Deliver Smarter, Safer Financial Services

Accelerate financial services with AI.

Accelerating Financial Services With AI

Massive datasets. Perpetual market fluctuations. Customer inquiries. Intelligent technology can address critical challenges within the modern financial services industry. With NVIDIA’s AI solutions—for generative AI, large language models (LLMs), data analytics, and more—institutions can optimize trading, detect transaction fraud, and enhance customer experiences.

State of AI in Financial Services 2024

Dive into the data compiled from a survey of over 400 financial services professionals from around the world. Discover the trends, challenges, and opportunities that will define the state of AI in financial services in 2024.

Run Your Data Science Pipeline up to 5X Faster at 1/4th the Cost

Improve your team’s fraud detection and risk assessment workloads with NVIDIA RAPIDS™ Accelerated Apache Spark.

Use Cases

Discover How the Finance Industry Uses AI


Harness accelerated computing for trading.

Faster processing results in smarter trading strategies, more successful trade execution, and increased revenue so firms can remain competitive.

Intelligent document processing with generative AI lets financial institutions gather insights from unstructured data, enabling faster decision-making and reducing the risk of financial losses.

With the NVIDIA AI platform, firms can learn from vast amounts of data and respond quickly to market fluctuations.


Enhance customer service with generative AI.

As the global service economy grows, banks are relying increasingly on contact centers to drive better customer experiences and operational efficiency.

Banks can enhance customer interactions with generative AI-powered chatbots. Using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), these chatbots can deliver more accurate, personalized, and sophisticated responses than traditional chatbot solutions.


Prevent fraud with end-to-end data science.

Financial institutions need to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, including identity theft, account takeover, and money laundering. AI-enabled applications can reduce false positives in transaction fraud detection, enhance identity verification accuracy for know-your-customer (KYC) requirements, and boost the effectiveness of anti-money laundering (AML) efforts.

The NVIDIA RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark accelerates processing time up to 5X or more and allows the same work to be completed with 4X less infrastructure cost.


Take a Deeper Dive Into AI in Financial Services


Accelerating Financial Services With AI

Explore how financial institutions can boost risk management, improve security, reduce fraud, and enhance customer experiences with AI.



End-to-End Data Science Workflows

Accelerating End-to-End Data Science Workflows

Learn how to build and execute end-to-end GPU-accelerated data science workflows that lets you quickly explore, iterate, and get your work into production in this self-paced lab. Using the RAPIDS accelerated data science libraries, you'll learn how to apply a wide variety of GPU-accelerated machine learning algorithms to perform data analysis at scale.

Anomaly Detection With NVIDIA Morpheus

In this free, self-paced course, get hands-on experience developing and deploying the NVIDIA Morpheus digital fingerprinting AI workflow, which enables 100 percent data visibility and drastically reduces the time to detect threats.

Building Conversational AI Applications

In this instructor-led, hands-on workshop, learn how to quickly build and deploy production-quality conversational AI applications with real-time transcription and natural language processing capabilities using NVIDIA Riva framework.


Credit Check: Capital One on Modern Machine Learning

Hear how modern machine learning techniques have become a key tool for financial and credit analysis at Capital One.

Breaking Banks: AI Takes Over

Learn how top players in the banking world are using AI, how their efforts have been impacted by the pandemic, and who should be doing what to further the use of this technology.

Talking Success: Connecting the Global Fintech Community

Hear about all things fintech, the importance of data scientists in communication, and where to draw the line between AI and humans.

End-to-End Data Science Workflows

Exciting and Explainable AI for Modern Fintech

Explore the latest trends for leveraging intelligent technology and explainable AI in fintech and the NVIDIA products and services supporting the industry.

NVIDIA Developer Program

Connect with millions of like-minded developers and access hundreds of GPU-accelerated containers, models, and SDKs—all the tools necessary to successfully build apps with NVIDIA technology—through the NVIDIA Developer Program.

NVIDIA Inception

Evolve your startup with go-to-market support, technical expertise, training, and funding opportunities.

Success Stories

See the Real-World Impact

Learn how financial institutions and firms are using AI to optimize processes, reduce risk, and trim costs.

News and Events


Industry Technology—From Data Center to Edge to Cloud

Explore NVIDIA's cutting-edge AI accelerated computing platform. Revolutionize customer experiences with NVIDIA NIM microservices, which enable efficient, scalable AI deployment for solutions in financial services.

Protect Your Institution and Your Customers From Fraud Using Data Science

NVIDIA RAPIDS can accelerate data science pipelines up to 4X faster at less cost with no code change. Financial institutions can reduce false positives in transaction fraud detection and enhance identity verification for anti-money laundering, improving both the customer experience and the institution’s financial health with NVIDIA’s AI platform.

Accelerate Risk Calculations With High-Performance Computing

The NVIDIA HPC SDK allows for improved accuracy of risk assessments, accelerated time to market, and increased revenue. Faster processing results in smarter trading strategies and more successful trade execution.

NVIDIA NIM, part of NVIDIA AI Enterprise, accelerates the deployment of generative AI, allowing organizations to train LLMs and seamlessly run AI inference at scale.

With NVIDIA’s AI platform, financial institutions can harness the power of generative AI and HPC to learn from vast amounts of data and respond quickly to market fluctuations.

Enhance Customer Experience With Generative AI

AI-led applications are critical to the modernization and success of customer service chatbots for call center environments, offering an opportunity to improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs. Financial institutions can build and deploy generative AI models with NVIDIA NeMo™ and develop custom speech applications with NVIDIA® Riva to communicate with customers effectively.


NVIDIA Partners for Financial Services

Our solutions for the Financial Services industry go beyond products. Our partners are here to assist your organization at every level to build and execute transformative AI strategies, products and services.

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