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Pool of Radiance

aka: Pool of Radiance: A Forgotten Realms Fantasy Role-Playing Epic, Vol. I
Moby ID: 502

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Average score: 78% (based on 25 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 99 ratings with 9 reviews)

The proud progenitor of the infamous AD&D Gold Box series

The Good
Pool of Radiance was the first game in the long-running 'gold box' series by SSI, the first successful attempt to truly bring the rules and worlds of AD&D to the PC. It was close enough to the rules system to be familar to those who played the AD&D paper and pencil role-playing games and did most of the number crunching behind the scenes, like any good conversion should.

Pool of Radiance allowed players to create most of the basic AD&D race/class combinations, which, once you start talking split classes for demi-humans, does add to a considerable amount of variety in the party. Because SSI wanted people to be able to import their paper and pencil characters, there are options to modify a recently created character, altering the stats. While this can be used for its intended purpose (or to cheat and make every stat an 18), it also allowed one to create a character exactly like you wish, saving the time re-rolling one's character over and over. As a finishing touch, you could even design how your character looks in combat by playing with various color settings and body/weapon types. These levels of personalization not only made it easier to pick what character was which in combat, but made the characters much more personal and the player's 'property' than simply pixels on the screen.

The game engine established in this game was done so well that it survived years with only minor tweaking. Similar to games like Might and Magic and Bard's Tale, you have a small first-person view in the upper left corner of the screen, a party status along the bottom, and a menu/descriptive box on the right. The design of the walls and other physical structure in the first person view are often well done, despite the necessary 'flat' appearance of the time and this window would switch to show you the creatures you encounter/people you are talking with. The fact that you only switched out of this particular setup for combat kept the pace smooth and even.

The combat mode was very innovative for its time. Instead of the standard text messages sweeping by as character abstractly move and attack, you are presented with a full tactical engine which included missile weapons, magic, facing, and morale. Your chosen-designed characters could flank, setup a defensive line behind a choke-point, and generally do whatever you'd want your characters to do in a paper and pencil game. The freedom, detail, and creativity put into this part of the engine is part of what made the Gold Box games what they are.

The story was rich enough to keep one entertained and the meat of the game was non-linear, as you were presented with 'bounties' for doing certain deeds in and around Phlan. You could choose the missions as you saw fit and return to incomplete quests at your leisure. While there was a basic structure to follow if you wanted to progress from easy to difficult missions, there was no stopping you from risking life and limb on something too difficult.

The Bad
Being a game of the period of infamous copy protection schemes, everytime you played the game you had to enter a code word from a code wheel. Though not the most annoying of set schemes, it became a tedious excercise none-the-less.

To conserve disk space (remember the days when text was a major consideration in disk space?) and further increase the copy protection, this game, like Wasteland and others, incorporated a hardcopy journal from which one read most of the major scenes and conversations. This occassionally upsets the pace a bit (you're talking to an elven lady, suddenly it tells you that 'you record the rest of the conversation as journal entry #43', sending you flipping through a book rather than being immersed in the game), and also makes re-playing the game a little difficult if you can't find the journal. On the plus side, instead of a whole notebook of jotted notes, you can simply write down the journal entries you've read and refer to them if you ever need a password, etc.

The engine couldn't always do what the AD&D universe wanted. A perfect example is a fairly early encounter with Trolls. As most AD&D players know, trolls regenerate if not burned. Unfortunately, there's no way to burn the trolls' corpses, so one finds themselves in a frustrating battle with constantly resurrecting trolls until one realizes that one needs to stand on their corpes to prevent resurrection. A little goofy and not entirely logical. Such things happen few times in the game, but one can easily chalk it up to the limitations of the engine and the computers they ran on.

The Bottom Line
A true classic CRPG that set the standard for many years. It's wonderful customization, adherence to AD&D rules, and story make it a game worth playing by serious RPG fans. Lead a party of six adventurers on a quest to restore the glory of the fallen town.

DOS · by Ray Soderlund (3501) · 2000

An oftentimes irritating, but nevertheless rewarding experience

The Good
Despite the extensive "bad stuff" list below, I really enjoyed the game. It has a unique pen-and-paper feel to it – different from other classic romps of the 1908s (Wizardry, Bard's Tale, Might&Magic) as well as from modern cinematic RPGs. Everything is conducted as if it was an actual tabletop AD&D campaign: the monsters' pictures are straight from the Monster Manual and so are their statistics as well the items and money they drop; money comes in different coins to be carried separately until you exchange them in a shop; you get classic random encounters in the wilderness with the possibility of stumbling into monsters' lair with some extra items often being found inside; many situations you come across while exploring feel as if they were presented to you by the DM, you get all sorts of info, council proclamations and tavern tales that are "noted" in the paper "Adventurers Journal" (to save the game's memory); you get to use a code wheel to translate elvish and dwarven runes; and at the end of the game your characters can even vote what to do just like real players (not that it isn't obvious, but it's a nice touch). It has to be remarked, however, that such a strict adherence to pen-and-paper AD&D resulted in all sorts of issues and problems (see below), because a computer game governs itself by its own rights and certain liberties and adjustments should be made (as the Infinity and Aurora games showed). A strange but beneficial option is to maximize each character's statistics after creating them (making them all 18 or the racial/gender top limit), allowing you start out with a bunch of uebermenschen.

In spite of its many shortcomings, PoR is really riveting and over the time gains an epic swing with your party fighting giants and obliterating the whole armies. The plot is intriguing and mutifold as not every major foe you'll fight will be related to the main big baddy (side quests are obvious now, but not so much back in the day). You'll experience politics, treason, war and romance (well, OK, no romance) and explore quite a fragment of the Forgotten Realms' Moonsea region. The tactical battles were a novelty at that time and they stood the test of time pretty well, being challenging but fair and (mostly) intuitive. Apart from that, I liked how the game handled the character's icons that are completely modifiable according to your imagination of what the armors and weapons the characters utilize look like (at least their colors); you can also choose a "head", but the selection is somewhat limited.

The game is fun. It's really, really fun and rewarding. So don't get discouraged by "The Bad" section.

The Bad
Well, a lot. First off, the game is overridden with small but pesky bugs and interface issues. It uses a strange main menu system that is combined with character creation and character training in a training hall, the result being that some changes you apply have a small chance of becoming global and irreversible, apparently at the game's whim. Also, if you remove some characters of your party while in a training hall and quit the game, there is a good possibility that you won't be able to add them again once you load up. If your multiclass characters exceed the amount of XP needed to gain a level but don't train until they gain XP needed to advance to the level after that, they might be cut down in experience when they attempt to train for any class (e.g. a fighter/thief is legible to train for level 5 of thief but waits until he can train for level 5 of fighter, which needs much more XP, and in the meantime he collects enough XP to become a level 6 thief; if he tries to train as a thief, the amount of XP will be so reduced that he would be again unable to train as a fighter). All that said, I used DosBox for running PoR, so maybe originally there were no such glitches (speaking of which – the game's installation process can be such a pain in the butt that some folks were unable to launch the thing at all; it may depend on which version you manage to obtain – I had the Forgotten Realms bundle from 1997 or so and it installed and ran it under DosBox flawlessly). As for the interface, it could have been better. I can get used to not using a mouse (although in 1988 they could have thought of implementing the option), but I hate it if I have to make my way through a number of sub-menus to memorize spells or change weapons readied. Every time you want to cast a spell off the scroll or use a wand you have to actually go into your inventory, unready your weapon (and in case of scrolls also a shield), ready the item you want to use and USE it. Then, you must remember to ready the weapon and shield again, because the icon representing your character in a battle doesn't change to inform you that you're trying to bash and bruise your enemies with e.g. a scroll parchment. Quite a few times I had fought several battles with no weapon or shield readied before I realized the fact. Memorizing spells is a tiresome process that you have to repeat from the scratch every time you rest. There is no way of presetting spells to memorize like in later D&D games, nor is there a possibility to show what spells you still have memorized while you are choosing from the list; you need to first see what spells are left, remember them and then go to the memorizing screen and choose those that you recall are missing – sounds boring enough? In some areas – usually in the wilderness – you have no access to the overhead map, and since there is no automapping, you have to draw one yourself (which I hate with passion). Oh, and to load the game you have to quit it, because it can be done only from the start menu (it is also possible to load in a training hall after you've removed all the characters, because you basically come back to the main menu then). There is also a stupid copy protection that requires you to use the code wheel EVERY time you start a game (in other words, every time you must load it); fortunately it is easily removed with a proper patch.

Then, there are a lot of dull limitations, some of which are connected with the licensed RPG system (AD&D 1st Ed.). Only humans can advance infinitely, other races are capped on different levels (excluding thieves). This isn't such a great problem in PoR (there is an overall level cap), as it is going to be in Curse of Azure Bonds where the discrepancy between humans and non-humans can reach even five levels. Moreover, the game doesn't throw enough at you to let all your characters reach their maximum level by the grand finale – you will have to do A LOT of tedious random encounter battles to gain enough XP. Secondly, halflings and gnomes are totally useless, being able to become only thieves or warriors; thieves are generally useless as there is no stealing or hiding in shadows in the game, backstabbing is severely limited, every locked door can be bashed open by a strong character (and you would be silly not having a human fighter with 18/00 Str in your party) and traps are few and far between. You will need only one thief, preferably multiclassed with a warrior, for which you'd rather choose a dwarf as he can be stronger than a halfling or a gnome. Female characters get penalties as to the maximum strength and no bonuses to make up for it, so there is no reason to have women in your party at all (bummer). Only humans and half-elves can be clerics, and only humans can exceed level 5. Only fighters can use ranged weapons other than darts (meaning there is no bow for your single-class thief and no sling for your magic-user or cleric). The good thing in all this mess is that your multiclass magic-users can throw spells in armor, and your multiclass clerics are not restricted to bludgeoning weapons (so you can have a fighter/cleric/magic-user with a plate mail and two-handed sword, casting fireballs). Oh, and there are only four classes in the game, although if you use the hex editor, you'll see that there were supposed to be more, but they were inexplicably left out.

There is a lot of useless stuff in the game. Some plot-related actions you can perform yield no results whatsoever (like purifying the vampire's coffin). There are too many polearms that differ little form each other; all bows deal the same amount of damage (no matter whether short or long composite). Some items have no purpose, like the ring of feather falling (there is one situation in the whole game when you actually fall from somewhere and it didn't save my character anyhow) or holy symbols of various gods to be bought in shops. There is an infamous case of a manual of bodily health that is supposed to raise a character's condition but simply doesn't work (or, as some sources point, it DOES work, but doesn't kick in immediately, only after you’ve completed another quest; needless to say, there is no information on that to be found in the actual game). Rings of protections don't work together with magic armors (yeah, I know it's the AD&D rules' fault, not the good folks from SSI, but still). You're given many AD&D spells, but a lot of them are totally useless in the context of the game. Why "resist cold" if you never get attacked with frost? Why "cure blindness" if you never get blinded? Why "protection from good" if you are unlikely to ever battle good creatures? "Detect traps" is only good if you have no thief in the party, "burning hands" deals a laughable amount of damage (ONE hit point per level of the caster), "shield" doesn't seem to do anything if the magic-user has already a low armor class, "animate dead" does not let you create zombies and skeletons at will, but only zombify a fallen party character or an accompanying NPC, "invisibility" sometimes fails for no reason, "bless" does not affect characters who are already in the melee, "strength" is less useful than "enlarge" even though it is one spell level higher etc., etc. Some cleric spells double as mage spells, but even the official cluebook suggests employing only the cleric versions to save the precious magic-user spell slots – so what's the point of introducing the mage versions at all?

Some other spells are a bit overpowered: "hold person" and "stinking cloud" very often affect even high-level (human) enemies and allow you to kill them with a single blow (where is the dramatism, if a buccaneer captain with 110 HP, a longsword +4 and plate mail +3 can be incapacitated with one lousy second-level spell and slain with one stroke). You have to be careful about the maximum range of each spell and calculate it yourself, because if you attempt to throw one and it turns out that the potential target is too far away, you have no choice but lose the spell completely (the game does not allow you to backtrack and save it for another occasion). You also need to figure out the exact effect area of area spells like "sleep" of "fireball" as there is no exact info in any of the game manuals or even in a cluebook (trial and error with a fireball can be a painful experience). Also, the area effect of other spells is given in feet, as in the original pen-and-paper game, instead of squares, which would be much more sensible. Quite a few aiding spells like "bless", "invisibility 10'" or haste" have a very limited 1-square area of effect; the problem is that at the beginning of a battle your characters don't stand next to one another, and even if they do, the two rows (of three characters each) are a little tilted so that no such spell can encompass all six characters. You need to manually move your characters next to each other, and often before you finish, the enemies are already pounding at you, rendering bless only half-effective (no characters in melee can benefit), haste too late (kicks in only the next turn after castes), and invisibility useless (it stops working after you try to fight, and there is little more to do if you are already next to the opponents).

A some point of the game you'll stop collecting money at all, because it weighs and encumbers your characters. You can exchange coinage for precious (and light) jewelry, but it takes up space in your backpack, and if you try to sell it again, you'll get only half the price you paid. Not that it matters, because there is nothing to spend your money on! During the game you'll acquire tons of it, and there are no magic items, spell scrolls or even stupid potions to purchase in the town. Everything you have to gain while adventuring. The only things you will need money for is training (1000 gold every time) and healing in temples. Never before had I shunned 15000 gold pieced I got after battling a group of giants, simply because I had nothing to do with it.

You can hire NPCs to help you, but you have no control over them in battle and if you give them some equipment there is no way of taking it back. The battle AI sucks anyway. The most idiotic aspect is if a character has a melee weapon that can be thrown (hammer, hand-axe or spear). The first thing AI will do is throw it at the nearest enemy (even if it’s a powerful +3 artifact) and then proceed with fighting with bare fists. This is a huge problem if you want to temporarily give the AI control over your party in a tedious battle against weak foes.

Generally speaking, the game doesn’t tell you much. I'm fine with he fact that most of the plot is conveyed via a printed "Adventurer's Journal" due to memory limits (during the game you are given entry numbers to read in the book); but why so little info on the actual gameplay? Magic weapons and artifacts are not described at all, with the latter being sometimes obscure in purpose, and the former being degraded to "+digits". There is too little background information provided aboutto specific areas– this is fixed only in the cluebook that, of course, did not ship with the original game back in the 1988 (so I count it as a downside). The ending is anticlimactic and fails to actually explain the whole deal with the pool of radiance; you're not even treated to a written outro text in the "AJ", just informed that you can play on if you wish (what for?). It is ridiculous, given how much paper was wasted to false journal entries and non-existent council proclamations (I take that it was supposed to prevent gamers from reading the "AJ" before prompted by the game – a diabolical masterplan indeed).

The Bottom Line
Get it if you have the chance, it's really worth your while. But it can be quite demanding on your nerves sometimes.

DOS · by Lukasz Gorski (11) · 2009

Criminally unknown NES gem

The Good
Pool of Radiance offers fantastic, challenging game play. It's one of the best AD&D games, and, along with Baldur's Gate, was instrumental in the development of Western RPGs. With a large number of quests and a large world to explore, you can easily sink many hours into this game, but unlike many Japanese-style RPGs, it never becomes a mindless grind-fest.

Once you clear the Keep, you can take a boat out into the overworld and the game becomes very non-linear. The story progresses through quests assigned to you from City Hall, and many of these are pretty interesting. They usually go well beyond fetch quests and may have multiple ways to complete them.

Dungeons are in 1st person, like Wizardry, must most areas have an Area map (use the Area command) that will make things much easier. In a few tricky areas, you'll need to break out the graph paper. Battles take place in 3rd person on a tile-based board. There's actually considerable strategy to how you fight. Hold spells like Sleep and Hold can be used to swing the battle in your favour.

This version feels more streamlined than its PC counterparts. Battles are smaller and more manageable and the addition of music adds to the experience. The menus and controls have been mapped very well to the NES's controller and you'll hardly know that this was originally a PC game. This is certainly a port done right, taking advantage of the system's strengths and modifying the game to address its weaknesses.

The Bad
There are a few spells that are buggy or don't seem to do anything. Some parts of the game are notoriously difficult until you gain some levels and get more powerful weapons. Since you can save anywhere, this invites the player to save before difficult battles and reset after poor level-ups, getting slain, level-drains, etc.

Randomly generated creature dungeons on the world map were removed in this version due to space constrains. The quest journal, a physical book that came with the PC game and was referred to in the game, was not utilized (though a few parts of the game erroneously refer to it)

The Bottom Line
An excellent Western-style RPG and one of the few on a retro console. This version is more accessible than it's PC counterparts, but missing a few features. If you take the time to understand a few AD&D concepts (such lower = better for many stats), you'll be rewarded with one of the best roleplaying experiences on the NES. On a platform where RPG usually meant "grind-fest" Pool of Radiance really stands out as a unique, one-of-a-kind adventure.

NES · by Scribblemacher (195) · 2012

Timeless classic for the hardcore old school RPG gamers

The Good
I remember paying almost 70 dollars for this game when it was released on the C-64 and it was the best recreation of AD&D paper n pen game until Baldur's Gate was released. This game was EXTREMELY difficult, we even had the official clue-book and it was still tough. This game demanded patients and the will to explore vast regions with little success of completely covering every inch of the region.

The game drops you off in Phlan and BAM! You're on your own to go which ever way you want and do what ever you please. Thats what I loved about these SSI goldbox games, they didn't hold your hand while you sucked your thumb through the whole game.... no no no... these games were for people who loved a challenge. If you don't believe me, remember the Sokal Keep battle? like 6 huge waves of Orcs and Kobalds.... that battle alone took me more than an hour and died many times.

This game and all in it's series were extremely faithful to the 2nd AD&D rules which is a huge plus in my book. The graphics and sounds were amazing for what the C-64 was capable of. I wish I could give you an exact amount of gameplay hours this game contained but its just not possible. There is lots you can skip and lots you can't. Leveling up is that of a miracle, it happens only about 7 times if you are a fighter. Which in other words means, THIS GAME IS TOUGH. But when is it not tough when your highest level party member is only 7th level max??

The city of Phlan and all of the regions surrounding it are enormous and leaves players with hours upon hours of exploration time. This is a classic RPG and really the best SSI goldbox AD&D game ever created. Only until Baldur's Gate was there a game that compared in my opinion.

The Bad
I think any complaint I had about this game was more of a complaint about the C-64's performance than the game itself. Loading time, disk swapping etc.... all of which aren't the game designers fault rather the fault lies on the technology at the time. This was greatly improved with the release of the IBM AT/XT version (DOS version)

The Bottom Line
Timeless RPG classic for hardcore RPG gamers. If you're a real classic AD&D RPG fan, you HAVE to play this. This game in itself IS FLAWLESS. 3 thumbs up if I had an extra one.

Commodore 64 · by OlSkool_Gamer (88) · 2004

A good adaptation of the computer game

The Good
Pool Of Radiance is based on the game made by SSI for personal computers. Although the graphics for the NES version are not as stunning and colorful, the gameplay is much the same as the computer game. The adventure unfolds as you complete the various quests, though not all of them are essential to your success, but you do gain treasure and experience as you complete these quests, which is vital to your success. Also, the battles are turn-based, giving you time to plan your strategy.

The Bad
One problem with the game is advancing in level. Unlike most RPGs, you can only advance in level at the Training Hall, and doing so costs a not insignificant amount of money (1,000 gold, to be precise), which can be a problem early on in the game when your party may be short on cash. Also, the game doesn't tell you when you can level up--if you don't have the game manual (which I didn't), you just have to ask to train and hope for the best.

Although the turn-based battle style is nice, the larger battles later in the game can be somewhat tedious, especially when your party gets confused/charmed/drained or what-have-you, and can only stand around and look cute while getting pummeled by monsters.

As mentioned before, the graphics are somewhat poor, seeming mostly to be in shades of olive green. We know even an 8-bit system can do better than that, but apparently the designers of this cart didn't. More color would have been helpful.

The Bottom Line
If you are interested in an epic RPG that is less battle-oriented than Final Fantasy, then this is a good choice. This game is more or less adventure/puzzle, with quite a few interesting plot twists. Not the highest-ranked game on the list, but better than most people give it credit for.

NES · by Christopher Sutler (6) · 2004

The game that started it all for me!

The Good
Pool of Radiance was the first game that really got me hooked on roleplaying games on the computer. I had tried other games before this one, but only sporadically. Pool of Radiance has a quest master in town that hasn't been surpassed by any game so far. It has interesting locations, tons of jaw dropping equipment and plenty of difficult puzzles to tweak your brain with. It has also got a hopeful atmosphere of a continent just getting started in the world, and you always feel as if you're making a difference in the world.

The Bad
I played this game on the C64 and the loading times were horrendous! And I never liked the fact that random fights could pop up anytime on certain maps. The interface could also have been a lot better (try resting for a week, and you'll see what I mean).

The Bottom Line
A great introduction to the world of D&D RPG's. A huge adventure with an extremely well written story and easy to like characters and milieus. The first and the best of the Gold Boxes!

DOS · by Mattias Kreku (413) · 2003

Probably the best AD&D game of the classic era of any platform.

The Good
In the 80s, TSR's Dungeons & Dragons game hit its high point in pop culture. The RPG was riding high on its popular Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance settings which were spun into popular book settings. Plus with a cartoon series, toy line and even a mention in the begining of the movie E.T., D&D had never been so mainstream.

Pool of Radiance was the first serious AD&D computer adaption, several video games had been made on early systems like the Intellivison but none were really faithful to the rules or had much in the way of RPG aspects to the games. It also was set in the most popular AD&D setting, the Forgotten Realms, so the game flew of the shelves in the late 80s and for good reason, this is an excellent game.

In it you start off with a 6 player party (up to 8 with NPCs) of your standard D&D classes who are out to seek their fortune in the rebuilding of the city of Phlan. Which was once a great city state before being sacked by the army of Tyranthaxus decades earlier.

The game revolves around a series of 'commisions' given to you by the council of New Phlan to do various deeds for them, usually the clearing of blocks of the monster infested city. You have the choice of following up on these commisions or setting out on your own to do your own thing. This non-linear aspect of the game is one of its strongest appeals for me.

The game takes place mainly in city blocks using the standard 1st person perspective of the time popular in other RPGs like Bards Tale or Might & Magic. There is a small wilderness area to explore too, which is traveled in a top down view of the map. Combat was an attempt to simulate the use of metal minatures that could be used with the paper and dice game. It was quite an improvment over other combat systems of the time with many tactical aspects. You'd move your characters around the combat area, performing flanking manouvers and defending bottlenecks or setting up an safe area for your archers to attack. Combat was the usual way to solve problems but there was the occasional option to complete objects non-violently or at least use stealth before you butchered your enemies.

The game also has a good plot as you unravel the mystery of who is "The Boss"? As you explore the city you will find scraps of information on him and the history of the city and the strength of his realm. That mystery aspect really enhanced what was your standard "kill Foozle" RPG plot.

The Bad
As much as I love this game, it is not without its flaws. The biggest one was how some battles involved your party fighting a virtual army of bad guys. Often dozens and dozens of orcs and goblins came at you. This made for many very long battles. I recently played the NES version of this game and they appeared to have cut down the numbers in it to make the battles less time consuming. The NES version also eliminated the multiple units of coins making it all gold, with the computer versions dealing with piles of coppers, silvers, gold and platinums is a bit unneccessary.

Being faithful to the D&D rules meant that spell casters were useless for a long time as they could only memorize a few spells and had a limited selection to use, most people got around this by making them multi-classed fighter-magic users.

Another beef with the faithful rules is how in order to determine which items are magic you have to cast a detect magic spell, if you didn't have the spell ready then you had to haul around a lot of gear or risk losing a precious magic item.

There is also a rather deadly battle with Trolls and Ogres in the early part of the game which is very challenging for new party. Be sure to stand on the squares of the fallen trolls or they will regenerate.

Do the limitations of the time, much of the plot in the game is propelled by text read in a seperate manual. While I don't have a problem with those old paragraph books, a cut scene or two would really have enhanced the movement of the story.

The Bottom Line
While not the best old school RPG, it is definatly the best of the batch AD&D games by SSI, and definatly worth playing after all these years. Despite its flaws, some of my favorite CRPG moments come from this game.

DOS · by woods01 (129) · 2001

An excellent first edition AD&D simulation game!

The Good
The turn-based combat sequences make it easy to plan a strategy for fighting, and you can find some very useful magic items even in the easier areas. Plus the ability to "put together" faces and bodies for the character give the game a more "personalized" feel.

The Bad
The 8-bit Nintendo version had a somewhat less detailed game but focused more and gameplay and gave some better magic items. The army you face at Sokal keep in the PC version, for example, is a tough battle, but in the NES version you could at least get a magic item that helped...not so in the PC game. And it would help if the PC version would actually SHOW you which monsters have been affected by the spells you cast.

The Bottom Line
Definitely worth your time to take a look. While not on a scale with Baldur's Gate and the like, it certainly does make an enjoyable experience. A true classic.

DOS · by Cryptic Wizard (2) · 2002

Great game.

The Good
Well, most everything. The game starts out with you creating a group of adventurers, I don't remember how many you can create, but you can create alot. You then explore in a first person veiw. This veiw has good graphics, for the time. Then you fight, when you find bad guys, from a isemetric veiw. You move around and attack. It works well, even compaired to things like "Balders Gate", mabye even better. Thats basicly all you do. That may not sound like alot, but it is. Theres lots of challenges and things to do.

The Bad
Makeing your figure in battles look the way you want is sorta hard. The use of a code wheel, those things are annoying and this is exactly why.

The Bottom Line
lots of fun. Buy it.

DOS · by Wolfang (155) · 2000

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Wizo, Patrick Bregger, Hello X), S Olafsson, Jo ST, Dietmar Uschkoreit, formercontrib, Trypticon, Martin Lindell, Terok Nor, Alsy, Scaryfun, Jeanne, Tim Janssen, Yearman, FSK FSK, Narushima, RhYnoECfnW, Alaka.