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Master of Orion 3

aka: MOO 3, Master of Orion 3: The Fifth X
Moby ID: 8464
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The long-awaited follow up to the "spaceploitation" strategy classics Master of Orion and Master of Orion 2, MOO 3 attempts to combine unprecedented depth with user-friendliness in one ultimate "4X" gaming eXperience. The basic game formula is the same, though: start out with one planet, eXplore the galaxy, eXpand by founding new colonies and bases, eXploit resources, and then eXterminate your opponents--or at least show them who is boss!

Many years in the MOO timeline have passed since the last installment of the series. The Antarans have triumphed and imposed their rule on the Orion sector, even dubbing themselves the "New Orions" in their pretentiousness. Most of the old alien species have been defeated and nearly exterminated by the New Orions, but a few remnants of their civilizations still remain as non-playable races, so you will occasionally come across the odd colony of the Darlok, Bulrathi, Alkari, Mrrshan, Elerian, or Gnolam variety. The 16 playable races that have survived the wrath of the Antarans include the insectoid Klackons and Tachidi; the reptilian Raas, Sakkra, and Grendarl; the fishlike Trilarian and Nommo; the robotic Cynoid and Meklar; the humanoid Human, Evon, and Psilon; the crystalline Silicoids; the ethereal Imsaeis and Eoladi; and the genetically-engineered harvesters, the Ithkul.

Management is handled primarily at the imperial level through general plans and policy decrees, with a system of AI viceroys assigned to doing most of the grunt work in managing the various regions of your colonized planets. Up to four great leaders at a time may come forward and join your empire, adding bonuses (and perhaps also penalties) to your base racial abilities. Research is divided into six schools: economics, energy, biological sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics; some 380 technological advances are available overall, and not all will be available to your chosen race.

Ship and ground combat have both changed from previous MOO games. Naval battles are played out in real time, with orders being given to ships assigned to the various task forces you organize before any battles take place. The player now has more tactical options in commanding ground forces in planetary assaults. Espionage is still available for implementing a variety of dirty tricks on opposing empires, and diplomacy is expanded so that you can now negotiate not only on an inter-empire basis, but also through the Orion Senate. With enough votes, laws can be passed by the Senate which have galaxy-wide effects, thus making it possible for the clever diplomat to change the rules of the game to his own advantage.

Victory is yours if you can accomplish one of three things: eliminate all opponents and become Sole Survivor, garner enough votes through diplomacy to become President of the Senate, or recover the five mysterious alien artifacts--the "Antaran Xs"--scattered across the galaxy. Just be prepared for a tough fight, because powerful Guardians will once again stand between you and total mastery of Orion.


  • Master of Orion 3: Престол Галактики - Russian spelling

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Credits (Windows version)

137 People (115 developers, 22 thanks) · View all

Senior Producer
Executive Producer
Director of Technology
V.P. of Product Development
Director of Marketing
Director of Creative Services
Director of Editorial & Documentation Servicess
Graphic Designers
Documentation Specialist
Additional Game Design
Special Thanks
[ full credits ]



Average score: 64% (based on 33 ratings)


Average score: 2.4 out of 5 (based on 44 ratings with 6 reviews)

Master of Orion 3? This isn't Master of Orion 3...I'm still waiting for a game worthy enough to be called Master of Orion 3

The Good
2nd Update: Put more swearing with a lotta soul.

Now I've been playing Master of Orion since it was still in diapers. I've watched it grow from Master of Orion I to Master of Orion II. Now the baby has grown into Master of Orion III, a game I have eagerly and patiently waited for years...only to find out it grew into....a disappointment.

The Bad
What I don't like about the game is an understatement. It's more what I don't get about the game is one area that should be cleared first.

First thing's first, new and innovation is fine. But changing the bloody interface into something that even Veteran Master of Orion players have to start all over to learn is way too much. It was like back in school (and that was a looong time ago) studying math, physics, listening to a teacher that seems to operate on a different dimentional language than you don't understand.

But for it's predeccesor's sake, I tried to be patient and played the game. I learnt it slowly for the next few hours and was able to hold my temper without ripping of the monitor. Suddenly I realized this game doesn't need much manual play. Just leave everything to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and keep pressing next turn. You just watch as your empire grows, without much help from you. Kinda reminds you of a similiar game: Outpost - a Sierra disaster....just pressing next turn doesn't effect much on the overall game.

I then noticed the technologies aren't what they used to be. In MOO 1 and MOO 2, you leap for joy every time your race discovers a new technology. Now it's just a sentence the beginning of each turn....ho hum. But the thing you gotta love is ship development. Praise be the IDIOT who came up with this idea. Once you make a ship, you can't upgrade it. Yep, you have to scrap it up and create a new one. Do you know how long it took to build the dang thing in the first place anyway? Seriously, I don't know if this is sabotage or just plain idiocy.

Master of Orion 3 lost something very important. It's soul. That is the fact that players like to personalize themselves with every aspect of the game. It's like taking the fun out of character creation from RPG's. This game frustrated me because each turn felt like a routine. My ships were boring, my planets were boring. The only thing that was probably close mentioning as nice was the beginning cinematics.

Anyway, after more than 10 hours of mucking around with the game. I threw the game in the rubbish bin...solitare was more addictive.

The Bottom Line
One word: GAWD! Two words: OH GAWD! Three words: OH MY GAWD! Clear enough?

Final words. After reading again my review, I realized I didn't put enough soul in it. So here goes...

But seriously. This is a personal message to the developers of this game. I don't know why you did it, what big excuse you have for creating such a crappy game. But from a big time fan of Master of Orion, like many who "had" been waiting for this sequel...how can you wake up in the morning, knowing you broke the hearts of all your fans....?

How could you...

Windows · by Indra was here (20750) · 2004

Like a great monument. They put so much on it they caused it to fall apart.

The Good
The game certainly seems to offer fresh new ideas, and for the most part it does. A new economic system, more ship sizes, more slots for your designed ships, etc. The game is extremely complex, with a slew of governments, settings for security, espionage, funding etc. etc. Taken alone, each of these features seems to make the game much better.

I must also say that the story is top-notch.

The ground combat has been expanded upon (although some may say complicated) to the betterment of the game in my opinion. There are multiple ground unit types (Infantry, marines, mobile armor, psy-ops etc,) with defender and attacker strategies you can use depending on the situation. Overall the ground combat is more satisfying.

The Bad
Unfortunately, the game is enormously complex and plays extremely slowly. Everything has had multiple layers of complexity added to it, so much so that the game is almost unplayable unless you are either a.) A member of MENSA or b.) Have read the 150 page instruction manual.

After one of those two has been accomplished, you are now actually able to understand the basic workings of the game. Now it is time for you to begin your simulation. Simulation of what you ask? Why, a simulation of a high level bureaucrat!

For you see, the game has radically changed its focus. Away from combat and simple management, towards an advanced simulation of resource allocation and infrastructure designation.

No longer is the game at least fairly intuitive, now, it is like wandering through a deep, thick fog, almost impossible to understand without some type of aid.

A perfect example is the technologies. Before, you had a fairly good idea what you were researching. Advanced laser, ion drive, it was all clear. If you still didn't get it, a clear and concise report on what in-game the tech did would be provided for you. No longer.

Now, the descriptions of the techs are almost always terrible. They provide poor descriptions and most of the time they use words that vaguely sound "futuristic" that you will have no idea what they mean, or what they do. Choosing your techs is almost impossible for all intents and purposes without massive amounts of research and knowledge.

Space combat is also another lack-luster feature. Now, I am a fan of the previous Master of orion games, and I thought the turn-based combat was fine, but, unlike some others, when I heard the combat was going to be real time, I had an open mind about it.

Now I see it was a mistake. The space combat is a step backwards, big time. I intently followed the pre-release of MOO3 (in fact, anticipation for the game inspired me to buy the two prequels) and gobbled up any pre-release info I could find about it. The impression I got was that combat would be a real time strategic affair, a grand array of forces with a multitude of tactics and abilities. The Rome: Total War of tactical space combat if you will.

Instead, I find crappy graphics. Seriously, these graphics suck. Instead of well rendered 3d models with realistic damage and a multitude of control and strategies, I find what is perhaps the most bare-bones space combat ever conceived. You have your ships, move, attack, and that's it. For a game that came out so many years after MOO2, you'd think the space graphics would be good. Instead, MOO2 has vastly superior space graphics.

That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact the ships are poorly rendered. So poorly rendered in fact you will have difficulty telling what they are, or knowing without a bit of study what type of ship is what. Not that it matters. The game has no space battle strategy at all. Short of ordering your ships not to attack the enemy you cannot effect your chances of winning. The forces you have sent there is 99 percent of your battle. There's nothing you can do to make the battle come out any better than just having the computer auto-resolve. It makes the space combat seem even more boring and ultimately pointless.

Worse yet, it makes the game more about technology and industrial production (oh joy!). There are no epic battles, no turning points, the battles are all decided before you begin.

The game is tedious in other ways also. Instead of allowing you to control how you group and move your ships as you like, it over complicates it by locking the ships into a :task force" system. Ditto for ground forces.

What does this mean? Quite simply it means this. When you build a ship, it doesn't appear at the planet you built it. Oh no, that's way too simple. Instead, it goes into your reserve pool. They then can be assembled at any system with a "staging area" into a task force.

This means that I can build ships on one side of the galaxy and then teleport them into a task force on the other side of the galaxy in a single turn. DId I mention that if you don't put your ships into task forces, they will just hang in limbo? You can't have them defend anywhere, they're just, gone.

And then you have the task forces themselves. Crap. Suppose you want. First of all, its just a pain not being able to move just one or two ships after you've combined them. They are stuck there until the Orions come home.

Second, you can't even combine them like you want. Suppose you want a task force of 50 carriers. Can't have it. You can only form them of certain sizes and they need "escorts" and "picket" ships, which means you ave to add other types of ships. You can't decide for yourself, they force you into it. The only other solution is the group them into tiny groups of 3 or 4 ships. Bad.

The diplomacy is also clunky and slow. The amount of deal options are sad (I can't figure out how to ask my ally to declare war on my enemy!) DIplomacy, rather than having a direct channel, instead its like E-Mail You offer something, two turns later he gets your message and sends a reply etc. It makes diplomacy long and drawn out. This wouldn't be so bad if diplomacy was anymore complex in here than in other similar games.

The AI is decent. After the patch, it has become aggressive and will actually attack you, but the "planet viceroy" (The ai that controls your planets) is still inadequate. They'll often make poor military ship choices and overall it keeps you busy changing their building que. Unless of course, you want dozens of out-dated useless ships in your "reserve".

The Bottom Line
Simply buy Master of Orion 2.

Windows · by James Kirk (150) · 2006

A total makeover for a great strategy classic!

The Good
This game is so addicting that I couldn't stop playing! The learning curve isn't too steep, but a newbie to the series might have a bit of trouble getting the hang of it. The new movies and sounds are a really nice touch. The graphics during combat have also been improved. Indeed if anyone liked Civ3 than this is a super choice for them. Master of Orion 3 lets you choose between tons of different races to start colonizing with. Personally, I think the new menu system is a great feature, and its a thrill to customize your own starship. Colonizing is a sinch, but keeping the colony under control and safe is what you the player must do.

The Bad
There's not much a true strategy fan would dislike about this game. The Foreign Affairs system isn't flawless and you might find yourself sending the same offers to the same representatives. The game is still challenging even on easy settings. The combat system has its moments, but overall this game is an excellent addition to any fan!

The Bottom Line
This game takes patience and time. Learning through all the features is tiring, but there are hints along the way. The AI pretty much does its own thing for you, but you have to be careful on how the AI runs your planet. The long wait is finally over...grab a copy of Master of Orion 3 and start conquering galaxies today!

Windows · by Josh Miller (6) · 2003

[ View all 6 player reviews ]


False demo version

The Australian magazine PC Powerplay claimed to be the first to get an exclusive "demo" of Master of Orion III. In reality, what it got given was a pre-alpha release of the game from the publisher Infogrames. This build of the game would be dubbed KangaMOO by fans. Here is the press release Quicksilver Software released after the incident:

As many of you know, the Australian magazine PC PowerPlay has recently released what they thought was a demo of Master of Orion III. Obviously this has caused a big stir around the Quicksilver offices since we've never made a MOOIII demo. Apparently what they got their hands on was a pre-alpha version of MOOIII that was delivered as one of our normal milestone deliveries to Infogrames and was never meant for public consumption. I spoke to our producer at Infogrames this morning and what I've been told is that one of the Infogrames employees at the Australian office gave the CD out without authority and that led to its release. At this point Infogrames is dealing the problem but obviously there's only a certain amount that can be done after the fact.

So, for those that have seen the version, please realize that what you have is NOT an official demo. It's a pre-alpha build that is buggy, incomplete and needs a lot of tuning/adjustment of screens. Moreover, while we'll be leaving any screenshots up on the forums that have been posted we will be removing any links to actual copies of the version since we don't feel it's representative of the game. Thanks for everyone's support.

It is to be hoped that gamers who get their hands on the alpha won't assume it's representative of the final game.

Online servers

The game's online servers (which were hosted on GameSpy) were scheduled to shut down on 30 June 2014, like for Electronic Arts titles in the wake of GameSpy's total closure.


  • Computer Games Magazine
    • March 2004 – Worst Game of the Year 2003
  • GameStar (Germany)
    • Issue 04/2009 – One of the "10 Most Terrible Sequels" (The best parts of Master of Orion II are the logical game mechanics and the easy to learn menu structure. All that got improved for the worst by complicating everything and focusing on macro management. Also the exciting turn-based combat got replaced by ugly real-time battles.)

Information also contributed by PCGamer77.


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Related Games

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Related Sites +

  • Build Galactic Empires
    An Apple Games article (archived on the author's webpage) about the Macintosh version of Master of Orion 3, with commentary being provided by Quicksilver Software President Bill Fisher (January, 2003).
  • Master of Orion III - The Official Web Site
    The official home page for Master of Orion 3, created and maintained by its developer, Quicksilver.
  • NZMac
    A (largely) unscored review of the Macintosh version of the game by NZMac, a New Zealand Apple site. The review is ultimately positive, though with some qualifiers (Jul. 01, 2003).
  • The Master of Orion 3 Guardian
    Fan site offering various information on MOO 3, including modifications ("Mods") of the original game. Has sections for MOO 1 and 2, too.
  • The Orion Sector
    A site run by MOO fans devoted to the latest news, previews, reviews, info, downloads, and more for Master of Orion 3.

Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 8464
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by PCGamer77.

Macintosh added by Terok Nor.

Additional contributors: Rebound Boy, Rambutaan, Zeppin, Klaster_1, Patrick Bregger, Plok.

Game added February 25, 2003. Last modified March 5, 2024.