About Me

Welcome to my Business Blog

I’m a digital marketing strategist who helps improve digital assets for some large and small corporations. I’m obcessive about learning and testing digital marketing strategies to grow brands and generate more business. I helped some companies make over a million in profits by executing my ideas and growth strategies.

Who I am

Digital Marketing Strategist. I love helping produce brands that become industry leader in their vertical.

My Mission

Introduce brands to bigger audiences. Generate more profits. Focus on customer satisfaction.

What I do

I use my knowledge of marketing and Ecommerce to build a plan that boost sales and brand growth.

My history

I graduated from FIU back in December of 2016 and began working as embedded software engineer testing complex, large scale software modules of a business airliner. The work was very challenging, seating all day and I needed to make a change. Once I paid my student loans I left this job and went on  to spend the next 9 months fully immersed into the world of digital marketing, affiliate marketing, Ecommerce and building brands. During that period I spent 12+ hours each day consuming and testing strategies to generate sales online. 

I had no money so I was using organic methods and *performance marketing* which required little capital. More recently I have been helping clients and employers grow their businesses using the strategies I learned back then and I can consistently deliver positive results! So all that work paid off! My goal is to become a digital marketing consultant and acquire sufficient experience so one day I can become part inside the board of directors of a big marketing agency or worldwide organization.


Why choose to work with me?

From analyzing many websites and doing copious amounts of research. By helping many clients improve their website. I have been able to identify certain patterns of best practices which produce the best results. Let me help you optimize your website.

A big advantage of working with me is that I know about some of the best ways to improve conversion rates. Once I analyze a website I can quickly come up with strategies known to generate better conversions for my clients.

I’m all about performance marketing and following the 80/20 rule. I only focus on tasks which I know can produce the biggest benefits. So I will share with you the strategies which I know will produce the biggest benefit for your brand.

I’m very productive and hard working individual. If you work with me I will take care of your doubts and concerns in a timely manner. I pride myself in offering great support to the brands and clients I help.

I had to learn performance marketing strategies. These take maximum advantage of search engines to generate organic traffic and using social media to generate leads. I can help you execute growth strategies which require no spending.

Since I have worked with both large and smaller clients. I have had the luxury to work and learn directly from professionals with over 30 years of experience in the fields of Ecommcerce, marketing and SEO. I can produce the same results at a fraction of the costs.

Would you like to start a project with me?

If you are interested in taking advantage of my services tell me more about your project. The best way to reach me is via email: rey@reyrrodriguez.com

If you need general advice I won't charge you anything. However, if you need more specific, in depth knowledge which would be time consuming then a flat rate of $50/h would apply for the service.

**TIP: The best way to reach me is email. This is how I'm most productive**