SEO Case Study: From 920 to 13,503 Visitors Per Month

I am going to show you how we increased our client’s organic search traffic by 1,367%.

In real numbers that means we went from 920 to 13,503 visitors per month-

google analytics organic traffic

Not bad for a young affiliate site!

Which has shown consistent growth across the board this year-

google search console results

I am going to break down the full strategy for you below…

…but first, let’s take a closer look at the case study site.

search logistics cta

A Closer Look At The Case Study Site

case studyThe site is in a very competitive affiliate category targeting terms with high commerical intent.

They post a mix of content including product roundups and product comparisons – it is a truly hardcore affiliate site through and through.

Our main goal was to increase organic search traffic by: 

All of which was much easier said than done because of the many challenges we faced…

read our case studies

The Biggest Challenges We Had to Overcome

Every SEO strategy that we build has to overcome a different set of core challenges.

When we 14x search traffic in the health niche, we had to overcome big brands with big budgets. When we tripled ecommerce revenue, we had to navigate through a range of technical problems.

And despite our case study site being relatively young – we had to overcome both technical problems AND big brands with big budgets this time around.

After analysing the site we realised that-

  • There was tons of outdated content even though the site was only a couple of years old and we all know how much Google loves “fresh content”.
  • We also found the client had built an super spammy unnatural link profile with keyword-heavy anchors to affiliate pages.
  • And if that wasn’t enough the site was also missing key trust signals throughout so it looked like a spammy anonymous affiliate site, because it was.

So we built a custom strategy to build a foundation that both Google & humans love.

🔥 Increase your traffic with the 100% free 28 Day SEO Challenge.

Create A Plan Of Attack

It’s fair to say we had quite the battle ahead of us.

So we broke down our plan of attack into 6 key parts that would allow us to win the war-

Step #1 – Boosting Key Pages

To help bolster the key affiliates pages, we built a new website silo dedicated to individually reviewing all products listed in the key roundup pages.

The purpose of this was to build satellite product review articles that we could use to internal link to the key product roundup pages with exact match anchor text.

This video explains why internal linking is important-

I assure you that internal link building is the most powerful tactic you’re not taking full advantage of and if you only take one thing from this case study, let it be that.

Step #2 – Updating Old Content

Even though the site was relatively young, there was a ton of outdated content.

This can often be an expensive and lengthy process but in this case, we deployed a quick win solution

All we did was use the “site:” command in Google and quoted 2018 and 2019.

finding outdated content

Then we just went through each result from the SERPs and did some brief updates like updating dates along with fixing broken images, links or product recommendations.


Step #3 – Backlinks Analysis

In our inital assessment of the site we knew that the existing backlink profile was a problem because-

  • The relevance of the pages linking to our client was poor
  • The quality of the linking sites was poor
  • They used exact match anchors aggressively

All of which are the exact kind of problems you do not want to find.

So first we disavowed (learn how to disavow backlinks) all links that were-

  • Coming from irrelevant content
  • Sites that we deemed as spammy
  • Sites that Google had deindexed

Which also helped us to regain partial control of the anchor text breakdowns because most of these sites used exact match anchors.

Then we deployed a specific link building strategy to create new links which I will talk you through in a moment.

search logistics cta

Step #4 – Building Authority & Trust

One of the first things we do with client sites is to see if they have built authority and trust with Google.

Quite often we find affiliate sites that are struggling to rank but also don’t publish-

  • Company information
  • An address
  • A phone number

Or anything about who is actually behind the site, despite the fact that an affiliate site is a real business just like an ecommerce site is a real business.

So for this client, we took care of all of that by-

  • Creating an about page
  • Creating 2 topically relevant author profiles
  • Adding article and organization structured data with RankMath

social meta rank math

We also noted that the site lacked any social presence which is a problem long term as Google is tending to rank more “brands” and less affiliate sites in the SERPs.

So we built out high-quality social profiles which we then incorporated into the site’s structured data.

Step #5 – Shifting Focus

The first few months of the campaign were purely focused on “increasing Google compatibility” through site structure, technical SEO, content and backlinks.

Now that the site had a solid foundation to build on, we decided to shift our focus.

So in month 5, we focused all resources on building as many high-quality links as possible to provide the best ROI moving forward.

That means we spent next to no time worrying about on-page SEO or content and put 100% of the budget into building high-quality links every single month.

Step #6 – Link Building

link building strategiesEarlier in the campaign we took care of the bad links through disavow.

Now we shifted focus to link building, we started to build high quality branded links to the homepage.

We did this until there was 50/50 parity between the number of homepage links and links to the remainder of the site.

From there, we began building links to the core affiliate pages, however with a careful selection of branded anchors and mixed target anchors.

We made sure that we only built links from-

  • Relevant sites
  • With current search traffic
  • And high quality content

This was done with manual outreach to secure guest post placements where we could control the content and the anchor text.

The anchor text strategy leaned conservatively towards branded links, with a few mixed anchors and a few keyword anchors. 

This was both to:

  • Establish authority
  • Offset potential risk in a rapid link building strategy

We also made sure we were building links to each of the “review” satellite pages along with the key pages themselves.

We sustained that balance throughout the campaign and continue to build links in line with the strategy above.

Need help fixing your SEO issues? Check out my 45+ steps SEO checklist to help you get rid of your most important SEO issues.

The Results Are In

Our client’s organic search traffic grew by 1,367%

google analytics search traffic comparison

That means we took them from 920 visitors per month to 13,503.

And that’s if you ignore the fact that search traffic continues to grow-

google search console results
google analytics organic traffic

Not bad for a young affiliate site in a highly competitive niche.

If you want help increasing your organic search traffic… click here or check out my list of the best ecommerce SEO services.

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it…

…the challenges we faced, the strategy we built and the results we delivered.

It wasn’t that easy given that the website was young and the competition was strong but it’s not the first time we faced this problems nor will it be the last time.

To recap, in this case study we focused on-

  • Giving Google what it wants
  • Establishing a solid SEO foundation
  • Building trust and authority
  • In combination with high quality relevant links

Download the link building checklist PDF

And if you’re struggling to increase your search traffic I suggest doing a full SEO audit and fixing those problems before anything else.

If you need help with your site, feel free to check out these SEO packages or, please, contact my team and submit an enquiry now.

Otherwise please feel free to check out some of our other SEO case studies-

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What Are Your Thoughts?

139 Responses

  1. I appreciate for kind of this information this is very helpful for my future career, I am a beginner but when i read this article i feel professional.Thanks Alot

  2. Your information is really helpful. SEO Case Study: Many thanks to 920 to 13,503 visitors per month for sharing with us great things.

  3. Hey Matthew Woodward,Nice article! Don’t get bored during reading your blog.You have explain all steps in very easy way which is very easy to understand like you have suggested that boosting key pages to build satelite product review articles.You have also suggested to updating old content, backlinks analysis, and important thing is that we have built authority and trust with google.It is right to first few month we have purley focused on increasing google compatibility and after 5 month we focused all resources on building as many high quality linkn as possible to provide the best ROI moving forward. Thank you for sharing these important tips about SEO.thank you, -sweety

  4. Hello Matthew,Great article! Really enjoyed reading your blog. It was really helpful for me as I was having a difficult time to promote and increase the visitors on Website. But with the help of your article, I think I can make it happen to grow the website. Thank you

  5. We are regularly read your blog post and learned many SEO tips and tricks and we are trying to implement it through our websites. Thanks to you my friend for your wonderful post.

  6. Thanks For The Newsletter And Awesome Informative Post. I also want to grow my website , Your post Motivate me a lot.

  7. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. It’s really helpful and valuable tips.It’s really good and thanks for sharing this good article.

  8. thank you so much for sharing such a lovely article.. it helps me a lot.. keep sharing such type of articles..visit my website..

  9. amazing case study.. The way visitors has increased is very unique.. I will definitely try this concept in my blog.. I am a beginner blogger..

  10. I just love reading your articles and I want you to please keep making these amazing articles that are just straight to the point. I really appreciate the effort you put into each and every post. Regards

  11. This is so helpful information. I will surely apply this to my business to get a good number of organic traffic…thank you so much for this kind of post…keep posting information like this

  12. Hi Mathew,That was amazing, I knew seo was important, but I did not know you could attain a boost like that, that quickly.Thanks for the info

  13. Thanks, Matthew. It’s a very informative post and I learned a lot from it. Will definitely use the tips for my website.

  14. thanks for sharing this amazing content. I want to generate more traffic on my website and this content will be very informative for me

  15. Indeed it is the best post i have ever come across to increase the traffic on the website or blog , definitely helpful and worth sharing.Thank you

  16. Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful article. I admire your creativity and knowledge. this is the best website I have ever found on the internet. I am so grateful to you for providing an informative article. You are truly my inspiration.

  17. Hey Mike! Well, it’s hard for me to tell without knowing the niches you’re talking about… However, I would not recommend you to link your site with sites that are not relevant to your niche.

  18. Great info! Near the end of your post you mentioned something of vital importance…Giving Google what they want.It never ceases to amaze me that Google offers advice on what they are looking for – what they expect- and yet many people refuse to listen. Then they fail and cant figure out why.Google is very explicit and it’s in our best interests to not only listen to their advice but to follow it as well.At the end of the day what we do is really nothing more than a numbers game, and those who play the game well will always win in the end.Thanks for all you do Matthew and know that you are appreciated.

    1. I couldn’t agree more! SEO is about feeding Google with the metrics it wants. It’s as “simple” as that. Sure, listening is not enough – Taking action is the only way to see great results!

  19. This is the really very helpful content for all visitor because its your unique struggle and each every content line is very helpful for us thanks for sharing with this hard struggle and keep writing more because i read complete.

  20. Thanks Mathew I read this article few months back and implemented the exact same strategy on my affiliate site which is also in super competitive niche.And to be honest my website is receiving a good amount of organic traffic from Google alone.Thanks for providing such useful information.

    1. You’re my favorite type of reader: the one who applies what he learned. Well done and keep the good work up!

  21. Nice information you provided it is much to learn any newbie in digital marketing but it is very informative for those who have already faced some problem on how do grow traffic, reach as well as awareness it’s something just extracurricular activity for any who pursue digital marketing and gaining some expertise on it.

    1. Hey Robert! Social Media is not my “specialty,” but here are the advice I can give you:- Respect your brand identity (color, name, etc.) – Pay attention to your user name -> it can’t be changed and is usually included in your URL – Pay attention to your profile picture -> Must represent your brand – Pay attention to your background or cover –> Use custom backgrounds – Include links to your website and other social media profiles – Write a good bio -> It’s a good place to “sell yourself” and include keywords – Pay attention to your privacy settings

  22. I appreciate for kind of this information this is very helpful for my future career, I am a beginner but when i read this article i feel professional.Thanks Alot

  23. Very nice article! I totally agree about the huge potential of internal linking (which I’m improving a lot the last year). I’m just missing some information that would be helpful to understand better the results.How much was the LB budget monthly?Regarding building trust for Google. I really like the strategies you mentioned in the case study. I also like to create other pages like Customer Reviews, Feedback, even a Co-vid measures page beside obviously the legal pages as privacy policy,etc..Cheers!

  24. Hey Matthew,How do you deal with – An address- A phone numberfor an affiliate website where there is no legit physical address for GMB as you may be running an affiliate site for US folks but you are sitting in Thailand!

    1. Hey Gary! No matters what, you need an address and a phone number on your website. If you look at my contact page you can see a physical address (UK-based company) and my (work) phone number. It is very important because it tells Google that you’re a real person. PS: I’m in Costa Rica, not in Thailand 😉

  25. I just arrived at this article through Google Search. This is one of the best articles on blog traffic. I enjoyed it a lot. Carry on writing such useful stuff.Again, thanks for sharing this article

  26. OMG love this Matthew, Especially the internal link building and renewing old content. I’ve been trying to revive my old website which I had left untouched for over a year and your tips help and yup, renewing those old contents are very tedious and time-consuming especially when I noticed that there are broken links everywhere.Out of curiosity, how often should we renew old pages?

    1. Well, it depends on what your content is about, but I would say that you should update your content at least once a year.

    2. Good to see you here too Riaz! Great tips for sure as always Matthew. Quick question… is it worth getting some links to a brand new site from contacts you already have through guest posts? I’m thinking of finding a way to make a connection even if the niche is not the same or totally relevant?

  27. Great write up! With regards to keywords for an affiliate site product/review pages, what type of keywords would be best to use?Like you mentioned, spamming your anchors with exact match keywords is a bad idea.Would partial or variations of the main keyword work better?

    1. Hey Jon! To help you find the best keywords, I suggest you read this the anchor text, you probably want a good mix of branded and targeted anchor texts to ensure you have a rich profile.Here is what you can use- Exact match: the specific target keywordPhrase match: expanded variations of the target keywordBrand name: that exactly match our client’s brand nameBranded: variations of brand keywordsKeyword branded: a mix of our target keyword with our brandLet me know if it helps!

  28. Good one, working on a affiliate site as of now, and this one really helpful. Especially about the adding address and contact infos.

  29. Thanks For The Newsletter And Awesome Informative Post. I also want to grow my website , Your post Motivate me a lot.

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From 920 to 13,503 Visitors Per Month

Campaign Challenges:

  • Content was stale and hadn’t been updated for years
  • There was a super spammy unnatural link profile with keyword heavy anchors
  • The site was missing key trust signals throughout and looked spammy

Campaign Results:


Organic Traffic


Monthly Visitors

Case Studies

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