Evergreen Content

  • MatthewMetcalfe
  • Updated on May 6, 2024

What Is Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content is SEO content that stays relevant over a long period of time.

It doesn’t need to be constantly updated and continues to rank and drive traffic long-term.

This is different from content like news articles that quickly become outdated.

Evergreen topics are timeless and offer value to your website and business over an extended period.

Here’s the truth:

The best SEO keywords and topics are evergreen.

Think about it like compound interest…

You write the content once and it delivers long-term value.

You don’t need to update it often and once the content starts ranking – The traffic becomes predictable.

That’s why most SEOs use evergreen content as the foundation for their SEO strategy.

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What Does Evergreen Content Mean?

Evergreen content means that it is fresh, relevant and valuable to readers long after publication.

The content doesn’t have a set expiry date.

That doesn’t mean you don’t need to refresh it from time to time…

But the topic itself doesn’t become outdated quickly and you don’t need to constantly update it.

Evergreen content delivers the best ROI for businesses investing in SEO.

How Does Evergreen Content Work?

Evergreen content works by focusing on topics with consistent search volume in niches that don’t change much.

That means avoiding topics that involve trends or are constantly evolving.

By focusing on topics and keywords that attract long-term traffic, you only write the content once but still gain readers over time.

Real Examples Of Evergreen Content

Here are 5 real examples of evergreen content:

How-To Guides

How-to guides provide step-by-step instructions on completing a specific task.

They are designed to be practical and straightforward. This makes them highly valuable and continually relevant over time.

how to guide example

“How to Change a Tyre” is a good example of an evergreen how-to guide.

The process of changing a tyre stays mostly the same, so the content remains relevant.


People love listicles which is what makes them such a great type of evergreen content.

Listicles organise information into a numbered list, making complex information easy to understand.

They appeal to readers looking for quick, fun and actionable insights.

listicle example

For example, “11 Ways to Save Money on Groceries” is an excellent evergreen listicle topic that will be popular for years.

Case Studies

If you run a service-based business…

You should have case studies.

They are super valuable and great for attracting new clients.

case study examples

The best part is that case studies are completely evergreen.


You are writing about something that happened in the past and the past doesn’t change.

This is coupled with the fact that you get a chance to show off your expertise while also providing value to your audience.

That’s a win-win.

Product Reviews

Product reviews are evergreen as long as the product you are reviewing is relevant.

This is why they have become so popular for software, digital products and higher-ticket products.

product review example

The key to success with product reviews is actually using the product! Spend the time buying and critically reviewing it.

You must be genuine and honest about the product’s good and bad aspects.

Check out our product review template to learn more.

Ultimate Guides

Ultimate Guides cover everything a person needs to know about a particular topic.

Think of it like a one-stop shop type of content. Ultimate guides are extensive and aim to be the final resource that a reader needs.

ultimate guide example

A good example is “The Ultimate Guide To Growing Tomatoes”.

You read that piece of content and you have all the information you need to grow your own tomatoes.

How To Write Evergreen Content

How to write evergreen content in 5 steps:

1. Choose A Timeless Topic

Start by choosing a topic that will remain relevant and useful over time.

Think about topics that are relevant to your niche that haven’t changed much in the last 3+ years.

This will help you narrow down great evergreen topics that will bring value to your business long-term.

The topics must consistently generate interest and not depend on temporary trends or hype.

2. Do Keyword Research

Now that you have your topic…

You need to turn it into keywords you can target.

Conduct thorough keyword research to understand what terms your target audience is searching for related to your topic.

Use tools like Ahrefs or Semrush to find valuable long-tail keywords with steady search volumes.


Keyword selection isn’t only about search traffic. Target different keyword types that deliver real business value like generating leads and sales.

3. Choose The Right Content Format

Think about the best format to deliver the information.

Content formats include:

  • How-to guides
  • Listicles
  • FAQs
  • Product reviews
  • Glossaries
  • Case studies
  • Checklists

The key is to choose a format that will allow you to communicate to your audience best.

4. Create Great Content

Creating great content is a skill.

Start by writing a content structure that covers each key point the user needs to know. This will be the foundation of your content!

Make sure that you write high-quality and engaging content. That means it should be well-researched, clear and comprehensive.

good website content vs bad website content

Draw on your own personal experience to add unique insights about the topic that no one else has written about.

And don’t stop there…

Create a great user experience by adding relevant:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Bullet points
  • Call-out boxes

… and more.

This will make your content more digestible and valuable.

5. Optimise For SEO

Make your content SEO-friendly by adding your target keywords naturally.

Optimise your meta-tags and descriptions and ensure you build internal links from other pages on your site.

Use on page SEO to make it easier for Google to understand your content. This will help it rank higher and drive more website traffic.

top five onpage seo factors

Check out our complete on page SEO checklist to learn more.

How To Update Your Evergreen Content

Do these three things regularly to update your evergreen content:

Refresh Content Every Year

Google only wants to show users the most accurate and updated information.

Even though the content is evergreen you will need to refresh about once every 12 months. But that doesn’t mean you need to write a completely new article!

Adding a new paragraph, revising outdated information and adding a frequently asked questions section is enough to refresh the article.

Check out our Query Deserves Freshness (QDF) tutorial to learn more.

Review Search Intent

Search intent can change over time. Your content must always answer the search intent of your main target keyword.

The easiest way to check search intent is simply to Google the keyword.

The top-ranking websites are there because they answer search intent well.

Build Quality Backlinks

Search results become more competitive over time.

Your competitors will update their content and try to outrank you.

Building high-quality backlinks is one of the best ways to create a lasting competitive advantage.

Don’t underestimate the importance of link building to ensure that your evergreen content stays at the top of Google.

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