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Brawl Stars has already earned more in 2024 than the entirety of 2023

Supercell's smash hit has recovered from a year-on-year decline with a strong start to the year
Brawl Stars has already earned more in 2024 than the entirety of 2023
Date Type Companies Involved Key Datapoint
May 1, 2024 other Supercell $236.4 million
  • Supercell’s Brawl Stars' eighth consecutive month of growth means a new revenue record was set this April
  • Brawl Stars has generated $236.4 million in the first third of 2024, more than the whole of 2023

Supercell’s Brawl Stars has made quite the comeback, with its eighth consecutive month of growth meaning a new revenue record for the game in March which was easily superseded in April.

Not only that, but in the first four months of 2024, Brawl Stars has already generated more revenue than it did in the whole of 2023.

According to App Magic data, Brawl Stars’ strongest year for revenue was $454.3 million 2020, but its earnings then fell year-on-year since. Until now…

A change of fortunes

After bringing in that $454.3 million early into the pandemic with 2020’s earnings, Brawl Stars’ revenue fell only slightly in 2021 down to $435.3 million. The big decline came in 2022 however, with the full year yielding just over half that amount: $240.9 million.

Revenue nearly halved again in 2023 to only $154.8 million and clearly a change of tack was necessary; Supercell began to seek out Brawl Star’s first-ever producer and found him in Maurice Kroes this March, following which time the game’s earnings skyrocketed.

Beating even Clash of Clans’ revenue for the month, Brawl Stars made $67 million in March 2024 and set a new record for the MOBA. Come April 2024, that record was soundly beaten with another $84.3 million raked in.

Brawl Stars' monthly revenue has risen considerably since 2023
Brawl Stars' monthly revenue has risen considerably since 2023

Thanks in large part to these two powerhouse months (generating $151.3 million alone), Brawl Stars’ 2024 earnings thus far total $236.4 million - far exceeding 2023’s $154.8 million spread across the whole year. And while this is an achievement in itself, perhaps more important is Brawl Stars seeing year-on-year growth for the first time since 2020, proving the game isn’t destined to decline as could have been imagined by the axe-happy perfectionists.

Instead it’s on the rise once more, surpassing 2023 in a third of the time and inevitably set to overtake 2022's total soon. Moreover, if the current growth trajectory continues through the rest of 2024, this will far and away become Brawl Stars’ best year yet: it’s already over halfway there.

You can check out our full break-down on the performance of all of Supercell's live games in our recent analysis here.