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16 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Google+

Posted 09 June, 2013

16_Reasons_Why_You_Shouldnt_Ignore_Googlegoogle-plusAre you using Google+ for personal use -- or for your business?

Most people I talk to are not.


Well, mainly because of negative hype like the meme to the right -- or because they've seen blog posts telling them the site is "dead" or "a wasteland".

I'd have to disagree with this mindset -- Google+ is very busy!

Is it as busy as Facebook?... No.

Is it as personal as Facebook?... Definitely Not.

So why use it?

16 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Google+

Get Started with Google+

by Chris Brogan

Chris literally wrote the book on Google+. Seriously, it's called Google+ for Business. This blogpost should be the starting point for anyone considering Google+ for their personal or business use.

How to Get Started with Google+

by Kristi Hines

This post by Kristi is pretty dated -- she wrote it just after Google+ launched in 2011. But I wanted to share it with you because some of the details she goes over in the settings & setting up your profile still apply today -- even if the appearance of the site has changed a bit.

5 Tools to Grow Your Presence on Google Plus

by Ian Cleary

Ian is the king of finding great tools to make social media easier -- and he doesn't fail us on this post. He gives us 5 tools to help you grow your presence on Google+. Even I hadn't heard of all of these!

Are you Including Google+ In Your Content Marketing Strategy?

by Tara Geissinger

Google is pouring a ton of its resources into making Google+ huge. And with more than 135 million users (as of the end of 2012), the product is anything but a flop. It’s not about to disappear. More importantly, Google+ has already begun to affect search rankings.

A Cheat Sheet for People Afraid of Google+

by Copy Bot

A quick -- and humorous -- cheat sheet showing you some features of Google+ to try out.

How To Use Google Hangouts To Grow Your Online Business

by Kim Garst

Kim gives 4 amazing tips on how to use Google+ Hangouts for your business. Hangouts is the feature on Google+ that really distinguishes it from Facebook -- and in my opinion it's the best feature of the site.

How to Use Google+ Hangouts for Your Business

by Phyllis Khare

Here's another article about Hangouts that could revolutionize your business -- and your view of Google+. Phyllis gives some great practical tips on how to incorporate Hangouts into your daily business habits.

What To Know When Including Google+ Into Your Social Media Marketing Plan

by Courtney Kettmann

Courtney (via Social Mouths) gives some great advice on how to infuse Google+ into your marketing plans.

The Ultimate List of Google+ Tips

via Blogging with Amy

Amy Lynn Andrews gives us an exhaustive list of Google+ features that is 2nd to none! This is a blogpost you'll want to slowly digest & definitely bookmark!

Google Plus SEO: Everybody Talks About It - How Do You Do It?

by Mark Traphagen

One of the biggest benefits of Google+ is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you have a company and a website this is super important to you. Google+ changed the game when it comes to SEO. In this post Mark gives you practical tips on leveraging Google+ for SEO.

How to Earn a Black Belt in Google+

by Greg Naraya via Social Media Explorer

Greg explains how to become a master of Google+ -- giving you clear strategies to follow.

Google Author Rank and Authorship: What We Know So Far

by WindMill Marketing

If you blog, you need to pay attention to Author Rank & Authorship! With the changes to the Google algorithm recently it's more important than ever to make sure your blog & Google+ profile are connected.

How to Build an Audience with Google+ Hangouts

by Sarah Hill via Copy Blogger

I've mentioned Hangouts three times now on purpose -- they are a GAME CHANGER! In this blog Sarah talks about some practical ways to use the feature to build an audience. These ideas are golden!

9 Best Strategies for Google+

by Kim Garst

While you could just set up a Google+ account and hope it magically grows your brand, I wouldn’t recommend that. Here are strategies you can use to further your own goals for your brand.

Why Google+ is Better for Community Than Facebook

by Harrison Kratz via Social Mouths

While comparing Google+ to Facebook is difficult -- and in my opinion not needed -- this post does a great job of showing you how to have a real sense of community on Google+ -- one that outdoes Facebook, according to the author.

Advanced Google Plus Networking Strategies

by Windmill Marketing

This blogpost isn't for beginners -- so put on your big boy pants! Mark gives us some great advanced tips & techniques on how to grow your personal network via Google+.

Bet you're not ignoring Google+ now!

Hopefully by reading over these articles you'll see there's a real reason for your business to be on Google+.

But keep in mind that if you can't be "present" & active on Google+, then don't go over there. You only get as much from a social media platform as you give it.

Lastly, if you want some daily updates about Google+ go check out Google Plus Daily -- they give tons of great reports on changes to the platform.

Also make sure to add me to a Circle!

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