Holistic SEO

What Is Holistic SEO?

Holistic SEO is a comprehensive approach to search engine optimisation that focuses on all aspects of a website’s health and user experience.

Rather than focusing on individual SEO tactics, holistic SEO integrates every core aspect of SEO into one comprehensive strategy.

This includes:

The holistic approach gives you an advantage over other websites and ultimately increases your search visibility and rankings.

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Why Is Holistic SEO Important?

Holistic SEO is important because it fulfils user and search engine needs at every level.

You provide value to users and ensure that your website meets Google’s webmaster guidelines.

Here’s what I mean:

Search engine algorithms are essentially a bunch of complex mathematical equations designed to evaluate website and content quality.

Google’s goal is to provide its users with the best experience and information. Help Google do that, and you will be rewarded with higher rankings and more organic traffic.

Here’s the problem:

Google has lots of different algorithmic systems and ranking factors working together to deliver the best search results possible.

While we know many of the Google ranking factors – No one knows them all.

What’s more?

These ranking factors and algorithms are constantly changing. What works today might not work tomorrow.

That’s where holistic SEO comes in.

Instead of trying to hack the algorithm with tactics that work right now, you focus on a holistic approach that future-proofs your website against any updates that happen tomorrow.

This allows you to increase your traffic over time and build a sustainable SEO strategy that delivers results long-term.

How To Implement Holistic SEO

Use these 5 tips to implement a holistic SEO strategy:

1. Remove Technical SEO Issues

Think of technical SEO as the foundation of your entire website.

If your website doesn’t perform well, you are already facing an uphill battle.

Good technical SEO starts with a silo structure. You then need to increase website speed, implement website schema and ensure your website is secure.

2. Implement On-Page SEO

Most people don’t understand the purpose of on page SEO

Put simply: On page SEO helps Google better understand your content and page structure.

The easier you make it for Google, the higher you will rank. It’s as simple as that!

Good on page SEO includes things like optimising:

…and content quality itself.

top five onpage seo factors

Check out our complete on page SEO checklist to learn more.

3. Do Keyword Research

Holistic keyword research focuses more on keyword strategy AND conversions.

Let me explain:

Most website owners jump into their favourite keyword research tool and look for keywords with high search volumes. This is old thinking.

What should you do instead?

Start by identifying key topics for your website. Then, turn those topics into individual keywords you want to target.

Think about different keyword types that reach people at various stages of the buying cycle.

types of keywords

For example, your keyword strategy should include both informational keywords and buyer keywords.

This approach allows you to increase your traffic while also converting more leads and sales.

Who doesn’t want that, right?

4. Create Great Content

Creating great content is one of the core pillars of Holistic SEO.

good website content vs bad website content

What does quality mean?

Create comprehensive, well-researched content that gives the reader a ton of value. Use core SEO copywriting principles to make your content more interesting and engaging.

Don’t forget to add images, videos, tables, bullet lists, call-out boxes and more to really bring your content to life.

5. Build Quality Backlinks

Building quality backlinks is essential for increasing domain authority and search rankings.

But when it comes to link building – Quality over Quantity.

quantity vs quality link building

Choose link building strategies that deliver quality backlinks that look natural and relevant to Google.

If you struggle with building your own links, outsource them to trusted link building services.

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