Auto-Generated Content

What is Auto-Generated Content?

Auto-generated content is content created by programs or code without human intervention. This includes text, images and other media produced by AI (artificial intelligence) tools.

If done at scale to manipulate search engine results, auto-generated content is considered black-hat SEO.

Here’s how it works:

Auto-generated content is typically created using algorithms. It allows users to quickly generate large volumes of content for websites.

The most common auto-generated content is written text. But images and videos are quickly becoming popular amongst website owners.

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Is Auto-Generated Content Good For SEO?

No, auto-generated content isn’t good for SEO because it lacks the quality and uniqueness of great content.

Google prioritises high-quality and valuable content for its users.

Auto-generated content doesn’t contain the depth and quality that human-written content offers.

This means it is less likely to perform well in the search results.

But that’s not all…

Google’s webmaster guidelines warn about using auto-generated content at scale to manipulate search engine rankings.

google webmaster guidelines scaled content abuse

Sites caught doing this risk being penalised or demoted in the search results.

In March 2024, Google launched a massive Core Update and Web Spam update targeting sites using mass auto-generated content.

Thousands of websites were manually penalised and even deindexed from Google search results.

This was the first time Google has actively gone after websites abusing automatically generated content.

Note: Using auto-generated content isn’t explicitly against Google’s webmaster guidelines. But the content must be:

  • Unique
  • Helpful
  • Provide value to your readers

Auto-generate content doesn’t do a good job at this because it simply “rewrites” the content that’s already online.

It won’t offer any “new” or “unique” content to what’s already out there.

Our own AI-content detection test found that the AI content generation tools produced content with high amounts of plagiarism.

ai content detection case study results

Most publicly available tools could also detect that it was written by AI!

The bottom line is this…

Using auto-generated content is risky at best.

If you really want to get results with SEO, you should write your own high-quality content.

Learn how to disable Google’s AI overviews in the search results.

How To Write Great SEO Content

Use these 5 strategies to write great SEO content:

1. Know Your Audience

Write for your audience first.

Your goal is to create content that provides value to your audience and speaks to their needs.

Look for opportunities to demonstrate that you understand their pain points and can offer solutions to their problems.

Use the kind of language and writing style that shows you understand them.

2. Do Keyword Research

Don’t underestimate the importance of keyword research.

Every piece of content that you write should have 1 primary target keyword that you want to target.

How do you know which keywords to choose?

Short answer: Choose keywords that will convert into real leads and sales.

Don’t just target keywords with high search volume. Focus on long-tail keywords that your target audience is actively using to search.


There are lots of keyword types.

types of keywords

Make sure you target a range of keywords at different stages of the buying process.

3. Answer The Search Intent

You should answer the search intent of a keyword in the first 150 words of your content.


You want the reader to know they are in the right place to get the information they’re after.

If you answer the search intent at the beginning of your content, you are more likely to rank higher and readers will spend more time reading your article.

4. Focus on Quality

Your content shouldn’t just be good…

It should be the best piece of content on that topic.

Every piece of content you write should be:

  • Highly valuable
  • Engaging
  • Well-researched
  • Organised for easy understanding
  • Original with unique insights

High-quality content is the only real way to connect with your audience while significantly increasing your rankings and search traffic.

5. Optimise For Readability

Structure your content so that it’s easy to skim and read.

The goal is to help the reader find the information they are looking for as quickly as possible.

That means using:

  • A clear structure
  • Headings and sub-headings
  • Bullet points
  • Concise paragraphs
  • Images, graphics and videos
  • Call-out boxes, bolding and italics

It’s not enough to just produce well-written content. You must also make it easy to read and create a great user experience on the page.

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