Aweber Review – The Easiest Way To Grow Your Business

  • Matthew Woodward
  • Updated on Jun 29, 2024
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Did you know the average email subscriber is worth $37.66?

Email marketing is a highly effective channel to build relationships with your leads and customers.


Because you have:

  • A Complete control of the distribution channel
  • A direct line to your subscriber’s inbox

But there are so many email marketing providers out there.

Which option should you go with?

If you’re looking for an email marketing service that’s:

  • Affordable and flexible
  • Simple and easy-to-use

….look to Aweber.

In this Aweber review, I’ll go through all of Aweber’s features.

I used Aweber for the first 5 years of this blog and across all of my affiliate sites to this day.

I’m also going to share my autoresponder strategy with you so that you can replicate my success.

Let’s go!

What is Aweber?

Aweber is a popular email marketing service provider for small businesses, designed to make the email marketing process and as simple as possible.

aweber screenshot

How Much Does Aweber Cost?

Aweber’s pricing is based on the number of subscribers you have.

Here’s what it costs on a monthly basis:

  • 0 – 500 subscribers: $19/month
  • 501 – 2,500 subscribers: $29/month
  • 2,501 – 5,000 subscribers: $49/month
  • 5,001 – 10,000 subscribers: $69/month
  • 10,000 – 25,000 subscribers: $149/month

Aweber Pricing

With Aweber, you can pay monthly, quarterly, or annually.

The quarterly option saves you 14% while the annual billing cycle can save you 14.9%.

Why is Email Marketing Important?

Email marketing once consisted of numerous static blasts to sell and promote products or services.

However, it’s shifted to become a direct evergreen channel focused on strengthening customer relationships.

It’s a cost-effective digital marketing channel that can instantly boost:

Aweber Traffic

  • Traffic (The red arrow is when I sent out an email to my list)
  • Social shares
  • Sales on complete autopilot
  • Customer Loyalty
  • Customer Lifetime Value

…so your business can thrive in today’s competitive environment.

Furthermore, when your readers opt-in, they’re choosing to hear from you. They expect to receive valuable information and news from your organization.

It’s no wonder the average email open rate is 20.81% higher than the engagement from any Facebook post.

Email marketing is also not subject to the same risks as your website.

Your site could be penalized by Google, which could hurt your SEO rankings and strip away your traffic. But with email marketing, you’re in direct control of the channel.

But here’s the best thing about email marketing.

Email marketing can automate the process of relationship building with your subscribers.

You can do this with an autoresponder sequence (pre-written set of emails scheduled to go out at specific times after someone has subscribers).

I’ll go through my full Aweber autoresponder strategy down below.

What Do I Get For My Money?

Below, I’ll go through all the features and benefits you’ll gain from Aweber.

I’ll show you how to use these features so you can create a thriving business.

Awesome Sign-Up Forms

If you want to capture emails, you need to implement sign-up forms.

Aweber Sign-Up Forms

Aweber’s signup forms are simple and easy-to-use.

They have hundreds of ready-to-use templates so you can create professional designs in minutes.

Furthermore, these designs are also mobile-responsive, so they look good on any device from a laptop to mobile phones.

There are also numerous sign-up forms so you can choose between:

  • A form on your website
  • A form in-line with a blog post
  • A form the pop-up
  • A lightbox form

All of these forms are highly customizable so you can appear on-brand.

You can also add custom fields and collect more data about your subscribers.

There’s also the option to tag and segment subscribers so you can also deliver targeted automated email campaigns.

Landing Page Builder

One of the most popular ways to collect emails is with a landing page.

Aweber Landing Page Builder

A landing page is a standalone website that captures contact information on website visitors in exchange for resources like ebooks or downloadable pdfs.

You’ll be happy to know that Aweber’s drag-and-drop landing page builder has professionally designed templates, so you don’t have to start from scratch.

In fact, you don’t need to code or use sophisticated web building software.

You can pick a template and customize:

  • The background images
  • The text styling

…and tweak the design to your pleasing.

All template designs are also mobile responsive, so they look good across all devices.

If you need images or want to post a video, Aweber also has a centralized pre-stocked image library and video support options.

In terms of email sign-ups, there’s an automated tagging feature Aweber so you can segment and manage your subscriber list effectively.

If you want to track traffic, Aweber also offers support for:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Pixel

Split Testing

With Aweber, you can find out what your email subscribers like best by testing two different versions and comparing the data to see which version performed better.

This is known as ‘Split Testing’.

You can continue this process until you’ve tested all the variants and optimized your:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate

For example:

If you wanted to see when the best time to send out emails is, you can split test your email campaign. 20% of subscribers will receive emails at 10 am, the other at 2 pm.

The remaining 60% of subscribers will receive the emails the next day, based on the variation that wins.

Aweber AB Split Testing

Most email marketing providers offer split testing. However, their split testing capabilities are very limited.

In fact, they usually allowing you only to test subject lines.

When Aweber rebuilt their split testing tool in 2018, they wanted to give users the ability to test a wide variety of features like:

  • Subject lines
  • Preheader text
  • Email designs or templates
  • Images Vs GIF Vs no images
  • Body copy
  • Call-to-action text
  • Call-to-action placement
  • Background color
  • Button color
  • The time you send the message

…and much more!

Aweber Split Testing Tools

Create & Send Newsletters

With Aweber, you can send out unlimited emails and newsletters in order to connect with your audience.

These newsletters can vary.

You can segment your subscribers, so some receive…

  • The latest news
  • Clever hacks
  • Smart tips

… While others only get updated when there are changes regarding to a specific product or to your company.

Like the landing page builder, the email newsletter builder has stunning templates.

You can also use the drag-and-drop tool to customize the newsletter to your liking.

You can work off the available templates or build your own design.

Aweber Newsletter 2

If you want to make your emails more appealing, you can include images.

Aweber has more than 6,000 royalty-free stock photos to choose from. Alternatively, you can upload your images and GIFs. Aweber will host them for free!

You can also segment and divide your email list based on people who have read your last email and re-engage those who didn’t.

This approach allows you to make sure the right people get the right messages.

Aweber segment and divide emails

We’ll go through segmentation and automation further below.

Powerful Automation

Segmenting is a powerful tool you can use to divide your email lists into different categories so you can send targeted emails to the right people.

But did you know you can also set up an email sequence?

This way, all your emails are automatically sent to subscribers at preselected times!

Aweber powerful automation

This is known as an autoresponder sequence, and this sequence can automate your email efforts.

Autoresponder sequences can be challenging.

However, I’ll go through what they are and how you can get started.

Before you set up a sequence of emails, you need to know the type of email sequence you want to send out.

There are many different types of email sequences.

These include:

  • Custom drip campaigns
  • Weekly email newsletters
  • A Welcome series
  • Product launch series
  • Customer onboarding series
  • Educational course

If you’re onboarding a new subscriber, you can add them to a welcome series of emails.

Alternatively, if someone opted into a landing page for a free ebook, you can add them to an email campaign leading to an educational course.

Personally, I find the trickiest part of setting up autoresponders is knowing what email campaigns you’re setting up and how to add value in each email.

But don’t worry!

I’ll show you a few examples of my autoresponder sequences below, so you have a better understanding of how they work.

The easy part is to build out your automated sequences.

Aweber has a drag-and-drop campaign builder, so all you need to do is drag over different actions and set scheduled times (when you want to send your email outs).

Aweber Build automated sequence

When you’re setting up your autoresponders, you also have the option to segment emails based on user behaviour.

You can tag subscribers that open emails and those that click on the links.

Segmenting based on user-behaviour is a great way to help you understand where the subscriber is on the purchasing journey.

You can have different lists based on their readiness to purchase.

  • For some groups you may need to strengthen the relationship further
  • For other groups who are ready to buy, you can send them a promotional email (e.g. 20% discount) incentivizing them to buy.

With this approach, you can transform passive prospects into interested and engaged loyal customers.

Aweber start campaign

As you create different email campaigns, there may be moments when you want to link the campaigns together.

This way, when one subscriber finishes a campaign, they can go straight onto the next one very easily.

This is called linking email campaigns.

For example:

When a reader subscribes, they join the welcome series.

You can link the welcome series to a weekly email newsletter campaign, so when your subscribers finish receiving all the emails in the welcome series they can move straight onto the weekly newsletter.

Linking emails allows you to keep your subscribers engaged for longer periods of time.

Aweber email series

Track Your Success

To succeed in email marketing, you need to track your metrics.



Understanding how your email campaigns are performing can give you further insight into areas you can optimize.

By continuously improving your email campaigns, you can deliver better content to the right audience.

You can track a number of metrics with Aweber, such as:

  • Opens
  • Clicks
  • Sales
  • Web Hits
  • Unsubscribers

You can also view this data in a graph format, which helps you assess your performance over a period of time.

Aweber Data Analytics

With Aweber, you can also leverage the data to segment your email list based on subscriber behaviour like…

  • Open rates
  • Purchases

…and many more.

Aweber clicks

Integrates With Everything

Aweber integrates with over 100+ websites and services like OptinMonster (read my Optinmonster review to see why I love it).

This way, you can easily merge your email marketing campaigns with other online business strategies.

Below are a few examples of popular organizations that Aweber integrates with.

  • Content management software: WordPress, Weblium and Duda
  • Customer relationship management software: Zendesk Widget, ContactUs and ChatMatic
  • E-commerce: WooCommerce, Shopify and PayPal
  • Landing Page Tools: Aweber Landing Pages, LeadPages and InstaPage
  • Lead Generation Tools: Clickfunnels, OptimizePress and Thrive Leads
  • Membership Platforms and Plugins: WishList Member, Paid Membership Pro and MemberPress
  • Productivity Tools: Zapier, AW Pro Tools and AWtomator
  • Social Media Tools: Facebook, Cyfe and Lander
  • Survey Software: Survey Funnel, and Callexa
  • Video Platforms: Wisitia, Viewbix and Sprout Video
  • Webinar platforms: Demio, Crowdcast and EasyWebinar
  • Others: Acuity Scheduling, EventBrite and BeaverBuilder

To see if Aweber integrates with your existing tools, you can search for your tool here.

Aweber Productivity Tools

My Aweber Autoresponder Strategy

As promised, here is my autoresponder strategy.

I currently have a set of 56 pre-written emails in my autoresponder sequence that’s sent to new subscribers.

One email is sent automatically every week. This way, I ensure my subscribers are engaged for a year.

This is what my autoresponder sequence looks like:

Aweber Follow Up Series

The Welcome Message

I send every new subscriber a welcome message outlining what they can expect as an email subscriber of my blog.

Aweber The Welcome Series

The Relationship Builder:

Two days later, I sent an email, inviting the subscriber to ask me any internet marketing question they like.

This email helps me create a strong relationship with the new subscriber by offering to personally help them with anything they need.

Aweber The Relationship Builder

Breathe Life Into Old Content:

The majority of my emails in the autoresponder sequence introduces my subscribers to older content.

Not only does this ensure subscribers remain engaged, but it also helps older blog posts have a steady stream of traffic, comments, shares, and affiliate clicks.

Aweber Breathe Life Into Old Content

Content Ideas:

I also ask my readers what I should write about next.

Not only does this email give me a constant stream of new content ideas every week, but it also boosts my relationship with my subscribers.

Aweber Content Ideas

Improving the Blog:

There’s always room to improve for every blog. I like to ask my readers 1 thing they like, dislike and would change immediately about the blog.

This data helped me shape the direction of my blog while strengthening subscriber relationships.

Aweber Improving The Blog

Collecting Testimonials:

After a period of time, I like to ask my subscribers to give me a testimonial. It’s a great way to see how you’re adding value.

You can also add these testimonials to your website to boost credibility.

Aweber Collecting Testimonials

Show Gratitude:

Finally, one of the most important things you should do is show appreciation and gratitude to your subscribers.

They’re the ones you’re writing for.

Write to thank them for supporting you and being there with you throughout your business or blogging journey.

Aweber Show Gratitude

If you want to learn more about building an autoresponder, you can find more information here. Have a look!

Wrapping Up

Aweber can help you:

  • Get started with their sign-up forms and landing page builder
  • Create and send numerous email newsletter campaigns
  • Optimize your emails with split testing
  • Automate your email marketing efforts
  • Track your data, metrics and success

…so you can boost your revenue and profits.

Boost customer loyalty and make more money today!

Give Aweber a try if you want an affordable and easy-to-use email marketing tool.

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Aweber Review

  • Review Of: Aweber
  • Reviewed By: Matthew Woodward
  • Rating:
  • Updated On: Jun 29, 2024

If you want to grow your business, Aweber is the perfect tool to help you start capturing the email addresses of your websites visitors and customers. It provides everything you need to build automated email marketing funnels that align to your business goals.

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