Survey Report

State of AI in Retail and CPG

Explore the key AI trends happening in retail and CPG institutions around the world.

See What’s Included in This Report

Dive into the data compiled from a survey of over 400 professionals—including executives, data scientists, developers, engineers, and IT specialists—from around the world. This year’s results reveal the trends, challenges, and opportunities that define the state of AI in retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) in 2024.

Key Use Cases Driving AI Adoption

See what’s driving AI adoption and what use case claimed the top spot: store analytics, personalized recommendations, adaptive advertising, or demand forecasting.

Generative AI

Learn how the industry is embracing generative AI and how they believe it will transform their business.

Biggest Challenges in Achieving AI Goals

Explore the main themes that emerged from the results, from lack of budget to recruiting and retaining AI experts and data scientists.

Key Finding



of retail respondents plan to increase their AI infrastructure investment in the next 18 months.

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