How To Use Keywords Everywhere To Boost Your Search Traffic

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Targeting the right keywords is at the foundation of every SEO campaign.

Here’s the problem:

Most keyword research involves a lot of back and forth. You have to flip between a bunch of SEO tools just to get the information you need.

But that changes today.

Keywords Everywhere is a powerful keyword research tool that helps you find the best keywords for your campaigns.

It provides accurate metrics right where you need them.

The best part? It has a completely free version.

In this article, I will show you how to use Keywords Everywhere to boost your search traffic step by step.

Your keyword research process is about to get a whole lot easier (and more powerful).

What Is Keywords Everywhere?

Keywords Everywhere is a freemium SEO keyword research tool that makes it fast and easy to do powerful keyword research directly from the Google search results.

You read that right. No need to login to any SEO tool online.

keywords everywhere

You simply install the Keywords Everywhere Chrome/Firefox extension and you can see the most important keyword search right there on Google.

Even more?

It displays keyword suggestions so you can find the best keywords for your SEO campaign.

To get access to more advanced features, you can opt for a premium account. This is done through purchasing credit.

Thankfully credits don’t cost a lot so if you opt for the premium tools, you get tons of valuable data without breaking the bank.

How To Use Keywords Everywhere The Right Way

Keywords Everywhere makes keyword research simple… You just need to know how to use it. Here’s how to use Keywords Everywhere for effective keyword research.

Step 1: Set Up Keywords Everywhere

You need to download and install the Keywords Everywhere extension. They have extensions for two web browsers:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Firefox

keywords everywhere chrome extension

Once you have installed the extension, you need to decide whether you want access to the premium features.

If you only want the free features…

…your setup is done and you don’t need to do anything else.

To get access to the premium features you need to get an API key. This includes making yourself a Keywords Everywhere account.

Click on the GET API KEY and type in your email address.

get api key

You will receive an email with your account API key. This is important because every purchase you make is attached directly to this API key.

Click on the link in the email to access your API key.

api key link

Now copy the API key and open Keywords Everywhere. Click Settings.

keywords everywhere settings

Paste the API Key into the API settings box.

paste api key

Click Validate and your API is set up correctly. Now you just need to purchase credits so you can access the premium features.

Open Keywords Everywhere and in the bottom right click Purchase Additional Credits.

purchase additional credits

Choose the number of credits you need and checkout. In my experience, just $10 of credits will last most people 6+ months.

keywords everywhere pricing

A word to the wise:

Don’t buy more than you need because credits expire after 12 months.

Your credits will be added to your account. Now you just need to turn on the premium features. Open Keywords Everywhere and click on the toggle.

use keywords everywhere

There you go! You are ready to start using Keywords Everywhere.

Step 2: Enjoy The Free & Paid Features

Keywords Everywhere have a great range of free and paid features.

I will show you how to use both types of features. Make sure that you have toggled on Keywords Everywhere – even for the free version.

Overview Of The Free Features

Keywords Everywhere free features enable you to:

  • Find more keywords for your campaigns
  • Get accurate trend data

You can even see metrics for YouTube SEO.

Keyword Research Widgets

You can easily get a list of quality keywords in seconds.

Search for your original seed target keyword.

seed target keyword

Keywords Everywhere has two main keyword widgets. The first is a ‘Related Keywords’ widget and the second is a ‘People Also Search For’ (PASF) widget.

related keyword suggestions

people also search for keyword suggestions

This data helps you see what keywords people are searching for that are directly related to your primary target keyword.

Trend Charts

Trend charts let you see the popularity of the keyword over time. You can see data for both Google and YouTube keywords.

trend chart

Keywords Everywhere has trend data all the way back to 2004. This gives you accurate insights into whether the popularity of this keyword is growing or not.

Youtube Metrics

The YouTube metrics are very powerful, even with just the free features. Keywords Everywhere enables you to see top search metrics:

  • Ranking difficulty
  • Top channels
  • Average views of videos
  • The average age of videos
  • Top video tags used

search insights

The data helps you decide whether this is a YouTube keyword you should target for your next video or not.

You can also click on a video to see the Video Insights specifically for that video.

youtube video insights

Premium features take this even further allowing you to see exact search volume metrics for keyword and video.

Traffic Metrics

Keywords Everywhere allows you to see estimates of monthly traffic for any page you want. You can also see the number of unique keywords that page ranks for in the search results.

search traffic metrics

Ready to take it a step further?

You can view the exact keywords that the page is ranking for.

keyword page rankings

Pretty powerful for a free tool.

On-Page Analysis

I love this feature. With a click of a button, you can get a list of keywords from any URL.

on-page content analysis

The Keywords Everywhere content analysis tool will extract keywords based on the number of times they are used in the content.

keyword density report

How does this help? Well, You can use this feature to:

  • Quickly analyse a competitors page
  • Immediately get their list of target keywords

Competitor Gap Analysis

Keywords Everywhere lets you uncover all of the keywords your competitors are ranking for, but you aren’t.

All you have to do is click the Competitor Gap Analysis button.

competitor gap analysis

You can then add up to 5 competitors into the competitor analysis tool.

competitor keyword gap analysis

It will bring up a list of keywords that you can easily filter to identify keyword gaps between you and your competitors.

If you’re looking for budget-friendly keyword research tools, check out my list of free keyword research tools.

Overview Of The Paid Features

The free features of Keywords Everywhere is really generous. But if you want to take your site to the next level, the paid features are where it’s at.

Here’s what you can do.

Accurate Search Volume Data

Keywords Everywhere has done an awesome job of giving you lots of usable search data. You can see:

  • Monthly search volume
  • Average cost per click
  • Competition
  • 12 months of trend data

accurate search metrics

All of this information is viewable directly in the SERPs. How cool is that?

Volume Data In Multiple Google Properties

Google’s own SEO tools are already pretty good.But, with Keywords Everywhere you can kick them up a notch.

You can see all of the search volume data inside:

google search console-keywords everywhere metrics

Why is this so powerful?

You can quickly and easily identify keywords within these tools and see the search data for them. They become personal goldmines for powerful keywords.

Volume Data In Multiple Ecommerce Sites

If you sell products on:

Keywords Everywhere is going to be your new best friend. You can now see all of the essential search data for your target keywords inside any of these big marketplaces.

amazon search metrics

Optimising one of your product listings?

With just one click the tool will search your target marketplace and give you hundreds of keyword suggestions.

7 day SEO strategy

Volume Data In Multiple Search Engines

Keywords Everywhere works with all of the major search engines.

That means you can get personalised search data on:

  • Google
  • Youtube
  • Bing
  • Duck Duck Go

bing search metrics

While Google should be your primary focus it often doesn’t involve that much extra work to optimise for the other search engines as well.

Keywords Everywhere makes it easy to get the data you need to make the right decisions regardless of the search engine you’re optimising for.

Volume Data In Multiple SEO Tools

If you’re like me, you use a number of free keyword research tools to find good ideas for content.

The problem is that these tools don’t always display the data you need to make the right decisions. They give you keyword ideas but lack the data part.

Keyword Everywhere integrates automatically with a couple of other big free tools:

When you are searching for content ideas inside Answer The Public, for example, you now have the search data right there with you.

answer the public with keywords everywhere

This makes the suggestions they provide a lot more actionable.

Keyword Importation

You can easily import a list of keywords to get accurate information about them.

You’ll be able to see:

  • Monthly search volume
  • CPC data
  • Competition level
  • Trend data

Use the filters at the top to easily sift through the list and find the keywords worth targeting. Analysing keywords is easy and fast.

Monthly Trend Data

I use trend data to tell me just that…

Is a particular keyword trending or not? This helps you make decisions about a number of things including whether a keyword is worth targeting.

monthly trend data

Keywords Everywhere has easy to use trend charts for:

  • Google
  • YouTube

…With data from all the way back to 2004.

Bulk Trends

What if you want to see the historical trend data of hundreds of keywords in one go?

Keywords Everywhere allows you to:

  1. Upload up to 1,000 keywords
  2. See the trend information for each keyword up to 2004.

Pretty cool, right?

bulk trend analysis

You just need to integrate the tool with Google Trends using their API.

Wrapping It Up

Keywords Everywhere is an easy to use keyword research tool that provides powerful data right when you need it.

The tool suite allows you to:

  • Find new keyword opportunities.
  • Quickly build out a list of target keywords with ease.

By using the simple extension you no longer need to switch back and forth between so many different tools…

All of the information is directly in front of you in an easy-to-digest format.

The fact that it has a bunch of powerful features for free makes it a no-brainer. And, if you have a spare $10, the premium features get you a huge upgrade.

Keywords Everywhere has simplified the keyword research game, saving you tons of time in the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Keywords Everywhere is a freemium SEO keyword research tool that makes it fast and easy to do powerful keyword research directly from Google search results. If you're looking for free SEO tools, check out my list.
Yes, Keywords Everywhere is safe to use. This plugin is used by over 1,000,000 people on Google Chrome alone and boasts a 4.6/5 rating from 5,395 reviews. You can also see the extension has plenty of positive feedback on the Chrome Web Store page. It's even recommended by huge digital marketers.

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