Doubled Search Traffic SEO Case Study

In this case study, I’ll show you how we managed to:

  • Rank 155 keywords on the top 2 pages
  • Rank 43 product lines in the top 5 pages
  • More than double the search traffic

Pet Semrsuh 1

So, keep reading, and I’ll break down the complete strategy for you!

(View all our SEO case studies here)

A Closer Look At The Case Study Site

SEO Case Study Pet Store EcommerceThis client runs an ecommerce store that sells pet products.

When it came to us, the site struggled to rank and appear in the search results. Indeed it was not ranking for any kind of commercial terms, to begin with.

And we all know that no visibility means no traffic, no leads, no transactions and worse, no revenue.

With that in mind, our goals were to:

  • Audit the website and fix all SEO issues
  • Rank commercial/transactional terms
  • Build relevant, high-quality backlinks

…in order to increase online visibility and organic search traffic.

However, this was easier said than done!

The Biggest Challenges We Had to Overcome

Here are the 3x main issues we had to face in order to help the site grow:

  • The website had multiple product pages
  • The main category pages did not appear within the top 5 pages
  • The site was not ranking for any type of commercial term

These aren’t issues that you can overcome easily, so we had to put together a solid plan of attack…

Creating The Plan Of Attack

Our plan of attack was pretty simple and included only 4 steps.

  • Step #1 – Carry out a technical SEO audit to find and fix the problems holding the site back.
  • Step #2 – Create a niche-relevant link-building campaign.
  • Step #3 – Ensure all pages were properly indexed.
  • Step #4 – Make sure keyword associations were made effectively.

Once all of this was taken care of, we started to see some pretty good results…

The Results Are In

The biggest jumps were seen after a Panda update.

This increase was down to a major SEO website restructure and meant the site saw really big jumps during the critical algorithm update.

By building a solid link base from niche-relevant pet-related websites, we increased the DA and Trust of the site.

And quickly achieved the major traffic increases that our client needed in order to cash in during the busy Christmas period.

Ranking Results

Big boosts were made between May and June and then more significant jumps made during September-

pet ranks

Overall increases of:

  • 374 just for our core tracked keyword targets
  • Over 100 new keywords now ranking on the top 2 pages of Google

…has lead to some serious traffic improvements.

Pet Semrsuh 1

Traffic Results

The client’s ecommerce store now boasts more than double the traffic than received before using our services and now ranks for key commercial terms.

If you would like us to help you too – send us an enquiry now.

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it.

How to rank keywords while increasing organic search traffic.

We didn’t do anything fancy or complicated.

We just established a solid base that both Google and Humans love through technical audit and implementation.

And if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below!

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Doubled Search Traffic

Campaign Challenges:

  • Multiple duplicate product pages for variations
  • No proper internal links to category pages
  • Not ranking for any commercially relevant terms
Campaign Results:

Organic Traffic


Top 5 Rankings

Case Studies

How Can We Help?

If you need help increasing your search & sales or recovering from a penalty please fill out\ the form below and one of our search specialists will review your site-

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