SEO Silo

What Is An SEO Silo?

An SEO silo is a website architecture structure that organises content into specific categories and topics.

SEO silos improve the site’s relevance and authority for particular topics while also enhancing the overall user experience of the site.

what is an silo structure

Think of a silo like a category of content.

This SEO silo method structures a website’s content by grouping related information into dedicated areas of the site.

This makes it easier for both users and search engines to understand the website and its content.

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Why Use An SEO Silo Structure?

Using an SEO Silo structure gives your website a logical hierarchy and flow.

It improves your website’s user experience by making it easier for visitors to find relevant content. The silo structure also helps search engines find, understand and index your content.

This can boost keyword rankings in Google and generate more organic traffic.

It makes sense, right…

By presenting content in an organised and categorised way, search engines can crawl and index the content more efficiently.

crawling vs indexing

The easier you make it for search engines to crawl your website – The higher you will rank in the search results.

But the other major benefit of silo structure is how it helps users.

When a user clicks on a silo category, they will find all the content the website has on that topic.

This makes it easier to find the content that will benefit them most.

How To Create An SEO Silo Structure

Follow these steps to create an SEO silo structure.

Step #1: Categorise Your Content Into Silos

Start by identifying the core categories of your website. You’ll usually have between 3 and 5 categories depending on your industry and the niche.

Here’s an example below:

seo silo categories example

Now, break each category down into the core topics you will cover on your website.

seo silo topics

These topics will form the basis of your SEO silo structure – Each representing a specific group of related content and keywords.

If you sell products or offer services, they should also form part of the silos on your site.

Step #2: Write Supporting Content

Now do keyword research and find keywords specifically related to each chosen topic.

Write the supporting content for the keyword and categorise it under the relevant topic.

Ensure all content within a silo is connected through internal links to create an even stronger structure on your website.

Step #3: Implement Your SEO Silo Structure

Organise your website’s navigation based on the silo structure you’ve created.

The top-level category pages should be placed in your main navigation and act like a gateway to each topic page.

You can use a drop-down menu to link from the main category to the topic page.

The last part is simply linking from the topic page to the supporting content. Most of the time these are simple lists of content.

content linking

Read our complete SEO Silo tutorial to learn more about creating a solid silo structure.

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