traffic but a higher conversion value.
You can use long tail keywords to attract traffic that has a higher conversion value. This is because the keywords are more specific which means your traffic will be better qualified before coming to your website. You can use a tool like Long Tail Pro to help you find the best long tail keywords for your niche.
Yes of course! There is always more than one way to skin a cat so to speak. I recommend taking a look at my SEMRush review, Ahrefs review and SEO Powersuite review to see how each of these SEO tools approach keyword research. Google Keyword Planner is also a great free option for keyword research. And don't forget my free keyword research template that does some additional heavy lifting for you. They all have unique features and you can build a killer keyword strategy with any of them - it's mostly down to personal preference.

Long Tail Pro Review

  • Review Of: Long Tail Pro
  • Reviewed By: Matthew Woodward
  • Rating:
  • Updated On: Jun 29, 2024


Long Tail Pro makes keyword research easy by finding all the high traffic, low competition keywords in any niche.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

278 Responses

  1. From the review above there is no doubt on LongTailPro benefits. You can grow your business quicker by making sure that the LongTailPro is your partner. The price may be high, but you can avail trial by clicking on the link below and all you need to do is to purchase. The LongTailPro download option is not available anymore. Other LongTailPro alternatives in the market today claim to be cheaper, but they can’t deliver. Drive traffic and earn more with the use of the LongTailPro tool.

  2. Just wish to say your article is as astounding. The clarity on your put up is simply excellent and i can think you are a professional on this subject. Fine with your permission allow me to seize your RSS feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. Thank you a million and please carry on the gratifying work.

  3. Good day wood, precisely I have a lot of ur messages on my inbox, I really don’t know the one to read any more. It keeps coming. But I think i’ll have to read them all. Trust me this is not easy for me. But I will not give it up. Thanks wood.

  4. I have been browsing online more than 2 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours.It is pretty worth enough for me. In my view, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content as you did, the net will be much more useful than ever before.

  5. This is the best ever review of long tail pro and keyword research.I had bought long tail pro but did not know what to do next LOL Thank you very much.Do you have any products to sell?I will love to buy them in order to gain some more knowledge and support you 🙂

  6. Managed to find a good card and use LTP. I have also used Semrush at the same time.And now I am more confused than ever.The above services are using different KD algorithms.For example: keyword “emblem creator” has a 21 KD in LTP and 51 KD in Semrush. I am using the Keyword magic tool. Same story for all keywords I thought they are below 30 in LTP and now they are around 50 in Semrush.Shed some light, please! /hug

  7. Hey Matthew, thanks for your wisdom!I was wondering if you can help me out with a $1 long tail pro version so I can test it out? I will send you $5 by PayPal for your trouble.I have tried to buy it but none of my cards are accepted, they said prepaid cards are not allowed even if my cards are not prepaid!!!Thank you very much and let me know, really want to try this out!Ana

  8. I have been using this tool since couple of years and I must say it’s one of the best keyword research tool.Great review, thanks for sharing!

  9. Hey Mathew I bought Long tail pro through your link, back when you first posted this. However, after the recent Google change is LTP still the best keyword tool for the job? Or do you have any other suggestions.

  10. Well I prefer desktop software over cloud software in general =/You should try each tool and see which fits you best

  11. So it works as before or even better? ;)BTW, I’ve got an email from Serped. They’ve opened a “window” for newe subscribers. WOuld you recommnend this tool or rather go for Ahres + LTP. Your advice would be much apreciated.

  12. Hello Matthew,I would like to get LTP but I’ve read that people have some issues according to Keyword Planner and Moz. Do you still recommend this tool? How accurate is it’s data comparing to previous versions? Does Keyword difficulty still works as it should? Maybe it’s better to wait untill some stability of this software? I don’t want to waste money for some tool which doesn’t work properly.Thanks,Lukas

  13. Hello thanks for the share, I formally used Semrush for keywords but I will try LongTailPro to see how it works for me.

  14. Poor me!!!! I always pick the keywords with high KC…Such, a site has been built over 5 months, there is not any keyword ranged to top of Google!!!! 🙁

  15. Matthew, are you still using LTP as part of your strategy given the changes with Google AdWords and MOS the past few months. None of their training reflects these changes in the video tutorials, so it’s a bit slower on the learning curve and seems very limiting on some of the LT Keyword options that are registering no data, when we know there is search data for certain words. Seems like something that was designed to work incredibly smooth is playing catch up from changes in 2 major areas, MOZ and Google.

    1. Yes I still use LTP for my keyword research and you are right, there have been some major changes recently that are affecting all keyword research tools. So far LongTailPro have released a number of updates to combat that but are yet to update their training material.

  16. Seems that Adwords is now restricting keyword data to very large ranges. Getting numbers like, 100-1k & 1k-10k in ‘Local Searches’ on keywords for example. This is going to limit all software based off of Google’s numbers.Any thoughts?

  17. Hi there,I just downloaded a free version of LTP 3.1.0 and I cannot figure out why I can’t see the table headers of ‘Page Authority’, ‘Domain Authority’, ‘Juice Links’, etc next to ‘Keyword Competitiveness’. Normally, I should be able to see these but instead I see new categories like ‘Trust Flow’, ‘Citation Flow’, ‘Domain CF’, ‘Domain TF’ and so on. I thought I can still use the regular version of LTP for 10 day trial so I am not sure why I see different categories. Is it b/c I am on version 3.1.0 instead of 3.0? Let me know if you have any idea.Thanks!

  18. What do you think of these metrics for the new LTP results?Page CF: Below 35Page TF: Below 20Domain CF: Below 55Domain TF: Below 40

  19. hello sir,You always provide great value to all your blog readers. I got very good and detailed knowledge through your tutorials. You wrote long and helpful articles as tutorials, as you use long tail pro for keyword research so I have a silly question in my mind that how do you find that much content for your articles.

  20. Hi, I was pretty disappointed to hear about Steven’s experience above. I tried to buy the software a few days ago but the payment methods are quite lacking (no Paypal, no prepaid credit cards accepted) and the support didn’t even try to resolve my problem.Anyway, does anyone know if the problem with Keyword Competitiveness still persist? I haven’t been able to find anything about this on their website.

  21. Can someone help me I wanted to know if really this tool work? Sorry for the English I’m from Brazil

  22. A word of caution to anyone considering Long Tail Pro Platinum. I recently signed up for the annual plan (via Matthew’s affiliate link to give something back to a highly regarded authoritative voice in this industry), and the plan came with a generous ten day trial period. However, one of the key features of the software is Keyword Competitiveness, and at time of writing, this is not working. LTPro Support explained that it’s due to a reliance on an external API and they are working hard on a fix. As a new customer trying to evaluate the software, I asked if my trial period could be extended once this fundamental issue was fixed, on the basis I couldn’t actually evaluate its requirements against my criteria. I was told this was not possible, which frankly, is very poor customer service. What’s the point of offering a trial period when customers are unable to fully test the software? I did not think it was unreasonable to request an extended trial period and I found the inflexibility of their support very disappointing. I did also try to reach out to one of its business owners to point this out in the hope he may have stepped in to offer a common sense perspective. I have urged the business owners of LTPro to review their policies with regards trial periods of software that is not fully functioning. So whilst Long Tail Pro has just continued to grow in revenue every single year and comes highly recommended, you may want to check if all the important features are fully functioning before signing up. Especially the KC feature (keyword competitiveness) as it is so fundamental to keyword research and making an informed choice on whether or not to go into a particular niche.If the team at LTPro don’t look after their current and potential customers, their growth and success will eventually stagnate with less than favourable reviews. All in all, a very deflating experience when I had such high hopes…

    1. Yes they had a problem with that last week but it was quickly fixed up.It’s a shame they can’t extend the trial period though because it makes perfect sense to do so, but this could also be down to a limitation of their systems but I’m just guessing.The one thing you can be sure of with LongTailPro though is they have been around for 5 years constantly updating, improving and fixing their software unlike many other tools that just come and go.

  23. 1) Sorry, I thought I’d get an email when you replied. Long Tail University actually emailed a few hours after I wrote here, sorry about that. It takes about 24 hours for the access email to arrive.2) I will do tomorrow as it’s 1am here. I only noticed it when I tried it out on a search term I was familiar with; When there were no familiar results it seemed odd.Thanks for the reply though!

  24. A wonderful article! Having carried out keyword research on a number of occasions, I strongly recommend SEM Rush or Moz’s new Keyword Explorer tool. Google’s own Keyword Planner is also worth a look if you’re undergoing internet marketing on a budget. Keep the great articles coming Matt!

  25. Hey Luke,1) That should be delivered to you in a separate email, perhaps check your spam or ask LTP support?2) Can you show me an example please?

  26. Hi Matthew,I just bought Long tail pro through your link, and so far it is very interesting. 2 things I wonder if you could shed some light on if you get a chance.1. How do I access Long Tail University once I’ve signed up to LTP?2. When you toggle the keyword drop-down to see the first 10 results for the keyword. The results are quite different from, say serps.com – I’m trying to figure out why.Many Thanks

  27. Matthew, Looking to get this at the Annual plan of $25 as it states.When I click on this option it brings you through to the Payment Page, which is fine – HOWEVER at the top of the payment page it states:Plan: Long Tail Platinum Special Discounted Annual PlanPrice: $1 Trial for 10 days, then $297 / year (33% off Annual plan)It says on one page it is $25 on the payment page $297 Which one is it?Or is the $25 the saving made only?Thanks

  28. Long Tail Pro it’s the best tool to find long tail keywords.I saw your blog post it’s very useful for me to do keyword research quickly.

  29. Thanks for the detail. Another really helpful support guide.I have just double checked the keyword “fitness watch for women” in the GKP and it shows a global search of 320. Can I ask, where did you get your 3000 monthly search figure from?Thanks,

  30. I personally use LTP and highly recommend for anyone who wants to find better keywords.We all know long tail keywords are generally give us more traffic. They are usually harder to find. But with LTP it’s really easy. Not only it’s smoother but also gives you low competitive keywords.

  31. Long Tail Pro is a great software. I use it for my website keyword research to get organic traffics from google and it helps me a lot. I would recommend all to get this software. Its awesome for marketers.

  32. Longtail Pro is a good keyword research tool, but 1 important thing when doing SEO that is never overuse the long tail keyword. It’s become suicide because Google consider that’s spam since so many repeated content…

    1. That’s only if you were to create separate pages for keywords that are related but essentially the same, eg “start a website” “make a website” “create a website”

  33. Thanks mathew for the review. But let me tell you, I am a great fan of yours. By the way I think good search volume and low competition makes things easier for ranking but that does not guarantee good conversions! Thats a point to be cast some light I suppose.

    1. Yes that is very true, it is important that your content aligns with the intention of the search 🙂

  34. Very nice video about keyword research,i m also trying to find high CPC keywords by using LTP.Thanks for sharing it is really helpful!!

  35. Yes but it was solely a JVZoo affiliate launch and had all the attached warning signs where as LongTailPro is time proven deploying updates for the past few years.

  36. Hi MatthewThanks for posting this review and guide. Definitely very helpful and comprehensive! I’ve only just downloaded the trial for Long Tail Pro, and having this guide means I will be able to get started ASAP. Here’s to a Bank Holiday weekend of KWA!

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