Rescuing Robin Hood

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a cartoon character holding a knife and standing on top of a sign that says, andreas
Happy Monday morning, Meeples! 😊Please welcome Andreas to the band of Rescuing Robin Hood characters! Andreas works as a mason in Nottingham, and while he enjoys his profession, he loves his days off. He prefers to dress down, take it easy, and meet up with Warin for some of Estrelda’s beer at the end of a long day at work. Due to his accepting nature, everyone in town seems to be friends with him! #entrepreneurship #boardgames #design #art #vectorart #artist #boardgame #medieval #graphicde
the board game is being played on an interactive tabletop with many different cards and numbers
Playtesting Rescuing Robin Hood on Tabletopia! #entrepreneurship #boardgames #startup #design #art #vectorart #artist #smallbusiness #tabletopia #boardgame #boardgamedesign #graphicdesign #playtest
Rescuing Robin Hood board game update! Our vector artist, graphic designer, and Tabletopia project manager are hard at work developing the RRH playing cards. Good work team! #entrepreneurship #boardgames #startup #design #art #vectorart #artist #smallbusiness #tabletopia #boardgame #boardgamedesign #graphicdesign Hard At Work, Project Manager, Board Game
Rescuing Robin Hood board game update! Our vector artist, graphic designer, and Tabletopia project manager are hard at work developing the RRH playing cards. Good work team! #entrepreneurship #boardgames #startup #design #art #vectorart #artist #smallbusiness #tabletopia #boardgame #boardgamedesign #graphicdesign
a man sitting on top of a brown couch holding up two book covers in front of him
Rescuing Robin Hood posters! #entrepreneurship #boardgames #startup #crowdfunding #design #art #vectorart #artist #smallbusiness #appreciation #posters #boardgame
a woman holding a pair of scissors in one hand and an inscription on the other
Anot Tyde
What a perfect day for another Rescuing Robin Hood character intro! 😍 Please welcome... ANOT TYDE! Anot works as the town jeweler, making, repairing, and selling jewelry and clocks. This profession allows her to be well-off financially, so she gives generously to others. Drop by her shop to get a little something for your special someone! #boardgamer #art #vectorart #medieval #jeweler #entrepreneur #boardgame #tabletop #artist #adobeillustrator #character #entrepreneurship #design #startup
an old man with a hammer and sunflowers in front of him is holding a flag
Medieval inspiration for Galien!
an image of a cartoon character holding a bird in one hand and another with a pirate on the other
Medieval inspiration for Pantaleon!
a woman in an apron is holding a cat and cooking
Medieval inspiration for Eunice Baxter!
an old man holding a piece of cheese standing next to a barrel with the word fairmond cheeseman on it
Farrimond Cheeseman
an old woman holding a stick with a cat on it and a sign that says funce baxter
Eunice Baxter
Eunice wakes up the villagers of Nottingham every morning with the heavenly aroma of her freshly baked goods. She enjoys the cats that wander into her kitchen, and has a special appreciation for Leolina who not only eats her scraps, but the mice who sneak into her kitchen as well. Snag one of her pastries at the village hunting feast before they all run out!
a man with a hat playing a ukulele on a banner that says, alam - a - dale
Cheerful minstral character that has a way with understanding sadness and loss, but reminding people of joy that can be found in any circumstance. He uses his stringed instrument to help people process things or bring joy and inspiration to people. Alan used to be a knight, but was driven from his land and his title was removed because a high ranking nobel caught wind of his love for Lady Christabel.
a cartoon character holding a lantern with the words rowan incircless on it
Rowan Incircles
Rowan is a tall, stoic gentleman who is Nottingham’s scribe, often using his handy lantern to work long hours into the night. His trusted and tired eyes depict his long working hours of copying books, letters, manuscripts, and government records. He rests his right (write) hand in his pocket whenever he’s not working.
a dog sitting on top of a sign with an arrow in it's mouth
Lance is the friendly and beloved village stray dog of Nottingham. He tends to gravitate toward Willelmus as his makeshift master since the hunter lets him tag along on his adventures. He loves to sit and listen with fascination to Colinet Good as he makes announcements to the village and play in the streets with Leo’s frog.