My Top Ten Genesis Beat'em Ups

During the fourth generation of video game consoles, beat' em ups was one of the most popular genres . Well represented on all the major consoles, it was a type of game that anyone could pick up and play, regardless of ability level, and is one of my favorite genres for this very reason.  By this time the genre had solidified its tropes as far as gameplay, and commonalities were abound from one franchise to the next. Ideas such as picking up limited-use weapons, finding food in garbage cans, button combinations for special moves, and so on. Not to be forgotten is the synergy of two-player co-op modes, which more than doubles the fun as you and a pal dish out corporal punishment together, and even sometimes fighting each other. With so many offerings, it is unlikely that any two lists are completely the same, so here are my favorites from my collection.

Splatterhouse III

This entry improves upon the traditional Splatterhouse formula by adding a 3D plane (instead of just moving left/right), choices in route, and deeper levels of gore.  The difficulty is increased by virtue of the choices made, and time pressure is a factor in whether you are successful or not; making the wrong path choices would delay you and not leave enough time to finish a stage. A fine-tuned game at the peak of the series.

Captain America and the Avengers

A port of the arcade hit, Captain America and the Avengers may have lost some in graphical fidelity, but the spirited gameplay and character are all packed into this gem of a game. Teamwork is necessary to make it through this one, as the hordes of enemies can be tough to fight through if you get surrounded. Admittedly, Vision is an odd choice for a selectable character, but that is more of an issue for the Arcade design than this version.  It's lots of fun with a partner, and easy to pick up and lose a few hours in.

The Death and Return of Superman

I'm not really privy to what happened to Superman in the comic book realm, but as a standard beat' em up it doesn't really matter. Superman can fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, and throw people around like rag dolls. The sprites are large and well designed. The ability to pick up enemies and either punch them, throw them, or slam them into the ground is addictive. Lots of fun here.

Mazin Saga: Mutant Fighter

Many of the games on this list are not only excellent in what they do, but also bring something new to table. Mazin Saga: Mutant Fighter is a beat' em up through most of the stage, and then morphs into a fighting game for the boss fights. Originally based on a Japanese manga, the origin of this game has no bearing on the playability or enjoyment of the game. The character animations are fluid, the sprites are detailed, and the action is reminiscent of Golden Axe. The boss fights are one on one fighting stages. Your move set still involves sword attacks, but you can now block with your sword, adding a new element of strategy that adds depth.

Mystical Fighter

What makes Mystical Fighter different is its feudal Japanese theme. Most gameplay mechanics are tried and true, but the ability to grab, spin, and fling enemies across the screen into each other is sublime. Seriously, I would do this almost the entire game. The bosses and cronies all fit within the theme, and are aesthetically pleasing as the graohics are well designed. Two-player co-op is available.


There was an environmental push in the early 90's, for both the environment and wildlife. This is reflected in the existence of Rain Forest Cafe, Captain Planet, and so on. Growl is a beat'em up that takes this notion to the extreme. Basically, you control one of four selectable heroes to take on poachers and animal traders. By whatever means necessary, you dispatch of all those who would profit from the wild animal trade. The action is constant, with a multitude of weapons available, including grenades, assault rifles, and rocket launchers. It's literally a blast. When you shoot rockets at enemies their body parts literally fly everywhere. I like how you can punch people while they are down, and you can slam them on the ground. The only downside is lack of two player co-op, perhaps the collision detection could be a bit more crisp, but other than that, its a great brawler.


The Punisher is an example of a licensed game that turned out pretty good.  While it pales in comparison to its arcade counterpart, the graphics still look great for a Genesis title, and if you have never seen the arcade, you would think this was one of the better looking titles on the system. It is a fun and more than competent port. The default attack is punching, and general melee, with the occasional gun-drawn shooting segments, as the dictated by the enemies that you encounter. Weapon picks are plentiful. The sprites and animation look great on the Genesis, and the music sets a dark, street fighting mood. My only complaint is some slightly off hit detection, but the action is spretty swift so its not that noticeable. Two player co-op makes the game better, as player two is Nick Fury, who plays the same, but is still badass.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hyperstone Heist

TMNT IV made waves on the SNES, and rightly so, but the Genesis version is no slouch. It is not a direct port, as there are enough stage differences to alter the gameplay experience. The action is bit faster on the Genesis, and the colors a bit more vibrant, in my opinion. Konami did a great job working within the framework (limitations) of the Genesis, squeezing as much out of it as possible. The only gripes I have are the fuzzy voice samples, and lack of throwing enemies at the screen, but that is understandable since it was more of a mode-7 SNES effect. Multiplayer is a must for the full experience. Other differences exist, but regardless of how well received the SNES version is, this game is still one of the best on the system.

Streets of Rage II

The Streets of Rage series was Sega's response to Final Fight being a SNES exclusive. While the first game was heralded as an instant classic, the second game fixed what could be fixed and became one of the defining games for the genre and the system. Bigger sprites, more animations, more varied gameplay, another killer soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro, and of course two player co-op (which is something that Final Fight left out on the SNES home port) are all reasons why this game is so respected.  The police firebomb attack from the first game has been removed, sadly, and replaced by a 360˚ attack that drains a portion of your lifebar. Fortunately, combo attacks were added to your move set, which do not consume your life. Curious is Axel's penchant for yelling out "Grandpapa!" during his uppercut, but who knows, maybe he learned how to fight from his gramps. This is almost the best beat'em up on the system...

Golden Axe

When I first saw this game, I was instantly sold on the idea that the Genesis was bringing the arcade home. Many conventions of the beat' em up genre were made standard here. The ability to select a character with different sets of traits such as strength, speed, and magic ability adds to the already fantastic replayability. The special attacks that vary in degree based on amount of items (magic) collected, and are unique to each player. The environment can be used to your advantage, such as leading enemies off ledges, or running and knocking them off. The music is excellent, it is a fine example of programming on the Genesis, and fits perfectly with the theme of the game. There are even cut scenes with map progress to describe the journey of our heroes. The game did receive two sequels on the Genesis, but the third was not released stateside for some reason (one of a long list of baffling decisions by Sega). All in all, this is a game that is taken for granted, as it does all that a beat' em up should, and does it all well. If you owned only a few games for the system, this is definitely one of them.

So, there they are. Maybe in a year some of these will slide away, and new entries will emerge. If you have suggestions for the list, by all means let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading.

Hori Fighting Stick Multi for PC-Engine, SNES, and Genesis/Mega Drive

While I am a huge fan of the PC-Engine and shooters, I find the default control pads just so-so.  The buttons are fine, but the d-pad is a little stiff and hard on the thumb after a while. Being that there aren't a plethora of choices of controllers for the PC-Engine, I thought I would just go with what I had.
Eventually I stumbled upon this gem of a joystick. It is one of the earliest instances of a joystick with microswitches that I know of. In fact, I can't think of any joystick of the era (early 90's) that sported microswitches.

Shooters are my favorite genre, and the speed of those games requires an agile thumb and better precision than the stock d-pad can manage. Its not that microswitches are absolutely necessary, its the fluid control of the stick that makes it stand out.  Now this is called a fighting stick, and it has six buttons, so anyone with a working knowledge of the PC-Engine would associate this stick with Street Fighter 2' Champion Edition. That's great and all, but I'm just glad I found it to play my shooters on.

It comes with interchangeable cords for the SNES and Genesis, which is just awesome.  Not only is this one of the best sticks for the fourth generation, you can use it for Space Megaforce on the SNES, M.U.S.H.A on the Genesis, and Gate of Thunder on the PC-Engine Duo!

Another reason this stick rises above the rest is its wide, heavy base. Most sticks during the era were smaller, and uncomfortable to hold while playing straddled on the top of your legs. The SNES Super Advantage and Sega Arcade Power stick are both guilty of this. There is considerable heft to the stick, giving it a larger presence and improving handling. Sometimes with smaller sticks you have to hold on to them while controlling the joystick so that it doesn't slide off your lap, but that's not the case here. If there is one complaint that I have, it is that the buttons have spongey rubbery response, but that was typical for consumer sticks at the time. This is nominal, considering the upside.

So, if you are considering investing in a joystick for the PC-Engine family of systems (or Turbo Grafix, as there is a controller adapter available online), I think this is a superb choice.  There could be a better one out there, but it is pretty hard to find a Japanese exclusive joystick from over twenty-five years ago, let alone one of this quality.

My Top 10 PS2 Import Shoot'em ups

The shoot'em up genere all but died in North America when 3D graphics were taking over console gaming.  During the 5th generation, you saw a few like Einhander, Raiden Project, Galactic Attack, but for the most part, it was not a market that was important to American publishers. It was a different story in Japan.  The fifth generation was one of the best for the genre, with the Saturn and Playstation getting endless titles that pleased fans of shooters to no end. The sixth generation continued this trend, perhaps not as fervently as the previous generation, since Sega bowed out of the console race early after only a few years with the Dreamcast, leaving the PS2 the only machine of the generation to host the genre (the Gamecube and Xbox libraries were barren). Here are the top 10  shooters that I own for the Japanese Playstation 2.

Chaos Field

One of the first things you think when you play Chaos field is that it is a poor man's Radiant Silvergun.  The sword swipe that absorbs bullets is clearly inspired by the seminal Saturn shooter, but beyond that there are some interesting ideas at work.  The ability to switch between the titular Chaos Field and normal field provides variety in how you play.  In the Chaos field, your attack power is amplified, as well are your enemy hot patterns. The gameplay is considered a "boss rush", where the stages consist of primarily bosses, with little in between. Once you get used to switching between fields the game slows down a bit, and is a nice entry for the console.

XII Stag

The is game has unique side attack that you engage by wiggling left and right. As such, there is a greater emphasis on enemies approaching from all angels, and often the best strategy is to attack laterally. I appreciate this innovation, but I found it difficult to jiggle side to side effectively. There is the option to turn on rapid for the side attacks, but I never quite got the hang of that either.

Psyvariar Revision

Psyvariar is all about buzzing enemy bullets for score multipliers.  The more bullets you graze (without getting hit, obviously), the higher the points that roll in. You also get experience points to level up your ship.  If you level up to certain point, you're firepower will increase. This mindset changes how you play the game, and is a fun change of pace for shooter fans looking for a different type of play style.


This concept behind this game is unique for a shooter; everything takes place in the insect realm. You are a tiny humanoid shooting down hordes of massive insects.  The bosses are intricately segmented and pieces break off as they are destroyed.  The visuals are lush and imaginative, and among the best of the generation. The rate of fire can be adjusted, and mapped to different buttons. There are three different gameplay modes: original, maniac, and ultra.  Despite my love for the genre, my skills are not among the best, so I tend to shy away from the overly difficult modes.
This is a fun, kind of weird (in a good way) shooter, and I recommend it if you are looking for a challenge.

Strikers 1945 I & II

Another one of my favorite series, many may confuse these games with Capcom's 194X series of WW2 airplane shooters.  While 1943 and its variants had their charm and were great games in their own right, the Strikers 1945 games take gameplay into the modern age.  Bosses start as typical WW2-era vehicles, only to transform into giant mechs of ridiculous proportions. Each has a handful of planes to choose, each with their own firing pattern, bomb attack, and options attack.  You'll play these over again and again just to see what each plane is capable of.  Part 2 is very similar to part 1, but it adds challenge and even more planes.


I'm not sure what the premise of this game is.  From the opening sequence it seems that you are attacked, and you loved one is murdered, so maybe its revenge?  You are a flying humanoid, with different shot pattern types.  Gameplay is very similar to Mushihimesama, and so fans of that game will feel right at home here.  The same progress bar from Dondonpachi DOJ makes an appearance here as well. Its a fun, action-packed shooter.

Gigawing Generations

This is a follow-up to the Gigawing games on the Dreamcast.  The concept here is to score an indescribable amounts of points. Seriously, the score gets pretty ridiculous fast. This is one of those games where the enemies turn into medallions after they are destroyed, and so the screen gets cluttered with medals and bullets simultaneously. The unique feature of the this game is the force shield, which envelops and protects you in a round shield, then bounces all enemy bullets back in their direction. The results can be devastating, and it is immensely satisfying to unleash.  It is a cool feature, and gives the game a strategy all its own.

Thunder Force VI

Once I found out that this game existed, I sought it out immediately.  I am a huge Thunder Force fan, so this was a no-brainer. I may be biased, but this game is awesome. It is definitely a Thunderforce game, and it plays just like how you would expect it to. Power ups are familiar, and of course the over weapon is present and accounted for. It is a bit on the easy side, but I'm ok with that.  Everything that you loved from the previous entries either make an appearance, or are given an homage.  Each time you beat the game, you are given a new ship to select from a previous entry.  This adds to the replay value.

Dodonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou

Most gamers into shooters know of the Dodonpachi games.  They started as Donpachi in the arcades, followed by the sequel Dodonpachi, and were both ported to both the Playstation and Saturn.  This entry is about what you'd expect from the the series, as it makes its lone 6th generation appearance. It's a ton of fun, and has some throwback graphics and a well-honed style of gameplay. I like the new progress bar on the side of the screen; it is not really needed, but its just a nice idea.  I don't care for the announcer's voice work this time around, it just doesn't have the personality that the first two games had. Oh, it's damn hard. Definitely a must have.


I loved Battle Garegga on the Sega Saturn, and this game is what many call a spiritual successor.  The on-screen action is over the top, with explosions and shrapnel flying every which way.  It takes some time to adjust to what is dangerous and what isn't, but eventually you get the hang of it.  Its a blast to play two player co-op, and its hard.  Even with the difficulty turned down, its hard, but you still come back for more. Despite the cover art and lace-laden girl images in the background, this game still plays like an airplane WW2-style shooter.  The bosses are giant mecha-girls or whatever, but the gameplay is super tight.

For 2D shooters, I prefer an arcade stick, or a good d-pad.  Fortunately, I have both.  My favorite controller of all time is the Saturn pad, and I have the official Sega Logistics Systems Saturn pad for the Playstation.

It should be mentioned that in order to play these Japanese exclusives, you will need some method of playing imports on your PS2.  I wasn't a fan of the disc-swap method, so I just bought a Japanese PS2 since I figured it would get a lot of use.
Nearly all of these games have generous customizability, allowing for players of all ability levels to experience them. While not the subject of this post, it should be mentioned that there were plenty of PS1 shooters that were Japanese exclusives as well. Again, North American releases were excluded from this list. That may be a list for another day.

The Retron 5

The Retron 5 is a modern clone console produced by Hyperkin, makers of several other clone consoles based on 8 and 16-bit technology. The console plays actual game cartridges for the NES, Famicom, SNES/Super Famicom, Genesis/Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance.  If you have a Sega Power Base Convertor, you can play Master System games as well.

While many gamers are purists and would scoff at the notion of using a clone system, the Retron 5 does address some of the issues of trying to play retro games in this day and age.  For one, older consoles look like crap on high definition televisions.  The Retron 5's hdmi output is simple and clean, and looks great. Console purists go to great lengths to get the best video output from their original systems, which may necessitate modifications, extra cables and adapters, and in general, greater additional cost. Not all people are as hardcore to go through all of that, and if that's the case, the Retron is a nice substitute.  
The back of the system is simple

A second benefit is the all-in-one form factor;with the Retron 5 you won't need to clutter up your tv stand or media center with multiple consoles (a plus if you live with others who don't share your retro gaming enthusiasm). Let's face it, retro gamers usually play more than one retro system.

The system does not actually have the hardware inside for all of these systems like most clone systems.  Instead, it is an android based system, running emulators for its game operation. Once a game is inserted, the rom is dumped into the memory, and the game is playable.  Once the game is removed, the memory is wiped. This would make it seem as if the game were being read in real time, when in fact, the game is not accessed after the original dump.

Upscaling with proper 4:3 ratios
The emulation explains how it can output digital video in high definition, when the original game systems could only output analog systems at 240p. This also means that some games may have minor differences in how they play through emulation, when compared to being played on original hardware. These may include input lag, sound variances, and lack of slowdown (which some actually find nostalgic, depending on the game). The firmware is upgradeable through the SD card slot, which has come in handy already with fixes to bugs and game incompatibilities.

There are lots of options in the menu

Other features that are available are:
save states -  This was new to me as I never was into emulators, and while I don't use them often, there are times when they are really helpful (Ninja Gaiden).

graphic filters - Again, these were foreign to me and still are. I don't think any of them look good; they look as if pertroleum jelly was smeared across the screen.  To each their own, I guess.

scanlines - I love scanlines. Some games just don't look right to me without them.

built-in cheat codes - These were convenient on really hard games (Contra Hard Corps).

screen shots - This was cool.  I'm not into capturing video footage of gameplay, but being able to take a screen shot during gameplay is pretty nice, and it is a reason to use the console more.
A system-saving move to add original controller compatibility
Perhaps the best feature of all, controller ports for original NES, SNES, and Genesis controllers.  The system auto-detects which controller is plugged in, and you have the ability to map buttons however you like. The controller that is packed with the system is serviceable, but barely.  The brick-like shape is oddly un-ergonomic, and instead of a d-pad there is a micro-switched circular disc.  This is an odd choice for a system designed for retro games that only knew d-pads. I find the precision sloppy and the clicking is distracting. I use my 6-button Genesis or SNES controller for nearly all of my gaming on it, regardless of system.  
Do I need a translation for the most famous 16-bit meme ever?

A recent development is the ability to patch games of a different region, so that the text is translated to English.  This is a boon to rpg players, as Japanese rpg games are super cheap to import, whereas many domestic releases are highly coveted and inflated in price, like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, to name a couple. I have not personally done this, but it seems easy enough to do if you follow tutorials online.

How exactly the company acquired those emulators is a polarizing point of contention, and can be a big enough deterrent for many potential buyers. The Retron 5 utilizes open source freeware that were meant to for noncommercial use, packaged in a product for sale. Needless to say, there has been quite the backlash in the retro gaming community. It is a shame that the company had to take the route that they did, only to get caught and try to backpedal out of a moral embarrassment.  I found this out after I had purchased one, and had I known this beforehand, I'm not sure I would have bought it. I can't stand on a moral high ground here, as the law on emulators, roms, reproductions, and the like are nebulous, and I do have some repro carts and have used emulation here and there.  Everyone will have their own opinions, and thats perfectly fine.

One thing I find curious about this is system is: who was the intended audience? Hardcore gamers would have found the optimum connections for modern tvs through upscaling solutions.  Maybe some people buy it to reduce the wear and tear on their original systems. Casual gamers would not have enough retro carts on hand to make use of it.  The design choice of having rom dumps that necessitate actual physical carts suggest an authentic gaming aesthetic, yet utilize the most unauthentic technology.  Perhaps it is for the retro gamers that have plenty of old carts, but are not hardcore enough to go all-in with video conversion and upscaling.  Perhaps I fall into that camp, sort of.  I have my retro systems connected via RGB scart, transcoded into component, and displayed on a Sony Wega crt.  My hdtv has my modern systems and the Retron 5.  When I play retro, it is almost always with the crt. I do play the Retron 5 when friends come over, as that room has more seating. So in my case, it has its uses, but I don't need it. It would be interesting to hear other peoples' experiences with it.  Feel free to leave comments below, and thanks for reading.

Game Compilations for the PS2

The sixth-generation console wars put up quite the fight, and gamers were the winners.  The three-way war led to better exclusives, competitive pricing, and unprecedented choices.  Between the three major players (sorry, Dreamcast), I chose the PS2. At the time, a DVD player was just as expensive as a PS2, and so having two for the price of one was a huge selling point.  Add to that the backwards compatibility with PS1 games, and this was a no-brainer.

The Playstation 2 is the top-selling game console in history, selling over 170 million units worldwide.  This number is unlikely to be topped, but who knows. The number of released games for it is equally impressive: over 3,784 games, according to a prominent online source.  With a PS2 unit entrenched in that many homes, the opportunity to cash in on game compilations was ripe.  Many publishers with revered back catalogs saw the convergence of technological opportunity (capacity on DVD Roms) and nostalgia, and gamers were happy to pony up.

Here are the compilations released for the PS2 in North America that I have.  Disclaimer: I'm sure that I don't have all of the game compilations for the PS2; these are just the ones that I own.

Namco Museum
One of the first on the acrade scene, Namco made its mark with is Marquee franchises: Pac Man, Pole Position, Galaga, and Dig Dug.  There are others, but these are the ones that you remember.  There were a slew of releases for the PS1, over five different volumes, I believe.  They must have really stretched their catalog out to do that. When I look at this collection, what I see is 10 games on a disc, but only four that I want to play.  Don't get me wrong, they are good games, but they are so old school that you feel it.

Capcom Classics Collections 1 and 2
These complilations assemble many of the same games that were included in the Saturn and PS1's Capcom Generations series (Japan, PAL only) and threw in a few more games.  The first installment has some of Capcom's most popular games such as Final Fight, Ghosts n' Goblins series, 194X series, Commando series, and of course, the Street Fighter 2 series. The second treatment offers some deeper cuts of Capcom's catalog, competent games that didn't make as big a splash but beloved all the same. Highlights include 1941: Counter Attack, King of Dragons, Knights of the Round, Magic Sword, and Strider, among others.  Various unlockables are present with each game, and the presentation is pretty good.

Midway Arcade Treasures 1, 2, and 3
Midway's pedigree is in the arcades, and so these three volumes offer very nice ports of some big-name games.  Volume 1 includes Defender, Gauntlet, Joust, Paperboy, Rampage, Robotron 2084, Smash TV, and more.  The presentation in the first collection is the best, with an anthropoly-themed menu and hieroglyphics to represent each of the games on the select screen.  They subsequent titles dropped that for a plain menu system.

Volume 2 picks up after the first collection with APB, Arch Rivals, Gauntlet 2, Mortal Kombat 2 and 3, Narc, Pit-Fighter, Total Carnage, and more.  The game play is generally pretty good, considering that some of these arcade titles are not native to consoles.  Playing Smash TV and Total Carnage with dual analog sticks is pure bliss, unlike the awkward methods employed for the 16-bit iterations of those games.

The third collection takes a vehicular racing slant, and offers OffRoad Thunder, Race Drivin', Super Off Road, Hydro Thunder, San Fransico Rush 2049, and more.

Taito Legends 1 and 2
Taito was also a major player in the arcades during the 1980's and 1990's, and it seems that is how they broke up their selections for these two compilations.The first disc contains their earlier efforts like Space Invaders, Elevator Action, Operation Wolf, Rastan, Raibow Islands, Bubble Bobble, and some other lesser-known entries.  The second disc boasts a robust nearly 40 games, with some real gems in Elevator Action Returns, G-Darius, Darius Gaiden, Raystorm, Metal Black, Growl, and others.  Some of these games are cost-prohibitive on the Saturn, so this is a great alternative for Saturn shooter fans.

Mega Man Anniversary Collection
This was one of Capcom's best decisions during the PS2 era.  The first eight original series games on one disc, plus two extras that never saw the light of day in North America (Megaman: The Power Battle and Megaman 2: The Power Fighters).  Some features include the ability to save games, an onscreen directional hint telling you where to go (not that useful), and the Megaman cartoon pilot episode.  Some of the music has been altered slightly; some for better some not, and the control is pretty tight, but depending on how much muscle memory you have from the original NES games, it may feel too different, as in my case.  Nonetheless, a great compilation.

Mega Man X Collection
Here we have the first six entries in the X series, and included here is the previsouly unreleased (in North America) Megaman Battle and Chase racing game.  The X series is not as uniform in quality as the original series, with some big drop-offs in X4 and X5, but still, a collection of some incresingly expensive titles on one disc makes this compilation worth it.  There are not a lot as far as extras, ans some people care more about that stuff than others.

Sonic Mega Collection Plus
This collection has all of the 16-bit Sonic games, plus the lock-on combinations with Sonic and Knuckles, and four more Genesis games: Ristar, Flicky, Comix Zone, and The Ooze (previously unreleased in North America).  As long as you like Sonic, this could be one of the most complete collections that I've seen for a series (I'm ignoring the 3D Sonic titles).

Sega Classics Collection
This is an odd collection.  On the surface, it looks like a collection of Sega arcade classics, but if you dig deeper, these games are not the same as you remember.  They are modernized (I use this term lightly) versions of arcade classics, developed by third parties.  The games are reinvented in 3D, with polygons instead of sprites, yet done so on the cheap.  These titles were released separately in Japan as part of the Simple 2500 series (budget line), and were bundled together for this release in North America.  The new take on the games does not meet expectations when you think of Sega, nor does nostalgia kick in because the games look and play differently from the originals.

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
This collection contains two games: Hyper Street Fighter 2 and Street Fighter 3 - Third Strike.  Also available is Street Fighter 2, the animated movie.  This is a nice collection, as it is the only way to play these games on the Playstation 2.  I prefer an arcade stick for fighting games, as I find the d-pad on the indigenous controller uncomfortable.

Street Fighter Alpha Anthology
The contents of this collection are no mystery, all three of the SF Alpha games are here, along with a remixed Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold.  The alpha games were all released for the Playstation and Saturn, but this is nice way to get all three.

Gradius III and IV
Gradius III was a near-launch title for the SNES, but here is the arcade port, slowdown and all. Gradius IV has never been released before, and the it makes its debut here as a launch title for the PS2. The graphics are reminiscent of PS1 game, with its early 3D models.  The gameplay is basically the same as what you would expect, but less fun for some reason. Maybe its that the game seems half-baked, or maybe it just doesn't have enough of its own personality.  Either way, its a rare skippable entry in the renowned series.  

SNK had a huge Neo Geo catalog waiting for the right moment to be unleashed for other consoles, and the PS2 was the prime opportunity. The collections include:

Art of Fighting Anthology
The Art of Fighting series is a prequel to the Fatal Fury series.  The compilation includes Art of Fighting, Art of Fighting 2, and Art of Fighting 3: Path of the Warrior. I respect the franchise but my fighting game habits were raised on Street Fighter chops.

King of Fighters Orochi Saga
The KOF series has so many entries, its comical. This compilation includes KOF '94 through '98.  I have played the first three on the Saturn, and they are fun, but I just can't get into them as much as I want to.  Maybe because I suck at fighting games not by Capcom.  Still, a fantastic collection for those who can better appreciate them than me.

Fatal Fury Battle Archives 1 and 2
The first collection contains Fatal Fury, Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury Special, and Fatal Fury 3.
The second collection offers Real Bout Fatal Fury, Real Bout Fatal Fury Special, and Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers.

Samurai Shodown Anthology
This compilation includes Samurai Shodown I through VI.  This is on my backlog, so I have yet to play it.

World Heroes Anthology
Bringing together World Heroes, World Heroes 2, World Heroes 2 Jet, and World Heroes Perfect, this fighting game with a time travel back story has the most interesting characters and locales.  Many of the fighters are based on actual historical figures, and the series quietly did well in the arcades.

SNK Arcade Classics 1
Given how many Neo Geo titles were produced, this is a nice sampling of a bit of everything. Metal Slug, Baseball Stars 2, Magician Lord, World Heroes, King of the Monsters, Shock Troopers, Samurai Shodown, King of Fighters '94 and more are offered up as a cornucopia of SNK arcade goodness.  A great place for SNK newbies to start.

Metal Slug Anthology
This is what I am talking about.  Metal Slug has an abundance of character, more so than any other game that I've seen. The action is frenetic, the animations are hilarious, and challenge is commendable.  To have the first six entries plus Metal Slug X on one disc is mind blowing.  If you can't already tell this is my favorite SNK series.

I'm sure there are many more compilations out there, and maybe I'll stumble across those as well.  I am a huge fan of compilations; the value, the exposure to an entire franchise, and the special features are all reasons why.  If I missed any good ones, let me know! I'll be on the lookout for them.

Game Compilations for the Sega Saturn

If you have read any of my previous posts, you will know that I am a Sega Saturn aficionado.  It may have been the black sheep of the fifth generation of consoles, but it was my favorite.  As I mentioned in my previous post, I just couldn't get into early 3D graphics and gameplay, especially when hand-drawn 2D sprites were looking so good!

Now, the vast majority of the Saturn's best games were not released in North America.  Sega of America had a cooky aversion to 2D gaming, as it gave the appearance of being behind the times. This was unfortunate as we missed out on a plethora of excellent games.  Some of these games could have turned the tide of the console war, or at least balanced it somewhat, especially since there was no language barrier and an action replay cart is all you need to boot them up.

These titles were released as compilations, each containing two or more games.

The Gradius Deluxe Pack
The Gradius series is long known to be one of the forbearers of the shoot' em up genre.  It contains arcade-perfect ports of Gradius and Gradius II.  Even though there were ports released stateside, there's nothing like a pixel-perfect arcade port. Difficulty and other options are available in main menu.  As much as I love the genre, I am no professional and need all the help I can get.  Easy setting it is (which is not so easy)!
Gradius II was never released here.  Many thought that Life Force was the sequel to Gradius, as there was no evidence to the contrary.

Salamander Deluxe Pack
Salamander was a spin-off of Gradius, with many of the same gameplay mechanics, but a twist: power ups were picked up directly, and there was no power meter with selections to choose from. Another thing that makes the Salamander series different is two-palyer cooperative play.  Struggling through the tough as nails levels is more fun with a friend.
It was named Life Force when brought to the NES, and modified to have power meter and red capsules, so its no wonder people thought it was the sequel to Gradius.
Salamander II is awesome and in need of some form of international re-release.

Parodius Deluxe Pack
Parodius is named for the fact that it is a parody of Gradius. Imagine the gameplay of Gradius, but imagine having the option to replace the Vic Viper for a either a penguin, octopus, or Twin Bee.  The stages are outrageous and the enemies bizarre.  Power ups are based on the Gradius system, with Twin Bee bells added for good measure.  The two games included are Parodius Da! and Ultimate Parodius.  Oh, these are still Gradius games at heart, and so they suffer from Gradius syndrome, as expected.  Still fun, though.

Detana Twin Bee Deluxe Pack
This series is one of the earlier "cute'em up" series.  Everything in these games is cute: the protagonist, the enemies, the power-ups, etc.  The games alternate from horizontal to vertical scrolling every other level. The first game, Detana Twinbee, is an earlier title, and it shows its age, but Twinbee Yahho is a much more complete game, with improvements all around.  In keeping with their light-hearted theme, they are not as brutally difficult as Gradius.

Dungeons and Dragons Collection
I never noticed these games in the arcade, but apparently they existed.  Tower of Doom and Shadow Over Mystara are scrolling beat'em ups, with player upgrade features as you continue to play. Lots of fun for fans of Knights of the Round and King of Dragons.  Of course, two-player co-op makes the experience better.

Sonic Jam
Many cite the lack of a true Sonic game as one of the reasons the Saturn failed.  Maybe so, but there were a bunch of subpar tangential efforts like Sonic-R, Sonic 3D blast, and Sonic Jam.  Sonic Jam is a compiling of Sonics 1, 2, 3, and Sonic and Knuckles.  There is a 3D hub world to roam around in as you pick which game to play, but it almost feels like it might have been for a proper 3D game that was scrapped.  There are some extras like advertisement materials, manuals, and other tidbits.  One notable feature is the ability to use the spin dash in Sonic 1, and

Capcom Generations 1 (194X series)
1942, 1943, and 1943 Kai are included in this seminal shooter pack. It was cool to play a version of 1942 other than the crappy NES version. Keep in mind these games are a product of their era, and some have aged better than others.  Despite their technical limitations

Capcom Generations 2 (Ghosts n' Goblins Series)
Ghosts n' Goblins, Ghouls and Ghosts, and Super Ghouls and Ghosts.
These games are still just as hard as you remember.  Well, the first is the most difficult. The emulation is good, not perfect.

Capcom Generations 3 (first 5 titles)
Vulgus, Son Son, Pirate Ship Higemaru, and Exed Exes. Some early Capcom games that are so-so. They're on this collection just for historical evidence.

Capcom Generations 4 (Commando series)
Commando, Gun.Smoke, and Mercs.  Gun.Smoke is a bit of an oddball thematically, but the action is right at home.  There were a lot of early overhead run'n gun games, but Capcom seemed to get the action just right. Later games would surpass these, but for the early games, the action is great.

Capcom Generations 5 (aka Street Fighter Collection 2)
This was known in the west as Street Fighter Collection 2, released on the Playstation. It was not released in the west for the Saturn. It included Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, Street Fighter II': Champion Edition, and Street Fighter II': Turbo Hyper Fighting.  Oddly, as a second compilation of early street fighter games, its contents predate the contents of the first Street Fighter collection

Street Fighter Collection
Known as Street Fighter Collection 1 in North America, this contained Super Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, and Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold. This collection should have been called the Super Street Fighter collection, but what do I know?

Thunder Force God Packs 1 and 2
Thunder Force is one of the first shooters you think of when you think of shooters on the Genesis. There were three installments for the Genesis, from II through IV, however IV was oddly renamed: Lightening Force: Quest For The Dark Star.  Why this was done nobody knows. The first collection contains TF2 and TF3, whereas the second collection brings TF AC and TF4.  TF AC was the arcade port of TF3, which did have some stage alterations.  Great collections for die hard Thunder Force fans or if you really want to play TF AC.

So this list is just another reason why I love the misunderstood Saturn.