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Learn essential UA and retention techniques at PG Connects San Francisco

Essential insight into user acquisition, retention techniques, and how to grow your game this March 18th
Learn essential UA and retention techniques at PG Connects San Francisco
  • 14:10 Delivering Performance Advertizing Outcomes at Scale Beyond Traditional Media Platforms
  • 14:30 ASA & CPP Playbook for Mobile Game
  • 14:50 Seizing the First-Party Data Opportunity in Mobile Games Advertising
  • 15:10 Building for Scale: How not to get Caught out at Global Launch
  • 15:30 Accelerating Growth: Adapting Your User Acquisition Strategy to new Market Challenges

With Pocket Gamer Connects x Game Connection America San Francisco coming up next week, we thought it was time to explore the 10-track conference schedule. This March 18th and 19th, more than 70 world-class expert speakers will bring you the hottest trends and latest innovations in the global games industry.

You’ll have access to two days of cutting-edge talks, seminars and panel discussions with some of the world's leading authorities covering everything from monetization and growth strategies, to web3, blockchain and the metaverse.

Don't miss out on this unparalleled opportunity to meet and learn from some of the most exciting companies, brands and individuals in the games industry - tickets are available now.

Between now and when the venue doors open, we’ll share what each track is about, as well as the talented individuals that will lead the sessions.

The Growth Track sponsored by AppTweak

Monday, March 18th

In addition to mastering gameplay mechanics, understanding user acquisition and retention techniques is crucial for growing your game. Gain essential insights into effective strategies on how to grow your business in adverse and new environments, optimise your game's user interface, and continuously analyse player feedback.

With these strategies for expanding into new territories and adapting to changing market conditions, you can attract and retain a dedicated player base, ensuring steady growth and success for your game.

14:10 Delivering Performance Advertizing Outcomes at Scale Beyond Traditional Media Platforms

  • Bharat Sharma, COO at Veve

Join us for an engaging session on how to achieve your performance marketing KPIs through new digital platforms beyond the walled gardens of traditional media. Explore key strategies and industry-leading solutions to drive incremental value for your brand.

14:30 ASA & CPP Playbook for Mobile Game

  • Ian Pernia, Senior App Growth Consultant at AppTweak

Apple Search Ads (ASA) and Custom Product Pages (CPP) are typically considered effective strategies for mobile apps. But also games leverage these tactics for tremendous success. In this talk, we delve into the ways games leverage ASA and CPPs, uncovering the best practices through real examples.

14:50 Seizing the First-Party Data Opportunity in Mobile Games Advertising

  • Fernando Pernica, Chief Customer Officer at Nefta

The introduction of privacy frameworks has resulted in decreased revenue and eCPMs for advertisers and publishers. No fingerprinting, tracking, collection of personally identifiable information, or mixing of data has made delivering personalised adverts increasingly difficult. First-party data is being hailed as the solution. There's only one problem, actually using first-party data is surprisingly complex and incredibly difficult.

15:10 Building for Scale: How not to get Caught out at Global Launch

  • Teemu Haila, CPO & Co-Founder at Metaplay

Launching a new game? Don't make the same mistake so many developers do: failing to plan for life after global launch. In this talk, mobile FTP veteran Teemu Haila shares invaluable insights from his 15 years on the frontline of game development to ensure that as you scale, you thrive - and not just survive.

15:30 Accelerating Growth: Adapting Your User Acquisition Strategy to new Market Challenges

  • Ian Pernia, Senior App Growth Consultant at AppTweak
  • Jesse Lempiäinen, CEO & Co-Founder at Geeklab
  • Bobbie Hollanders, Head of Sales & Account Management, EMEA & US at Appier
  • Nick Murray, F2P Design & Product Consultant at gamesconsulting.net

The mobile games industry has spent the last few years adapting to a new post-ATT landscape - and continues to face new challenges from Privacy Manifests, Privacy Sandbox and now new rules for the EU's App Store. So just how have publishers tackled these obstacles to continue to grow their games? We ask the experts what the best channels are for UA, their top growth strategies and different ways to retain your player base in a new market.

Fringe events, parties and networking

As well as two full days of unmissable conference content, whether you're a publisher, developer, investor or indie, we have seminars, roundtables, networking, fringe events and parties designed to give you a conference experience you won't forget. 

And in addition to all those amazing live opportunities, every one of our 750+ attendees gets full access to the event's online meeting scheduler, MeetToMatch. As well as connecting you with decision makers from more than 350 companies, you can organise your appointments at the event itself.

Book your tickets now!