RSS Reviews  (174720 - 174740 of 174,864)

Resistance & Liberation

Mod review by Suffocate6420 Agree (5) Disagree

I love this mod.
My favourite feature is the in-game voice which is restricted to a certain area around the speaker, in which even the enemy can hear you.


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Game review by 7Game Agree (14) Disagree (7)

Best CoD


Medal of Honor: Airborne

Game review by 7Game Agree Disagree

Really great game.


Forgotten Hope 2

Mod review by 7Game Agree (1) Disagree

One of the best Battlefield 2 mods.


The Nameless Mod

Mod review by Smiley_Riley Agree (1) Disagree

Best single player mod I've ever played; surpasses even the original Deus Ex in terms of abilities and content!


Zombie Panic! Source

Mod review by fliros Agree (2) Disagree (5)

Great mod if you just wanna shoot some zombies and panic when you are out of ammo. It is awesome to barricade the doors behind you and making sure that no zombie comes in. It is also funny to play as a zombie, just destroying thing and being mindless :D


Tiberium Essence

Mod review by MrTimm Agree (23) Disagree (1)

Tiberium Essence I remember the day it was still crawling but look at it now, this project is so big and love'd by so many CnC Fans that it is impossible to say something bad about this mod. The reason I gave this mod a 10 is because it brings allot of old tiberian sun units back in the game but with the texture from Tiberium Wars so that they fit the rest of the game, like I said before it is impossible to say something bad about.


C&C: Tiberian Sun Firestorm

Game review by jerry311 Agree Disagree

Great Mod ! Good concept and good design !


Cartoon Strike Kids : Source

Mod review by Fosax Agree (1) Disagree

Basically kind of broke my game.



Engine review by masternerdguy Agree (1) Disagree

This engine is so diverse and advanced that its an inspiration to us all. Any game you can imagine can be developed on this engine!



Mod review by zackiller25 Agree (1) Disagree

Very very very awesome mod. If you want to play a BSG space RTS, this is your mod. I would give it 10/10, but there are some few recurring issues with things like AI, movement, balance and lack of new major material in updates. Hopefully these issues will be addressed in later updates.


Battlefield 2

Game review by 7Game Agree (2) Disagree

Love this game. 99/10



Mod review by Emperor-of-the-East Agree Disagree

I have been playing this version of this mod, version being 1.06, since roughly 2009 and I must say... extremely brilliant mod! I love how the Men of the East faction in particular is able to decide at any time during battle whether its main faction is Haradrim or Easterlings. As someone who is more favorable toward the Easterlings, I am quite happy to be allowed by this mod to build Easterling armies where the only Haradrim units are, you guessed it, Mumakil! Speaking of whom I love their new size, nearly double the vanilla RotWK size. Also, I love how the other factions were handled for the most part as well. The only reason I am unable to give it a 10 is because of a game crash about game.dat that happens when I click on a defeated Ji Indur in War of the Ring mode. For those who don't know, Ji Indur is a Nazgul who is to Haradrim as second chief Khamul is to Easterlings. But anyway, Ji Indur - when defeated in War of the Ring mode - enters a state of crashing and closing out the whole game when gamer clicks on him. Thankfully this absurdity only occurs for War of the Ring mode. And I do look forward to the patch that fixes this. However, there is a 2nd reason I don't number this mod a 10. It has to do with the mod's handling of the Variags, aka Men of Khand. If you are going to include archers and pikemen, why not allow them to be as readily available as their Axeman counterparts? And for that matter how come there is no horse rider option from the Men of Khand? I love every feature of this RJ mod with literally only the two exceptions questioned and critiqued about Ji Indur and about Men of Khand. Would I recommend this mod to any bfme playing friends of mine? Would I recommend it to strategy gaming friends I have made friends out of in other circles besides this bfme modding circle? That depends on whether "Schwarzennegar" is a hard name to spell properly! I spelled it wrong here so it is, so yes I would lovingly advise my gaming friends to join me in playing this mod constantly.


Doom III

Game review by ice_trey Agree Disagree

My 10/10 is ONLY for the original game, NOT the BFG Edition


C&C: ShockWave

Mod review may contain spoilers by walango Agree Disagree

The best modding team for CnC Generals. They have manage to make the zero hour expansion even more interesting. Although there are no major changes added to the game play. The additional units, buildings and factions made Zero hour interesting. Another problem I have notice, the mod occasionally crash when a person finished a skirmish or a general challenge. So it is recommended to save before finishing the enemy off.


Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations

Mod review by mapayne Agree Disagree

Maybe not for every player of Armada 2, Fleet Ops is still one of the greatest total conversions for the game. DoCa and his team has managed to breath new and extended life into a game that would, under normal circumstances have disappeared into obscurity. A big thumbs up for an impressive amount of work.


Half-Life 2

Game review by Green-Pepper Agree (3) Disagree

This game no doubt has the BEST storyline I have ever seen. When the game first came out the graphics were amazing and top of the line. The physics are STILL good, but a more updated game engine for the graphical detail would be good for next game. If you are looking for an amazing story, don't mind too much about graphics and want a epic first person shooter experience then this game is for you.



Mod review by ConfusedMaster Agree (1) Disagree

The very best Deathmatchmod for Half-life.


SSH : Mod Messup 1 : WTF Mod

Mod review by Random-Gamer Agree Disagree

I lawl so hard i stopped breathing...This is one of the best WTF?! mods for hl1 ever created , but nothing can outsmart the original Scientist SlaughterHouse :DDD


Eye of the Storm

Mod review by fliros Agree Disagree

Really great maps, and the atmosphere in them fits perfectly. It also has a good storyline. The playtime is also pretty much, I enjoyed it :]