27 ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers (Ideas, Outlines, Drafts, SEO, and More)

27 ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers (ChatGPT Prompt Writing Guide)

Have you given ChatGPT a try for producing blog content? It’s a fun AI (artificial intelligence) tool to play around with—and it’s free! Enter: today’s guide to ChatGPT prompts for bloggers. But one problem that a lot of bloggers have is that ChatGPT seems to produce quite bland, generic content. It’s not the sort of thing

40 Ways How to Grow a Blog Quickly (on a Budget) in 2024

How to Grow a Blog on a Budget in 40 Smart Strategies

Now, before you can fully focus on these strategies to grow a blog however, you’ll of course need to have started a blog in the first place. If you haven’t already done that, then head over to my step-by-step tutorial on starting a blog and pick it up here once you’re ready to grow a

15 Best AI Writing Tools (Write, Edit & SEO Boost Your Blog) in 2024

Best AI Writing Tools for Bloggers (AI Writing, Editing and SEO) Featured Image

Over the past few years, AI writing tools have skyrocketed in popularity. No doubt, you’ve also seen headlines about ChatGPT by OpenAI—maybe you’ve even given it a try yourself. As a busy blogger, you’re likely on the lookout for blogging tools that will speed up your content marketing progress. Using a smart AI tool that

17 Blog Post Examples (to Write Better Blog Posts) + 10 Free Templates

16 Blog Post Examples (to Learn From) and Free Blog Post Templates Featured Image

Your blog’s success is completely dependent upon the quality of your posts. Low quality blog posts? Don’t expect readers. If you’re going to start a blog, attract readers—and keep them coming back for more—then your blog posts need to be engaging, interesting, accurate, and well-written. This can be a real challenge when you’re starting out

22 Best Chrome Extensions for Bloggers to Try (and Be More Productive in 2024)

Chrome Extensions for Bloggers and SEO Pros Featured Image

There are lots of extremely useful Chrome extensions that can make your blogging life easier. The best part is, most of them are free (or at least have free versions that’ll do the trick). Whether you’re writing a blog post, doing keyword research, checking on your competitors’ websites, designing graphics for your website, or just