The Gal Who Posted The Matthew Perry TikTok Has Been Booted From Raya For Breaching Privacy Guidelines

Oh snap: Kate Haralson, the influencer who shared the viral TikTok from her FaceTime convo with Matthew Perry, has now revealed that she’s been booted off Raya, the dating app where they first met, for breaching their privacy guidelines.

Kate was just 19-years-old when she matched with the then 50-year-old Friends star and she says immediately after connecting on the celebrity dating app, he asked to FaceTime her. She then recorded the FaceTime convo, shared it to TikTok, and after it went viral, she ripped into Perry in an interview.

“I should have expected that would happen,” the now-20-year-old told Page Six of being “kicked off” Raya. “I feel fine about it. I never really used it anymore anyways.”

In Raya’s Removal of Member section, via Page Six, the guidelines clearly state: “Every member is expected to follow our simple rules of respect, trust, and privacy. There are plenty of places across the internet where an expectation of behavioural standards and respect for other users isn’t required.”

Speaking to Page Six, she said she released the Matthew Perry video to expose how older men in Hollywood are “taking advantage” of younger women on dating apps.

“A lot of people were saying I’m a bully and mean for posting this, and it made me feel kind of bad, but at the same time, I feel like a lot of guys in Hollywood are talking to all these young girls and it’s something that I think a lot of people should be aware of,” she said.

She says while she’s not into older guys, she matched with the Friends star because she thought it would be “funny.”

“I was not really thinking anything of it,” she said, adding that while she recognised Perry from the telly, she’d “never even really watched Friends.”

While FaceTiming, Matthew Perry suggested they play 20 questions to get to know each other.

She insists that none of the questions were sexual, but started to feel uncomfortable due to their age gap.

“I don’t think he minded that,” she said. “It kind of felt weird talking to someone my dad’s age and it just felt not right, especially when he knew how young I was.”

She says at one point, Matthew Perry asked, “Am I as old as your dad?”

“So it was weird,” she said, adding that when she told Perry that he’s a year older than her dad, he “laughed off.”

Haralson says she was inspired to post the video after spotting the viral TikTok featuring a similar situation with Ben Affleck.


Sorry Ben 🥺🥱 #raya #benaffleck #dating #fyp

♬ original sound – Amir Yassai

Since posting the Matthew Perry TikTok, Nivine Jay, the actress behind the Ben Affleck TikTok, has reached out to her and they’re now in contact.

While Nivine’s video still exists on TikTok, Haralson decided to take hers down ‘cos she “did feel a little bit bad.”

She concluded, “Honestly, it’s not really OK for these older guys to be talking to such young girls.”

Neither Perry nor Affleck has responded to the TikTok vids.

Matty Galea is the Entertainment Editor at Pedestrian who also dabbles in woo-woo stuff like astrology and crystals and has been penning horoscopes since the start of his career. He also Tweets about pop culture and astrology and posts spicy content on Instagram.