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Centers of Excellence

Shaping the future of trust

Message from our Chief Trust Architect

OneTrust is building the only platform that brings privacy, security, and governance teams together, working as one technology solution. While OneTrust is rooted in privacy, we’ve evolved to serve a broader vision. We realize that trust is more than a compliance-driven effort; our customers want to build programs that are focused on trust and transparency with their employees, customers, partners, and community. 

Our platform has expanded to manage everything that makes up trust — privacy and data governance, GRC and security assurance, ethics and compliance — all within one platform. We believe that trust is a culmination of all these efforts working together, centralized and without siloes. 

As Chief Trust Architect my responsibility lies with ensuring our customers feel confident in how their information is being used and to lead the way for other executive teams to truly leverage OneTrust products and services to their fullest extent. We have been and will continue to use our own platform in our day-to-day operations — helping us gain a better understanding of how to optimize our resources and tools to best serve our customers’ needs. 

Andrew Clearwater 
OneTrust Chief Trust Architect 

Portrait of Andrew Clearwater with OneTrust branded graphic behind

Our Centers of Excellence

The OneTrust Centers of Excellence are at the forefront of the way we work, helping to shape the future of trust.

Each Center of Excellence brings together a group of individuals to serve as experts in their field. By providing strategic advice, best practices and thought leadership, our Centers’ expertise defines the way we support thousands of global customers, as well as the broader community.  

Meet the team

Our team strives to not only comply with and implement best practices, but to stay one step ahead, pioneering the future of privacy, security, and ethics as technology continues to evolve. 

Picture of Chief Trust Architect Andrew Clearwater

Andrew Clearwater

Chief Trust Architect

Picture of DPO & Head of Privacy Center of Excellence Linda Thielová

Linda Thielová

DPO & Head of Privacy Center of Excellence

Picture of Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer & Head of Ethics Center of Excellence Jisha Dymond

Jisha Dymond

Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer & Head of Ethics Center of Excellence

Center of Excellence spotlight

Trust is a condition that allows effective decision-making.
Andrew Clearwater, Chief Trust Architect, OneTrust

DataGuidance Research

Find everything you need to stay ahead of the changing regulatory landscape with DataGuidance Research. 

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