Free Blog Planner: #1 Printable Blog Post Planner (Template)Including Checklists for Keyword Research, SEO and Smart Content Promotion in 2024

In this guide, we’re breaking down my free blog planner template (a printable & downloadable set of free templates) you can use to plan more effective blog posts for your site. We’ll walk through how to use my blog post planner, including checklists for keyword research, SEO best practices and content promotion.

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Are you looking for a free blog planner template to keep your blog posts on track?

Developing effective habits as a blogger is fundamental to becoming successful in your blog content-focused business. Therefore, it stands to reason that using my very straightforward ultimate blog planner can help dramatically reinforce adherence to those smart habits you’ve outlined for yourself.

Once you’ve set smart blogging goals, developed a clear blog strategy (backed by a realistic blog business plan), you’ll be well on your way to effective goal-setting. This free blog planner template bundle will give you the framework to set these key monthly goals & execute on them.

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Grab my free all-in-one blog planner in printable Google Doc and PDF format (which helps me plan blog content that reaches 500,000+ monthly readers today).

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How does a blog goal planner factor into all of this? Well, from the moment you start a blog, you’re presented with many new tasks, to-dos, challenges, and time-consuming skills that you’ll be building. It can be easy to get distracted, lose focus, or feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of things on your plate.

That’s exactly when it pays dividends to have a daily planner you can fall back upon—a free printable blog planner (downloadable) document that can guide you through the process of coming up with blog post ideas, doing thoughtful keyword research, writing, nailing your SEO best practices, hitting publish and promoting that content where your readers spend time online.

Free Blog Planner: #1 Printable Blog Post Planner Template (and Checklists) in 2024

  1. What’s in this Free Blog Planner Template (Bundle)
  2. Blog Planner Keyword Research Checklist (Brainstorming Topics)
  3. Blog Planner SEO Checklist: 10 Best Practices to Follow
  4. Blog Planner Promotion Checklist
  5. How to Use the Blog Planner Calendar (Weekly To-Do List)

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products and services I’ve personally used and stand behind. When you use one of my affiliate program links, the company compensates me, which helps me run this blog and keep my in-depth blog content free of charge for readers (like you).

This guide will help walk you through the sections included in my free blog planner printable template. And remember, each section will help keep your blog posts on track—and your blog running smoothly as you implement your broader growth strategies.

1. What’s in my Free Blog Planner Bundle

Blog Planner Template (Free) Download by Ryan Robinson

Here’s everything that comes in my free blog planner bundle:

  • Brainstorming prompts and ideas for coming up with smart blog topics
  • Keyword research checklist to make sure your blog content ideas align with real needs (use my free keyword research tool, too)
  • Editable blog post outline & SEO-driven writing template to follow (in Google Doc format)
  • SEO checklist to nail all of your search engine optimization best practices for monthly goal planning
  • Promotion checklist for ensuring your blog content maximizes its chances for success
  • Content marketing (editorial) calendar to visually plan out your blog posts on a schedule (in Google/Excel Sheet format)
  • A weekly to-do list (undated digital planner) with clear tasks for weekly posts that ladder up to growing your blog

Now that we have a clear picture of everything in my free blog planner bundle, let’s dive in and discuss how to use all of these documents to your advantage.

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Grab my free blog planner in printable Google Doc and PDF format (which helps me plan content that reaches 500,000+ monthly readers today).

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2. Blog Planner Keyword Research Checklist (Brainstorming Topics)

When I write blog posts, I always start first with a brainstorming session. There are always a few essential boxes that I try to tick off before I add new (approved) blog post ideas to my editorial calendar.

Use My Free Keyword Research Tool

Free Keyword Research Tool (AI-Powered) SEO Keyword Research and Ideas

Try my free AI-Powered Keyword Tool to get dozens of research-backed ideas for keywords & topics to write about on your blog today.

Here are my proven steps to brainstorming winning blog content ideas that’ll generate real readers for your blog.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

The first part of my blog post topic brainstorming session involves identifying what my target audience wants and needs.

Here are a few ways you can learn more about your target audience:

  • Explore social media platforms: Social media posts are one of the top ways to learn about current trends and interests in your niche. You can search hashtags, users, groups, and followers in your niche to learn more about your target audience.
  • Check out Quora and discussion forums in your niche: Quora and online discussion forums are great sources of relevant information about your target audience’s interests.
  • Watch YouTube and Listen to Podcasts: Videos and podcasts are another area that can reveal trends in your niche.
  • See what your competition is up to: Learn what your competition is already delivering. Are they missing important content in your niche? Can you improve on what is already out there? What are people asking for in the comment section of your competitor’s blog posts?

For a more thorough analysis of understanding the needs of your audience, I’ve written a guide that includes 11 smart ways to find your target audience.

2. Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research is another way to determine which topics to write about on your blog. Keyword research allows you to map your reader’s needs to actual keywords they’re searching for to get the answers they’re seeking. You’ll need to use an effective keyword research tool, too.

Doing Keyword Research to Make Sure You're Writing Smart Blog Content

Once you’ve determined what topics they may be interested in, you can also learn what keywords they’re most likely to use when searching for answers on Google and other search engines.

For a free keyword research tool, you can use my keyword tool, Google’s Keyword Planner, or Twinword Ideas. Today, I use a combination of my own keyword tool and the more premium-priced SEO tool, Ahrefs, to do my keyword planning, but it’s not an essential expense when you’re still in the earlier days of blogging. That being said, Ahrefs is extremely powerful for determining which keywords to focus your content on once you have a budget for pricy tools. So if you have a friend or two who’d be interested in splitting the cost, Ahrefs is a great investment.

When you’re doing keyword research, there are two main factors under consideration:

  • Keyword search volume
  • Keyword difficulty

Keyword search volume is the number of people that search for a given word or phrase in a month. I’ll use Google’s keyword planner to show you an example of keyword search volume.

Below, I typed in the term “best travel destinations” to see if this is something that people search for on Google:

Screenshot of Google Search Results and Keyword Volume During SEO Research Process

The results show that 1,000 – 10,000 people search for this phrase monthly. The results also show me other similar phrases people search for, such as “best vacation spots” and “best places to travel.” These other related terms yield 10,000 – 100,000 searches each month.

Next to the average monthly searches column, there’s a column that says Competition. This section shows you the estimated keyword difficulty—suggesting how challenging it’ll be to rank your content for each phrase. For each of these phrases, the keyword difficulty is “low.” That’s really good news for a potential travel blogger—whether you’re a full-time blogger or part-time blogger hoping to earn more blog income.

In short, the assessment you can walk away from this screenshot with is that many people are searching for these phrases, but there aren’t many people writing about them (today). Here’s a formula I usually seek out when choosing which keywords to target for my upcoming content calendar:

Medium to high search volume + low keyword difficulty = the perfect keyword for your blog post.

If you can find low-competition keyword phrases with a meaningful monthly search volume in your niche, that’s the sweet spot to go after.

3. Pick a Winning Blog Post Topic to Pursue

Next, it’s time to ensure that you’re crafting a topic (and blog title) that will capture the attention of your readers and address their needs.

Need Catchy Blog Title Ideas?

Blog Title Generator Tool (AI-Powered) SEO Blog Titles Tool Screenshot

Try my free AI-Powered Blog Title Generator Tool to get dozens of SEO-friendly headline ideas to make your blog posts stand out today.

You know what your readers want to read, you’ve picked the perfect keyword phrase, now you need to translate that into an article topic and working headline.

Returning to our example of the travel blog, we can choose the best topic based on our keyword phrase above. I’ll choose “best vacation spots” since it has a higher search volume than “best travel destinations.”

Regarding your target audience, the term “best vacation spots” may be a little broad. Best vacation spots for whom? In this case, we’ll write about the best family vacation spots. That gives the blog post a very specific direction that helps a specific group of people.

From there, a travel blogger could use their experience and research to write about the best places for families to vacation.

For a working headline, I might use something like:

  • The Best Vacation Spots For Young Families in 2024
  • 11 Best Vacation Spots For Families to Travel This Year
  • 11 Best Vacation Spots Your Family Will Absolutely Love

4. Choose a Blog Post Type (Guide, Roundup, Review)

The last thing to determine during the brainstorming stage is what type of blog post you’re writing.

Screenshot Example of Different Types of Blog Posts on ryrob

There are several different directions that you can take when creating a blog post. Some popular ones include:

  • Guides and how-to’s
  • Reviews
  • Roundups
  • Checklists
  • Interviews
  • Case Studies
  • List articles

For a blog post about “best vacation spots for families,” I’d highly recommend using a list-based format. This means you’d be listing out X number of places worldwide (possibly in grouped sections) that’d be great spots for families to vacation.

3. Blog Planner SEO Checklist: 10 Best Practices to Follow

Blog Planner Stock Image (Photo on Desk)

I mentioned keyword research above, and that’s one part of the broader SEO process for every full-time or part-time blogger. SEO, or search engine optimization, is how Google (and other search engines) rank content in search results for their users. The more SEO-friendly your content is, the more likely you rank higher in a Google search result for the terms you’re writing about.

The SEO checklist component in my free printable blog planner bundle includes a few essential steps to help your content rank on search engines. I also recommend using the Yoast plugin for WordPress to keep track of how SEO-friendly your content is.

Here’s the target keyword phrase my roundup of the best blogging jobs websites is targeting:

Blog Planner (SEO Checklist Screenshot) Template and Example of Blogging Jobs Post

And from there, here’s the rest of the Yoast SEO recommendations all filled out:

Free Blog Planner (SEO Checklist Example) Screenshot from Blogging Jobs List

Now, let’s dive into the SEO checklist portion of my blog planner.

1. Choosing a Smart Keyword (or Phrase)

The first step is to choose the keyword phrase you will use for the blog post. Since we already covered this point earlier in this post, we’ll proceed to the next step.

2. Are Your Headers Fully SEO Optimized?

Your headers are optimal for boosting your SEO ranking for a blog post. A few  things that are essential to making our headers SEO-ready:

  • Make sure you only have an H1 header once (post title)
  • Follow proper header hierarchy (H2 sub-header sections with H3 subtopics within)

I use this cascading structure in each of my blog posts. You can see how this is done on my blog post, How to Make Money Blogging. The top header is an H1 header (my post title):

Title and Header Examples from My Downloadable Blog Planner Document

I use an H2 heading for the first major section of this blog post:

Writing an Introduction and Conclusion During Your Blog Planning Process

This is an example of an H3 heading, which is a subtopic within my subheading:

Screenshot of Affiliate Programs Article as a Planning Resource

Yoast can help guide you about how to optimize your headers. For example, Yoast will recommend using your keyword phrase (or keyword phrase synonyms) in your heading and subheadings. If your blog post is weak on this, it will alert you.

3. Are You Using Your Keyword Phrase In-Text (Keyword Density)

Your keyword phrase should also be woven throughout your content. Take the time to repeat your chosen keyword or keyword phrase in the main body of your text.

In my guide How to Start a Blog, I use the keyword phrase “how to start a blog” two times in the opening section alone:

My Free Blog Planner (Screenshot) of Keywords and Anchor Text Examples in Your Blog Posts

These keyword phrases should be written in a way that reads naturally in your writing but repeats many times in your content. Yoast will let you know if you’ve used your keyword phrase often enough in your blog post under the category “keyword density.”

4. Use Outbound Links and Internal Links

Outbound links and internal links are two things that Google uses to rank content. Outbound links refer to links you include in your content to other websites, and internal links are links you use to link to other blog posts you’ve written.

Yoast keeps track of how many external links you’ve included in your content and will guide you when you need to include more. Aim to link to at least 3 to 5 authoritative websites (on non-competitive topics) in your blog posts.

5. Optimize the Meta Description

A meta description is the tiny blurb that comes up after a link in a search engine result. You can write and edit your meta-description using Yoast’s plugin near the bottom of your WordPress editor when you’re editing a post, like so:

Screenshot Example of Meta Description in SEO

Yoast recommends including your keyword phrase again in your meta description, usually near the front.

You can see another example of how I did this for my blog post How to Choose a Domain Name:

Screenshot of Choosing a Domain Name Article SEO Ranking

The keyword phrase “how to choose a domain name” is written again in my meta description below the title in a Google search result.

There’s also an optimal meta-description length that Yoast will help you determine. Descriptions that are too long are cut off, but when they’re too short, you’re missing out on precious real estate.

6. Is Your Keyword Phrase Unique?

Another thing that Yoast searches for is if you’ve used the keyword in previous blog posts. You will usually only use a specific target keyword phrase once. You may choose to do other similar blog posts to drive traffic for similar searches, but the exact keyword phrase is usually only used once per blog.

7. SEO in Image Alt Attributes

Image alt attributes, also known as “alt tag” or “alt description,” are HTML attributes that provide a text alternative for blog images used on websites. When you add an alt tag to an image, you show search engine crawlers what the photos are. A search engine can’t identify the manner of images without alt attributes—so it’s another way to boost your SEO.

8. Length of Your Blog Post

Another thing that can help with your SEO optimization is the length of your blog posts. Longer posts—with meaningful, helpful writing—tend to perform better than blog posts that are less than 1,000 words.

According to Yoast, defining the text length of your blog post is quite obvious: it’s how long your text is. But why does it matter? Well, you have a higher chance of ranking in Google if you write long, high-quality blog posts of 1,000 words or more…

When your text is longer, Google has more clues to determine what it’s about. The longer your (optimized) text, the more often your focus keyword phrase appears. This is no excuse for keyword phrase stuffing, though! If you optimize your copy naturally, your focus keyword phrase will pop up here and there throughout your text. You can also fit in more synonyms and related keyword phrases.

In a longer post, you can add more headings, links, and images, wherein you can also mention the keyword phrase and where it is relevant and natural. So the more content you can fit into a blog post (while still adding value to readers), the more on-topic your content will appear, and search engines are more likely to treat it as high-quality information.

On my blog, I specialize in long-form content because it ranks well for the niche I talk about in the most important keyword phrases I go after on Google—and also because I can provide more valuable content for readers. With longer, more thorough guides, people visiting my site can find most (if not all) of the answers they’re searching for on any given subject.

9. SEO (Meta) Title Length

Yoast also checks the width of your title and lets you know if it’s too long or too short.

When you have the optimal length, Yoast will put a green bullet point next to the headline in your SEO analysis section (also pictured in the screenshot above).

10. Keywords in the Slug (Blog Post Permalink)

Bloggers become familiar with a lot of interesting terms, but “slug” isn’t one that’s easily self-defined. The “slug” is the portion of the permalink that comes after the .com:

Setting the Permalink (URL) for Your Blog Posts Screenshot Example

The permalink is the entire URL, but the slug is the part that’s unique to each blog post you create. To make the slug SEO-friendly, it should include the keyword phrase that you’ve chosen for your blog post.

Here are some examples of how I’ve used keyword phrases in the slug:

4. Blog Planner Promotion Checklist

When you’re done creating and publishing your content, the next step is to promote it. A checklist will help you remember where you hope to promote your newest piece of content.

Free Blog Planner Resource (Downloadable Template) Screenshot and Example

Here’s a list of possible places you might want to promote your content:

1. Share on Your Top Social Media Channels

Choose the social media platforms where your audience spends the most time online (and where your content medium fits best). These are the destinations where you’ll get the most bang for your buck when investing time in your social media posts. That could include sites like:

  • Facebook or Facebook groups
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest or Pinterest Group Boards
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • Medium

2. Schedule an Email to Your Subscribers

Whenever I publish new content on my blog, I email my subscriber list, altering them to new content and encouraging them to click through and read.

Here’s an example of an email I sent promoting a recent explainer & guide—What is Evergreen Content? How to Create Long-Lasting Content:

Blog Planner Example of an Email Broadcast (Screenshot) from Ryan Robinson

You can send out an email update for every new blog post, or you can send out a collection of blog posts in one encompassing newsletter. Either way, you can use the promotion checklist to track when to send an email promoting a new blog post.

3. Promote Your New Work in Existing Blog Posts

When I write new content, I find ways to promote it with other blog posts on my blog. Sometimes, I go back to old blog posts and find ways to include a link to my new content. I also include links to old content when I write new blog posts.

In my ultimate guide about How Much Does it Cost to Start a Blog, I wove in many links to other blog posts:

Screenshot of Blog Planning Process (Header Example)

4. Notify Everyone You Mentioned in Your Blog Post

When I mention someone in a blog post, I like to reach out to them to let them know (particularly those with clear audiences or brands that I want to collaborate with one day).

It’s a very smart way of networking and building connections, and the right influencers or brands may even share your content with their audience.

5. How to Use the Blog Planner Calendar (Weekly To-Do List)

The calendar and weekly to-do list in my free blog planner will help you stay on task for each item mentioned above.

A full editorial calendar can help you map out when to publish content you’ve been working on.

Your weekly to-do list will give you a clear idea of when you should complete each important task on your blog post planner.

A Weekly to-do list might look something like this:

  • Monday: Brainstorm new blog topics and doing keyword research
  • Tuesday: Prioritize which article to begin writing first (and outline your blog post)
  • Wednesday: Start writing your blog post
  • Thursday: Finish writing and work on your SEO checklist to fully optimize
  • Friday: Publish and promote your new post (using your promotion checklist)

Important Note: I’m not suggesting you should expect to write an entire blog post in one or two days every week (especially if it’s long-form content like what I publish here on my blog), but I do highly recommend picking at least a couple of days each week to dedicate mostly to writing—and have a publish date planned for each new piece of content as a loose due date on your blog planner.

Download My Free Blog Planner (Printable) Bundle and Get Started Today

Are you ready to use smart habits to build a successful online business as an entrepreneur? My free blog planner bundle is a printable set of downloadable documents.

Blog Planner Template (Free) Download by Ryan Robinson

What’d I miss? What are some of your own blog planning habits, tips, or processes that work well for you?

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Grab my free blog planner in printable Google Doc and PDF format (which helps me plan content that reaches 500,000+ monthly readers today).

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Hi I'm Ryan Robinson

I'm a blogger, but I'm not my blog. I am not my business either. Occasional podcaster and very-much-recovering side project addict. Co-Founder at RightBlogger. Join me here, on to learn how to start a blog and build a purpose-connected business. Be sure to take my free blogging tools for a spin... especially my wildly popular free keyword research tool & AI article writer. They rule. Somehow, I also find time to write for publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Next Web, Business Insider, and more. Let’s chat on Twitter (X?) and YouTube about our feelings (and business, of course).

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13 replies to “Free Blog Planner: #1 Printable Blog Post Planner Template (and Checklists) to Use in 2024”

  1. Hi Ryan Robinson,

    I just stumbled on your blog post ideas list this afternoon, Good stuff!

    I am just reaching out because I am a digital marketing student working with hire cream and a blog article that might be a good fit to share

    Thank you

  2. I’m always looking to improve my blogging processes. That’s so much for this one. I can’t wait to see how I can use some of these pages for the rest of the year.

  3. Of the many questions that may arise in your reader’s mind, the art of deciding which one to answer first proves why you have a monopoly on the subject. My heartfelt thanks for giving us such valuable information, which will not only help us achieve what we are looking forward to today but will also help us achieve the desired goals in the years to come.

  4. Hi Ryan, love the post here. You mention that you’re a big fan of Bluehost. I am wondering, as a beginning blogger, if it makes sense to start with something more user-friendly (I’m thinking of Squarespace specifically), and then move to something more customizable i.e. Bluehost/Wordpress if I end up successfully building an audience. What are your thoughts? (And yes I realize you make money by referring folks to Bluehost, I’m hoping you don’t mind the question 🙂 )

    • Great question, Sanjay! Of course, I welcome all questions 🙂

      In my opinion, the platforms like Squarespace, Wix, etc are really only a good idea to use if you’re creating a more static site that you don’t plan to update regularly or publish blog content on. The #1 reason for this is that their blogging tools & SEO capabilities are SO limited compared to what you can do with WordPress… so ultimately, choosing to go with self-hosted WordPress, regardless of the hosting company, you’ll be setting yourself up for a way easier path to building that audience in the first place. It’s kind of a conundrum, but it’s worth starting out with the right platform that’s going to position you for actual blogging success from day on.

      • Thanks Ryan, as always I appreciate the insightful (and prompt!) response.

        As you’re already aware, your content is high quality. No doubt that keeps me returning. But having posted questions on many blogs over the years, and rarely getting a response (let alone a non-cursory response), I do want to let you know that it’s the personal touch you have via your comments sections that really incentivizes me to use your referral link.

        • Ah, that’s really great to hear—thank you for the kind words, Sanjay. That means a lot, truly. I’m here for the real interactions with real people, it gives me a lot of joy to help any way I can 🙏

  5. This is the best site I have come across so far for a new blogger as myself.
    It has tons and tons of information A+ all the way


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Portrait of Ryan Robinson

Grab a copy of my blog planner bundle (in both Google Doc and printable PDF format) that's helped me plan content that gets 500,000+ monthly readers today.

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