ASI plugin for GoldSrc Engine. Adds "Chaos" in game (new chaotic effect every X seconds). Works with almost any mod. Has Twitch integration.

Report RSS GSChaos Update 3

Chaos Mod has got a brand new chaotic update which includes +22 newest effects and lots of improvements!

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A new update breathes new life into the chaos on the GoldSrc engine.

Dinnerbone on Nihilanth
Temp Entity Madness effect
Shuffle entities positions at c1a0

Totem viewmodel

- Fixed staying of some cvar-based effects (gravity, stepsize, FOV, etc.)
- Added "Let's not make it more chaotic :3" effect
- Reimplemented "Darkness" effect
- Increased duration for "Creepypasta Mode" effect
- Now 2D camera works for every mod (can break some thirdperson modifications)
- Fixed black screen during changelevels (proper buffer cleaning fix)
- Added "Trap Player" effect
- Added "Third person" effect
- Added "Model Insanity" effect
- Added "Half Game Speed" effect
- Added "Standstill" effect
- Added "Game Speedup" effect
- Fixed music stacking for Extreme Griefer Jesus
- Added "Gambling" effect
- Fixed some critical bugs which could crash your game on older engine builds
- Added "Cheat Code Voting" effect (Twitch-specific)
- "Totem of Undying" now uses separate viewmodel (thanks to Ryder_Joestar for model and animation)
- "Totem of Undying" now uses different particle palette and spawns less particles
- Added "Random Game Speed" effect
- Added "Turbulent Hell" effect
- Added "NA Aim" effect
- Added "Temp Entity Madness" effect
- Fixed "Force 20 FPS" effect when VSync is enabled
- Added "EU Aim" effect
- Added "Scrolling Hell" effect
- Added "Delete 5 random entities" effect
- Added "Kilometer" effect
- Added additional check for "New Game" effect
- Added epilepsy warning dialog window
- Disabled CTRL+TAB from ImGui
- Added "Dinnerbone" effect
- Added "Minerals" effect
- Added "Move all NPCs to player" effect
- Improved "Shuffle entities positions" effect by saveload hack

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