
What Is A Max-Snippet?

Max-snippet is an HTML attribute that specifies the maximum number of characters Google can show as a text snippet for a webpage in search results.

Setting “0” will opt out the page from text snippets entirely, while “-1” means there’s no limit to the snippet length.

Google takes content from your page and displays it in the search results. This is usually done for meta descriptions and featured snippets.

Google aims to increase the click-thru rate of websites listed in the search engine results pages (SERPs). That’s why they usually rewrite your website meta-description and personalise it for individual users.

Here’s the problem:

Google doesn’t always know best. Sometimes the snippets are too long, sometimes they just read badly.

In many cases, Google pulls random “snippets” of information from your page and tests them to see what works.

My point is that you have very little control over what’s shown in the SERPs.

The max-snippet attribute lets you specify how much of your content is displayed by setting rules on the maximum number of characters.

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Why Is The Max-Snippet Attribute Important?

The max-snippet attribute is important because it gives you control over how your website appears in search engine results.

If you don’t specify a max-snippet rule, Google will automatically choose the snippet length.

This is where you can take matters into your own hands. You get to set the boundaries of your content.

And done well…

Max-snippets can lead to better results such as:

    • Higher CTRs: Concise snippets increase the chances of users clicking on your page.
    • Improved User Experience: Clear snippets help users understand your content quickly.
    • Increased Rankings: High-performing snippets can lead to improved rankings in the SERPs.

Cool, right?

The truth is you need to know what you are doing before using max-snippet tags.

But if you understand what your audience wants to see – Max-snippets can enhance your website’s visibility in the search results.

Tip: Combine max-snippet tags with data-nonsnippet tags to gain even more control over your website’s visibility in organic search results.

How To Use The Max-Snippet Attribute

Use the Max-Snippet attribute to control the length of text snippets shown in search results. This helps ensure that only the most relevant information is highlighted to users.

Here are three ways to do it:

1. Stop a snippet from being shown in the search results:

<meta name=”robots” content=”max-snippet:0″>

The max-snippet is set to 0, which effectively means nosnippet.

2. Allow a specific number of characters to be displayed:

<meta name=”robots” content=”max-snippet:150″>

The maximum number of characters in this case is 150.

3. Let Google choose the optimal length of a snippet

<meta name=”robots” content=”max-snippet:-1″>

The -1 value in this example tells Google they get to choose.


Continue to test and adjust. Adding max-snippet rules for your content will affect your site’s appearance in the SERPs.

Use tools like Google Search Console to monitor key metrics like CTRs to ensure the changes benefit your website.

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