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If it's information about Mod DB and ramblings about mods in general that you are after - then you have come to the right place. Welcome to the official Mod DB BLOG, watch this profile to keep updated, join to show your support.

RSS Articles  (290 - 293 of 293)

Ok the update listed below has been completed and all links updated. If you find any 404 links please email me them

Also this domain change may have affected your login information, if this is the case and you are ever told to login, just enter your details and it should be fine. If this proves to not be the case please email me. Otherwise enjoy the new site and hopefully the site shall remain up now for the rest of eternity :P

In roughly 45 minutes the moddatabase will be taken down for about 30minutes. The reason is because a new URL system is been tested out. Hopefully no errors shall arise and it will remain implemented. Otherwise a backup of the site has been made and everything shall be restored to exactly how it was.

Sorry for any inconvience that may have been caused

URL Changes

News 3 comments

As you can see the moddatabase employes a rather uber URL system at the moment such as rather than having

However the next update to the modDB that shall bring it up to version 1.0 is an even better URL system. It is only 20% implemented at the moment however in a week or so expect to be visiting URLs such as Furthermore I shall be coding in another nifty URL feature which shall remain secret for the moment however I can assure you many will find it very useful :)

In the mean time enjoy the new site, sign up add your mod, post news, add links, comment do whatever you please and bear with me while I code this URL system in because it may mean minor site outages at times

Oh and finally I would like to take a small bit of time to thank our hosts Oktagone whom without their UBER dedicated server many of the advanced server features utilised by the modDB would not have been available.

Well well well... if you are seeing this, then believe it or not but you are looking at the brand spanking new v0.95 of the moddatabase! For all those who are current members rest assured no details were lost in the conversion. To help you all come to grips with this site I will detail briefly stuff you may find useful :)

Important Changes

  • URLs are now, shorter and better.
  • Site design is lighter (easier on the eyes)
  • Many new features for members, such as the ability to add links etc... full details are here
  • Many new features for mods, like add team members, topmods + more! full details are here
  • mDBCode is now operational, so use [b]tags like in many conventional places
  • Layout / Listing of Pages is greatly souped up
  • Entirly new and uber topsites / topmod scheme
  • Search menu now works.. so utilise it if you desire :D
  • + Much, much more explore and find out for yourself!!!

What Was Lost In The Conversion

  • All mods and members were retained.
  • All comments were lost :(
  • All PMs and mW messages were lost as both these systems underwent massive restructuring
  • Any mod nominations submitted were also lost

What is Still To Come

  • In the middle of converting URLs to an even more uber system (i.e.,, etc...)
  • Forums are still under heavy development
  • Script enhancements / speed ups
  • Mod of the Month as well as other features like articles / interviews...
  • Statistic listing for all those interested

I could expand on this alot and may because this site is just so much better and unlike v0.5 however I will let you all explore the site and discover for yourself the full extent of all the uber features. Oh and if you are after more help consult the FAQ and Help pages which I attempted to make extremely comphrensive.