17x Best High Ticket Affiliate Programs For SEOs & Digital Marketers

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You can make 2x to 3x more in affiliate commission with the same amount of work you’re putting in now.


By promoting high ticket affiliate programs.

Most SEOs and digital marketers make the mistake of signing up for every affiliate program they can. While this may earn you a few quick bucks at the beginning…

Long-term – you won’t make much money.

Smart affiliate marketers look for high ticket affiliate marketing programs that align with their long-term vision and business goals.

In this blog, I’ve detailed the best 17 high ticket affiliate programs for SEOs and digital marketers – plus how much you can earn from each of them.

What Are High Ticket Affiliate Programs?

High ticket affiliate programs pay higher amounts of commission for a referral, usually between $100 to $1000+.

But high ticket affiliate programs don’t have to be just one-time payouts.

There are lots of affiliate programs that pay recurring monthly commissions as long as a subscriber stays with their service.

You usually find these kinds of affiliate programs amongst online tools and software because the customers pay a monthly subscription.

These programs provide you with an opportunity to make a lot of money over time.

Why Are High Ticket Affiliate Programs So Popular?

Standard affiliate programs require you to drive tons of traffic.

It makes sense right:

The more traffic you drive to affiliate offers, the more referrals you’ll get and the more money you make. But high ticket affiliate programs operate differently.

Because the product or service cost is usually more expensive, you only want to refer to the right people. This means it’s more about the quality of traffic over quantity.

That’s what makes them so attractive.

You make more money with less traffic as a high ticket affiliate marketer. That means you can spend more time selling rather than generating tons of traffic.

How Do High Ticket Affiliate Programs Work?

There are lots of different types of high ticket affiliate programs. And they work differently depending on how they are structured.

The truth is not every affiliate program is worth it.

If you have a long term vision of making real money out of affiliate marketing, you need to sign up with programs that support your goals.

high ticket affiliate programs

As high ticket usually takes longer to convert customers, you need to be wise with the affiliate partners that you choose.

There are two main types of high ticket affiliate programs:

  1. Monthly recurring commission – This is where successful referrals will earn you a recurring commission for a set period or as long as your referral keeps paying. One sale could net you years of passive income.
  2. One-time high-ticket payouts – This is where affiliates earn big payouts one time. The amount you make usually reflects the trust required to generate the sale.

In some cases, you’ll find that a company will offer you a choice. You can have a monthly referring commission or a one-time bigger payout.

Both commission structures can make you a lot of money. It depends on your own goals.

17x Profitable High Ticket Affiliate Programs

Ready to discover the most profitable high ticket affiliate programs?

These are the best affiliate programs for SEOs and digital marketers to join.

Hosting Providers

Hosting providers want as many customers as they can get.

They usually have high fixed costs to maintain all of their infrastructures. To offset those high fixed costs, they are focussed on getting as many customers as possible.

That’s why they pay affiliate marketers a high commission rate for successful referrals. These are the top host providers for affiliate marketers.

1. Kinsta

Kinsta is a premium web hosting provider that delivers fast speeds and provides the best security.

kinsta hosting

They use the Google Cloud platform to offer some of the fastest CPUs worldwide. Kinsta also has 29 data centres globally.

This means their customer’s websites load fast from almost anywhere in the world. To say that Kinsta is obsessed with speed is an understatement.

Kinsta’s affiliate program is one of the best you’ll find in the hosting industry.

They pay up to $500 per sale you refer them plus a 10% monthly recurring commission. You get paid big up front and then continue to earn passive income each month.

That’s a very attractive offer for SEOs and digital marketers!

And the best part?

Kinsta customers tend to use their service for a long amount of time. That means you have the potential to earn for a long duration.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Website Hosting Service

URL: Kinsta Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 60 days.

$50 to $500 per referral + 10% recurring commission.
  • Long cookie duration
  • High one-time commissions + a recurring commission
  • Kinsta has high customer retention rates

2. WPX Hosting

If there was a major competitor to Kinsta… It’s WPX Hosting.

WPX Hosting is a WordPress hosting service that has proven itself to provide fast load speed times to go with their excellent customer support.

WPX hosting

After running my own tests to discover the fastest WordPress hosting service, WPX hosting actually came out on top.

Best WordPress Hosting Pingdom

The WPX Hosting high ticket affiliate program offers a great commission rate and it increases as you refer more customers.

Their starting rate is $70 per referral, with the chance to earn up to $100 per affiliate as you refer more customers.

There is definitely a potential to make thousands per month here.

Check out my full WPX Hosting Review to learn more about their hosting services

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Website Hosting Service

URL: WPX Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 60 days.

1 to 25 referrals – $70 commission per referral

26 to 100 referrals – $85 commission per referral

101+ referrals – $100 commission per referral

  • Great affiliate support
  • Receive commission payouts within 35 days
  • WPX has is a very trusted web hosting service

3. Cloudways

Cloudways is a website hosting service aimed at small and medium-sized businesses.

What makes Cloudways different from the rest is that customers get to choose what infrastructure they use for hosting.

cloudways hosting

They have partnered with some of the biggest services in the web hosting business, including Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Engine.

The final setup will affect the ultimate price they pay.

But the choices don’t end there…

Cloudways has two affiliate commission rate structures:

  1. SLAB – One-time bigger commissions
  2. Hybrid – Smaller one-time commissions + recurring monthly commission

SLAB one-time commissions start at $50 per referral and go up to $125 per referral.

The more customers you refer, the more you get paid per referral. Once you have more than 80 affiliate referrals you can contact support to negotiate a high commission rate.

The Hybrid model allows you to collect a recurring monthly payment of 7% plus a $30 one-time payment.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Website Hosting Service

URL: Cloudways Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 90 days.

1 to 5 referrals – $50 per referral

6 to 20 referrals – $75 per referral

21 to 45 referrals – $100 per referral

46 to 80 referrals – $125 per referral


$30 per referral + 7% lifetime monthly recurring commission

  • Your choice of your prefered commission structure
  • Instant commissions
  • Long cookie duration of 90 days

4. Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the biggest names in the hosting business. They have been around since 2003 and provide reliable, low-cost website hosting services.

bluehost web hosting services

But just because they’re cheap doesn’t mean they are bad. They offer both shared and dedicated hosting services to users. They also have good 24/7 customer support by:

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Live chat

With Bluehost, you get good value for money.

Bluehost’s affiliate program is also really solid. You’ll earn a one-time payment of $65 per affiliate referral.

It doesn’t get much simpler than that.

Last year alone, they paid over $5 million to their affiliates through the program. Join their affiliate program to get yourself a slice of the pie this year!

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Website Hosting Service

URL: Bluehost Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 90 days.

$65 per affiliate referral
  • Bluehost has high conversion rates because it’s low-cost
  • High commission rates
  • Very successful affiliate program that’s been around for a long term

SEO & Blogging Tools

Established SEO and blogging tools usually have high-profit margins.

This allows them to pay their affiliates well. These are the 5 high ticket affiliate programs you should look into for SEO tools and blogging tools.

5. Semrush

Semrush started off as an all-in-one SEO tool.

But over the years, it has developed into a powerful online marketing software. It has tons of features to help with:

  • SEO
  • Content marketing
  • Market research
  • PPC advertising

semrush digital marketing software

The versatility and data has made it one of the best digital marketing tools available.

What’s more?

Semrush has a great affiliate program. They pay you at every step of the funnel.

Here’s what I mean:

With the Semrush affiliate program, you earn-

  • $0.01 for the new signup
  • $10 for every new trial
  • $200 for every new subscription sale

Just by getting someone to take a free trial, you’ll earn $10. And when they convert you’ll get a nice payout of $200. That’s an attractive offer.

Want to learn more about what Semrush can do? Check out my full Semrush review.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: SEO/Marketing Tool

URL: Semrush Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 30 days.

$0.01 for the new signup referral

$10 for every new trial referral

$200 for every new subscription referral

  • Get paid commission at every step at the funnel
  • High earning potential
  • Free trials have high conversion rates to sales

6. Shopify

Shopify is the biggest ecommerce website provider in the world.

And for good reason. They offer everything you need to run a successful online store.

shopify ecommerce platform

You can set up a storefront with your own domain name, create product listings and receive payment. The Shopify marketplace has tons of apps and services to customise your online store the way you want it.

But what lots of people don’t know is that Shopify has a massive affiliate program.

Every time Shopify gets a new customer, there is a huge potential for that customer to order lots of extras that Shopify offers.

That’s why Shopify pays high prices to affiliates who refer them to customers. How high?

You can earn up to $2000 for every affiliate you refer to the Shopify Plus program.

You will also earn a one-time payment of 200% for whatever monthly plan your affiliate signs up for. That means if you refer someone for the $29 Shopify plan, your bounty payment will be $58.

The advanced Shopify plan costs $299 per month so you could earn up to $598.

Shopify is a popular high ticket affiliate program because of their commission rate.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Ecommerce

URL: Shopify Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 30 days.

$200% one-time commission per subscription referral

$2000 one-time commission per Plus program referral

  • High ticket referrals commissions
  • Lots of promotional assets to take advantage of

7. Grammarly

Grammarly is the leading grammar and writing tool.

grammarly writing tool

It uses powerful AI to highlight grammatical errors and spelling mistakes in your writing. But it also does a lot more than just that…

Grammarly understands your content. Simply add your writing goals and your target audience, and Grammarly will give you recommendations on improving your content.

In some cases, it can even rewrite entire sentences to make them flow better.

Grammarly’s affiliate program is decent. You will earn:

  • $0.20 for a free account signup
  • $20 for every premium signup

Using Grammarly for free is a no-brainer. Then once you have referred a free user, Grammarly will do the work to convert them into a premium subscriber.

This is how you can start to make some decent money from their affiliate program.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Writing Tool

URL: Grammarly Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 90 days.

$0.20 per free account referral

$20 per premium account referral

  • Get paid for free account referrals
  • Long cookie duration
  • Free accounts have a high 30% conversion rate into paid accounts

8. SmartProxy

If you are in SEO or digital marketing, you have probably come across proxies at some stage. Proxies are dedicated servers that have unique IP addresses.

They act as the middleman between the person on their computer browsing the internet and the server that sends website files to their computer.

One of the best Proxie providers around is SmartProxy.

smart proxy

They have over 40+ million residential proxies located worldwide. They also have 40,000 data centre proxies in the US alone. That’s a lot of power!

You can leverage these proxies for:

  • SEO
  • Market research
  • Scraping data
  • Social media

And so much more. I have been successfully using SEO proxies since 2011.

SmartProxy offers a great high ticket affiliate marketing program.

You receive up to 50% commission for every affiliate you refer. SmartProxy’s products start at $40 per month and go all the way up to $3000 per month.

That means you have an opportunity to earn up to $1500 for one referral.

There are definitely some affiliate commissions to be earned here.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Proxy Provider

URL: SmartProxy Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 30 days.

50% commission on all affiliate sales
  • Get paid on a monthly basis
  • Earn up to $1500 for one affiliate referral

SEO & Marketing Courses

Courses make great affiliate products.


The provider has high margins, so they usually offer high commissions. On top of that, quality courses provide real value so they’re easy to recommend.

Sign up for these next programs to add courses to your affiliate list.

9. Udemy

Udemy has one of the biggest libraries of online courses available.

People from all over the world create and add their courses to Udemy. They have over 183,000 courses, with new ones constantly being uploaded every month.

udemy courses

Udemy’s review system ensures only quality courses are listed and you can easily decide whether a course is right for you.

The affiliate marketing program is very important to Udemy.

They have spent a long time developing a solid program with huge upside for affiliates. In the beginning, you receive a 15% commission of every successful affiliate you refer.

This percentage increases with the more successful referrals you have.

If you become a top affiliate earner on Udemy, you can contact them to negotiate a higher commission percentage. They will:

  • Evaluate how you drive affiliate sales
  • Make you an offer

A top affiliate earner is someone referring more than $5000 worth of sign-ups per month.

Udemy only offers a 7-day cookie duration because their courses convert quickly. This is lower than most affiliate programs but most people tend to convert instantly or not at all.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Online Courses

URL: Udemy Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 7 days.

15% commission on all affiliate sales

Negotiate higher commission rates after becoming a top affiliate earner.

  • Udemy is a trusted platform so sales convert higher
  • Thousands of courses to promote

10. DigitalMarketer

DigitalMarketer is one of the biggest names in the digital marketing business.

digital marketer courses

They offer tons of quality:

  • Courses
  • Certificates
  • Workshops
  • Tools

And so much more.

They are considered one of the most respected names in digital marketing education today. DigitalMarketer offers courses and certifications for every major field in the digital marketing world.

Each course is based on timeless proven systems and taught by real professionals.

As a DigitalMarketers affiliate (called ambassador), you’ll earn a 30% commission on any products you sell.

Most of their major certificates are $495 so the earning potential is high.

DigitalMarketer also has a subscription product that includes all of their practical playbooks and workshops. It costs $95 per month and you will also receive a 30% recurring commission for as long as the subscriber sticks with the service.

But what makes DigitalMarketer such a great affiliate partner is its promotional asses.

You can refer people to their free lead magnet tools. If the subscriber converts into a paying customer, you’ll get 30% of everything they purchase.

That’s a very good deal!

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Digital Marketing Courses

URL: DigitalMarketer Ambassador Program

Cookie Duration: Up to 120 days.

30% commission on all affiliate sales.

30% recurring commission DigitalMarketer Lab subscription.

  • Access to DigitalMarketer’s full range of free tools and lead magnets
  • Large cookie durations
  • High commission rates with the opportunity to earn good passive income

Other Profitable High-End Ticket Affiliate Programs

Looking for more high ticket affiliate programs to promote?

These next affiliates provide some of the best recurring commissions you can get. They offer great opportunities to make money as an affiliate marketer.

11. HubSpot

HubSpot is the big fish in a really big pond.

They are one of the most popular CRM and sales tools around. This is primarily due to the massive amount of content marketing and free events they do every single year.

hubspot marketing tool

But the software itself delivers. For lots of companies, it’s the backbone of their entire customer acquisition and retention strategy.

That’s a great thing for affiliate marketers.

Here’s why:

When a business signs up for HubSpot, they tend to stick around. That means your commission earning potential is really high.

HubSpot offers 2 commission structures:

  1. Recurring Rate Program – Earn 15% monthly commission for up to 12 months
  2. Flat Rate Program – Earn 100% of the first month’s revenue

The thing about HubSpot is it’s a great tool – but it’s not cheap.

Their most popular middle-tier plan starts at $890 per month and their enterprise plan is $3200 per month. Regardless of what commission structure you choose, there’s a big opportunity for huge payouts.

As an added bonus, HubSpot has lots of marketing materials and even optimised sales pages to refer customers to.

Joining the HubSpot affiliate marketing program is like becoming part of a well-oiled machine.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: CRM & Sales

URL: HubSpot Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 90 days.

100% commission of the first months subscription.


15% monthly recurring commission (12 months).

  • High earning potential
  • Generous cookie duration periods.
  • HubSpot has very high retention rates

12. ClickFunnels

If you have ever built a funnel…

You would have heard about ClickFunnels. Founded by marketing pro Russel Brunson, ClickFunnels helps you quickly put together high converting sales funnels.

clickfunnels software

Their drag-drop builder makes it easy to create almost anything you want.

ClickFunnels has also developed some unique tools and features to help improve conversions. It has quickly become the number one funnel builder on the planet!

Part of ClickFunnels’ rapid success came from their affiliate program.

ClickFunnels pays a recurring monthly commission of 20%-40% for each successful affiliate referral. The introductory ClickFunnels monthly pricing starts at $99, so the amount you can earn adds up pretty quickly.

With the ClickFunnels affiliate program, you will also earn 40% on all their digital products that you sell. This includes Russel Brunson’s best selling books.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Funnel Software

URL: ClickFunnels Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 30 days.

20% to 40% recurring commission subscriptions.

40% commission on all digital products.

  • Promote ClickFunnels subscriptions and digital products
  • Earn commission on all upsells that ClickFunnels offers
  • Bonus commission on some digital products

13. ConvertKit

ConvertKit at its core is an email marketing software.

It helps users create and grow large email lists using a host of powerful tools.

convertkit email marketing software

Over the years ConvertKit has added more tools. You can now create full landing pages and even sell digital products from one platform.

While ConvertKit could work for almost any business, they primarily focus on “creators“. This includes:

  • Artists
  • Musicians
  • Bloggers
  • YouTubers
  • Coaches
  • Digital Product Owners

ConvertKit is very popular and has high retention rates, which is great for affiliates.

You’ll earn a recurring commission of 30% for each successful sale. The power of ConvertKit’s affiliate program is the pricing increases.

While prices start at just $29 per month when someone has over 400,000 subscribers they will be paying as much as $2599 per month.

That means you’ll be earning $779 per month.

The prices that ConverKit charges to more established businesses translate into significantly higher commission payouts for you.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Email Marketing

URL: ConvertKit Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 30 days.

30% recurring commission for up to 24 months.
  • ConvertKit has high customer retention rates
  • Commission rates are generous

14. LeadPages

Landing page building doesn’t have to be complicated.

LeadPages helps small businesses create high converting landing pages fast.

leadpages landing page builder

The tool is simple to use and comes with hundreds of templates. Its drag and drop user interface is what makes it such a great tool. You can even add pop-ups and announcement bars to increase conversions.

On the affiliate side, LeadPages also has a lot to offer.

You earn up to 50% recurring commissions on all plans. Your starting commission will just be 10% per month but it jumps to 40% after just two affiliate sales.

But as you generate more sales your commission percentage increases.

The LeadPages standard plan starts at $49 per month and their pro plan is $99 per month.

Lots of users upgrade to the pro plan, so your earnings can really scale as you start to refer lots of affiliates.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Sales Page Builder

URL: LeadPages Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 30 days.

10% to 50% recurring commission on all affiliate sales
  • You can promote and use LeadPages content
  • Swipe files so you can easily promote LeadPages
  • Very high recurring commission rates

15. ShareASale

ShareASale is one of the fastest-growing affiliate networks.

Shareasale affiliate program network

They are owned by AWIN, which is another huge and popular affiliate network.

ShareASale has 225,000+ affiliate partners around the world. This allows you to access a whole list of potential affiliates from one account.

Simply create your free account, get approved and start promoting.

ShareASale has a ton of tools for you to take advantage of. You can build custom links, add banner images to your website and track all of your earnings inside the account.

The commission levels you earn depend on each individual partner.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Affiliate Platform

URL: ShareASale Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: Depends on each individual affiliate partner.

Depends on each individual affiliate partner.
  • Lots of potential affiliate partners
  • Affiliate partners include well-known brands
  • Award-winning affiliate platform

16. ActiveCampaign

Customer experience tools don’t get much better than ActiveCampaign.

ActiveCampaign is a powerful marketing automation tool primarily focussed on using email marketing to generate more conversions.

active campaign tool

But email marketing is just the tip of the iceberg.

ActiveCampaign is a full sales and CRM service. You can use marketing automation to send emails and follow up with prospects when they take specific actions.

The ActiveCampaign affiliate program pays a 30% recurring monthly commission on all sales. While ActiveCampaign does service small businesses, their primary target market is medium to large companies.

The benefit is that these companies tend to buy the higher-tiered plans.

The most popular plan on ActiveCampaign is $149 per month. That means you would be earning a recurring $45 per month with each affiliate on this plan.

It is one of the most competitive affiliate programs for tools in this niche.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Email Marketing

URL: ActiveCampaign Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: 90 days.

20%-30% recurring commission
  • Average affiliate earns $1350 per referral
  • Top-rated affiliate program
  • Access to ActiveCampaign’s content marketing materials
  • Generous cookie duration

17. Fiverr

Fiverr has become the leading website for freelancers.

fiverr freelance marketplace

While the platform started out with freelancers offering different services for just $5, it has changed a lot. Fiverr has attracted lots of talent and you can now find excellent freelance services in almost any niche.

Fiverr’s affiliate program pays you a commission to promote leading freelance services.

Here’s how it works:

You simply refer people using your affiliate link to create a Fiverr account. When someone buys from the Fiverr marketplace, you earn a commission.

Fiverr offers 2 commission structures:

  1. CPA
  2. Hybrid

CPA means you’ll earn a one-time commission on the first purchase that the affiliate makes on Fiverr. This will be between $15 and $150 depending on the industry that the user buys from.

With hybrid, you’ll earn a flat $10 commission on the first purchase and a 10% recurring commission on every purchase the person makes from then on. The recurring commission stops after 12 months.

You can also promote:

  • Fiverr Learn – Earn up to 30% for every course order
  • Fiverr Workspace – Earn 50% of every unlimited plan

Fiverr has even created a simple quiz to help you decide which commission structure is right for you. There is a lot of opportunity for Fiverr affiliates as the platform continues to expand.

General Information Commissions Pros/Unique Features
Niche: Freelance Platform

URL: Fiverr Affiliate Program

Cookie Duration: Lifetime attribution on first-time signups.

$15 to $150 commission on first-time purchases.


$10 commission on first purchase and 10% recurring commission for 12 months.

  • Choose your preferred commission structure
  • Lifetime attribution to first-time users on the Fiverr platform
  • Lots of services to promote

4x Things You Should Always Check Out Before Joining An Affiliate Program

Why it’s always exciting to jump into a new affiliate program, there are some things you should always check out before.

This will save you a lot of time down the track and ensure you are only partnering with the right affiliates.

1. The Niche

Only join affiliate programs that are part of your niche.

While it can be tempting to join as many affiliate programs as possible, you will earn less money in the long run.

Creating content and promoting affiliates takes time. You really need to understand what you’re promoting and ensure you understand the target audience.

You will earn more money if you become a trusted expert in one niche and promote relevant affiliate offers.

2. The Commission Rates

Commission rates are a big deal.

As an affiliate marketer, you spend time promoting other people’s:

  • Products
  • Tools
  • Services

You deserve to be compensated fairly for successfully generating an affiliate sale.

give me the money

Always check the affiliate offer’s commission rates before joining the program.

3. The Cookie Duration

Cookies are a big deal in affiliate marketing.

Cookie duration refers to the amount of time you have for your referral to convert into a sale and still receive a commission.

Most cookie durations last about 30 days but the longer, the better.

You don’t want a short cookie duration where most of your referrals are converting after the cookie period expires.

4. The Requirements To Join The Program

Lots of high ticket affiliate programs have strict requirements to join.

They may require you to have:

  • An established audience
  • A specific type of promotional asset such as a blog

Always check the requirements before joining a program.

All affiliate programs will have limitations on how you can promote their affiliate offers. For example, most high ticket affiliate programs will not allow you to use paid advertising to directly promote their products or services.

So, you want to ensure you meet the program’s requirements and are happy with the terms they set.

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Wrapping It Up

So there you have it.

The top 17 high ticket affiliate marketing programs for SEOs and digital marketers. These affiliate programs have the potential to earn you good money in the long run.

Just make sure you review each program for yourself to ensure it’s a good fit.


The key to success with high ticket affiliates is having a long-term vision. Sign up for affiliate partners that already complement your business and align with your future goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

High ticket affiliate programs pay higher commission rates per referral. These affiliate programs pay between $100 and $1000 one-time per referral or pay a monthly recurring percentage of 30% and above. You earn more money from high ticket affiliate programs with less traffic required to get results.
There are lots of places to find high-ticket affiliate products. Most major software and products have an affiliate program. The best high ticket affiliate products are:
Yes, you can get rich from affiliate marketing. Just realize that it won't happen overnight. You need to have a long-term vision and be committed to the process of creating an audience that trusts you. People who know their audiences very well make more money as affiliate marketers.

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