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Why icebreakers? Well, icebreakers warm up your body and mind, break down barriers, and help create a safe and fun space in preparation for all the reading, writing, and discussion!
Icebreaker #1: Boom Chicka Boom
This icebreaker is a call and response cheer represented in
Camp Rolling Hills: Crossing Over.
 I SAID A BOOM CHICKA BOOM (2X)I SAID A BOOM CHICKA ROCKA CHICKA ROCKA CHICKA BOOM (2X)UH HUH (2X)OH YEAH (2X)ONE MORE TIME (2X)REAL LOUD! (2X)And repeat! Instead of “Real Loud” you can say “Real Slow” or “Real Soft” or “Real Funny” or “Real Weird,” etc.
Icebreaker #2: What’s your favorite part of summer?
Everyone shares! To make it really fun, walk around with a roll of toilet paper or a bag of marshmallows and ask each camper/student to take however much he or she wants, up to five. For each sheet of toilet paper or for each marshmallow taken, the camper/student shares one summer favorite.
Friendships are the glue of Camp Rolling Hills. You’ve got forever friends like Slimey and Melman, new friends like Bobby and his cabinmates, and friendships with a dollop of crush like Slimey and Bobby. The friendships form, morph, stretch thin, and snap back even stronger. Do you have a best friend? How has your friendship evolved? What is your first memory with that friend? Your favorite memory with that friend? Have there been any instances that have brought you closer?
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At Camp Rolling Hills, the characters experience so many firsts: first best friends, first kisses, first raids, first robot explosions, first s’mores, and more! Do you remember the first time you experienced something special? What was that like? Did it change you in any way? Inspire you?
Slimey, Bobby, Melman, and Steinberg learn to be true to who they are, because at camp, when you embrace your inner weirdness, everyone around you embraces it, too.How would you describe yourself? Is there anything about you that you’ve tried to hide or change? How did that feel? Is there anyone in your life that you feel you can be 100 percent yourself with? What is that like, being totally true to who you are?
Share your favorite summer camp memories, or, if you’ve never been to camp, share your favorite BFF stories at
Are We There Yet?!
page 2
, Slimey makes a
Things to Do Now That I’m in Anita Hill Cabin (Upper Camp!
 ) list. What does that list tell us about Slimey’s character? Make your own To Do list that says something about who YOU are.
When You’ve Got a Nickname . . .
pages 11-12
, TJ and the Captain banter over the PA system. If their back and forth wasn’t cut off by feedback, how might their conversation continue? What else might they say to welcome the campers to Camp Rolling Hills? Write the next eight lines of dialogue, keeping in mind their tone and dynamic. Have fun!In this chapter, we meet the campers of San Juan Hill Cabin. Make a chart of all the campers’ nicknames and the story behind how they got them. Next, make up a nickname for yourself and write how you would explain it to Bobby if you were a San Juan Hill camper.
In this chapter, the San Juan Hill Cabin and Anita Hill Cabin campers participate in icebreakers to get reacquainted before the summer kicks off. Make up your own icebreaker! Feel free to explain using a list, diagram, or prose.
WANTED: Boyfriends
In this chapter, the Anita Hill Cabin campers and counselor unleash their opinions about having a boyfriend. Compile their opinions into a Pros and Cons list for Jamie. If you were Jamie, what would you do?
Treading Lightly
page 61
, Slimey is worried all her feelings are going to explode uncontrollably, like a Mentos-infused Pepsi. Have you ever had a lot of bottled up feelings like that? Write a diary entry either from Slimey’s perspective or your own perspective, getting those feelings of the past or present off your chest.
Striking a Chord
This chapter ends with Bobby’s dream. Choose a character and write what you think they’re dreaming about at that exact same moment.
Battle of the Sexes
In this chapter, the boys and girls compete in a game of Newcomb, but behind the scenes there’s a whole lot of drama. From the perspective of a Sports Announcer, write the J-squad/Play Dough/ Slimey/Bobby conflict, play by play.
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A Reason to Smile
page 93
, Slimey says, “It feels good to be weird!” What do you think she means by that? Do you agree? If so, write one thing that makes you weird and why you’re proud to share it. On
pages 94-95
, Bobby writes a letter to his Dad and then a letter to his Mom. What are the differences between the two letters, and why do you think he chose to write them that way?
The Midsummer Dance
This chapter is told from Bobby’s perspective. How do you think Slimey is feeling from the moment she gets ready for the dance to the moment Bobby asks her to go backstage? Write Slimey’s
internal monologue
page 118
, Totle shares his values system: STARFISH. Create your own values system, using an acronym. On
page 119
, Sophie writes fan mail to author, Georgina Whitefoot. As Georgina Whitefoot, write Sophie back, answering her questions and giving her the advice she seeks.
This is the talent show chapter! If you were to perform, what would you do? Would you need any of the characters in the book to help you? Write a talent show act for yourself, incorporating at least one other character to assist you in any way.
Operation Scapegoat
page 151
, Bobby thinks that maybe the brothers of San Juan are at long last united. After reading this chapter from beginning to end, do you agree? Why or why not?If you were a San Juan Hiller raiding Anita Hill Cabin, what job would you prefer and why?Write the raid from the perspective of an inanimate object in Anita Hill.
Hell Hath No Fury
page 161
, Sara tells Slimey to “Make strong choices.” What choices does Slimey make in the raid of San Juan Hill Cabin, and do you think those choices are strong? Why or why not? What would you have done differently?After reading this chapter, how do the two cabins compare? Make a Venn Diagram, recording what’s unique about each of the cabins and what similarities they share.
pages 174-182
, Bobby and Slimey go from being very angry at each other to resolving their fight. In Play Format, write another way their fight could be resolved.
Something Fishy
 page 195
, Slimey decides she needs to talk to Melman before she finds Bobby. Why do you think she feels that this is important? What if Slimey hadn’t talked to Melman? As Melman, write a letter to Slimey, telling her how you feel.
Getting to First
In this chapter, the underwear is finally found! Write an alternate scavenger hunt clue that could lead a San Juan Hiller to his underwear. Try writing it using rhyme. Next try writing it as a Haiku.
The Case of the Missing Underwear; Status: Solved
In this chapter, the San Juan Hill Cabin boys are so excited to get their underwear back! It seems like a great opportunity for a cheer. Write your own cheer to commemorate this underwear-moment in time.
All the Songs on My iPod Make Me Think of You
Bobby writes Slimey a super sweet-sauce song. Write original lyrics for Slimey to sing to Bobby.

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