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Contributions > Descriptions by B.L. Stryker (23716)

B.L. Stryker has contributed 14 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Komando II ยท December 20, 2006

It's obvious right from the title that Komando II was inspired by the classic Commando. The main objective of this game is to guide your soldier through the eight territories contaminated by deadly radioactivity. At the end of the last territory is a helicopter that will take you back to your homeland โ€“ Slovakia.

Each territory is filled with military installments so expect to see a lot of bunkers, watchtowers, tents, hangars, fences, foxholes, vehicles and also one tank. You start the game armed with a bunch of grenades and the "Curevoj" machine gun (equipped with an unlimited ammunition) but it's possible to get some special weapons. Just find a bound prisoner (there are few in every territory), release him free and you'll be awarded with a limited supply of grenades, bazooka or flamethrower. All these weapons will be really useful because the number of enemies is endless and they're not only shooting but sometimes also throwing grenades or playing with the flamethrower. There are also two main differences compared to original Commando โ€“ your soldier won't die during the contact with enemy soldiers and the game is time limited. This time limit is represented by slowly but constantly growing % of radioactivity so don't stop and move forward or the game is over.

Added description to Arya Vaiv ยท December 1, 2005

Another representative of numerous group called 'space shooters'. With classic cosmic ship under your command you have two usual objectives to fulfill - destroy everything and try to survive. There are 4 similar levels further split into two parts. Second part is always harder because the end of it is occupied by huge/powerful boss. You start the mission with a few lives in stock and two problems: the ship is too slow and equipped with basic single fire only. Try to shoot to bits special transport so you'll be awarded with "Speed Up" (to accelerate movement of your ship) or "Power Up" (to increase power of one and only weapon in this game). Other collectible items are "500", "1000", "5000" points and finally "1 Up" (one life). There is no time to rest during the mission because you're constantly threatened by hundreds of enemies and different obstacles. Get ready for flying types like bombs, orbs, various ships and ground types like shooting turret, laser gates and many more.

Added description to Luigi & Spaghetti ยท August 20, 2005

Mimozemstane napadli nasi planetu a zajali vsechny hrdiny, kteri nas mohou branit. Se zbranemi ktere maji pro ne nebude problem vyhladit veskery zivot na Zemi. Nastesti se Luigi a jeho zvireci kamarad Spaghetti (cerv) rozhodli kazdeho hrdinu osvobodit.

Ve hre ovladas pouze Luigiho, ale Spaghetti ti bude vydatne pomahat. Prvnim ukolem je vzdy pomoci skoku rozbit kazde nalezene vejce nebo zaslapnout jiz vylihleho vetrelce. Druhym ukolem je pak osvobozeni zajateho hrdiny (Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker a mnoho dalsich). Hra je rozdelena na 7 ruznych lokaci - Egypt, Amazonie, Italie, hrad Camelot, USA, Transylvanie a Mesic. Kazde misto ma sve vlastni prostredi a specificke obyvatele, takze napr. v Egypte na tebe cekaji mumie a faraoni s obrazem pyramid v pozadi, zatimco Transylvanie je plna klasickych hororovych postav typu Drakula nebo Frankenstein. Je treba take pamatovat na to, ze kazdy dotyk nepritele Luigiho zranuje. Obcas se da ale najit "S" ikona a ta Luigiho na chvili promeni v neporazitelneho Supermana (doslova).

(In Czech)

Added description to War Zone ยท August 19, 2005

Jak uz nazev naznacuje, naplni hry War Zone je hlavne strileni, strileni, nejake zachranovani rukojmich (nebo jejich strileni) a take strileni.

Hra se sklada z 8 misi, ve kterych ovladas vojaka s vizazi Arnolda a ozbrojeneho obycejnym samopalem. I kdyz se kazda mise odehrava v jinne lokaci, daji se pozdeji vypozorovat opakujici se prvky. Zacatek je v dzungli, ale dostanes se i do skladu, kanalu a nejakych tovaren. Hlavnim ukolem je projit kazdou misi a na konci zneskodnit hlavniho protivnika. To nebude ale jednoduche, protoze behem cesty na tebe ceka mnoho nepratel. Ocekavat muzes houzevnaty odpor v podobe pechoty ozbrojene samopaly, navadenymi raketamy a granaty. Nepratele pouzivaji samozrejme i plno vozidel, takze se priprav na vlaky, tanky, vrtulniky, dzipy a dokonce i jednu ponorku. Nastesti ale nejsi odkazany pouze na samopal. Pokud najdes a strelis do bedny oznacene znakem "W", budes odmenen lepsi/silnejsi zbrani jako je vrhac granatu, plamenomet, raketomet nebo laser. Dobre je take davat pozor na rukojmi, protoze za kazdeho osvobozeneho dostanes body nebo lekarnicku.

(In Czech)

Added description to Walker ยท August 12, 2005

Walker je klasicka 2D strilecka skrolujici zprava doleva. Hrac dostava pod kontrolu obrovskeho robota AG-9 (kodove oznaceni Walker). Ukol je prosty - provest Walkera ctyrmi casovymy zonamy a vse zive zlikvidovat/nezive znicit. Kazda zona je pritom rozdelena na dve casti. Cesta je samozrejme plna trenovanych nepratel s jedinym cilem - znicit Walkera. Nastesti neni robot vybaven pouze relativne silnym pancirem, ale i dvojitym 30mm rychlopalnym kanonem. Nepratel je opravdu velke mnozstvi, casto utoci ve skupinach, ze zeme i ze vzduchu. K tomu vsemu jeste kazda casova zona obsahuje unikatni nepratelske jednotky, ktere nuti hrace byt stale ve strehu. A jak uz to tak byva, na konci levelu ceka opravdu silny protivnik (ma ale vzdy nejakou slabinu a tu je treba najit).

(In Czech)

Added description to Luna Crabs ยท August 11, 2005

Velmi prosta hra s velmi jednoduchym ovladanim (vlevo, strelba, vpravo). Neocekavej nejake informace, menu nebo snad nastaveni. Akce zacne hned po nahrani.

Situace je nasledujici - nachazis se na povrchu jednoho z mesicu planety Saturn, navic ozbrojen kanonem s navadenymi raketami. Mesic neni ani nahodou pusty, ale obydleny agresivnimi kraby. Tyhle potvory se k tobe postupne priblizuji a jakmile jsou blizko, zacinaji okamzite strilet. Po nejake dobe se opet vzdaluji, ale jen aby se pripravily na dalsi utok (pokud je ovsem neznicis). Tvoji jedinou obranou je ustupovani do stran a samozrejme strelba. Ve hre se neda nikam postoupit, jenom se objevuji stale nove hordy krabu. K dispozici je 5 zivotu.

(In Czech)

Added description to 3D Tanx ยท August 11, 2005

Tanx je akcni hra, ktera te necha ovladat klasicky vojensky tank. Umisten u zdanlive opusteneho mostu, tvym hlavnim a jedinym ukolem je zastavit kazdy nepratelsky tank pokousejici se dostat prez most. Muzes se pohybovat doleva a doprava (s tankem), nahoru a dolu (s vezi tanku) a samozrejme vystrelovat granaty. Zamerovani veze a spravne nacasovani vystrelu je dulezite pro uspesny zasah, protoze nepratelske tanky se pohybuji ve ctyrech ruzne vzdalenych radach. Take je treba pocitat s tim, ze zatimco primy zasah do veze je pro nepritele smrtelny (stejne jako pro tebe), zasah 'jen' do konstrukce zamezi tanku v pohybu, ale ne v dalsi strelbe.

(In Czech)

Added description to Prvรก Akcia ยท August 11, 2005

Teprve nedavno jsi se stal clenem mestske policie a proto te tvy kolegove stale nazyvaji zelenacem. Jednoho dne, uprostred bezne hlidky nahle do ticha zazni vystrel. Bez nejakeho vetsiho premysleni ti dojde, ze vystrel pochazi z mestske banky. Zatimco ostatni lide utikaji v panice pryc, ty jsi v klidu s pripravenou a nabitou pistoli. O chvili pozdeji jiz vstupujes do prepadene banky. Prave zacina tvuj prvni vazny pripad, tvoje PRVNI AKCE.

Hlavnim ukolem teto akcni hry je najit a osvobodit veznene rukojmi (reditele a jeho sekretarku) nekde uvnitr banky. Ozbrojen pistoli a trochu chranen neprustrelnou vestou (ktera reprezentuje tvuj jediny zivot) je treba take zlikvidovat vsech 10 zlocincu. Ale pozor! Predtim nez se zbavis posledniho lupice, musis udelat 2 veci. Zamkni vchod do banky, aby lupic neuprchl a uzavri nouzovou sachtu, aby nepouzil vrtulnik pripraveny na strese.

(In Czech)

Added description to 3D Tanx ยท August 3, 2005

3D Tanx is the action game that let's you operate a classic military tank. Standing in the front of a seemingly deserted bridge, the main and only task is to stop every enemy tank that's crossing over. You can move left and right (with the tank), up and down (with the gun turret) and fire explosive shells. Aiming of the gun turret and timing of the shot is critical for success because enemy tanks are moving in four distant lines. Also remember that direct hit to the turret is deadly for enemies (as well as for you) whilst the tank hit to the hull is immobilised but still able to shoot on you.

Added description to Prvรก Akcia ยท February 16, 2005

You're shortly member of the city police, still called 'greenhorn' by your fellows. One day, in the middle of your routine patrol a single shot breaks the silence. It doesn't take too long to realize that the shot came from the city bank. While other people running away, you're nerveless and ready with loaded gun. A few moments later you enter assaulted bank. This is your first serious case, your FIRST ACTION.

The main objective of this action game is to find and liberate captured hostages (director and his secretary) inside the bank. Armed with the pistol and slightly protected with the bullet-proof vest (which represent your 1 and only life) you have to also eliminate all 10 gangsters. But before you'll disable last bad guy, lock up entrance to the bank so he won't escape and close emergency shaft so he won't use helicopter prepared on the roof.

Added description to Luna Crabs ยท October 4, 2004

Very simple game with very simple control (left, fire, right). Don't expect some informations, menus or even settings. The action starts right after the game is loaded.

You're located on one of the Saturnian moons armed with guided missile cannon. The moon isn't vacant but inhabited by aggressive crabs. These creatures are descending from horizon near to you and than starts shooting. After some time they're returning back and than down again (unless you kill them of course). Your only defense is side-stepping and firing. There is no real level advance, only new hordes of Luna crabs and 5 lives in your possession.

Added description to Tetris 2 ยท September 25, 2004

Take basic Tetris, add a few refreshing ideas with possibility of 2 players game and you have Tetris 2.

Menu of the game offers 2 modes - "Normal Tetris" and "Tetris 2".

First mode is nothing more than classic tetris. Geometric shapes randomly generated from 7 basic kinds fall from the top to the bottom. The aim is to form these shapes into coherent horizontal 1,2,3 or 4-lines so they will disappear. This mode offer various rates of falling shapes. Also, it's possible to switch on another 7 special kinds of shapes.

Second mode is much more interesting. There is 99 different rounds prepared. Almost each round is partly filled with some diagram created by particular shapes (which of course increases difficulty of the game). Every round contains objective(s) to complete. 3 kinds of objectives does exist - "Fulfill Your Quota", "Destroy All Bricks" and "Survive xx Seconds". If you'll fail, you're advancing to the next round with loss of 1 life. But no worries, each 5th round is bonus and you can obtain extra life. As well as the first mode it's possible to play with 7 basic kinds of shapes or with 7 basic+7 special kinds of shapes.

Added description to War Zone ยท May 27, 2004

As the name implies, War Zone is a game mainly about shooting, shooting, some hostages rescuing (or shooting if you want) and also shooting.

The game consist of 8 top-down scrolling missions in which you're controlling Arnold-like soldier armed with basic machine gun. Each mission is taking place in different location with little repetitive signs further in the game. Starting point is at the jungle, but you will also visit some kind of stores, sewers and factories. Your task is to get at the end of mission and destroy main boss. Throughout your way a lot of enemies is waiting for you. Expect heavy resistance by infantry armed with machine guns, guided missiles and grenades. Of course, enemies are using plenty of vehicles so prepare for trains, tanks, helicopters, jeeps and even one submarine. Luckily you aren't reliant to machine gun only. Shoot boxes with "W" sign and arm yourself with better/stronger weapons like grenades thrower, flammer, guided missiles launcher or laser. Also watch carefully for hostages. If you release one, you'll be awarded with points or health-pack.

Added description to Walker ยท April 29, 2004

Walker is a classic 2D shooter with the side-scrolling from the right to the left. Player takes control of gigantic robot AG-9 (codename Walker). The mission is simple - guide Walker through the four time zones and kill everybody/destroy everything. Every zone is also divided into two parts. The road is full of trained enemies with one single purpose - to destroy Walker. However, except relative immunity, the robot is equipped with twin 30mm carbines cannons. The number of enemies are actually huge, they are attacking in groups, off the ground and from the air. Also, every time zone consist of special types of enemies which force player to stay alert. As usual, there is a powerful boss at the end of level (luckily each boss has its own weak spot).