Email Outreach

What Is Email Outreach?

Email outreach is the process of using email to contact potential prospects quickly and efficiently.

In SEO, email outreach is primarily used to secure high-quality backlinks, promote content and connect with other website owners.

Email outreach is about taking advantage of email to connect with the right people and using the right message to achieve your SEO and marketing objectives.

It’s as simple as that.

Here’s how SEO pros are using email outreach today:

  • Link Building: Acquire backlinks from reputable sites to improve your search rankings.
  • Relationship Building: Connect with industry influencers, bloggers and thought leaders.
  • Content Promotion: Get your content in front of a larger audience by sharing it with your relevant contacts.
  • Networking: Expand your online network and collaborate with other website owners.

The bottom line is this…

Email outreach can significantly boost your website’s visibility and credibility when executed well.

Not to mention that some of the biggest relationships I’ve built in SEO started with a simple email outreach campaign.

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Is Email Outreach Effective?

Yes, email outreach is highly effective today.

It’s one of the most cost-effective and scaleable ways to build quality links, connect with other website owners and promote your content.

But you have to do it the right way.

Email outreach is most effective when it’s used alongside other proven link building strategies, such as:

In fact, my link building team successfully leverages email outreach to consistently build high-quality inbound links.

link building win rates

But not only that…

We’ve also built tons of great relationships with thousands of website owners over the years.

This has allowed us to collaborate with great people in the industry to grow our online presence.

Email outreach is a powerful tool.

Being consistent and using it correctly can have a huge positive impact on your SEO and business growth.

How Does Email Outreach Work For SEO?

Email outreach works for SEO by connecting you with high-authority sites, sharing your content with them and offering them something in exchange for a backlink.

But that’s not all…

How you reach out and what you ask for will significantly impact the responses you get from your email campaign.

One of the most common email outreach strategies is guest blogging.

Here’s how the email outreach process works in SEO:

  1. Identify Prospects: Find websites, bloggers and influencers relevant to your niche.
  2. Craft Personalised Emails: Write tailored emails that emphasise mutual benefits and value.
  3. Follow-up: People are busy, so it usually takes 2 to 3 emails before you get a response.
  4. Secure Backlinks: Request a backlink to your content or offer a guest post, depending on your strategy.
  5. Track Your Results: Monitor replies and track the success of your campaign to make continuous improvements.

Once you have a successful system in place – Simply rinse and repeat.


Email is just a tool for connecting with other website owners.

The quality of your link building strategy and approach to email outreach will have the most significant impact on your campaign.

How To Write Good Outreach Email

Here’s how to write a good email outreach campaign:

1. Personalise Your Message

Start by using the recipient’s name.

name of the email recipient

This instantly makes your email feel less like spam and more personalised.

Reference their recent work or achievements to show that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in them.

Want to go a step further?

Research the prospect and look for a common passion you share.

You can typically find this information on their social media posts, blogs they’ve written, personal websites, or even videos they’ve created.

Don’t forget to check accounts and people they follow online to really find what interests them.

This will skyrocket your response rates and increase your chances of getting a backlink.

2. Be Clear And Concise

Your email should get to the point within the first few sentences.

State your purpose plainly and avoid unnecessary fluff.

People are busy. They don’t have time to sift through long-winded emails. Prospects also hate it when you offer fake compliments just to falter them.

Your email should always be genuine and straight to the point.

A concise message respects their time and makes it easier for them to understand your request.

3. Highlight Mutual Benefits

Clearly articulate how your content or collaboration can benefit them.

I like to structure my email outreach into two parts:

  1. What I want
  2. What they get

Telling them what you want first immediately helps them understand your goals.

It also helps them relax and removes that little voice in the prospect’s head that constantly asks, “What do you really want?”

Then immediately follow that with something you can offer them.

This makes the offer feel more genuine and typically gets better responses.

Think outside the box here…

What can you offer in exchange for a link (or some other collab)?

The goal is to create an obvious win-win scenario. The mutual benefit approach makes your request more appealing and fosters a sense of partnership rather than one-sided gain.

4. Include A Clear Call-To-Action

Most SEOs and website owners get so caught up in creating the “perfect email” that they forget to explain what they want.

Specify exactly what you want the prospect to do in a polite but direct way.

example ctas in email

A clear call to action guides the prospect to the next steps, making it easier for them to respond positively.

5. Follow Up

It takes time for people to respond.

Most people have a lot going on. The truth is that replying to your email is probably pretty low on their to-do list.

Don’t be afraid to follow up 2-3 times after your first email.

Ideally create your follow-up emails before you launch your email outreach campaign. Use quality link building tools and email marketing tools to automatically schedule your outreach campaign in advance.

This will save you a lot of time, allowing you to focus on securing backlinks and building your network.

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