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Panzer Dragoon Orta

Moby ID: 8522

From the Shadows of History a Legend Reawakens Years ago, a legacy was born that ruled the skies. As the world is once again engulfed in the flames of war, you must become mankind's only hope. Take control of a powerful dragon and annihilate the legion of enemies that seek only to destroy you. Use strategic positioning, multiple dragon forms, and furious Berserk attacks to overcome insurmountable odds and become master of your destiny once more.


Back of Case

You are Orta, a new and shining hope. Upon a fearsome dragon you must fight to save the world from total destruction.

Fly over spectaularly hostile terrain, engage in high speed aerial combat and attack imperial strongholds with multiple weapons. The whole world is looking to you. * 10 fast action levels * Incredible rendering of a vast and epic world * Use your wits and intelligence to gain strategic advantage * Real time dragon morphing, featuring awesome special attack abilities


Back Cover (PAL)


Years ago, a legacy was born that rules the skies. As time passed and memory grew dim, distant times progressed from History to Legend. Now, the era of human prosperity has come to a grinding halt, with all but a few pockets of civilization destroyed by years of devastating battles. The population clings precariously to the brink of extinction, scattered across the desolate land, living in the darkest age in history. A new Empire rules with an iron grip, and a band of rebels living in the darkest age in history. A new Empire rules with an iron grip, and a band of rebels begins a revolt in an attempt to become masters of their destiny once again. As the world is engulfed in the flames of war, a mysterious Hero on the Dragon becomes mankind’s only hope and stands alone against the empire.

Gamers take to the skies aboard their own dragon for intense aerial combat through 10 branching stages as they battle to save humanity from the brink of extinction. Dragons morph in real time, allowing players to constantly change their fighting styles as they master devastating techniques that influence both the action and the storyline in this thrilling Xbox exclusive.

GAME FEATURES: - Massive stages of frantic action featuring multiple paths with unique encounters - Unleash Berserk Mode special attacks to rain destrcution up on enemies - Real Time dragon morphing lets players customise their fighting style – each form has unique abilities and consequences to the plot - High quality cut scenes wave a compelling story of war, hope and resurrection - Dramatic chase battles pit gamers against powerful enemies in high speed aerial combat - Unlockable sub quests let players experience the story from the Empire’s perspective - Multiple weapons, dragon powers and advanced attacks to master - Demonstrate perfection in combat to acquire historic Panzer memorabilia in the Gallery


Atari Australia website (for Xbox)

“We are looking at the future of videogaming. Xbox Panzer Dragoon shots so incredible, God himself is weeping tears of joy at the power of his own creation…" - Computer and Videogames.com

"One of the genuine big-hitters of this year's E3 is undoubtedly Sega's visually breathtaking Panzer Dragoon Orta. Sequel to the Saturn-showcasing original, Orta sticks firmly to the shoot-'em-up roots of its predecessor but presents action with artistic bravura and scale that is virtually unprecedented in videogames." - Computer and Videogames.com

"Giant, stunningly animated creatures swoop effortlessly through beautifully realised environments at a rock solid 60fps; blinding spot effects pepper the screen with shimmering magnificence - this game simply has to be seen to be believed.” - Computer and Videogames.com

"Overall, Panzer Dragoon Orta is an outstandingly well-executed game, featuring gameplay that's easy to grasp but rewards continued practice, exceptional graphics and sound, a good story, and a lot of worthwhile extras. While the gameplay itself couldn't be called revolutionary, it draws on the conventions that once made shooters the most popular gaming genre in existence and refurbishes them with a few keen, new twists and a terrific presentation. This makes Panzer Dragoon Orta a game that most any gamer would really like, while those who've kept up with the Panzer series over the years should be especially pleased that the series has evolved this well. 9/10" - GameSpot

"The audio in Panzer Dragoon Orta is also exceptional. The constant zapping of Orta's pistol, the swooping of the dragon's wings, the pinging of its targeting locks, and the scorching sound of its homing lasers seem like they'd become repetitive, but you'll appreciate the constancy of these things as the action surprises you from all directions. The beautifully done synthesized musical score never overwhelms the sound effects but is always clear and helps establish the game's epic tone and fantasy theme" - GameSpot

" While fans of the Saturn games will definitely love being immersed in this evocative world once again, those who are new to the series shouldn't be intimidated because the story is self-contained to a large degree. The creativity and spirit that gave the first three Panzer Dragoon titles such a large cult following is here in spades and this installment represents is a welcome return to a series many have wished to revisit. With a rich back-story, incredible design, evocative environments, and intense gameplay, Panzer Dragoon Orta is an immensely satisfying and challenging experience that makes it an essential purchase for all Xbox owners. A Grade" - The Laser.com

" You’ll notice that the negative comments have been non-existent. That is simply because I have none. Games like these are a total pleasure for gamers looking to get a bit “old school” with its scoring and ranking system. However, Panzer Dragoon Orta takes an aging and somewhat limited genre in the rail shooter, and much like Rez, gives it far more depth and originality than ever thought possible. It’s the type of game that while providing a good deal of challenge, is more than enjoyable enough to keep you saying, “Just one more time” until you pass the level. - 9.5/10" - Gamingworldx.com

" If there's one single thing that is going to get Smilebit's latest game noticed right off the bat, it's going to be the absolutely jaw-dropping graphics. While fans of the series have fond memories of all the great artwork that went into the other games, they will be absolutely astounded at how well these concepts have been translated into Orta. While its easy to say that few action games look so inspired and imaginative, you'll find that few games of any genre can compete in the same graphical arena as Orta. Yes, folks, this is one of the most visually impressive games to ever grace an Xbox, and you'll find it stands up well alongside the system's other graphically intense games. - 95%" - allaboutgames.com

" Panzer Dragoon Orta is the best looking game on Xbox. That's not up for debate. Watch the game in motion and you'll see that Orta takes Xbox graphics to a whole new level. " - IGN.com

"Every visual in Orta seems nearly perfect. Everything is richly textured and the lighting is phenomenal. The fluidity of the dragon wings, the enormous amount of particles flying about the screen, the eye-dazzling beserk attacks, and the richness of the entire universe make for a non-stop oggle-fest. Panzer goes beyond being pretty. " - IGN.com

"If I could give this game an 11 in graphics, I would. Actually, forget the number you see below. Consider it an 11. This game is unbelievably gorgeous and the screenshots don't do it justice. If this is the tip of the iceberg for Xbox, I pray I never go blind" - IGN.com

"Addictive, fun, and fantastic, this one is a true demonstration of the power of Xbox. You couldn't ask for a more beautiful game, 10/10 for graphics, 9.2/10 Overall “ - IGN.com

" PDO revives a classic game genre, and a classic series. Although rail shooters may not be everyone’s cup of tea, PDO still has broad appeal because it is an outstanding game in every aspect of game design. Fans of the classic Panzer Dragoon series of games will be delighted with this sequel, and the game may very well be the most gorgeous console game ever made.47/50 " - GamersPulse.com


Atari Australia Press Quotes - Xbox


Years ago, a legacy was born that ruled the skies. As time passed and memory grew dim, distant times progressed from History into Legend. Now, the era of human prosperity has come to a grinding halt, with all but a few pockets of civilization destroyed by years of devastating battles. The population clings precariously to the brink of extinction, scattered across the desolate land, living in the darkest age in history. A new Empire rules with an iron grip, and a band of rebels begins a revolt in an attempt to become masters of their destiny once again. As the world is engulfed in the flames of war, an unlikely and unwilling Hero must become mankind's only hope. It is time for the Dragon to rise again.

Features: * Ten stages of frantic action featuring multiple paths with unique encounters. * Unleash Berserk Mode special attacks to rain destruction upon enemies. * Real-time dragon morphing lets players customize their fighting style. * High-quality cut-scenes weave a compelling story of war, hope, and resurrection. * Dramatic chase battles pit you against powerful enemies in high-speed aerial combat. * Unlockable sub-quests let you experience the story from the Empire's perspective. * Demonstrate perfection in combat to acquire historic Panzer memorabilia in the Gallery.


Sega of America Website

Panzer Dragoon Orta: Years ago, a legacy was born that ruled the skies. As time passed and memory grew dim, distant times progressed from History into Legend. Now, the era of human prosperity has come to a grinding halt, with all but a few pockets of civilization destroyed by years of devastating battles. The population clings precariously to the brink of extinction, scattered across the desolate land, living in the darkest age in history. A new Empire rules with an iron grip, and a band of rebels begins a revolt in an attempt to become masters of their destiny once again. As the world is engulfed in the flames of war, an unlikely and unwilling Hero must become mankind's only hope. Soon, the Dragon will rise again...



Contributed by Corn Popper, Starbuck the Third, Kartanym, Xoleras.

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